< Nexemyaah 4 >

1 Laakiinse markii Sanballad maqlay inaannu derbigii dhisaynay ayuu cadhooday, oo aad u dhirfay, oo Yuhuuddiina wuu ku majaajilooday.
Now it came to pass, when Sanaballat heard that we were building the wall, that it was grievous to him, and he was very angry, and railed against the Jews.
2 Markaasuu ka hor hadlay walaalihiis iyo ciidankii Samaariya, oo wuxuu yidhi, War Yuhuuddan itaalka daranu waxay samaynayaan waa maxay? Iyaga ma la daynayaa? Oo miyey allabaryayaan? Oo ma maalin bay hawshaas ku dhammaynayaan? Oo dhagxantii miyey ka soo noolaynayaan tuulmooyinkii waxyaalaha baabba'ay oo gubtay?
And he said before his brethren (that [is] the army of the Samaritans) [Is it true] that these Jews are building their city? do they indeed offer sacrifices? will they prevail? and will they this day restore the stones, after they have been burnt and made a heap of rubbish?
3 Oo haddana Toobiyaah oo ahaa reer Cammoon oo agtiisa taagnaa wuxuu yidhi, Waxa ay dhisayaan oo dhan xataa haddii dawaco fuusho way kala burburinaysaa derbigooda dhagaxa ah.
And Tobias the Ammanite came near to him, and said to them, Do they sacrifice or eat in their place? shall not a fox go up and pull down their wall of stones?
4 Ilaahayagow, bal maqal, waayo, waa nala quudhsadaye; caydooda dib ugu celi madaxooda, oo iyaga u gacangeli dal dhaca oo maxaabiis ahaan u kaxaysta.
Hear, O our God, for we have become a scorn; and return thou their reproach upon their head, and make them a scorn in a land of captivity,
5 Oo xumaantoodana ha dedin, oo dembigoodana yaan hortaada laga tirtirin, waayo, kuwii wax dhisayay hortooda ayay kaaga xanaajiyeen.
and do not cover [their] iniquity.
6 Haddaba derbigii waannu dhisnay; oo derbigii oo dhan waa lays qabadsiiyey ilaa qotonkiisii badhkiis la gaadhsiiyey, waayo dadku waxay maanka ku hayeen inay shaqeeyaan.
7 Laakiinse markii Sanballad, iyo Toobiyaah, iyo kuwii Carbeed, iyo reer Cammoon, iyo reer Ashdood ay maqleen in derbiyadii Yeruusaalem cusboonaysiintoodii ay hore u socotay iyo in la bilaabay in daldaloolladii la fureeyo ayay aad u cadhoodeen.
But it came to pass, when Sanaballat and Tobia, and the Arabians, and the Ammanites, heard that the building of the walls of Jerusalem was advancing, [and] that the breaches began to be stopped, that it appeared very grievous to them.
8 Markaasay dhammaantood shirqool ku wada arrinsadeen inay soo kacaan oo Yeruusaalem la diriraan, iyo inay dhexdeeda qas ka ridaan.
And all of them assembled together, to come to fight against Jerusalem, and to destroy it utterly.
9 Laakiinse waxaannu barinnay Ilaahayo, oo iyaga aawadood ayaannu yeelnay waardiyayaal naga ilaaliya habeen iyo maalinba.
So we prayed to our God and set watchmen against them day and night, because of them.
10 Markaasaa dadkii dalka Yahuudah waxay yidhaahdeen, Kuwa culaysyada qaada xooggoodii waa yaraaday, oo waxaa jira waxyaalo dundumay oo badan, sidaa daraaddeed derbiga ma dhisi karno.
And Juda said, The strength of the enemies is broken, yet [there is] much rubbish, and we shall not be able to build the wall.
11 Oo cadaawayaashayadiina waxay yidhaahdeen, Iyagu ma ay ogaan doonaan, mana ay arki doonaan jeeraan dhex tagno oo aan iyaga layno, oo shuqulkana aan joojinno.
And they that afflicted us said, They shall not know, and they shall not see, until we come into the midst of them, and slay them, and cause the work to cease.
12 Oo markii Yuhuuddii iyaga ag degganayd ay yimaadeen, waxay toban jeer nagu yidhaahdeen, Idinku waa inaad meel walba nooga soo noqotaan.
And it came to pass, when the Jews who lived near them came, that they said to us, They are coming up against us from every quarter.
13 Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed meeshii ugu hoosaysay oo derbiga ka dambaysay oo meelaha bannaan ku yiil ayaan taagay dadkii qoloqolo u safan oo wada haysta seefahoodii, iyo warmahoodii, iyo qaansooyinkoodiiba.
So I set [men] in the lowest part of the place behind the wall in the lurking-places, I even set the people according to their families, with their swords, their spears, and their bows.
14 Oo intaan wax fiiriyey ayaan kacay oo waxaan ku idhi kuwii gobta ahaa, iyo taliyayaashii, iyo dadka intiisii kaleba, Iyaga ha ka cabsanina, ee waxaad xusuusataan Sayidka weyn oo laga cabsado, oo waxaad u dirirtaan walaalihiin, iyo wiilashiinna, iyo gabdhihiinna, iyo naagihiinna, iyo guryihiinnaba.
And I looked, and arose, and said to the nobles, and to the captains, and to the rest of the people, Be not afraid of them: remember our great and terrible God, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.
15 Haddaba markii cadaawayaashayadii ay maqleen inaannu taas ogaannay, oo uu Ilaah taladoodii kala riday, ayaannu kulligayo ku noqonnay derbigii oo mid waluba wuxuu qabtay shuqulkiisii.
And it came to pass, when our enemies heard that it was made known to us, and God had frustrated their counsel, that we all returned to the wall, [every] man to his work.
16 Oo intii markaas ka dambaysay midiidinnadaydii badhkood shuqulkii bay sameeyeen, oo badhkoodii kalena waxay hayeen warmihii, iyo gaashaammadii, iyo qaansooyinkii, iyo jubbado bir ah, oo taliyayaashii oo dhammuna way daba taagnaayeen dadkii dalka Yahuudah oo dhan.
And it came to pass from that day [that] half of them that had been driven forth, wrought the work, and half of them kept guard; and [there were] spears, and shields, and bows, and breast-plates, and rulers behind the whole house of Juda,
17 Oo kuwii derbiga dhisayay iyo kuwii wax culus isa saarayba mid waluba gacmihiisa middood wuxuu ku sameeyey shuqulkii, midda kale wuxuu ku haystay hubkiisii dagaalka.
even of them that were building the wall: —and those who carried the burdens [were] under arms: [each] with one hand wrought his work, and with the other held his dart.
18 Oo kuwii wax dhisayayna mid walba seeftiisu dhinaca ayay ugu xidhnayd, oo sidaasayna wax u dhisayeen. Oo kii buunka yeedhin jirayna aniguu i ag joogay.
And the builders [wrought] each man having his sword girt upon his loins, and so they built: and the trumpeter with his trumpet next to him.
19 Oo waxaan ku idhi kuwii gobta ahaa, iyo taliyayaashii, iyo dadka intiisii kaleba, Shuqulku waa weyn yahay, wuuna ballaadhan yahay, annana derbiga dushiisa waannu ku kala firidhsan nahay, oo midba midka kale wuu ka fog yahay.
And I said to the nobles, and to the rulers, and to the rest of the people, The work [is] great and abundant, and we are dispersed upon the wall, each at a great distance from his brother.
20 Meel alla meeshii aad ka maqashaan dhawaaqa buunka, halkaas noogu soo urura; waxaa inoo diriri doona Ilaaheenna.
In whatsoever place ye shall hear the sound of the cornet, thither gather yourselves together to us; and our God shall fight for us.
21 Sidaasaannu shuqulkii u qabannay; oo dadka badhkiisna waxay warmaha haysteen markii waagu beryay iyo tan iyo jeeray xiddiguhu muuqdeen.
So we [continued] labouring at the work: and half of them held the spears from the rising of the morning until the stars appeared.
22 Oo sidaas oo kale isla markaas waxaan dadkii ku idhi, Mid kasta iyo midiidinkiisu ha ku soo hoydeen Yeruusaalem, si ay habeenkii waardiyayaal noogu noqdaan, maalintiina ay u hawshoodaan.
And at that time I said to the people, Lodge ye every man with his servant in the midst of Jerusalem, and let the night be a watch-time to you, and the day a work-time.
23 Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed aniga iyo walaalahay, iyo midiidinnadaydii, iyo raggii waardiyaha ahaa oo i daba socday toona midkayana dharkiisii iskama furin, oo mid kastaaba isagoo hubkiisii u xidhan yahay ayaa biyaha xaggooda tegey.
And I was [there], and the watchmen behind me, and there was not a man of us that put off his garments.

< Nexemyaah 4 >