< Matayos 6 >

1 Iska jira inaydnaan xaqnimadiinna dadka ku hor samayn inay idin arkaan, haddii kale abaal kuma lihidin Aabbihiinna jannada ku jira.
do beware (now *no*) the (righteousness *N(K)O*) of you not [you are] to do before men in order to be seen by them; lest then except indeed reward not have you with the Father of you who [is] in the heavens.
2 Haddaba markaad sadaqad bixinayso, buun ha ugu dhufan hortaada sida labawejiilayaashu sunagogyada iyo jidadka ku sameeyaan si dadku u ammaanaan. Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Abaalgudkoodii way heleen.
When therefore you may do acts of charity, not may sound a trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets so that they may have glory from men. Amen I say to you; they have the reward of them.
3 Laakiin adigu goortaad sadaqad bixinayso, bidixdaadu yaanay ogaan waxa midigtaadu samaynayso,
You however doing charity not should know the left [hand] of you what is doing the right [hand] of you
4 si ay sadaqaddaadu u qarsoonaato, oo Aabbahaaga waxa qarsoon arka ayaa kuu abaalgudi doona.
so that may be your giving in secret. And the Father of you the [One] seeing in secret (himself *k*) will reward you (in public. *K*)
5 Oo goortaad tukanaysaan, ha ahaanina sida labawejiilayaasha, waayo, waxay jecel yihiin inay tukadaan iyagoo taagan sunagogyada iyo meesha jidadku isku gooyaan si ay dadka ugu muuqdaan. Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Abaalgudkoodii way heleen.
And when (you may pray, *N(K)O*) not (you will be *N(K)O*) (like *N(k)O*) the hypocrites, for they love [to be] in the synagogues and on the corners of the streets having stood to pray so that (maybe *k*) they may be seen by men. Amen I say to you (that: *k*) they have the reward of them.
6 Laakiin adigu goortaad tukanaysid, qolkaaga qarsoon gal, oo goortaad albaabkaaga xidhid, Aabbahaaga meesha qarsoon ku jira bari, oo Aabbahaaga waxa qarsoon arka ayaa kuu abaalgudi doona.
You yourself however, when you may pray, do enter into the room of you, and having shut the door of you do pray to the Father of you in secret. And the Father of you the [One] seeing in secret will reward you (in public. *K*)
7 Goortaad tukanaysaan hadalka ha ku celcelinina sida dadka aan Ilaah aaminin yeelaan, waayo, waxay u malaynayaan in loo maqlayo hadalkooda badan aawadiis.
Praying now not may use vain repetitions like the pagans; they think for that in the many words of them they will be heard.
8 Sidaa darteed ha ahaanina sidooda oo kale, waayo, Aabbihiin waa og yahay waxaad u baahan tihiin intaanad weyddiin.
Not therefore may be like to them; has known for (the God *O*) the Father of you of what things need you have before your asking Him.
9 Haddaba sidatan u tukada, Aabbahayaga jannada ku jirow, magacaagu quduus ha ahaado.
Thus therefore do pray you yourselves: Father of us you who [are] in the heavens, should be hallowed the name of You;
10 Boqortooyadaadu ha timaado, doonistaada dhulka ha lagu yeelo sida jannada loogu yeelo.
should come the kingdom of You; should be [done] the will of You, as in heaven [so] also upon (the *k*) earth;
11 Kibis maalin nagu filan, maanta na sii.
The bread of us daily do grant us today;
12 Oo naga cafi qaamahayaga sidaannu u cafinnay kuwa noo qaamaysan.
And do forgive us the debts of us, as also we ourselves (forgive *N(k)O*) the debtors of us;
13 Oo jirrabaadda ha noo kaxayn, laakiin sharka naga du. Waayo, boqortooyada iyo xoogga iyo ammaanta adigaa leh weligaa. Aamiin.
And not may you lead us into temptation, but do deliver us from the evil’ (Since of you is the kingdom and the power and the glory into the ages *K*) (Amen. *KO*)
14 Waayo, haddaad dadka u cafidaan xumaantooda, Aabbihiinna jannada ku jira ayaa idin cafiyi doona.
If for you shall forgive men the trespasses of them, will forgive also you the Father of you Heavenly.
15 Laakiin haddaanad dadka cafiyin, Aabbihiinnu xumaantiinna idiin cafiyi maayo.
only however unless you shall forgive men (the *ko*) (trespasses of them *KO*) neither the Father of you will forgive the trespasses of you.
16 Kolkaad soontaan ha ahaanina sida labawejiilayaashu u fool qulubsan yihiin, waayo, way isfoolxumeeyaan si ay dadka ugu muuqdaan inay sooman yihiin. Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Abaalgudkoodii way heleen.
Whenever now you may fast, not do be (like *N(k)O*) the hypocrites gloomy; they disfigure for the appearance of them so that they may appear to men [as] fasting. Amen I say to you (that: *k*) they have the reward of them.
17 Laakiin adigu goortaad soontid, madaxaaga saliid marso oo fool dhaqo,
You yourself however fasting do anoint yourself your head and the face of you do wash, yourself
18 si aadan dadka ugu muuqan inaad sooman tahay, laakiin aad ugu muuqatid Aabbahaaga meel qarsoon ku jira, oo Aabbahaaga waxa qarsoon arkaa waa kuu abaalgudi doonaa.
so that not may you appear to men [as] fasting but to Father of you the [One] in (secret. *N(k)O*) and the Father of you the [One] seeing in (secret *N(k)O*) will reward you (in public. *K*)
19 Maal ha ku urursanina dhulka, meesha aboorka iyo miridhku ku baabbi'iyaan, iyo meesha tuugaggu jebiyaan oo ka xadaan,
Not do store up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal;
20 laakiin maal jannada ku urursada, meesha aboorka iyo miridhku ayan ku baabbi'in iyo meesha tuugaggu ayan jebin oo ayan ka xadin.
do store up however for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroy and where thieves not do break in nor steal;
21 Waayo, meesha maalkaagu ku jiro, meeshaasaa qalbigaaguna ku jiri doonaa.
Where for is the treasure (of you [one] *N(k)O*) there will be also the heart (of you [one]. *N(k)O*)
22 Ilayska jidhku waa isha; haddaba haddii ishaadu hagaagsan tahay, jidhkaaga oo dhammi waa iftiimi doonaa.
The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore shall be the eye of you clear [the] whole body of you full of light will be;
23 Laakiin ishaadu hadday xun tahay, jidhkaaga oo dhammi gudcur buu ahaan doonaa. Haddaba iftiinka kugu jira hadduu gudcur yahay, gudcurkaasu sidee buu u weyn yahay!
If however the eye of you evil shall be, all the body of you full of darkness will be. If then the light that [is] within you darkness is, that darkness how great!
24 Ninna laba sayid uma shaqayn karo, waayo, mid buu nacayaa, kan kalena wuu jeclaanayaa, ama mid buu la jirayaa, kan kalena wuu quudhsanayaa. Uma wada shaqayn kartaan Ilaah iyo maal.
No [one] is able two masters to serve; either for the one he will hate and the other he will love or to [the] one he will be devoted and the other he will despise. Not you are able God to serve and money.
25 Sidaa darteed waxaan idinku leeyahay, Ha ugu welwelina naftiinna waxaad cuni doontaan, iyo waxaad cabbi doontaan, jidhkiinnana ha ugu welwelina waxaad u huwan doontaan. Naftu miyaanay ka roonayn cuntada, jidhkuna miyaanu ka roonayn dharka?
Because of this I say to you; not do be anxious about the life of you what you may eat (or *N(k)O*) what you may drink, nor about the body of you what you may put on. Surely life more is [than] food and the body [than] clothing?
26 Shimbirraha cirka eega, waayo, waxba ma beeraan, waxna ma gurtaan, maqsinnona waxba kuma urursadaan, oo Aabbihiinna jannada ku jira ayaa cunto siiya. Idinku miyaydnaan ka roonayn?
do look at the birds of the air that not they sow nor do they reap nor do they gather into barns — and the Father of you Heavenly feeds them; Surely you yourselves much are more valuable than they?
27 Midkiinnee intuu welwelo dhererkiisa dhudhun ku dari kara?
Who now from you being anxious is able to add to the lifespan of him hour one?
28 Maxaad dharka ugu welweshaan? Fiiriya ubaxyada duurka siday u baxaan, ma ay shaqeeyaan, ma ayna miiqdaan.
And about clothing why are you anxious? do observe the lilies of the field, how (they grow; *N(k)O*) not (do they labor *N(k)O*) nor (do they spin. *N(k)O*)
29 Weliba waxaan idinku leeyahay, Xataa Sulaymaan wakhtigii ammaantiisa oo dhan dhar uma uu gashan jirin sida kuwan midkood.
I say however to you that not even Solomon in all the glory of him was adorned like one of these.
30 Laakiin haddii Ilaah sidaa u huwiyo cawska maanta duurka ku yaal oo berrito moofada lagu ridayo, sidee ka badan ayuu idiin huwinayaa, rumaysadyarayaalow?
If however the grass of the field, today being [here] and tomorrow into [the] furnace being thrown, God thus clothes, surely much more you, O [you] of little faith?
31 Sidaa darteed ha ku welwelina, idinkoo leh, Maxaannu cunaynaa? ama, Maxaannu cabbaynaa? ama, Maxaannu huwanaynaa?
Not therefore shall you be anxious saying; What shall we eat Or what shall we drink Or what shall we wear?
32 Waayo, quruumuhu waxaas oo dhan ayay doondoonaan. Aabbihiinna jannada ku jiraa waa og yahay inaad waxaas oo dhan u baahan tihiin.
All for these things the Gentiles (seek after; *N(k)O*) knows for the Father of you Heavenly that you need of them all.
33 Laakiin horta doondoona boqortooyadii Ilaah iyo xaqnimadiisa, oo waxaas oo dhan waa laydinku dari doonaa.
do seek however first the kingdom of God and the righteousness of Him, and these things all will be added to you.
34 Sidaa darteed berrito ha ka welwelina, waayo, berrito iyadaa isu welwelaysa. Maalinta sharkeedu waa ku filan yahay.
Not therefore shall you be anxious about the [things] tomorrow; for tomorrow will be anxious about (*k*) itself. Sufficient to the day [is] the trouble of it.

< Matayos 6 >