< Yashuuca 18 >

1 Oo shirkii reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammu Shiiloh bay dhammaantood isugu soo urureen, oo waxay halkaas ka dhiseen teendhadii shirka; oo dadkii waddankana waa laga adkaaday.
The Israeli people captured all the land [that they were able to], but there were still seven tribes that had not been allotted any land. The Israeli people all gathered at Shiloh, and they set up the Sacred Tent there.
2 Oo reer binu Israa'iil dhexdooda waxaa ku hadhay toddoba qabiil oo aan weli helin qaybtii ay dhaxalka u lahaayeen.
3 Markaasaa Yashuuca wuxuu reer binu Israa'iil ku yidhi, Dalkii uu Rabbiga ah Ilaaha awowayaashiin idin siiyey ilaa goormaad ka raagaysaan inaad gashaan si aad dalka u hantidaan?
Joshua said to them, “Why are you waiting a long time to take control of [the rest of] the land that Yahweh, the God whom your ancestors [worshiped], has promised to give to you [RHQ]?
4 Haddaba qabiil walba saddex nin kala soo baxa; oo anigu iyaga waan diri doonaa, markaas waa inay kacaan, oo dalka dhex maraan, oo soo kala tilmaamaan siday u kala dhaxlayaan, oo markaas waa inay ii yimaadaan.
Choose three men from each of your seven tribes. Then I will send them to explore [the parts of] the land [which you have not occupied yet. When they finish exploring it], they must write a report, in which they will (make a map/show the boundaries) of the land that each tribe wants to receive.
5 Oo waa inay dalka u kala qaybiyaan toddoba meelood. Reer Yahuudah waa inay degganaadaan soohdintooda ah xagga koonfureed, oo reer Yuusufna waa inay degganaadaan soohdintooda ah xagga woqooyi.
They will divide the remaining land into seven parts. The tribe of Judah will keep its land in the south, and the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh will keep their land in the north.
6 Oo waa inaad dalka u soo kala tilmaantaan toddoba meelood, oo aad tilmaanta ii keentaan, oo markaasaan halkan idiinku saami ridi doonaa Rabbiga Ilaaheenna ah hortiisa.
But in their report, the men from the seven tribes should describe the seven parts of the remaining land [that they wish to receive], and bring the report to me. While Yahweh is watching, I will (cast lots/throw marked stones) [to decide which land should be allotted to each tribe].
7 Maxaa yeelay, reer Laawi dhexdiinna qayb dhaxal ah kuma laha; waayo wadaadnimada Rabbiga ayaa dhaxal u ah. Oo reer Gaad iyo reer Ruubeen iyo qabiilkii reer Manaseh badhkood waxay dhaxal u qaateen meel Webi Urdun ka shishaysa oo xagga bari ka xigta, oo Muuse oo addoonkii Rabbiga ahaa uu iyaga siiyey.
But the tribe of Levi will not be allotted any land, because their [reward is that they will be] Yahweh’s priests. The tribes of Gad, Reuben, and half the tribe of Manasseh have already been allotted their land on the east side of the Jordan [River], just as Moses, the man who served God [well], decided, [so they will not get any more land].”
8 Markaasaa raggii kaceen oo tageen; oo kuwii tegey inay dalka soo tilmaamaan Yashuuca ayaa ku amray, oo ku yidhi, Taga oo dalka dhex mara, oo soo tilmaama, oo haddana aniga ii kaalaya, oo markaasaan halkan Shiiloh ah idiinku saami ridi doonaa Rabbiga hortiisa.
When the men who were chosen [got ready to] leave, Joshua told them, “Go and explore the land. Then write a report of what you have seen, and bring it back to me. Then while Yahweh is watching, I will (cast lots/throw marked stones) here at Shiloh, [to determine what area each tribe will receive].”
9 Markaasay raggii tageen oo dalkii soo dhex mareen, oo waxay soo kala tilmaameen magaalooyinkii oo toddoba meelood u kala qaybsan, oo waxayna ku soo qoreen buug, oo markaasay u yimaadeen Yashuuca oo joogay xerada Shiiloh ku taal.
So the men left and walked through the area. Then they described in a scroll each town that was in the seven parts [into which they had divided] the land. Then they returned to Joshua, who was still at Shiloh.
10 Markaasaa Yashuuca Shiiloh ugu saami riday iyagii Rabbiga hortiisa; oo halkaasaa Yashuuca reer binu Israa'iil ugu qaybshay dalkii sidii ay u kala qaybsanaayeen.
[After Joshua read their report], while Yahweh was watching, he (cast lots/threw marked stones) to choose which land would be allotted to each of the seven Israeli tribes.
11 Oo qabiilkii reer Benyaamiin saamigoodii ay u heleen sidii ay reerahoodii kala ahaayeen ayaa u soo hor baxay; oo soohdintoodii ay saamiga u heleen waxay kala dhex mari jirtay reer Yahuudah iyo reer Yuusuf.
The first tribe that was allotted land was the tribe of Benjamin. Each clan in that tribe was allotted some of the land that was between the area that was allotted to the tribe of Judah and the area that was allotted to the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.
12 Oo soohdintoodu xagga waaxda woqooyi waxay ka bilaabatay Webi Urdun; oo soohdintu waxay u baxday Yerixoo dhinaceeda woqooyi, oo waxay dhex martay dalka buuraha leh xaggiisa galbeed; oo dhammaadkeedii wuxuu u baxay cidladii Beytaawen.
The northern border started at the Jordan [River] and extended west along the northern side of Jericho, into the hilly area. From there the border extended west to the desert near Beth-Aven [town].
13 Oo soohdintu waxay halkaas uga gudubtay Luus (taasoo ah Beytel), iyo ilaa dhinaceeda koonfureed, oo soohdintu waxay ku dhaadhacday Cataarood Addaar, taasoo u dhow buurta ku taal Beytxooroonta hoose xaggeeda koonfureed.
From there it extended southwest to Luz (which is [now named] Bethel). From there it extended southwest to Ataroth-Addar [town], which is on the hill south of Lower Beth-Horon [city].
14 Oo soohdintu waxay u baxday oo ka laabatay waaxda galbeed xaggeeda koonfureed, iyo xagga buurta ku hor taal Beytxooroon xaggeeda koonfureed; oo soohdinta dhammaadkeedu wuxuu u baxay Qiryad Bacal taasoo ah Qiryad Yecaariim ee ahayd magaalo ay reer Yahuudah leeyihiin, intaasu waxay ahayd waaxdii galbeed.
At the hill south of Beth-Horon, the border turned and extended south to Kiriath-Baal [town], which is [also named] Kiriath-Jearim. That is a town where people of the tribe of Judah live. That was the western border of the land allotted to the tribe of Benjamin.
15 Oo waaxdii koonfureedna waxay ka bilaabatay meesha ugu fog Qiryad Yecaariim, oo soohdintu waxay martay xagga galbeed, oo waxay u baxday ishii biyaha ahayd oo Neftoo'ax;
The southern border of their land started near Kiriath-Jearim and extended west to Nephtoah Springs.
16 oo soohdintu waxay ku dhaadhacday meesha ugu fog buurta ku hor taal dooxadii ina Xinnom, taasoo ku taal xagga woqooyi oo dooxada reer Rafaa, oo waxay ku dhaadhacday ilaa dooxadii Xinnom, iyo ilaa dhinaca reer Yebuus xaggooda koonfureed, oo waxay kaloo sii martay Ceyn Rogeel,
From there it extended south to the bottom of the hill, near Ben-Hinnom Valley, on the north side of Repha Valley. The border extended south along the Hinnom Valley, south of the city where the Jebus people-group lived, to En-Rogel.
17 oo waxay u leexatay xagga woqooyi, oo waxay martay Ceyn Shemesh agteeda; oo waxay u baxday Geliilood, taasoo ka soo hor jeedda jiirta Adummiim; oo haddana waxay u baxday dhagaxii Bohan ina Ruubeen;
From there the border extended west to En-Shemesh, and continued to Geliloth near Adummim Pass. Then it extended to the great stone of Reuben’s son Bohan.
18 oo waxay sii martay dhinaca ka soo hor jeeda Caraabaah xaggeeda woqooyi, oo waxay ku dhaadhacday Caraabaah;
From there the border extended to the northern edge of Beth-Arabah [town] and down into the Jordan [River] Valley.
19 oo soohdintu waxay sii martay Beytxoglaah dhinaceeda woqooyi; oo soohdinta dhammaadkeedu wuxuu ahaa xagga gacanka woqooyi oo Badda Cusbada leh, ee ku yaal Webi Urdun dhammaadkiisa koonfureed meesha uu ku dhammaado; intaasu waa soohdintii koonfureed.
From there it extended east to the northern edge of Beth-Hoglah [town] and ended at the north end of the Dead Sea, where the Jordan [River flows into the Dead Sea]. That was the southern boundary [of the land allotted to the tribe of Benjamin].
20 Waaxda bari soohdinteeduna waxay ahayd Webi Urdun. Intaasu waxay ahayd dhaxalkii reer Benyaamiin iyo soohdimihii ku wareegsanaa, ee ay u heleen sidii reerahoodu ahaayeen.
The Jordan [River] was the eastern boundary of the land allotted to the tribe of Benjamin. Those were the boundaries of the land allotted to them.
21 Haddaba magaalooyinkii reer Benyaamiin siday reerahoodu ahaayeen waxay ahaayeen Yerixoo, iyo Beytxoglaah, iyo Dooxadii Qesiis,
The cities in the land allotted to the tribe of Benjamin were Jericho, Beth-Hoglah, Emek-Keziz,
22 iyo Beytcaraabaah, iyo Semaarayim, iyo Beytel,
Beth-Arabah, Zemaraim, Bethel,
23 iyo Cawiim, iyo Faaraah, iyo Cofraah,
Avvim, Parah, Ophrah,
24 iyo Kefar reer Cammoon, iyo Cofnii, iyo Gebac, oo intaasu waa laba iyo toban magaalo iyo tuulooyinkoodii,
Kephar-Ammoni, Ophni, and Geba. Altogether there were fourteen towns and the surrounding villages.
25 iyo Gibecoon, iyo Raamaah, iyo Bi'irod,
The tribe of Benjamin also had the towns of Gibeon, Ramah, Beeroth,
26 iyo Misfaah, iyo Kefiiraah, iyo Mosaah,
Mizpah, Kephirah, Mozah,
27 iyo Reqem, iyo Yirfe'eel, iyo Taralaah,
Rekem, Irpeel, Taralah,
28 iyo Seelac, iyo Elef, iyo Yebuus (taasoo ah Yeruusaalem), iyo Gibecaad, iyo Qiryad, oo intaasu waa afar iyo toban magaalo iyo tuulooyinkoodii. Intaasu waa dhaxalkii reer Benyaamiin siday reerahoodii ahaayeen.
Zelah, Haeleph, the city where the Jebus people-group lived (which is [now named] Jerusalem), Gibeah, and Kiriath. Altogether there were 14 towns and the surrounding villages. All that area was allotted to the clans of the tribe of Benjamin.

< Yashuuca 18 >