< Laawiyiintii 25 >

1 Markaasa Rabbigu Muuse kula hadlay Buur Siinay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
Yahweh said to Moses/me on Sinai Mountain,
2 Reer binu Israa'iil la hadal, oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Markaad gashaan dalka aan idin siinayo, waa in dalku sabti Rabbiga u dhawraa.
“Tell the Israelis [that I, Yahweh, say this]: When you enter the land that I am about to give you, every seventh year you must honor me by [not planting any seeds. You will be] allowing the ground to rest.
3 Lix sannadood waa inaad beertaada beerataa, oo lix sannadoodna waa inaad beertaada canabka ah baarka ka jartaa, oo midhaheedana waa inaad soo xeraysataa.
For six years you are to plant seeds in your fields and prune your grapevines and harvest the crops.
4 Laakiinse sannadda toddobaad waa inay dhulka u ahaataa sabti nasasho weyn ah, oo taasu waa sabti Rabbiga loo dhawro, oo waa inaadan beertaada beeran, ama aadan beertaada canabka ah baarka ka jarin.
But the seventh/next year you must [dedicate] to me, and allow your fields to rest. Do not plant seeds in your fields or prune your grapevines [during that year].
5 Oo sannaddaas wixii beertaada ka baxa iyagoo aan la beerin waa inaadan guran, oo canabkaaga aan la hagaajin midhiihii ka baxana waa inaadan urursan, waayo, sannaddaasu waa inay dhulka u ahaataa nasasho weyn.
Do not reap [the grain] that grows in your fields without having been planted, or harvest the grapes that grow [without the vines being pruned]; you must allow the land to rest for that one year.
6 Oo dhulka sabtidiisu cunto bay idiin ahaan doontaa. Adiga, iyo addoonkaaga, iyo addoontaada, iyo midiidinkaaga aad kiraysatay, iyo kan shisheeye kuu ah oo kula degganba,
But you are permitted to eat whatever crops grow by themselves during that year without having been planted. You and your male and female servants, and workers whom you have hired, and people who are living among you temporarily are permitted to eat it.
7 iyo xoolahaaga, iyo xayawaanka dalkaaga jooga oo dhan waxaa cunto u ahaan doona midhaha dalka iska baxa oo idil.
Also, [during that year] your livestock and the wild animals in your land are permitted to eat it.’
8 Oo waa inaad tirsataa toddoba sabtiyood oo sannado ah, taasu waxa weeyaan toddoba meelood oo toddoba sannadood ah; oo toddoba sabtiyood oo toddoba sannadood ah wakhtigoodu wuxuu kuu ahaan doonaa sagaal iyo afartan sannadood.
‘Also, after every 49 years has ended, you must do this: (On the tenth day of the seventh month/At the end of September) [of the next/50th year], blow trumpets throughout the country, to declare that it will be a day on which you request that I forgive you for the sins that you have committed.
9 Oo dabadeedna waa inaad bisha toddobaad maalinteeda tobnaad buun dhawaajisaa, oo maalinta kafaaraggudka waa inaad dalkiinna oo dhan buun ka dhawaajisaan.
10 Oo waa inaad sannadda kontonaad quduus ka dhigtaan, oo dhammaan dadka dalka deggan oo dhan waxaad u naadisaan xorriyad, oo sannaddaasu waxay idiin ahaan doontaa wakhti yubilii ah; oo midkiin kastaa waa inuu ku noqdaa hantidiisii, oo midkiin kastaa waa inuu ku noqdaa qoladiisii.
Set apart that year, and proclaim that throughout the country, it will be a year of restoring the land and freeing people: All the people [who sold their property] will receive back the property that they previously owned, and slaves must be (freed/allowed to return to [their property and] their families).
11 Oo sannaddaas kontonaad wuxuu idiin ahaan doonaa wakhti yubilii ah, oo waa inaydaan waxba beeran, ama aydaan goosan wixii beertiinna iskood uga baxa, ama aydaan soo urursan canabka ka baxa geedcanabka oo aan la hagaajin.
That year will be a Year of Celebration; [during that year] do not plant anything, and do not harvest [in the usual way] the grain/wheat that grows without having been planted, or the grapes that grow without the vines being pruned.
12 Waayo, sannaddaasu waa wakhti yubilii ah, oo waa inay idiin ahaataa mid quduus ah; oo waxaad cuni doontaan midhaha berrinka iskood uga baxa.
It will be a Year of Celebration, so eat [only] what grows in the fields (by itself/without any work being done to produce anything).
13 Oo sannaddaas yubilii ah midkiin kastaa waa inuu ku noqdaa hantidiisii.
‘In that Year of Celebration, everyone must return to their own property.
14 Oo haddaad deriskaaga wax ka iibisid, ama haddaad gacanta deriskaaga wax ka iibsatid, waa inaan midkiinna midka kale dulmin.
‘If you sell some of your land to a fellow Israeli or if you buy some land from one of them, you must treat that person fairly:
15 Oo sannadaha wakhtiga yubilii ah ka dambeeya siday tiradoodu tahay waa inaad deriskaaga wax uga iibsataa, oo isna wax ha kaaga iibiyo siday tahay sannadaha wax la goosto.
If you buy land, the price that you will pay will depend on the number of years there will be until the next Year of Celebration. If someone sells land to you, he will charge a price that is determined by the number of years until the next Year of Celebration.
16 Oo waa inaad qiimaha u kordhisaa sida sannaduhu u badan yihiin, oo waa inaad qiimaha u dhintaa sida sannaduhu u yar yihiin, waayo, isagu wuxuu wax kaaga iibin doonaa sida ay tahay tirada sannadaha wax la goosanayo.
If there will be many years before the next Year of Celebration, the price will be higher; if there will be only a few years until the next Year of Celebration, the price will be lower. [You could say that] what he is really selling you is the number of crops [which you can harvest before the next Year of Celebration].
17 Waa inaan midkiinna midka kale dulmin; laakiinse waxaad ka cabsataan Ilaahiinna, waayo, aniga ayaa ah Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah.
Do not cheat each other; instead, revere me. I, Yahweh your God, [am the one who am commanding this].
18 Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed waa inaad qaynuunnadayda yeeshaan, oo aad xukummadaydana dhawrtaan oo yeeshaan, oo markaasaad dalka ammaan ku degganaan doontaan.
‘Obey all my laws [DOU] carefully. If you do that, you will continue to live safely in your country [DOU].
19 Oo dhulkuna wuxuu dhali doonaa midhihiisa, oo waxaad cuni doontaan wax aad ka dheregtaan, oo dalkana ammaan baad ku degganaan doontaan.
And crops will grow well on the land, and you will have plenty to eat.
20 Oo haddaad istidhaahdaan, Bal maxaynu sannadda toddobaad cuni doonnaa? Waayo, waxba ma aynu beeran doonno, oo soomana urursan doonno midhaheenna,
But you may ask, “If we do not plant or harvest our crops during the seventh year, what will we have to eat?”
21 markaas anigu sannadda lixaad ayaan barakadayda idiin amri doonaa, oo waxaa dhulka idiinka soo bixi doona midho saddex sannadood ku filan.
[My answer is that] I will bless you very much during the sixth/previous year, with the result that during that year there will be enough crops to provide food for you for three years!
22 Oo sannadda siddeedaadna wax baad beeran doontaan, oo waxaad cuni doontaan midhihii hore, oo tan iyo ilaa aad midhaha sannadda sagaalaad soo xeraysataan waxaad iska cuni doontaan midhihii hore.
Then, after you plant seed during the eighth/next year [and wait for the crops to grow], you will eat the food grown in the sixth year, and continue to eat it until more food is harvested in the ninth year!
23 Oo dalkana waa inaydaan hanti weligeed ah u iibin, waayo, dalka anigaa iska leh, oo idinna waxaad tihiin shisheeyayaal iyo socoto ila jooga.
‘You must not sell any of your land to belong to someone else permanently, because the land [is not yours, it]; is really mine, and you are only living on it temporarily and (farming/taking care of) it for me.
24 Oo dalka aad hantida u leedihiin oo dhan waxaad dhulka uga oggolaataan furasho.
Throughout the country that you will possess, you must remember that if someone sells some of his land to you, he is permitted to buy it back from you [if he wants to].
25 Oo haddii walaalkaa miskiin noqdo oo uu hantidiisa qaar iibiyo, markaas xigaalkiisa ugu dhow ha yimaado, oo ha u furto wixii walaalkiis iibiyey.
‘So, if one of your fellow Israelis becomes poor and sells some of his property [to obtain some money], the person who is most closely related to him is permitted to come and buy that land for him.
26 Oo nin hadduusan lahayn qof isaga u furta, laakiinse uu mar dambe helo wax ku filan inuu dhulkiisii ku soo furto,
However, if a man has no one to buy the land for him, and he himself prospers again and saves enough money to buy that land back,
27 markaas ha tiriyo sannadaha la iibiyey, oo waxa dheeraadka ah ha u celiyo ninkii uu ka iibiyey; oo hantidiisii ha ku noqdo.
he must calculate how many years there will be until the next Year of Celebration. Then he must pay to the man who bought the land the money that he would have earned by continuing to grow crops on that land for those years.
28 Laakiinse hadduusan soo ceshan karin, markaas wixii uu iibiyey waxay ku sii jiri doonaan kii ka iibsaday gacantiisa tan iyo sannadda yubilii ah, oo sannadda yubiliiga ah ayaa waxaasu gacantiisa ka bixi doonaan, oo isna markaasuu hantidiisii ku noqon doonaa.
But if the original owner does not have any money to buy the land that he sold, it will continue to belong to the man who bought it, until the next Year of Celebration. In that year it must be returned to its original owner, and he will be able to live on it again.
29 Oo qof hadduu iibiyo guri lagu hoydo oo magaalo deyr leh ku yaal, markaas intii sannad dhan ah wuu soo furan karaa gurigiisii uu iibiyey, waayo, sannad dhan ah wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu soo furto.
‘If someone who lives in a city that has a wall around it sells a house there, during the next year he will be permitted to buy it from the man who bought it.
30 Oo haddaan la soo furan intii sannad dhan ah, markaas gurigii magaalada deyran ku yiil waa inuu weligii hanti u ahaadaa qofkii iibsaday, oo tan iyo ab ka ab isagaa iska leh, oo sannadda yubilii ahna gacantiisa ka bixi maayo.
If he does not buy it during that year, it will belong permanently to the man who bought it and to his descendants. It must not be returned to the original owner in the Year of Celebration.
31 Laakiinse guryaha ku dhex yaal tuulooyinka aan lahayn deyr ku wareegsan ha lagu tiriyo beeraha duurka ku yaal, oo iyaga waa la soo furan karaa, oo sannadda yubilii ahna gacanta kii iibsaday way ka bixi doonaan.
But houses that are in villages that do not have walls around them are considered to be as though they are in a field. So if someone sells one of those houses, he is permitted to buy it back at any time. And [if he does not buy it], it must be returned to him in the Year of Celebration.
32 Habase yeeshee magaalooyinka reer Laawi saas ma aha, oo reer Laawi mar kasta way soo furan karaan guryaha ku dhex yaal magaalooyinka ay iyagu hantida u leeyihiin.
‘If any descendants of Levi sell their houses in the towns in which they live, they are permitted to buy them back at any time.
33 Oo mid reer Laawi ahu hadduu soo furto, markaas gurigii la iibiyey iyo magaaladii hantidiisa ahaydba waxay bixi doonaan wakhtiga yubilii ah, waayo, guryaha ku dhex yaal magaalooyinka reer Laawi waa hantidooda oo ku dhex jirta reer binu Israa'iil.
And because the houses in their towns are on land that [was given to them by] other Israelis, that land will become theirs again in the Year of Celebration [if they do not buy it back before then].
34 Laakiinse waa inaan la iibin beertii ku taal agagaarka magaalooyinkooda, waayo, taasu waa hantidooda weligeed ah.
But the pastureland near their towns must not be sold. It must belong to the original owners permanently/forever.
35 Oo haddii walaalkaa miskiin noqdo, oo intuu ku ag joogo masruufkiisa waayo, adigu waa inaad taageertaa, oo isagu waa inuu kuula degganaado sidii shisheeye iyo nin socoto ah.
‘If one of your fellow Israelis becomes poor and is unable to buy what he needs [IDM], others of you must help him like you would help a foreigner who is living among you [DOU] temporarily.
36 Oo waa inaadan isaga ka qaadan korsocod ama wax dheeraad ah toona, laakiinse Ilaahaaga ka cabso, oo walaalkaa ha kula degganaado.
[If you lend money to him], do not charge any kind of interest [DOU]. Instead, [show by what you do that you] revere me, your God, and help that man, in order that he will be able to continue to live among you.
37 Oo waa inaadan lacagtaada korsocod ku deymin, ama aadan quudkaaga u siin si aad wax dheeraad ah kaga qaadatid.
If you lend him money, do not charge interest; and if you sell food to him, [charge him only what you paid for it]; do not get a profit from it.
38 Aniga ayaa ah Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah oo dalkii Masar idiinka soo bixiyey inaan idin siiyo dalka Kancaan oo aan Ilaah idiin noqdo aawadeed.
[Do not forget that] I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of Egypt to be your God and to give you the land of Canaan, [and I did not charge you for doing that].
39 Oo haddii walaalkaa miskiin noqdo isagoo kula jooga oo uu iska kaa iibiyo, waa inaadan isaga ka dhigin inuu kuugu adeego sidii addoon oo kale,
‘If one of your fellow Israelis becomes poor and sells himself to you, do not force him to work like a slave.
40 laakiinse waa inuu kuula joogaa sidii midiidin la kiraysto iyo sidii mid socoto ah, oo waa inuu kuu adeegaa tan iyo sannadda yubilii ah,
Treat him like you treat workers that you hire or like someone who is living on your land temporarily. But he must work for you [only] until the Year of Celebration.
41 oo dabadeedna ha kaa tago, isaga iyo carruurtiisaba, oo ha ku noqdo reerkiisii iyo hantidii awowayaashiis.
During that year, you must free him, and he will go back to his family and to the property that his ancestors owned.
42 Waayo, iyagu waa addoommadaydii aan dalkii Masar ka soo bixiyey, oo waa inaan loo iibin sidii addoommo.
[It is as though] you Israelis are my slaves/servants, whom I [freed from being slaves] in Egypt. So none of you should be sold to become slaves.
43 Waa inaadan cadaadis ugu talin, laakiinse Ilaahaaga ka cabso.
And do not treat the Israelis whom you buy cruelly; instead, revere me, your God.
44 Oo ragga iyo dumarka addoommada ah oo aad lahaanaysaan waxaad ka iibsan doontaan quruumaha hareerahiinna ku wareegsan. Iyaga waa inaad ka iibsataan rag iyo dumar addoommo ah.
‘If you want to have slaves, you are permitted to buy them from nearby countries.
45 Oo weliba waxaad ka iibsataan shisheeyayaasha idin dhex deggan iyo reerahooda idinla joogaba, kuwaasoo ay dalkiinna ku dhaleen, oo waxay ahaan doonaan hantidiin.
You are also permitted to buy some of the foreigners who are living among you, and members of their clans that were born in your country. Then you will own them.
46 Oo iyaga waa inaad dhaxal uga dhigtaan carruurtiinna idinka dambaysa, si ay iyana hanti ahaan ugu haystaan; oo iyagu waa kuwa aad weligiin addoommo ka dhiganaysaan, laakiinse walaalihiinna reer binu Israa'iil waa inaan midkiinna midka kale cadaadis ugu talin.
They will be your slaves for the remaining years of your life, and after you die, it is permitted for your children to own them. But you must not act in brutal ways toward your fellow Israelis.
47 Oo haddii shisheeye ama socoto kula joogo uu taajir noqdo, oo walaalkaana uu agtiisa miskiin ku noqdo oo uu markaas iska iibiyo shisheeyaha ama socotada kula jooga amase shisheeyaha qoladiisii,
‘If a foreigner who is living among you [DOU] becomes rich, and if one of your fellow Israelis becomes poor and sells himself to that foreigner or to a member of his clan/family,
48 markii la iibiyo dabadeed waa la soo furan karaa. Walaalihiis mid ka mid ahu waa soo furan karaa,
it is permitted for someone to pay for him to be freed. It is permitted for one of his relatives to pay for him to be released:
49 ama adeerkiis ama ina-adeerkiis way soo furan karaan, amase midkii xigaal u dhow ah oo qoladiisa ahu waa soo furan karaa, amase isaga qudhiisu hadduu taajir noqdo waa isfuran karaa.
An uncle or a cousin or another relative in his clan may pay for him to be released. Or, if he prospers [and gets enough money], he is permitted to pay for his own release.
50 Isaga iyo kan isaga iibsaday waa inay tiriyaan sannadihii u dhexeeyey sannaddii uu iibsaday iyo sannadda yubilii ah, oo qiimihii iibka waa inuu ahaadaa si waafaqsan tiradii sannadaha, oo wakhtiguu la joogay waa inuu ahaadaa sida wakhtiga shaqaale la kiraysto.
The man who wants to pay for his own release must count the number of years until the next Year of Celebration. The price he pays to the man who bought him will depend on the pay that would be given to a hired worker for that number of years.
51 Oo haddii sannado badanu ay weli dhiman yihiin, inta ay yihiin oo kale iyaga ha uga celiyo qiimihii furashadiisa oo ha uga bixiyo lacagtii lagu iibsaday.
If there are a lot of years that remain until the Year of Celebration, he must pay for his release a larger amount of the money.
52 Laakiinse haddii sannado yaru ay ka dhiman yihiin sannadda yubilii ah, markaas waa inuu isaga la xisaabtamo, oo inta sannadihiisu ay yihiin oo kale waa inuu ka celiyaa qiimihii furashadiisa.
If there are only a few years that remain until the Year of Celebration, he must pay a smaller amount to be released.
53 Oo waa inuu isaga ula joogaa sida shaqaale la kiraysto sannad ka sannad, oo isagu waa inuusan cadaadis hortaada ugaga talin.
During the years that he is working for the man who bought him, the man who bought him must treat him like he would treat a hired worker, and all of you must make sure that his owner does not treat him cruelly.
54 Oo isaga haddaan sidan lagu soo furan, markaasuu sannadda yubilii ah bixi doonaa, isaga iyo carruurtiisaba.
‘And even if a fellow Israeli who has sold himself to a rich man is not able to pay for himself to be freed by any of these ways, he and his children must be freed in the Year of Celebration,
55 Waayo, reer binu Israa'iil anigay addoommo ii yihiin, oo iyagu waa addoommadaydii aan ka soo bixiyey dalkii Masar. Aniga ayaa ah Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah.
because [it is as though] you Israelis are my slaves/servants, whom I, Yahweh your God, freed from [being slaves in] Egypt.’”

< Laawiyiintii 25 >