< Laawiyiintii 26 >

1 Waa inaydaan sanamyo samaysan, ama aydaan qotonsan ekaan la qoray amase tiir, oo waa inaydaan dalkiinna dhagax la qoray u dhex dhigin inaad u sujuuddaan, waayo, aniga ayaa ah Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah.
[Yahweh also said this to Moses/me on Sinai Mountain]: “Do not make idols or set up statues of false gods or sacred stones [to worship other gods]. And do not put on your property a stone that has been shaped [to resemble a false god] and bow down to [worship] it. [You must worship only] me, Yahweh, your God.
2 Waa inaad iidahayga dhawrtaan, oo aad meeshayda quduuska ah maamuustaan, aniga ayaa Rabbiga ah.
“Honor the Sabbath days and revere my Sacred Tent, because I, Yahweh, [live there].
3 Haddaad qaynuunnadayda ku socotaan, oo aad amarradayda dhawrtaan oo yeeshaan,
“If you carefully obey all my commands [DOU],
4 markaasaan roobkiinna idin siinayaa xilligiisa, oo dhulkuna wuxuu dhali doonaa midhihiisa, dhirta duurkuna midhahooday dhali doonaan.
I will send rain for you at the proper/right times, in order that crops will grow on your land and there will be plenty of fruit on your trees.
5 Tumidda hadhuudhkiinnu waxay gaadhi doontaa guridda canabkiinna, guridda canabkuna waxay gaadhi doontaa ilaa wakhtiga beeridda, oo cuntadiinna ayaad cuni doontaan ilaa aad dheregtaan, oo dalkiinnana ammaan baad ku degganaan doontaan.
You will continue [harvesting and] threshing [grain] until it is time to harvest grapes, and you will continue to harvest grapes until it is time to start planting [things in the following year]. And you will have all the food that you want to eat, and you will live safely in your land.
6 Oo anigu waxaan dalka idinku siin doonaa nabaadiino, oo idinna waad iska jiifsan doontaan, oo waxba idinma cabsiin doonaan, oo anna dugaagga xun dalkiinna waan ka baabbi'in doonaa, oo seefuna dalkiinna innaba ma dhex mari doonto.
“[If you obey all my laws], there will be peace in your country, and when you lie down [to sleep], nothing will cause you to be afraid. I will get rid of the dangerous animals in your country, and there will no wars [MTY] in your country.
7 Oo idinku cadaawayaashiinnaad eryan doontaan, oo iyana hortiinnay seef kaga baabbi'i doonaan.
You will pursue your enemies and kill them with your swords:
8 Oo shan idinka ahu boqol nin bay eryan doonaan, oo boqol idinka ahuna toban kun oo nin bay eryan doonaan, oo cadaawayaashiinnuna hortiinnay seef kaga baabbi'i doonaan.
Five of you will pursue 100 of them, and 100 of you will pursue 1,000 of them and kill them with your swords.
9 Oo anigu waan idiin soo jeesan doonaa, waanan idin badin doonaa oo idin tarmin doonaa, oo axdigaygii aan idinla dhigtayna waan sii adkayn doonaa.
“[If you obey all my laws], I will bless you and cause you to have many children [DOU]. And I will do what I said that I would do in the agreement that I made with you.
10 Oo waxaad cuni doontaan midhihii hore oo aad wakhti dheer kaydsateen, oo waxaad soo bixin doontaan midhihii hore si aad kuwa cusub meel ugu heshaan.
When you are still eating food from the harvest from the previous year, it will be necessary for you to throw away some of it to make space for the new harvest.
11 Oo anna taambuuggaygaan idinka dhex dhisan doonaa, oo naftayduna idinma karhi doonto.
I will live among you in my Sacred Tent, and I will never reject you.
12 Oo dhexdiinnaan ku socon doonaa, oo Ilaahiinnaan ahaan doonaa, oo idinkuna dadkaygaad ahaan doontaan.
I will walk among you and continue to be your God, and you will continue to be my people.
13 Anigu waxaan ahay Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah, oo idiinka soo bixiyey dalkii Masar si aydaan u sii ahaan addoommadoodii. Qataarradii harqoodkiinna waan idinka jebiyey, oo waxaan idinka dhigay inaad madaxfurnaan ku socotaan.
I am Yahweh your God, the one who brought you out of Egypt in order that you would no longer be slaves of the people of Egypt. [When you were there, you were treated as though you were animals that worked for the people of Egypt, but] [MET] I broke the bars of the (yokes/frames that were put around your necks) and enabled you to walk with your heads up.”
14 Laakiinse haddaad i dhegaysan weydaan, oo aydaan amarradan oo dhan wada yeelin,
“But if you will not heed me and obey all these commands,
15 iyo haddaad qaynuunnadayda diiddaan, iyo haddii naftiinnu xukummadayda karahdo, oo aad amarradayda oo dhan wada yeeli weydaan, illowse aad igu axdi furtaan,
and if you reject [DOU] my decrees and laws, and do not do [DOU] what I commanded you to do in the agreement that I made with you,
16 markaasaan aniguna waxyaalahan idinku samayn doonaa. Naxdin baan idinku soo dejin doonaa, taasoo ah baabbi'id iyo qandho indhaha idinka ridda oo naftana idinka dullaysa, oo abuurkiinnana waxtarla'aan baad u beeran doontaan, waayo, waxaa iska cuni doona cadaawayaashiinna.
these are the things that I will do to you: I will suddenly cause there to be disasters that will ruin you. You will have diseases that cannot be cured, and fevers that will cause you to become blind and will slowly kill you. It will be useless for you to plant seeds, because your enemies will eat the crops that grow.
17 Oo anna gees baan idinka noqon doonaa, oo cadaawayaashiinna hortooda baa laydinku layn doonaa, oo waxaa idiin talin doona kuwo idin neceb, waadna iska carari doontaan iyadoo aan ninna idin eryanayn.
I will reject/abandon you [IDM], with the result that you will be defeated by your enemies. Then those who hate you will rule you, and [you will be so terrified that] you will run away even when no one is pursuing you.
18 Oo weliba haddaydnan waxyaalahaas daraaddood ii dhegaysan, haddana toddoba jeer oo kale ayaan dembiyadiinna aawadood idiin edbin doonaa.
“If you still will not heed me after all those things happen to you, I will continue to punish you again and again for the sins that you have committed.
19 Waanan jebin doonaa kibirka xooggiinna, oo samadiinnana waxaan ka dhigi doonaa sida bir oo kale, dhulkiinnana sida naxaas oo kale.
I will cause you to no longer be stubborn and proud; I will cause [no rain to fall; it will be as though] [MET] the sky is made of iron; and the ground will be [as hard as] brass [MET].
20 Oo xooggiinnuna waxtarla'aan buu idinkaga dhammaan doonaa, waayo, dhulkiinnu midho ma dhali doono, oo dhirta dalka ku taalna midho kama soo bixin doonaan.
You will uselessly work very hard [to plant seeds], because crops will not grow in the hard soil in your fields, and fruit will not grow on your trees.
21 Oo haddaad i sii caasisaan oo aydaan i dhegaysan, toddoba jeer oo kale ayaan belaayo idiinku soo dejin doonaa siday dembiyadiinnu yihiin.
“If you continue to oppose me and refuse to heed me, I will cause you to experience disasters again and again, like you deserve to experience because of your sins.
22 Oo waxaan dhexdiinna ku soo dayn doonaa dugaagga duurka, kuwaasoo carruurtiinna idinka dhifan doona, oo xoolihiinna baabbi'in doona, oo idin kala yarayn doona, oo jidadkiinnuna cidla bay noqon doonaan.
I will send wild animals to attack you, and they will kill your little children and destroy your cattle. There will be very few of you who will remain alive, with the result that there will be very few [HYP] people walking on the roads in your country.
23 Oo weliba waxyaalahaas daraaddood haddaad edeb ku soo yeelan weydaan, laakiinse aad i sii caasisaan,
“When you experience those things that I do to punish you, if you still do not pay attention to me, and if you continue to oppose me,
24 markaas aniguna gees baan idinka ahaan doonaa oo waan idin layn doonaa, xataa toddoba jeer ayaan dembiyadiinna aawadood idiin layn doonaa.
I myself will oppose you, and I will punish you for your sins again and again.
25 Oo waxaan idinku soo dejin doonaa seef idinka aargudda aanadii axdiga, oo magaalooyinkiinna waad ku soo wada ururi doontaan, oo anna belaayo waan idinku dhex ridi doonaa, markaasaad cadowga u gacangeli doontaan.
I will send [foreign] [MTY] to punish you for not doing the things that I commanded you to do in the agreement that I made with you. If you [try to escape from your enemies by] shutting yourselves in your cities [that have walls around them], I will cause you to experience plagues, and I will allow your enemies to capture [IDM] you.
26 Oo markaan usha kibistiinna jebiyo, toban naagood ayaa kibistiinna isku foorno ku dubi doonta, oo haddana waxay kibistiina idinku siin doonaan miisaan, oo kolkaad cuntaanna kama dhergi doontaan.
When I cut off your food supply, there will be very little flour with which to make bread. As a result, ten women will be able to bake all their bread in [only] one oven. [When the bread is baked], each woman will divide it [among the members of her family, but there will be very little for each one], and when they have eaten all of it, they will still be hungry.
27 Oo haddaad waxyaalahaas oo dhan igu dhegaysan weydaan, illowse aad i sii caasisaan,
“After all those things happen, if you still do not heed me, if you still oppose me,
28 markaasaan aniguna gees idinka ahaan doonaa, waanan xanaaqi doonaa, oo dembiyadiinna aawadoodna ayaan toddoba jeer oo kale idiin edbin doonaa.
I will be very angry with you, and I will oppose you, and I myself will punish you for your sins again and again.
29 Oo waxaad cuni doontaan hilibka wiilaashiinna, oo waxaad cuni doontaan hilibka gabdhihiinna.
[You will be extremely hungry, with the result that] you will [kill] your sons and daughters and eat their flesh.
30 Oo anigu meelihiinna sarsare waan dumin doonaa, oo sanamyadiinna qorraxdana waan wada baabbi'in doonaa, oo meydadkiinnana waxaan ku dul xoori doonaa meydka sanamyadiinna; oo naftayduna way idin karhi doontaa.
I will cause the shrines [where you worship idols] on hilltops to be destroyed. I will smash the altars where you burn incense [to worship your gods], and I will cause your corpses to be piled on the lifeless statues of your gods. And I will detest you.
31 Oo magaalooyinkiinna baabba' waan ka dhigi doonaa, oo meeshiinna quduuska ahna cidla waan ka dhigi doonaa, oo weliba carafta fooxiinna udgoon ma aan ursan doono.
I will cause your cities to become heaps of ruins, and I will cause the buildings that are dedicated to the worship of your gods to be smashed. And I will not be pleased at all with the aroma of your offerings [that are burned on the altar].
32 Oo weliba dalkana cidla baan ka dhigi doonaa, oo cadaawayaashiinna dalka dhex degganuna taas way la yaabi doonaan.
I will completely ruin your country, with the result that even your enemies who capture it will be shocked/appalled [when they see it].
33 Oo waxaan idinku kala dhex firdhin doonaa quruumaha, oo seef gal la' waan idinla daba geli doonaa, dalkiinnuna cidla buu noqon doonaa, oo magaalooyinkiinnuna baabba' bay noqon doonaan.
I will enable [your enemies to kill you with] their swords, and I will cause the rest of you to be scattered among other nations. Your country will be ruined and your cities will become ruins.
34 Oo markaasaa dalku sabtiyadiisa ku raaxaysan doonaa intuu cidla yahay oo idinku aad joogtaan dalka cadaawayaashiinna oo dhan; oo wakhtigaas oo dhan dalku wuu iska nasan doonaa, oo wuxuu ku raaxaysan doonaa sabtiyadiisa.
After that happens, as long as you are living in your enemies’ countries, your land will be allowed to rest, like you should have allowed it to rest every seven years.
35 Oo dalku intuu cidla yahay oo dhan wuu iska nasan doonaa, nasashadaas oo ah mid uusan sabtiyadiinna helin markaad degganaydeen.
All the time that your land is desolate, it will be able to rest, like you did not enable it to rest during all the years that you lived there.
36 Oo intii idinka hadhana waxaan qalbigooda ku ridi doonaa fulanimo, iyagoo dalalka cadaawayaashooda dhex jooga, oo sanqadha caleen dabaylu kaxaynayso ayaa iyaga eryan doonta, oo waxay uga carari doonaan sida qof seef uga cararo, oo iyadoo aan ninna eryanayn ayay iska daadan doonaan.
“As for you people who will remain alive in the countries to which your enemies [will have taken you], I will cause you to become so afraid that when you hear the sound of leaves being blown by the wind, you will run away. You will run like [SIM] you are running from [a man carrying] a sword, and you will fall down, even though no one is pursuing you.
37 Oo iyagoo aan ninna eryanayn ayaa midkoodba midka kale ku turunturoon doonaa sidii iyagoo seef ka baqanaya. Oo innaba ma aad yeelan doontaan itaal aad cadaawayaashiinna isku hor taagtaan.
You will stumble over each other. So you will not be able to stand and fight your enemies.
38 Waxaad ku dhex baabbi'i doontaan quruumaha, oo dalka cadaawayaashiinnuna waa idin dhammaysan doonaa.
Many of you will die in the countries that belong to your enemies [DOU].
39 Oo intii idinka hadhana iyagoo dalka cadaawayaashiinna jooga ayay xumaatadooda u dulloobi doonaan, oo weliba xumaatooyinkii awowayaashoodna ayay u dulloobi doonaan.
And those of you who remain alive will slowly die and rot in the countries of your enemies because of your sins and because of the sins of your ancestors.
40 Wayna qiran doonaan xumaatadoodii iyo xumaatadii awowayaashood, iyo xadgudubkii ay igu xadgudbeen, iyo weliba caasinimadii ay igu caasiyeen
“But your descendants must confess their sins and the sins that their ancestors committed. Their ancestors acted unfaithfully toward me and were hostile to me, with the result that I forced them to go to the countries that belonged to their enemies. But when your descendants humble themselves [SYN] and stop being very stubborn [IDM] and accept being punished for their sins,
41 oo aan aawadeed iyaga gees uga noqday, oo aan dalkii cadaawayaashooda u geeyey. Markaas hadday qalbigooda buuryoqabka ah hoosaysiiyaan, oo ay aqbalaan taqsiirta xumaatadooda,
42 ayaan soo xusuusan doonaa axdigaygii aan Yacquub la dhigtay, iyo weliba axdigaygii aan Isxaaq la dhigtay, oo weliba waxaan kaloo soo xusuusan doonaa axdigaygii aan Ibraahim la dhigtay, oo dalkana waan soo xusuusan doonaa.
I will remember the agreement that I made with [your ancestors] Abraham and Isaac and Jacob, and [what I promised them about] this land.
43 Oo iyagu dalka way ka tegi doonaan, oo wuxuu ku raaxaysan doonaa sabtiyadiisa intuu cidla yahay oo iyagu ay ka maqan yihiin oo dhan; oo iyaguna way aqbali doonaan taqsiirta xumaatadooda, maxaa yeelay, way diideen xukummadaydii, oo naftooduna qaynuunnadayday karahday.
But [before that happens], you will be forced to leave your land, with the result that the land will be able to rest while it is desolate and while the people are being punished for rejecting my laws and hating my decrees [DOU].
44 Laakiinse in kastoo ay saas sameeyeen anigu intay dalka cadaawayaashooda joogaan oo dhan iyaga diidi maayo, karhina maayo, wada baabbi'inna maayo, oo axdigaygii aan la dhigtay jebin maayo, waayo, aniga ayaa ah Rabbiga Ilaahooda ah.
But when that happens, I will still not reject them or hate them and destroy them completely. I will not cancel the agreement that I made with them; for I am still Yahweh their God.
45 Laakiinse iyaga daraaddood ayaan u xusuusan doonaa axdigii aan la dhigtay awowayaashood, kuwaasoo aan, iyadoo ay quruumuhu u jeedaan, dalkii Masar uga soo bixiyey si aan iyaga Ilaah ugu ahaado, waayo, aniga ayaa Rabbiga ah.
I will (remember/never forget) the agreement that I made with your ancestors when I brought them out of Egypt, in order that the people of all nations will know that I, Yahweh, [will continue to] be your God.”
46 Kuwaasu waa qaynuunnadii iyo xukummadii iyo sharciyadii uu Rabbigu u dhexaysiiyey isaga qudhiisa iyo reer binu Israa'iil oo uu Muuse ugu soo dejiyey Buur Siinay.
Those are the decrees, the laws, and the regulations [DOU] that Yahweh established on Sinai Mountain between himself and the Israeli people by [giving them to] Moses/me [to tell to them].

< Laawiyiintii 26 >