< Maahmaahyadii 24 >

1 Dad shar leh ha ka masayrin, Hana jeclaysan inaad iyaga la joogtid.
Do not envy evil people; do not desire to associate with them,
2 Waayo, qalbigoodu wuxuu ka fikiraa kharribaad, Oo bushimahooduna waxay ku hadlaan belaayo.
because they are [constantly] thinking about acting violently, and whenever they speak [MTY], they talk about (causing trouble/hurting someone).
3 Guri wuxuu ku dhismaa xigmad, Wuxuuna ku taagnaadaa waxgarasho,
People make good houses (OR, families) by doing what is wise, and they make their houses (OR, families) strong by [heeding] good advice.
4 Qawladuhuna aqoontay kaga buuxsamaan Maal kasta oo qaali ah oo qurux badan.
By using good sense, [they are able to buy] valuable and beautiful things and put them in the rooms of their houses.
5 Ninkii caqli lahu xoog buu leeyahay, Oo ninkii aqoon lahuna itaal buu sii korodhsadaa.
Being wise is better than being strong/powerful; those who know [many things can accomplish more] than those who are [very] strong.
6 Waayo, waa inaad talo wanaagsan ku dagaallantaa, Oo waxaa taliyayaal badan la jirta nabadgelyo.
Leaders can fight battles if they have wise advisors, and they win those battles if they have many good advisors.
7 Xigmaddu nacaska way ka dheer tahay, Isagu xagga iridda afkiisa kuma kala qaado.
Foolish people cannot understand wise sayings/talk; at public meetings they are not [able to] say anything [that is useful].
8 Kii ku fikira inuu xumaan sameeyo, Waxaa loogu yeedhi doonaa belaayo-sameeye.
Those who are [always] planning to do evil things will be called troublemakers.
9 Fikirka nacasnimadu waa dembi, Kii wax quudhsadaana waa u karaahiyo dadka.
It is sinful to plan to do foolish things, and people hate those who make fun of [everything that is good].
10 Maalinta dhibaatada haddaad liicdid, Itaalkaagu waa yar yahay.
If you [act as though] you are helpless when you have troubles, you are [truly very] weak.
11 Samatabbixi kuwa dhimashada loo wadayo, Kuwa ku dhow in la gowracona dib uga qabo.
[If it is unjustly decided] that someone must be executed, [try hard to] rescue them [DOU].
12 Haddaad tidhaahdid, Bal eeg, waxan ma aannu garanayn, Kan qalbiyada miisaamaa miyaanu ka fiirsanayn? Oo kan naftaada dhawraa miyaanu ogayn? Oo miyaanu isagu nin walba ugu abaalgudayn sida shuqulkiisu yahay?
If you say, “I did not know anything about it, [so (it is not my concern/I did not try to help him)],” remember that God knows what we have done, and he knows what we were thinking [IDM, RHQ], and he will certainly [RHQ] repay us as we deserve for what we have done or for not doing what we should have done.
13 Wiilkaygiiyow, malab cun, waayo, wuu wanaagsan yahay, Oo waxaad cuntaa awlallada malabka, taas oo kuu dhadhan macaan.
My child/son, eat honey, because it is good [for you]; the honey that drips from honeycombs tastes [very] sweet.
14 Oo xigmadda aqoonteeduna sidaasoo kalay naftaada u ahaan doontaa, Oo haddaad iyada heshid waxaa jiri doona abaalgud, Oo rajadaaduna ma go'i doonto.
Similarly, being wise is good for your soul; if you become wise, you will be [happy in] the future, and [God] will certainly [do for you what you are] confidently expecting him to do [LIT].
15 Sida nin shar leh, ha u gabban kan xaqa ah gurigiisa, Oo rugtiisa nasashadana ha kharribin.
Do not be like wicked people who [hide and] wait to break into the houses of righteous/good [people] and rob/steal things.
16 Waayo, nin xaq ahu toddoba goor buu dhacaa, wuuna soo sara kacaa haddana, Laakiinse kuwa sharka leh waxaa lagu afgembiyaa belaayo.
[Even if] good people fall down seven/many times, they [always] stand/get up again, but when a disaster happens to wicked [people], it ruins/destroys them.
17 Ha rayrayn markuu cadowgaagu dhaco, Oo qalbigaaguna yaanu farxin markuu turunturoodo,
Do not be happy when something bad happens to one of your enemies; do not rejoice when he stumbles and falls,
18 Waayo, waaba intaas oo Rabbigu taas arkaa, oo ay shar la ahaato indhihiisa, Oo uu dabadeedna cadhadiisa ka soo celiyaa isaga.
because Yahweh will know what you are thinking, and he will not like it, and [as a result] he will not punish that enemy of yours.
19 Xumaanfalayaasha aawadood ha isku dhibin, Kuwa sharka lehna ha ka masayrin,
Do not become angry/upset about those who do what is evil, and do not [SYN] envy them,
20 Waayo, kii shar leh abaalgud ma heli doono, Oo laambadda xumaanfalayaashana waa la bakhtiin doonaa.
because [nothing good] will happen to wicked people; they are [like] a lamp that will soon be extinguished [MET].
21 Wiilkaygiiyow, Rabbiga iyo boqorkaba ka cabso, Oo ha ku darsamin kuwa isrogrog badan,
My child/son, revere Yahweh and [also] honor the king, and do not associate with people who want to rebel against either of them,
22 Waayo, belaayadoodu si degdeg ah ayay u soo kici doontaa, Oo bal yaa yaqaan baabbi'inta labadoodaba?
because those people will suddenly experience disasters; and no one knows [RHQ] what great disasters that God or the king can cause to happen to them.
23 Oo weliba waxyaalahanuna waa wixii ay kuwa caqliga lahaa yidhaahdeen. In dadka garsooridda loogu kala eexdaa ma wanaagsana.
Here are more things that wise [people] have said: It is wrong for judges to decide matters unfairly [IDM].
24 Kii kan shar leh ku yidhaahda, Xaq baad tahay, Dadyowga ayaa habaari doona, oo quruumuhuna way karhi doonaan isaga,
If they say to people who are guilty, “You (are innocent/have not done something that is wrong),” [even] people in other nations will curse and despise them,
25 Laakiinse kuwii isaga canaantaa farxad bay yeelan doonaan, Oo dushoodana waxaa ku soo degi doonta barako wanaagsan.
but if judges say that guilty people must be punished, things will go well for those judges, and (they will receive blessings/God will bless them).
26 Kii jawaab qumman ku jawaabaa Bushimuhuu dhunkadaa.
Those who answer others honestly show that they are truly their friends [IDM].
27 Shuqulkaaga dibadda ku hagaajiso, Oo beerta ku diyaarso, Oo dabadeedna gurigaaga dhiso.
First, do the work [that needs to be done] outside [your house], and prepare your fields, [and then plant things], and after you finish doing that, build your house.
28 Deriskaaga sababla'aan markhaati ha ku furin, Oo bushimahaagana ha ku khiyaanayn.
[In the courtroom] do not testify against someone when you have no reason to do that, and do not [try to] deceive [people] by what you say [MTY].
29 Hana odhan, Wixii uu igu sameeyey oo kale ayaan ku samayn doonaa, Oo ninkii sidii shuqulkiisu ahaa ayaan u abaalmarin doonaa.
Do not say, “I will do to him what he did to me; I will pay him back for [the bad things that] he did to me.”
30 Waxaan ag maray ninka caajiska ah beertiisa, Iyo ninka garaadka daran beercanabkiisa,
One day I walked by the vineyards of a lazy man, a man who did not have good sense.
31 Oo bal eeg, kulligood waxaa ka baxay qodxan, Oo dhammaantoodna waxaa qariyey maraboob, Oo derbigoodii dhagaxa ahaana waa dumay.
I was surprised to see that the fields were full of all kinds of thorny bushes, and the stone wall [around the garden] had (collapsed/fallen down).
32 Markaasaan eegay oo aad uga fiirsaday, Waan fiiriyey oo wax ka bartay.
When I saw that, I thought about it, and I learned this:
33 Weliba in yar baad seexanaysaa, oo in yar baad gam'aysaa, Oo in yar baad gacmaha hurdo u laabaysaa,
[If you spend a lot of time] sleeping and napping and folding your hands while you rest,
34 Haddaba caydhnimo waa kuu iman doontaa sida tuug oo kale, Oo baahina sida nin hub sita oo kale.
[soon] you will become poor; [it will be as though] [PRS, SIM] a bandit who had a weapon in his hand [attacked you and stole all that you had].

< Maahmaahyadii 24 >