< Luukos 21 >

1 Kor buu u eegay, oo wuxuu arkay kuwa hodanka ah oo hadiyadahoodii khasnadda ku ridaya.
As he behelde he sawe the ryche men how they cast in their offeringes into the treasury.
2 Wuxuuna arkay carmal miskiin ah oo meeshaas laba lacag ah oo yaryar ku ridaysa.
And he sawe also a certayne povre widdowe which cast in thyther two mites.
3 Markaasuu yidhi, Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Carmalkan miskiinta ah waxay ku ridday wax ka badan wixii ay dhammaan ku rideen.
And he sayde: of a trueth I saye vnto you this poore wyddowe hath put in moare then they all.
4 Waayo, kuwaas oo dhan waxoodii badnaa ayay wax kaga rideen hadiyadaha, iyaduse miskiinnimadeeda waxay kaga ridday wixii ay ku noolaan lahayd oo dhan.
For they all have of their superfluyte added vnto the offerynge of God: but she of her penury hath cast in all the substaunce that she had.
5 Oo qaar kolkay macbudka ka hadlayeen in dhagaxyo wanaagsan iyo hadiyado lagu qurxiyey, wuxuu yidhi,
As some spake of the teple how it was garnesshed with goodly stones and iewels he sayde.
6 Waxaa imanaya maalmo goortii kuwaas aad arkaysaan aan dhagax dhagax kale dushiisa lagu dul dayn doonin oo aan la dumin doonin.
The dayes will come whe of these thynges which ye se shall not be lefte stone apon stone that shall not be throwen doune.
7 Markaasay weyddiiyeen oo ku yidhaahdeen, Macallimow, goormay waxyaalahanu ahaan doonaan, oo calaamadu maxay ahaan doontaa goortii waxyaalahanu ay dhowaan doonaan?
And they axed him sayinge: Master whe shall these thinges be and what signe will therbe whe suche thinges shall come to passe.
8 Markaasuu yidhi, Iska eega yaan laydin khiyaanayn, waayo, qaar badan ayaa magacayga ku iman doona, oo waxay odhan doonaan, Anigu waxaan ahay isaga; iyo, Wakhtigu waa soo dhowaaday. Ha raacina.
And he sayd: take hede that ye be not deceaved. For many will come in my name saying: I am he: and the tyme draweth neare. Folowe ye not them therfore.
9 Oo markaad dagaallo iyo rabshooyin maqashaan ha baqanina, waayo, kolka hore waxyaalahanu waa inay dhacaan, laakiin dhammaadku kolkiiba ma aha.
But when ye heare of warre and of dissencion: be not afrayd. For these thinges must fyrst come: but the ende foloweth not by and by.
10 Markaasuu ku yidhi, Quruunba quruun bay ku kici doontaa, boqortooyona boqortooyo.
Then sayd he vnto the: Nacion shall ryse agaynst nacion and kingdom agaynst kyngdome
11 Waxaa meelo kala duwan ka dhici doona dhulgariir iyo abaaro iyo cudurro, samadana waxaa laga arki doonaa waxyaalo cabsi leh iyo calaamooyin waaweyn.
and greate erthquakes shall be in all quarters and honger and pestilence: and fearfull thinges. And greate signes shall therbe from heven.
12 Waxyaalahan oo dhan hortood gacmahooday idin saari doonaan oo idin silcin doonaan oo idiin dhiibi doonaan sunagogyada iyo xabsiyada, oo waxaa magacayga aawadiis laydiin hor geeyn doonaa boqorro iyo taliyayaal.
But before all these they shall laye their hondes on you and persecute you delyueringe you vp to the sinagoges and into preson and bringe you before kynges and rulers for my names sake.
13 Waxayna idinku noqon doontaa marag.
And this shall chaunce you for a testimoniall.
14 Sidaa darteed qalbiyadiinna geliya inaydnaan hore ugu fikirin waxaad ku jawaabi doontaan.
Let it sticke therfore faste in youre hertes not once to stody before what ye shall answere:
15 Waayo, waxaan idin siin doonaa af iyo xigmad aanay cadaawayaashiinna oo dhammu ka adkaan karin oo aanay ka gees hadli karin.
for I will geve you a mouth and wisdome where agaynste all youre adversarys shall not be able to speake nor resist.
16 Laakiin idinka waxaa idin gacangelin doona waalidkiinna, iyo walaalahiinna, iyo xigaalkiinna, iyo saaxiibbadiinna, qaarkiinnana waa la dili doonaa.
Ye and ye shalbe betrayed of youre fathers and mothers and of youre brethren and kynsmen and lovers aud some of you shall they put to deeth.
17 Dadka oo dhan ayaa magacayga aawadiis idiin necbaan doona.
And hated shall ye be of all men for my names sake.
18 Tinna madaxiinna kama lumi doono.
Yet ther shall not one heer of youre heedes perisshe.
19 Waa inaad naftiinna ku haysataan dulqaadashadiinna.
With youre pacience possesse youre soules.
20 Laakiin goortaad aragtaan Yeruusaalem oo colal ku wareegsan yihiin, markaas ogaada in hallaynteedu dhow dahay.
And when ye se Ierusalem beseged with an hoste then vnderstonde that the desolacio of the same is nye.
21 Markaas kuwa Yahuudiya joogaa buuraha ha u carareen, kuwa gudaheeda ku jiraana ha ka baxeen, kuwa beeraha joogaana yaanay gelin.
Then let them which are in Iewrye flye to the mountaynes. And let them which are in the middes of it departe oute. And let not them that are in other countreis enter ther in.
22 Waayo, kuwanu waa maalmo aargudasho in wixii la qoray oo dhammu ay noqdaan.
For these be the dayes of vengeance to fulfill all that are writte.
23 Laakiin waa u hoog kuwa uurka leh iyo kuwa wakhtigaas ilmo nuujinaya, waayo, dhulka dhib weyn ayaa ka dhici doonta, dadkanna cadho.
But wo be to them that be with chylde and to them that geve sucke in those dayes: for ther shalbe greate trouble in the londe and wrath over all this people.
24 Waxayna ku dhici doonaan seef afkeeda, oo waa la qabsan doonaa, oo quruumaha oo dhan la geeyn doonaa; quruumuhuna Yeruusaalem ayay ku tuman doonaan ilaa wakhtiga quruumuhu ka dhammaado.
And they shall fall on the edge of the swearde and shalbe leed captive into all nacions. And Ierusalem shalbe trooden vnder fote of the gentyls vntyll the tyme of the gentyls be fulfilled.
25 Calaamooyin ayaa laga arki doonaa qorraxda, iyo dayaxa, iyo xiddigaha; dhulkana waxaa ku jiri doona dhib quruumahu ka welwelaan guuxa badda iyo hirarka aawadood.
And ther shalbe signes in the sunne ad in the mone and in the starres: and in ye erth the people shalbe in soche perplexite yt they shall not tell which waye to turne them selves. The see and the waters shall roore
26 Dadkuna waxay la suuxi doonaan baqdin iyo filasho waxa dunida iman doona, waayo, xoogagga cirka ayaa la gariirin doonaa.
and menes hertes shall fayle them for feare and for lokinge after thoose thinges which shall come on the erth. For the powers of heve shall move.
27 Markaasay arki doonaan Wiilka Aadanaha oo daruur ku imanaya, isagoo leh xoog iyo ammaan weyn.
And then shall they se the sonne of ma come in a clowde with power and greate glory.
28 Laakiin goortii ay waxaasu bilaabaan inay dhacaan, kor eega, madaxyadiinnana kor u qaada, waayo, madaxfurashadiinnu waa dhow dahay.
When these thinges begyn to come to passe: then loke vp and lifte vp youre heddes for youre redemcion draweth neye.
29 Markaasuu masaal kula hadlay, Bal eega berdaha iyo dhirta oo dhan;
And he shewed the a similitude: beholde ye fygge tree and all other trees
30 goortay caleemo bixiyaan waad arkaysaan oo garanaysaan inuu roobku haddaba dhow yahay.
when they shute forth their buddes ye se and knowe of youre awne selves that sommer is then nye at hod.
31 Sidaas oo kale idinkuna goortaad aragtaan waxaas oo dhacaya, garta in boqortooyadii Ilaah dhow dahay.
So lyke wyse ye (when ye se these thinges come to passe) vnderstonde that the kyngdome of God is neye.
32 Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Qarniganu ma idlaan doono intaanay wax walba dhicin.
Verely I saye vnto you: this generacion shall not passe tyll all be fulfilled.
33 Cirka iyo dhulku waa idlaan doonaan, laakiinse ereyadaydu ma idlaan doonaan.
Heaven and erth shall passe: but my wordes shall not passe.
34 Laakiin iska jira, yaan qalbiyadiinnu la cuslaan dhereg badan iyo sakhraannimo iyo ka welwelidda ifkan, oo yaan maalintaasu idiin soo kedin sida dabin oo kale.
Take hede to youre selves lest youre hertes be overcome with surfettinge and dronkennes and cares of this worlde: and that that daye come on you vnwares.
35 Waayo, sidaas oo kale ayaa ku dhacaysa kulli kuwa dunida oo dhan jooga.
For as a snare shall it come on all them that sit on the face of the erthe.
36 Laakiin wakhti walbaba soo jeeda, idinkoo Ilaah baryaya inaad xoog yeelataan si aad uga baxsataan waxaas dhici doonaa oo dhan, oo aad Wiilka Aadanaha isu hor taagtaan.
Watche therfore continually and praye that ye maye obtayne grace to flye all this that shall come and that ye maye stonde before the sonne of man.
37 Maalin walba ayuu macbudka wax ku bari jiray, habeen walbana dibadda ayuu u bixi jiray, oo wuxuu baryi jiray buurta la odhan jiray Buur Saytuun.
In the daye tyme he taught in the temple and at night he went out and had abydinge in the mount olivete.
38 Dadka oo dhammuna aroortii ayay macbudka ugu iman jireen inay dhegaystaan.
And all the people came in the morninge to him in the temple for to heare him.

< Luukos 21 >