< Markos 3 >
1 Kol dambe wuxuu galay sunagogga; halkaasna waxaa joogay nin gacan engegan.
[On another] ([Sabbath/Jewish day of rest]), Jesus entered (the synagogue/the Jewish meeting place) again. There was a man there whose hand was shriveled.
2 Markaasay fiirinayeen inuu sabtida bogsiinayo iyo in kale, si ay u ashtakeeyaan.
[Some men of the Pharisee sect] watched him carefully in order to see whether he would heal the man (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day). They did this in order that [if he healed the man], they would accuse him of disobeying [their Jewish laws, because he worked] ([on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day]).
3 Kolkaasuu ninkii gacanta engegnaa ku yidhi, Dhexda isa soo taag.
Jesus said to the man whose hand was shriveled, “Stand up here in front of everyone!” [So the man stood up].
4 Oo wuxuu iyaga ku yidhi, Sabtida ma xalaal baa in wanaag la falo ama shar; in naf la badbaadiyo ama la dilo? Laakiin way iska aamuseen.
Then Jesus said [to the Pharisees], “Do the laws [that God gave Moses] permit people to do good ([on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day]), or do they permit people to do evil? Specifically, do his laws permit us to save a person’s life (on the Sabbath/on the Jewish rest day), or [do they permit us] to let him die [by refusing to help him]?” But they did not reply.
5 Goortuu iyaga isha mariyey isagoo cadhaysan oo qalbigiisii ka tiiraanyooday qalbi engegnaantooda aawadeed, wuxuu ninkii ku yidhi, Gacanta soo taag. Kolkaasuu soo taagay, oo gacantiisu way bogsatay.
He looked around at them angrily. He was very distressed that they were stubbornly [not wanting to help the man]. So he said to the man, “Reach out your hand!” When the man reached out his withered hand, his hand became all right again!
6 Markaasaa Farrisiintu baxeen, oo markiiba waxay kala tashadeen Herodosiintii si ay u dilaan isaga.
Then the Pharisees [decided to get rid of Jesus. So] after they left [the meeting house], they [immediately met with some of] the Jews who supported Herod [Antipas, who ruled Galilee district]. Together they planned how they could kill Jesus.
7 Laakiin Ciise xertiisii ayuu badda kula noqday; waxaana raacay dad badan oo ka yimid Galili, iyo Yahuudiya,
Jesus and his disciples left [that] town and went to an area further along [Galilee Lake in order to get away from the people]. But a great crowd of people followed him. They were people who came from Galilee [district],
8 iyo Yeruusaalem, iyo Idumiya, iyo Webi Urdun shishadiisa, iyo kuwa ag joogay Turos iyo Siidoon; dad tiro badan goortii ay maqleen waxa weyn ee uu samaynayay ayay u yimaadeen.
from Jerusalem [city], from [other towns of] Judea [district], from Idumea [district], from [the region on] the [east] side of the Jordan [River], and from [the region] around Tyre and Sidon [cities]. This great crowd of people came to him because they heard about what he was doing.
9 Xertiisii wuu la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Doonni yar ha i sugto dadkii badnaa aawadiis si ayan ii cidhiidhiyin.
Because he had healed many people, many [other] people who had various illnesses pushed forward in order that by touching him [they would come well]. So he told his disciples that they should get a small boat ready for him [to get in and teach from it]. He wanted to do this in order that the crowd would not crush him [when they pushed forward to touch him].
10 Waayo, dad badan ayuu bogsiiyey, sidaa daraaddeed ayay waxay ugu kufeen si ay kuwii cudur qabay oo dhan u taabtaan isaga.
11 Oo jinniyada wasakhda lehna goortay arkeen, hortiisii ayay isku tuureen oo qayliyeen, oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Adigu waxaad tahay Wiilka Ilaah.
Whenever the evil spirits saw Jesus, [they caused the people whom they controlled] to fall down in front of Jesus [in recognition of Jesus’ power]. Then they exclaimed, “You are (the Son of God/the man who is also God)!”
12 Aad buu u amray inaanay dadka ogeysiinin isaga.
He commanded the [evil spirits] strongly that they should not tell anyone who he was.
13 Goortaasuu buurta fuulay; wuu u yeedhayna kuwii uu doonayay; wayna u yimaadeen.
Jesus went [with many other people] up into the hills. After he picked out [from among them] the men whom he wanted [to accompany him], they came [close] to him.
14 Laba iyo toban ayuu soo saaray inay isaga la joogaan, iyo inuu u diro inay wax wacdiyaan,
He appointed twelve men in order that they might be with him and in order that he might send them out to preach. He called them apostles.
15 iyo inay u leeyihiin amar ay cudurro ku bogsiiyaan oo ay jinniyo ku saaraan.
He also gave them power in order that they might expel evil spirits [from people].
16 Waxay ahaayeen Simoon, kan uu Butros u bixiyey,
These were the twelve men he appointed: Simon, to whom he gave the [new] name Peter; his [younger] brother Andrew;
17 iyo Yacquub ina Sebedi, iyo Yooxanaa, Yacquub walaalkiis, iyaga wuxuu u bixiyey Bo'anerges, waxaa weeye wiilashii onkodka,
James, [the son] of Zebedee, and John, the [younger] brother of James, to [both of] whom he added the [new] name, ‘Men who are like Thunder’. [because of their fiery zeal];
18 iyo Andaros, iyo Filibos, iyo Bartolomayos, iyo Matayos, iyo Toomas, iyo Yacquub ina Alfayos, iyo Tadayos, iyo Simoon reer Kaana,
Philip; Bartholomew; Levi, whose other name was Matthew; Thomas; [another] James, the son of Alphaeus; Thaddeus; [another] Simon, who was a [member of the party that wanted] to overthrow [the Roman government];
19 iyo Yuudas Iskariyod, kii gacangeliyey.
and Judas Iscariot (OR, Judas, the man from Kerioth [Town]). He was the one who [later] (betrayed Jesus/helped Jesus’ enemies seize him).
20 Kolkaasuu guri galay; oo dad badan ayaa haddana ku soo ururay si aanay karin inay kibis cunaan.
Jesus [along with his disciples] went to the house where he was staying [in Capernaum. Again a crowd gathered where he was]. There were many people crowding around him, so that he and his disciples had no time when they could eat or [when they could do anything else].
21 Xigtadiisii goortay maqleen, ayay u soo baxeen inay qabtaan, waayo, waxay yidhaahdeen, Isagu waa waalan yahay.
After his relatives heard about this, they went to take him home [with them] because (some people/they) were saying that he was insane.
22 Culimmadii Yeruusaalem ka soo degeenna waxay yidhaahdeen, Wuxuu qabaa Be'elsebul, oo madaxda jinniyada ayuu jinniyada ku saaraa.
[Around that time] some men who taught the [Jewish] laws came down from Jerusalem [city. They heard that Jesus was expelling demons]. So they were telling [people], “Beelzebub, who rules the evil spirits, controls him. He is the one who enables this man to expel evil spirits [from people]!”
23 Kolkaasuu iyagii u yeedhay oo masaallo kugu yidhi, Sidee baa Shayddaan Shayddaan u saari karaa?
Jesus summoned those men. [Then he spoke to them] in parables [to enable them to realize that Satan would not oppose his own evil spirits. He also wanted them to realize that by expelling evil spirits, he was demonstrating that he was much more powerful than Satan]. So he said, “([It is ridiculous] to suggest that Satan would expel his own [evil spirits]!/Why would Satan expel his own [evil spirits]?) [RHQ]
24 Haddii boqortooyo kala qaybsanto, boqortooyadaasu ma taagnaan karto.
If [people who live in the same] country are fighting one another, they will cease to be a single group under one ruler.
25 Haddii gurina kala qaybsamo, gurigaasu ma taagnaan kari doono.
And if [people who live in the same] house fight each other, they will certainly not remain [as one family].
26 Haddii Shayddaanna isku kaco oo qaybsamo, ma taagnaan karo. Laakiin wuxuu leeyahay dhammaansho.
Similarly, if Satan and his [evil spirits] were fighting one another, instead of remaining strong, he would become powerless.
27 Ninna nin xoog leh gurigiisa ma geli karo inuu alaabtiisa dhaco hadduusan kolkii hore ninka xoogga leh xidhin, goortaasuu gurigiisa dhici doonaa.
Contrary to [what you say about me], someone can enter the house of a strong man [like Satan] and carry off his possessions only if he first ties up the strong man. Then [and only then] will he [be able to] steal the things in that man’s house.”
28 Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Bini-aadmiga waa loo cafiyi doonaa dembiyadii oo dhan iyo caydii ay ku caytamaan;
[Jesus also said], “Consider this carefully! People may sin in many ways and they may speak evilly about God, but [if] they [then are sorry and ask God to] forgive [them], [God] will forgive them for doing that.
29 laakiin ku alla kii caaya Ruuxa Quduuska ah, weligiis cafiga heli maayo, laakiin wuxuu eed u leeyahay dembi weligiis ah; (aiōn , aiōnios )
But if anyone speaks evil words about what the Holy Spirit [does], [God] will never forgive that. That person’s guilt will remain with him forever.” (aiōn , aiōnios )
30 waayo, waxay yidhaahdeen, Jinni wasakh leh ayuu qabaa.
[Jesus told them that] because [they refused to admit that the Holy Spirit was helping him to expel demons. Instead], they were saying, “An evil spirit is controlling him!”
31 Markaasaa waxaa yimid walaalihiis iyo hooyadiis, oo dibadday istaageen, waxayna u direen cid ugu yeedha.
Jesus’ mother and [younger] siblings arrived. While they stood outside, they sent [someone inside] in order to call him [outside].
32 Dad badan baa agtiisa fadhiyey oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Bal eeg, hooyadaa iyo walaalahaa dibadday joogaan oo waa ku doonayaan.
A crowd was sitting around Jesus. One of them said to him, “Listen/Hey, your mother and your [younger] brothers and sisters are outside, and they are wanting (to see/to talk with) you!”
33 Markaasuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Yaa ah hooyaday iyo walaalahay?
Jesus replied to them, “([I will tell you something about] my mother and my brothers.[/Do you know whom I consider to be like] my mother and my brothers?)” [RHQ]
34 Kolkaasuu isha mariyey kuwii agtiisa fadhiyey oo ku yidhi, Waa kuwan hooyaday iyo walaalahay!
After he looked around at [the disciples] who were sitting around him [in a circle], he said, “Look here! I [love these men as much as] I [love] my mother and my brothers.
35 Ku alla kii yeela doonistii Ilaah kaasaa walaalkay iyo walaashay iyo hooyaday.
Those who habitually do what God wants are [as dear to me] [MET] as my brother, my sister, or my mother!”