< Yashuuca 2 >

1 Markaasaa Yashuuca ina Nuun wuxuu Shitiim si qarsoon uga diray laba nin oo basaasyo ah, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Bal taga oo soo ilaaleeya dalka iyo magaalada Yerixoo. Markaasay tageen, oo waxay galeen guri naag dhillo ah oo magaceeda la odhan jiray Raxab, oo halkaasay jiifsadeen.
Then Joshua [chose] two men from [their camp at] Acacia. He told them, “Go [across the Jordan River] and secretly find out all that you can about the land on that side of the river, especially about Jericho [city].” So the two men crossed [the river and entered Jericho]. They entered the house of a prostitute, whose name was Rahab. They stayed in her house [that night].
2 Oo markaasaa boqorkii Yerixoo loo sheegay oo lagu yidhi, Niman reer binu Israa'iil ah ayaa caawa magaalada yimid si ay dalka u ilaaleeyaan.
But someone [saw them and] told the king of Jericho, “Some Israeli men have come here tonight to spy out the land!”
3 Markaasaa boqorkii Yerixoo cid u diray Raxab, oo ku yidhi, Soo bixi nimankii kuu yimid oo gurigaaga galay, waayo, waxay u yimaadeen si ay dalka oo dhan u ilaaleeyaan.
So the king sent some messengers to tell Rahab, “Bring out the men who came and entered your house, [so that we can kill them], because they have come [here] to (spy out/find out all they can about) this land!”
4 Laakiin naagtii mar horay kaxaysay labadii nin, wayna qarisay; oo waxay tidhi, Haah, nimankii waa ii yimaadeen, laakiinse ma aan garanaynin meel ay ka yimaadeen,
She told them that the two men had gone to her house. But she had hidden the two men there. So when the messengers came to her house, she told them, “Two men came here, but I did not know where they had come from.
5 oo markii iridda la xidhi lahaa oo ay gudcur noqotay ayay nimankii baxeen. Meeshii nimankii tageenna anigu garan maayo; haddaba dhaqso u raacdeeya, waayo, waad gaadhi karaysaan.
At dusk, just before (guards closed the city gate/the city gates were closed), the two men left. I do not know where they went. So, go quickly and search for them! Perhaps you may catch them!”
6 Laakiinse waxay iyagii keentay saqafkii dushiisa, oo waxay ku qarisay caws linen la yidhaahdo oo ay qummaati ugu dhigtay saqafka dushiisa.
But [she was lying, ] she had taken the two men up to the [flat] roof of her house and had hidden them under the piles of flax that she had laid on the roof.
7 Nimankiina markaasay u raacdaysteen xagga Webi Urdun ilaa meeshii laga gudbi jiray; oo isla markii kuwii iyaga raacdaynayay baxeen ayaa iriddii la xidhay.
The messengers went out of the city to search for the two men. Immediately, the guards shut the city gate. The messengers went along the road that leads down to the place where people can walk across the Jordan [River], [but they did not find the two men].
8 Oo intaanay seexan ka hor ayaa naagtii saqafkii ugu timid iyagii,
Before the two men lay down [to sleep] that night, Rahab went up to the roof
9 oo waxay nimankii ku tidhi, Anigu waan ogahay in Rabbigu dalka idin siiyey, oo cabsidiinnii baa nagu dhacday, iyo in kuwa dalka deggan oo dhammu ay hortiinna ku dhalaaleen.
and said to them, “We know that Yahweh [is about to] give this land to you Israelis, and as a result all the people living in this land are terrified because of you.
10 Waayo, waxaannu maqalnay sidii Rabbigu hortiinna uga engejiyey biyihii Badda Cas, markii aad Masar ka soo baxdeen, iyo wixii aad ku samayseen labadii boqor oo Siixon iyo Coog oo ahaa reer Amor, ee joogay Webi Urdun shishadiisa, oo aad wada baabbi'iseen.
We have heard about how Yahweh dried up the water of the Red Sea for you to cross it when you left Egypt. And we have heard how you killed Sihon and Og, the two kings of the tribe of Amor who lived east of the Jordan [River]. You [Israelis] totally destroyed everyone [and everything in their kingdom].
11 Oo isla markii aannu maqalnay ayaannu dhalaalnay, oo idinka daraaddiin ninna xoog kuma hadhin; maxaa yeelay, Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ahu waa Ilaaha samada sare iyo dhulka hooseba jooga.
When we heard about those things, we were very dismayed. We no longer have enough courage to fight against you, because we know that Yahweh, the God whom you [worship], is helping you. [And we know that] he rules everything in heaven and here on earth.
12 Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed waan idin baryayaaye, Rabbiga iigu dhaarta inaad reerka aabbahay ugu roonaanaysaan sidaan idiinku roonaaday oo kale, oo i siiya calaamo run ah;
So now [I want you to] solemnly promise me, and ask Yahweh to punish you if you do not do what you promise. Solemnly promise me that you will act kindly to me and my family, because I have acted kindly to you.
13 iyo inaad badbaadinaysaan aabbahay, iyo hooyaday, iyo walaalahay, iyo waxay haystaan oo dhan, iyo inaad naftayada dhimasho ka samatabbixinaysaan.
Do something to prove that you will (spare the lives of/not kill) my father and my mother, my brothers and sisters, and all of their families. Promise me that you [Israelis] will not kill us [when you destroy this city].”
14 Markaasaa nimankii waxay naagtii ku yidhaahdeen, Naftayadu waxay u bixi doontaa tiinna, haddaydnan sheegin xaalkayaga, oo markii Rabbigu dalka na siiyo roonaan iyo daacadnimo ayaannu kugula macaamiloon doonnaa.
The two men replied, “We desire that God will cause us to die if we do not do as we say! If you do not tell others what we [are planning to] do, we will act kindly toward you all when Yahweh enables us to possess the land.”
15 Kolkaasay xadhig daaqadda kaga dhex dejisay, waayo, gurigeedu wuxuu ku yiil magaalada derbigeeda, oo waxay degganayd derbiga dushiisa.
[One of] the outside walls of the house where Rahab lived was part of the wall [that was around] the city. So she fastened a rope outside the window [that was in that wall], by which the men could climb down the wall.
16 Oo waxay iyagii ku tidhi, Buurta xaggeeda taga, yaan raacdadu idin heline, oo intii saddex maalmood ah halkaas ku dhuunta, ilaa ay raacdadu ka soo noqonayso; dabadeedna jidkiinna iska mara.
Then she said to them, “When you leave the city, go up into the hills so that the men who are searching for you will not find you. Hide in caves in the hills for three days, until the men who are searching for you return to the city. Then you can return safely to your camp.”
17 Kolkaasaa nimankii waxay iyadii ku yidhaahdeen, Bal ogow, annagu eed kuma yeelan doonno dhaartaadan aad nagu dhaarisay.
The two men [gave her a red cord, and] said to her, “This is what you must do; if you do not do this, we will not be required to do what we have vowed to do.
18 Markii aannu dalka nimaadno, xadhiggan dunta guduudan ah waa inaad ku xidhaa daaqaddii aad naga dejisay. Oo waa inaad guriga gudihiisa ku soo urursataa aabbahaa, iyo hooyadaa, iyo walaalahaa, iyo reerka aabbahaa oo dhan.
You must tie this red cord in the window that has the rope by which we will climb down. You must let the cord hang there. And you must bring your father and your mother and your brothers and all the others in your family inside the house. Then, when our army enters your land, we will see the cord, and we will not kill the people in your house.
19 Oo waxay ahaan doontaa, in ku alla kii ka baxa albaabbada gurigaaga oo jidka maraba, uu dhiiggiisu ahaan doono dushiisa, oo annana aannan eed ku yeelanaynin, iyo in ku alla kii guriga kugula jira haddii far la saaro, uu dhiiggiisu dushayada ahaan doono.
If anyone in your family goes outside this house into the street, [our soldiers] will kill them, and we will not be guilty [MTY] for doing that. But if anyone who is in this house with you is injured, we will be guilty for causing that.
20 Laakiinse haddaad xaalkayaga sheegto, de markaas eed kuma yeelan doonno dhaartaadii aad nagu dhaarisay.
But if you tell anyone what we [are planning to] do, we are not required to do what we have vowed to do.”
21 Kolkaasay waxay ku tidhi, Sidaad tidhaahdeen ha ahaato. Kolkaasay iska dirtay, oo iyana way ka tageen; markaasay xadhiggii guduudnaa daaqaddii ku xidhay.
Rahab said, “I agree to do what you say.” So they climbed down the rope and left. And she left the red cord tied in the window.
22 Kolkaasay tageen, oo waxay yimaadeen buurtii, oo halkaasay saddex maalmood joogeen, ilaa ay raacdadii ka soo noqotay; oo raacdadiina jidka oo dhan bay ka doondooneen, laakiinse ma ay helin.
When the two men left the city, they went up into the hills. They stayed there for three days, while the men [who had been sent by the king] continued to search for them. They searched all along the road, but they did not find the two men. So they returned to the city.
23 Markaasaa labadii nin noqdeen; buurtii bay ka degeen, oo intay webigii gudbeen ayay u yimaadeen Yashuuca ina Nuun; kolkaasay u sheegeen wixii ku dhacay oo dhan.
Then the two men started back toward their camp. They went down from the hills, went down to the river, crossed it at the place where people can walk across it, and returned to their camp. They told Joshua everything that had happened to them.
24 Oo waxay Yashuuca ku yidhaahdeen, Sida runta Rabbigu dalka oo dhan gacmaheennuu geliyey, oo weliba, kuwa dalka deggan oo dhammu horteenay ku dhalaalayaan kulligood.
They said to Joshua, “We are sure that Yahweh is going to enable us to possess everything that is in that land. The people there are terrified [IDM] because of us.”

< Yashuuca 2 >