< Nexemyaah 12 >

1 Haddaba kuwanu waa wadaaddadii iyo kuwii reer Laawi oo soo raacay Serubaabel oo ahaa ina Salaatii'eel, iyo Yeeshuuca: Seraayaah, iyo Yeremyaah, iyo Cesraa,
[Many] priests and [other] descendants of Levi returned (from Babylonia/to Jerusalem) with Zerubbabel and Jeshua. They included Seraiah, Jeremiah, Ezra,
2 iyo Amaryaah, iyo Malluug, iyo Xatuush,
Amariah, Malluch, Hattush,
3 iyo Shekaanyaah, iyo Rexuum, iyo Mereemood,
Shecaniah, Rehum, Meremoth,
4 iyo Iddo, iyo Ginnetoy, iyo Abiiyaah,
Iddo, Ginnethon, Abijah,
5 iyo Miyaamin, iyo Macadyaah, iyo Bilgaah,
Mijamin, Moadiah, Bilgah,
6 iyo Shemacyaah, iyo Yooyaariib, iyo Yedacyaah,
Shemaiah, Joiarib, Jedaiah,
7 iyo Sallu, iyo Caamooq, iyo Xilqiyaah, iyo Yedacyaah. Intaasu waxay ahaayeen madaxdii wadaaddada iyo walaalahoodii joogay wakhtigii Yeeshuuca.
Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, and Jedaiah. All those men were leaders of the priests during the time that Jeshua [was the Supreme Priest].
8 Oo weliba kuwii reer Laawi waxay ahaayeen Yeeshuuca, iyo Binnuwii, iyo Qadmii'eel, iyo Sheereebyaah, iyo Yahuudah, iyo Matanyaah oo madax u ahaa mahadnaqidda, isaga iyo walaalihiisba.
[Some of the other] descendants of Levi who returned were Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherebiah, Judah, and Mattaniah. They were in charge of singing songs to thank [God].
9 Oo weliba Baqbuqyaah iyo Cunnii oo ahaa walaalahood waxay ku jireen gudaha oo iyagay ka soo hor jeedeen.
Bakbukiah, Unni, and other descendants of Levi formed a choir that stood opposite the other group [and sang in reply to them].
10 Oo Yeeshuuca wuxuu dhalay Yooyaaqiim, Yooyaaqiimna wuxuu dhalay Eliyaashiib, Eliyaashiibna wuxuu dhalay Yooyaadaac,
Jeshua [who was the Supreme Priest] was the father of Joiakim, who was the father of Eliashib, who was the father of Joiada,
11 Yooyaadaacna wuxuu dhalay Yoonaataan, Yoonaataanna wuxuu dhalay Yadduuca.
who was the father of Jonathan, who was the father of Jaddua.
12 Oo wakhtigii Yooyaaqiim waxaa jiray wadaaddo qabiilooyin madax u ahaa; waxaa reer Seraayaah u ahaa Meraayaah, reer Yeremyaahna Xananyaah,
When Joiakim was the Supreme Priest, these were the leaders of the clans of priests: Meraiah, from [the clan of] Seraiah; Hananiah, from [the clan of] Jeremiah;
13 reer Cesraana Meshullaam, reer Amaryaahna Yehooxaanaan,
Meshullam, from [the clan of] Ezra; Jehohanan, from [the clan of] Amariah;
14 reer Meliikuuna Yoonaataan, reer Shebanyaahna Yuusuf,
Jonathan, from [the clan of] Malluch; Joseph, from [the clan of] Shecaniah;
15 reer Haarimna Cadnaa, reer Meraayoodna Xelqay,
Adna, from [the clan of] Harim; Helkai, from [the clan of] Meremoth/Maraioth;
16 reer Iddona Sekaryaah, reer Ginnetoonna Meshullaam,
Zechariah, from [the clan of] Iddo; Meshullam, from [the clan of] Ginnethon;
17 reer Abiiyaahna Sikrii, reer Minyaamiinna, reer Moocadyaahna Filtay,
Zicri, from [the clan of] Abijah. There was also a leader from [the clan of] Miniamin; Piltai, from [the clan of] Moadiah;
18 reer Bilgaahna Shammuuca, reer Shemacyaahna Yehoonaataan,
Shammua, from [the clan of] Bilgah; Jehonathan, from [the clan of] Shemaiah;
19 reer Yooyaariibna Matenay, reer Yedacyaahna Cusii,
Mattenai, from [the clan of] Joiarib; Uzzi, from [the clan of] Jedaiah;
20 reer Sallayna Qallay, reer Caamooqna Ceeber,
Kallai, from [the clan of] Sallu/Sallai; Eber, from [the clan of] Amok;
21 reer Xilqiyaahna Xashabyaah, reer Yedacyaahna Netaneel.
Hashabiah, from [the clan of] Hilkiah; and Nethanel, from [the clan of] Jedaiah.
22 Oo kuwii reer Laawi oo joogay wakhtigii Eliyaashiib, iyo Yooyaadaac, iyo Yooxaanaan iyo Yadduuca waxay ahaayeen madaxda qabiilooyinka oo la qoray; waxaa kaloo la qoray wadaaddadii joogay ilaa boqornimadii Daariyus kii reer Faaris ahaa.
During the years that Eliashib, Joiada, Johanan, and Jaddua [were Supreme Priests], they (wrote/kept a list of) the names of the clans who were descendants of Levi. When Darius was the king of Persia, they stopped writing that list.
23 Kuwii reer Laawi oo ahaa madaxdii qabiilooyinka waxaa lagu qoray kitaabkii taariikhda tan iyo wakhtigii Yooxaanaan oo ahaa ina Eliyaashiib.
They wrote the names of the leaders of the clans who were descendants of Levi in the Book of Events [in Israel], but they stopped writing those names when Eliashib’s grandson Johanan [was the Supreme Priest].
24 Oo kuwii reer Laawi madaxda u ahaa waxay ahaayeen Xashabyaah, iyo Sheereebyaah, iyo Yeeshuuca oo ahaa ina Qadmii'eel, iyo walaalahoodii iyaga ka soo hor jeeday inay Ilaah ammaanaan oo ay u mahadnaqaan, siduu amray Daa'uud oo ahaa ninkii Ilaah, iyagoo iska soo hor jeeda.
These are the leaders of the clans [who are] descendants of Levi: Hashabiah, Sherebiah, Jeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel and others who were divided into two groups. The two groups faced each other, one group replying to the other, during the time that they praised and thanked God. They did that just as King David, the man who served God well, had instructed.
25 Oo Matanyaah, iyo Baqbuqyaah, iyo Cobadyaah, iyo Meshullaam, iyo Talmon, iyo Caquub waxay ahaayeen irid-dhawryadii dhawri jiray bakhaarradii u dhowaa irdaha.
These singers included Mattaniah, Bakbukiah, and Obadiah. The men who guarded the storerooms close to the gates [of the temple] were Meshullam, Talmon, and Akkub.
26 Kuwaasu waxay joogeen wakhtigii Yooyaaqiim oo ahaa ina Yeeshuuca, ina Yoosaadaaq, iyo wakhtigii taliyihii Nexemyaah ahaa iyo wakhtigii wadaadkii Cesraa oo karraaniga ahaa.
They did that work during the time that Joiakim, who was the son of Jeshua and the grandson of Jehozadak, [was the Supreme Priest, ] and I was the governor, and Ezra was the priest who knew the Jewish laws very well.
27 Oo markii derbigii Yeruusaalem gaar laga dhigay kuwii reer Laawi mid kasta meeshiisii baa laga doondoonay in iyaga Yeruusaalem la keeno si gaarkadhigidda farxad loogu sameeyo, oo mahadnaqid iyo gabay, iyo suxuun laysku garaaco, iyo shareerado, iyo kataaradoba Ilaah loogu ammaano.
When we dedicated the wall around Jerusalem, we summoned the descendants of Levi [who help the priests] from the nearby places where they [were living]. We asked them to [join with us to] celebrate when we dedicated the wall. We wanted them to sing songs to thank [Yahweh] and make music by playing cymbals and harps and other stringed instruments.
28 Oo kuwii gabayaaga ahaana waxay iska soo urursadeen bannaankii Yeruusaalem ku wareegsanaa iyo tuulooyinkii reer Netofaah,
We summoned the descendants of Levi who habitually sang together. They came to Jerusalem from nearby areas [where they had settled], and from places around Netophah [town southeast of Jerusalem],
29 iyo weliba Beytgilgaal, iyo beerihii Gebac, iyo Casmawed, waayo, kuwii gabayaaga ahaa tuulooyin ayay ka dhisteen Yeruusaalem hareeraheeda.
and from three places [northeast of Jerusalem]—Beth Gilgal [city] and the areas around Geba and Azmaveth. Those singers had built villages to live in near Jerusalem.
30 Markaasaa wadaaddadii iyo kuwii reer Laawi isdaahiriyeen, oo waxay kaloo daahiriyeen dadkii iyo irdihii iyo derbigii.
[When they came to Jerusalem], the priests and [other] descendants of Levi [who help the priests] performed rituals to cause themselves to be acceptable to God, and then they performed similar rituals to purify the [other] people, the gates, and the wall.
31 Kolkaasaan amiirradii dalka Yahuudah keenay derbiga dushiisa, oo waxaan doortay laba kooxood oo waaweyn oo mahadnaqa, oo kooxba raggeedu isdaba socdo. Midi waxay tagtay xagga midig derbiga dushiisa ee Iridda Digada,
Then I gathered together the leaders of Judah on top of the wall, and I appointed them to lead two large groups to march around the city [on top of the wall], thanking God. [As they faced the city, ] one group walked to the right toward the Dung Gate.
32 oo waxaa iyagii daba galay Hooshacyaah iyo amiirradii dalka Yahuudah badhkood,
Behind their leaders marched Hoshaiah and half of the leaders of Judah.
33 iyo Casaryaah, iyo Cesraa, iyo Meshullaam,
Behind them marched a group of priests who were blowing trumpets. They were Azariah, Ezra, Meshullam, Judah, Benjamin, Shemaiah, and Jeremiah. Next came Zechariah, the son of Jonathan, the son of Shemaiah, the son of Mattaniah, the son of Micaiah, the son of Zaccur, a descendant of Asaph.
34 iyo Yahuudah, iyo Benyaamiin, iyo Shemacyaah, iyo Yeremyaah,
35 iyo wiilashii wadaaddada qaarkood oo turumbooyin wata, kuwaasoo ahaa Sekaryaah oo ahaa ina Yoonaataan, ina Shemacyaah, ina Matanyaah, ina Miikaayaah, ina Sakuur, ina Aasaaf,
36 iyo walaalihiis oo ahaa Shemacyaah, iyo Casareel, iyo Milalay, iyo Gilalay, iyo Maacay, iyo Netoneel, iyo Yahuudah, iyo Xanaanii, iyagoo wata alaabtii muusikada oo Daa'uud oo ahaa ninka Ilaah, oo iyaga waxaa u horreeyey karraanigii Cesraa.
Behind them marched other members of Zechariah’s clan: Shemaiah, Azarel, Milalai, Gilalai, Maai, Nethanel, Judah, and Hanani. They all were playing the same kinds of musical instruments that King David had played [many years previously]. Ezra, the man who knew the Jewish laws very well, marched in front of this group.
37 Oo xagga Iriddii Isha Biyaha iyo hortoodii ku qummanayd ayay kor u fuuleen jaranjaradii magaalada Daa'uud meesha derbiga laga fuulo oo ka korraysa gurigii Daa'uud, iyo ilaa Iridda Biyaha oo xagga bari ah.
When they reached the Fountain Gate, they went up the steps to David’s City, past his palace, and then to the wall at the Water Gate, on the east side [of the city].
38 Oo kooxdii kale oo kuwa mahadda naqaa waxay u kaceen inay ka hor tagaan, oo anna iyagaan daba socday; aniga iyo dadkii badhkiis waxaannu soconnay derbiga korkiisa, xagga ka sarraysa Munaaradda Foornooyinka iyo xataa tan iyo derbiga ballaadhan,
The other group of those who were thanking [Yahweh] marched to the left on top of the wall. I followed them with half of the people. [We marched] past the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall.
39 iyo xagga ka sarraysa Iridda Efrayim, iyo Iridda Gabooday agteeda, iyo Iridda Kalluunka, iyo Munaaradda Xananeel, iyo Munaaradda Mee'aah, iyo xataa Iridda Idaha; oo waxay joogsadeen Iriddii Waardiyaha.
[From there we marched] past Ephraim Gate, Jeshanah Gate, the Fish Gate, the Tower of Hananel, the Tower of the Hundred Soldiers, to the Sheep Gate. We finished marching near the gate into the temple.
40 Oo sidaasay u joogsadeen labadii kooxood oo kuwii mahadda ku naqi jiray gurigii Ilaah, iyo aniga, iyo taliyayaashii badhkood oo ila joogay,
Both the groups reached the temple while they were thanking God. They stood in their places there. The leaders who were with me [also stood with me in our places].
41 iyo wadaaddadii ahaa Elyaaqiim, iyo Macaseeyaah, iyo Minyaamim, iyo Miikaayaah, iyo Eliyooceenay, iyo Sekaryaah, iyo Xananyaah, oo wata turumbooyin;
My group included these priests who were [all blowing] trumpets: Eliakim, Maaseiah, Miniamin, Micaiah, Elioenai, Zechariah, Hananiah,
42 iyo Macaseeyaah, iyo Shemacyaah, iyo Elecaasaar, iyo Cusii, iyo Yehooxaanaan, iyo Malkiiyaah, iyo Ceelaam, iyo Ceser. Oo kuwii gabayaaga ahaana cod dheer bay kula gabyeen Yesraxyaah oo ahaa madaxoodii.
[another] Maaseiah, Shemaiah, Eleazar, Uzzi, Jehohanan, Malchijah, Elam, and Ezer. The singers, whose leader was Jezrahiah, sang loudly.
43 Oo maalintaas waxaa la bixiyey allabaryo badan, oo waa la wada farxay, waayo, Ilaah baa farxad weyn kaga farxiyey, oo dumarkii iyo carruurtiina way farxeen, sidaas daraaddeed Yeruusaalem farxaddeedii waxaa laga maqlay meel fog.
[After we went outside the temple, ] we offered many sacrifices. We men all rejoiced because God had caused us to be very happy. The women and the children also rejoiced. People far away could hear the noise that we made there in Jerusalem.
44 Oo maalintaas ayaa rag loo doortay inay u taliyaan qolalka khasnadaha, iyo qurbaannada kor loo qaado, iyo midhaha ugu horreeya, iyo meeltobnaadyada, si loogaga soo ururiyo beeraha magaalooyinka oo dhan qaybihii sharcigu u amray wadaaddada iyo kuwii reer Laawi, waayo, dadka dalka Yahuudah way ku faraxsanaayeen wadaaddadii iyo kuwii reer Laawi oo adeegayay.
On that day, men were appointed {they appointed men} to be in charge of the storerooms where they kept the money that people contributed [for the temple]. They also kept there [the other things that the people contributed—] the tithes and the first part of the grain and fruit that was harvested each year. Those men collected those things from the fields/farms near the cities, and [took them to Jerusalem and] gave them to the priests and the [other] descendants of Levi, as [Moses had said in his] laws that they should do. All the Israeli people were happy about the work that the priests and the descendants of Levi did,
45 Oo waxay dhawreen wixii ku saabsanaa u adeegidda Ilaahood iyo wixii ku saabsanaa isdaahirinta, oo kuwii gabayaaga ahaa iyo irid-dhawryadiina saasoo kalay yeeleen, sidii uu amarkii Daa'uud iyo wiilkiisii Sulaymaan ahaa.
because they performed the rituals to purify things, and the other rituals that God had commanded. The musicians in the temple also did their work as King David and his son Solomon had declared that they should do.
46 Waayo, waagii hore oo ahaa wakhtigii Daa'uud iyo Aasaaf waxaa jiri jiray nin madax u ahaa kuwii gabayaaga ahaa, oo waxaa Ilaah loogu gabyi jiray gabayo ammaan iyo mahadnaqid ah.
Ever since the time that David had been the king and Asaph had been his chief musician, the musicians had led the people while they sang songs to praise and thank God.
47 Oo wakhtigii Serubaabel iyo wakhtigii Nexemyaah reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammu way wada bixin jireen qaybihii kuwii gabayaaga ahaa iyo kuwii irid-dhawryadaba intii maalin kasta loo baahnaan jiray; oo in bay gooni uga dhigeen reer Laawi, oo reer Laawina in bay gooni uga dhigeen reer Haaruun.
During the years that Zerubbabel and I governed the Israeli people, they all contributed the food that the singers and temple gatekeepers needed each day. They gave (a tithe/10%) of their crops to the descendants of Levi [who helped the priests], and those descendants of Levi gave (a tithe/10%) of that to [the priests, who were] descendants of Aaron [the first Supreme Priest].

< Nexemyaah 12 >