< Nexemyaah 5 >

1 Markaasaa waxaa dadkii iyo afooyinkooda ka kacay qaylo weyn oo ay kaga cabanayeen walaalahooda Yuhuudda ah.
[Later, ] many of the men and their wives protested loudly about what [some of] the [other] Jews were doing.
2 Oo waxaa jiray dad yidhi, Annaga iyo wiilashayada iyo gabdhahayagu waannu badan nahay, haddaba aan hadhuudh helno si aannu u cunno oo ugu noolaanno.
Some/One of them said, “We have many children. So we need a lot of grain to be able to eat and continue to live.”
3 Oo weliba waxaa kaloo jiray qaar yidhi, Annagu waxaannu rahaamad u dhiibaynaa beerahayaga iyo beerahayaga canabka ah iyo guryahayaga, si aannu u helno hadhuudh abaarta aawadeed.
Others said, “The fields and vineyards and houses that we own, it has been necessary for us to (mortgage them/promise to give them to someone if we do not pay back to him the money he has loaned us) in order to get money to buy grain, during this (famine/time where there is not much food).”
4 Oo waxaa kaloo jiray kuwo yidhi, Gabbaradii uu boqorku ka doonayay beerahayagii iyo beerahayagii canabka ahaa ayaannu lacag u amaahannay.
Others said, “We have [needed to] borrow money to pay the taxes that the king [commanded us to pay] on our fields and our vineyards.
5 Haddaba jiidhkayagu waa sida jiidhka walaalahayo, oo carruurtayaduna waa sida carruurtooda oo kale, oo bal eeg, wiilashayadii iyo gabdhahayagii ayaannu u bixinaynaa inay addoommo noqdaan, oo gabdhahayagii qaarkood mar horaa la addoonsaday; oo annana ma lihin itaal aan wax kaga tarno, waayo, dad kalaa wada haysta beerahayagii iyo beerahayagii canabka ahaa oo dhan.
We are Jews just like [IDM] they are. Our children are ([just as good as/equal with)] their children. But we have needed to sell some of our children to become slaves [in order to pay what we owe]. We have already sold some of our daughters to become slaves. Our fields and vineyards have been taken away from us, so now we do not have [the money to pay what we owe, and we are forced to sell our children to get money to pay those debts].”
6 Oo anna aad baan u cadhooday markii aan maqlay qayladoodii iyo erayadan.
I was very angry when I heard these things that they were complaining about.
7 Markaasaan isla arrinsaday, waanan la diriray kuwii gobta ahaa iyo taliyayaashii, oo waxaan ku idhi, Idinka mid waluba wuxuu walaalkiis ka qaataa korsocod. Oo anigu waxaan qabtay shir weyn oo iyaga ka gees ah.
So I thought about what I could do about it. I told the leaders and officials [who were responsible for this work], “You are charging interest to your own relatives [when they borrow money from you]!” Then I called together a large group of people,
8 Oo waxaan ku idhi, Innagu walaalaheennii Yuhuudda ahaa oo quruumaha laga iibiyey, waan soo furannay intii aan awoodnay oo dhan, haddaba idinku ma waxaad doonaysaan inaad walaalihiin iibisaan? Oo ma annagaa nalaga iibinayaa? Markaasay shib iska yidhaahdeen oo eray ay ku hadlaan way garan waayeen.
and I said to their [leaders], “Some of our Jewish relatives have been forced to sell themselves to become slaves of people who have come from other countries. As much as we have been able to, we have been buying them back [out of slavery]. But now you are forcing your own relatives to sell themselves to you, their fellow Jews, as slaves!” [When I said that to them, ] they were silent. There was nothing that they could say [because they knew that what I said was true].
9 Oo weliba waxaan idhi, War waxaad samaysaan ma wanaagsana. Sow waajib idinkuma aha inaad ku socotaan ka cabsashada Ilaaheenna cayda quruumaha cadaawayaasheenna ah aawadeed?
Then I said to them, “What you are doing is terrible [EUP]! You certainly ought to [RHQ] obey God and do what is right! If you did that, our enemies who do not revere Yahweh [would see that we are doing what is right and] would not ridicule us.
10 Oo sidaasoo kale aniga iyo walaalahay iyo midiidinnadayda lacag iyo hadhuudh baan korsocod ku amaahinnaa. Waan idin baryayaaye aan iska dayno korsocodkan.
My fellow Jews and I and my servants have lent money and grain to people [without charging interest]. So you all should stop charging interest on these loans.
11 Haddaba waxaan idinka baryayaa inaad maantadan u celisaan beerahoodii, iyo beerahoodii canabka ahaa, iyo beerahoodii saytuunka ahaa, iyo guryahoodii, oo lacagtii, iyo hadhuudhkii, iyo khamrigii, iyo saliiddii aad korsocodka uga qaadateenna boqolkii meelood meel u celiya.
Also, you must give back to them their fields, their vineyards, their olive tree orchards, and their houses that you have taken from them. You must also give back to them the interest that you charged them when they borrowed money, grain, wine, and [olive] oil from you, and you must do it today!”
12 Markaasay yidhaahdeen, Waxoodii waan u celinaynaa, oo wax dambena weyddiisan mayno innaba. Waxaannu yeelaynaa sidaad tidhaahdo. Markaasaan u yeedhay wadaaddadii, oo waxaan ku dhaariyey inay ballankan siduu yahay oofiyaan.
The leaders replied, “We will do what you have said. We will return to them everything that we forced them to give to us, and we will not require that they give us anything more.” Then I summoned the priests, and I forced the leaders to vow in front of them that they would do what they had promised to do.
13 Markaasaan maradii dhabtayda hurgufay oo waxaan idhi, Ilaahay sidaas ha uga hurgufo gurigiisa iyo hawshiisa nin alla ninkii aan oofin ballankan; sidaas oo kale isaga ha loo hurgufo oo ha loo madhiyo. Markaasaa ururkii oo dhammu waxay yidhaahdeen, Aamiin, Rabbigana way ammaaneen. Oo dadkiina way sameeyeen sidii ballankaasu ahaa.
I shook out the folds of my robe and said to them, “If you do not do what you have just now promised to do, I hope/desire that God will shake you like I am shaking my robe. He will take away your homes and everything else that you own.” They all replied, “Amen/May it be so!” And they praised Yahweh. Then they did what they had promised to do.
14 Oo weliba tan iyo waagii la ii doortay inaan taliye u ahaado dalka Yahuudah waagaasoo ahaa boqorkii Artaxshasta sannaddiisii labaatanaad ilaa tan iyo sannaddiisii laba iyo soddonaad inta u dhex leh intaasoo ahayd laba iyo toban sannadood, aniga iyo walaalahay midna ma cunin cuntadii taliyaha.
I was appointed to be the governor of Judea in the twentieth year that Artaxerxes was the king [of Persia]. For the next twelve years, until he had been ruling for almost 32 years, neither I nor my officials accepted [the money that we were allowed/entitled to receive to buy] food because of my being the governor.
15 Laakiinse taliyayaashii hore oo iga sii horreeyey dadka culays bay ku hayeen, oo waxay ka qaadan jireen cunto iyo khamri iyo weliba afartan sheqel oo lacag ah, oo xataa midiidinnadoodu dadka way xukumi jireen. Laakiinse anigu saas ma aan yeelin, maxaa yeelay, waxaan ka cabsadaa Ilaah.
The men who were governors before I became the governor had burdened the people by requiring them to pay a lot of taxes. They had forced each person to pay to them 40 silver coins every day, in addition to giving food and wine to them. Even their servants/officials oppressed the people. But I did not do that, because I revered God.
16 Oo weliba waxaan hore u sii waday shuqulkii derbigan, oo annagu waxba dhul ma aannu iibsan. Oo midiidinnadaydii oo dhammuna halkaasay shuqulka aawadiis ku soo wada urureen.
I also continued to work on the wall, and I did not take land from people [who were unable to pay back the money that they had borrowed from me]. All those who worked for me joined me to work on the wall.
17 Oo weliba waxaa miiskayga wax ka cuni jiray boqol iyo konton nin oo ah Yuhuud iyo taliyayaal oo ayan ku jirin kuwii nooga yimid quruumihii hareerahayaga ku wareegsanaa.
Also, every day I was responsible to feed 150 Jewish officials, and also [official] visitors who came from nearby countries.
18 Haddaba maalintiiba waxaa naloo diyaarin jiray dibi iyo lix neef oo wanaagsan oo ido ah; oo weliba waxaa la ii diyaarin jiray digaag, oo tobankii maalmoodba mar baa naloo keeni jiray cayn kasta oo khamri ah; oo weliba intaas oo dhan anigu marna ma weyddiisan cuntadii taliyaha, maxaa yeelay, addoonnimada dadkan saarnayd aad bay u cuslayd.
Each day I [told my servants to] serve [us the meat from] one ox, six very good sheep, and chickens. And every ten days I gave them a large new supply of wine. But I knew that the people were burdened [by paying lots of taxes], so I did not accept [the money that I was entitled/allowed to receive to buy all this] food because of my being the governor.
19 Ilaahayow, wanaag igu xusuuso wixii aan dadkan u sameeyey oo dhan aawadiis.
My God, do not forget me, and reward me because of all that I have done for these people.

< Nexemyaah 5 >