< Yashuuca 17 >

1 Oo intanuna waxay ahayd qaybtii qabiilka reer Manaseh, waayo, isagu wuxuu ahaa curadkii Yuusuf. Maakiir oo ahaa curadkii Manaseh oo aabbe u ahaa Gilecaad, wuxuu helay Gilecaad iyo Baashaan, maxaa yeelay, isagu wuxuu ahaa dagaalyahan.
And the lot is for the tribe of Manasseh (for he [is] first-born of Joseph), for Machir first-born of Manasseh, father of Gilead, for he hath been a man of war, and his are Gilead and Bashan.
2 Oo reer Manaseh iyo reerahoodii intii hadhay iyana qayb bay heleen; kuwaas oo ahaa reer Abiiceser, iyo reer Xeeleq, iyo reer Asrii'eel, iyo reer Shekem, iyo reer Heefer, iyo reer Shemiidaac; intaasu waxay ahaayeen ilmihii labka ahaa ee Manaseh ina Yuusuf sidii reerahoodii ahaayeen.
And there is for the sons of Manasseh who are left, for their families; for the sons of Abiezer, and for the sons of Helek, and for the sons of Asriel, and for the sons of Shechem, and for the sons of Hepher, and for the sons of Shemida; these [are] the children of Manasseh son of Joseph — the males — by their families.
3 Laakiinse Seloofexaad ina Heefer, ina Gilecaad, ina Maakiir, ina Manaseh wiilal ma uu lahayn gabdho mooyaane, oo magacyadii gabdhihiisu waa kuwan: Maxlaah, Nocaah, Xoglaah, Milkaah, iyo Tirsaah.
As to Zelophehad, son of Hepher, son of Gilead, son of Machir, son of Manasseh, he hath no children except daughters, and these [are] the names of his daughters: Mahlah, and Noah, Hoglah, Milcah, and Tirzah,
4 Oo waxay u dhowaadeen wadaadkii la odhan jiray Elecaasaar, iyo Yashuuca ina Nuun, iyo amiirradii, oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse ku amray inuu walaalahayo dhexdooda dhaxal naga siiyo. Oo sidaas daraaddeed amarkii Rabbiga aawadiis ayuu Yashuuca dhaxal ku siiyey walaalihii aabbahood dhexdooda.
and they draw near before Eleazar the priest, and before Joshua son of Nun, and before the princes, saying, 'Jehovah commanded Moses to give to us an inheritance in the midst of our brethren;' and he giveth to them, at the command of Jehovah, an inheritance in the midst of the brethren of their father.
5 Oo reer Manaseh waxaa ku soo hagaagay toban meelood oo aan ahayn dalkii Gilecaad iyo Baashaan oo Webi Urdun ka shishaysa;
And ten portions fall [to] Manasseh, apart from the land of Gilead and Bashan, which [are] beyond the Jordan;
6 maxaa yeelay, gabdhihii Manaseh waxay dhaxal ka dhex heleen wiilashiisii; oo dalkii Gilecaadna waxaa lahaa wiilashii Manaseh intoodii hadhay.
for the daughters of Manasseh have inherited an inheritance in the midst of his sons, and the land of Gilead hath been to the sons of Manasseh who are left.
7 Oo soohdintii reer Manasehna waxay ahayd ilaa Aasheer iyo tan iyo Mikmetaah, taasoo ku hor taal Shekem, oo soohdintu waxay ka baxday xagga midigta, iyo ilaa dadkii degganaa Ceyn Tafuu'ax.
And the border of Manasseh is from Asher to Michmethah, which [is] on the front of Shechem, and the border hath gone on unto the right, unto the inhabitants of En-Tappuah.
8 Oo dalkii Tafuu'axna waxaa iska lahaa reer Manaseh; laakiinse Tafuu'ax tii ku tiil soohdinta waxaa iska lahaa reer Efrayim.
To Manasseh hath been the land of Tappuah, and Tappuah unto the border of Manasseh is to the sons of Ephraim.
9 Oo soohdintu waxay u baxday durdurkii Qaanaah, oo durdurka xagga koonfureed ka ahaa. Magaalooyinkaas ku dhex yiil magaalooyinkii reer Manaseh waxaa lahaa reer Efrayim. Soohdintii Efrayimna waxay ahayd durdurka xaggiisa woqooyi, oo waxaa soohdintii dhammaadkeedu ahaa badda.
And the border hath come down [to] the brook of Kanah, southward of the brook; these cities of Ephraim [are] in the midst of the cities of Manasseh, and the border of Manasseh [is] on the north of the brook, and its outgoings are at the sea.
10 Dhanka koonfureed waxaa lahaa reer Efrayim, dhanka woqooyina waxaa lahaa reer Manaseh, oo badduna waxay ahayd soohdintiisa, oo waxay gaadheen ilaa reer Aasheer oo woqooyi jira, iyo tan iyo reer Isaakaar oo ku yaal xagga bari.
Southward [is] to Ephraim and northward to Manasseh, and the sea is his border, and in Asher they meet on the north, and in Issachar on the east.
11 Oo reer Manaseh waxay reer Isaakaar iyo reer Aasheer ku dhex lahaayeen Beytshe'aan, iyo magaalooyinkeedii oo dhan, iyo Yiblecaam iyo magaalooyinkeedii, iyo dadkii degganaa Door iyo magaalooyinkeedii, iyo dadkii degganaa Ceyn Door iyo magaalooyinkeedii, iyo dadkii degganaa Tacanaag, iyo magaalooyinkeedii, iyo dadkii degganaa Megiddoo iyo magaalooyinkeedii, iyo xataa saddexdii meelood ee dhaadheerayd.
And Manasseh hath in Issachar and in Asher, Beth-Shean and its towns, and Ibleam and its towns, and the inhabitants of Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of En-Dor and its towns, and the inhabitants of Taanach and its towns, and the inhabitants of Megiddo and its towns, three counties.
12 Laakiin reer Manaseh ma ay eryi karin dadkii degganaa magaalooyinkaas; reer Kancaanse waxay doonayeen inay dalkaas sii degganaadaan.
And the sons of Manasseh have not been able to occupy these cities, and the Canaanite is desirous to dwell in this land,
13 Oo markii reer binu Israa'iil aad u xoogaysteen ayay hawl saareen reer Kancaan, oo ma ay wada eryin.
and it cometh to pass when the sons of Israel have been strong, that they put the Canaanite to tribute, and have not utterly dispossessed him.
14 Oo reerkii Yuusuf Yashuuca bay la hadleen, oo ku yidhaahdeen, Maxaad qayb keliya dhaxal noogu siisay? Maxaa yeelay, annagu waxaannu nahay dad badan, oo Rabbigu waa na barakeeyey ilaa haatan.
And the sons of Joseph speak with Joshua, saying, 'Wherefore hast thou given to me an inheritance — one lot and one portion, and I a numerous people? hitherto hath Jehovah blessed me.'
15 Markaasaa Yashuuca wuxuu iyagii ku yidhi, Haddaad dad badan tihiin, haddaba kaca oo duudda taga, oo waxaad soo goosataan dalka reer Feris iyo kan reer Rafaa; maxaa yeelay, dalka buuraha leh oo reer Efrayim waa idinku cidhiidhi.
And Joshua saith unto them, 'If thou [art] a numerous people, go up for thee to the forest, then thou hast prepared for thee there, in the land of the Perizzite, and of the Rephaim, when mount Ephraim hath been narrow for thee.'
16 Markaasaa reerkii Yuusuf waxay yidhaahdeen, Dalka buuraha lahu naguma filna; oo reer Kancaanka deggan dalka dooxada leh oo dhammu waxay leeyihiin gaadhifardood bir ah, kuwooda deggan Beytshe'aan iyo magaalooyinkeeda, iyo kuwooda deggan dooxadii Yesreceelba.
And the sons of Joseph say, 'The hill is not found to us, and a chariot of iron [is] with every Canaanite who is dwelling in the land of the valley — to him who [is] in Beth-Shean and its towns, and to him who [is] in the valley of Jezreel.'
17 Markaasaa Yashuuca wuxuu la hadlay reer Yuusuf, kuwaasoo ahaa reer Efrayim iyo reer Manaseh, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Idinku waxaad tihiin dad badan, oo waxaad leedihiin xoog badan; haddaba qayb keliya heli maysaan;
And Joshua speaketh unto the house of Joseph, to Ephraim and to Manasseh, saying, 'Thou [art] a numerous people, and hast great power; thou hast not one lot [only],
18 laakiinse dalka buuraha leh idinkaa yeelan doona; waayo, in kastoo uu duud yahay, waad jari doontaan, oo meelaha laga baxona idinkaa yeelan doona, maxaa yeelay, waxaad eryi doontaan reer Kancaan in kastay leeyihiin gaadhifardood bir ah, oo ay xoog badan yihiin.
because the mountain is thine; because it [is] a forest — thou hast prepared it, and its outgoings have been thine; because thou dost dispossess the Canaanite, though it hath chariots of iron — though it [is] strong.'

< Yashuuca 17 >