< Yashuuca 14 >

1 Kuwanu waa dhaxalkii ay reer binu Israa'iil ka qaateen dalkii reer Kancaan, oo wadaadkii Elecaasaar ahaa, iyo Yashuuca ina Nuun, iyo madaxdii qabiilooyinkii reer binu Israa'iil ay u qaybiyeen.
And these [are] they of the children of Israel that received their inheritance in the land of Chanaan, to whom Eleazar the priest, and Joshua the [son] of Naue, and the heads of the families of the tribes of the children of Israel, gave inheritance.
2 Oo sidii Rabbigu ku amray Muuse sagaal qabiil iyo qabiil badhkiis saami bay ku heleen dhaxalkoodii.
They inherited according to their lots, as the Lord commanded by the hand of Joshua to the nine tribes and the half tribe, on the other side of Jordan.
3 Waayo, Muuse wuxuu laba qabiil iyo qabiil badhkiis dhaxal ka siiyey Webi Urdun shishadiisa: laakiinse reer Laawi innaba dhaxal ma uu siin.
But to the Levites he gave no inheritance among them.
4 Maxaa yeelay, reer Yuusuf waxay ahaayeen laba qabiil, oo kala ah reer Manaseh iyo reer Efrayim; oo dhulkii qayb lagama siin reer Laawi magaalooyinkii ay degganaayeen mooyaane, iyo agagaarkoodii ay xoolahoodii iyo alaabtoodii ku hayn jireen.
For the sons of Joseph were two tribes, Manasse and Ephraim; and there was none inheritance in the land given to the Levites, only cities to dwell in, and their suburbs separated for the cattle, and their cattle.
5 Oo sidii Rabbigu Muuse ku amray ayay reer binu Israa'iil yeeleen, oo dalkiina way qaybsadeen.
As the Lord commanded Moses, so did the children of Israel; and they divided the land.
6 Markaasaa reer Yahuudah waxay u soo dhowaadeen Yashuuca oo Gilgaal joogay; oo Kaaleeb ina Yefunneh, oo ahaa reer Qenes, wuxuu isagii ku yidhi, Waad garanaysaa wixii aniga iyo adiga inagu saabsanaa oo Rabbigu u sheegay Muuse oo ahaa nin Ilaah, markaynu Qaadeesh Barneeca joognay.
And the children of Juda came to Joshua in Galgal, and Chaleb the [son] of Jephone the Kenezite said to him, Thou knowest the word that the Lord spoke to Moses the man of God concerning me and thee in Cades Barne.
7 Afartan sannadood baan jiray markii addoonkii Ilaah oo Muuse ahaa iga diray Qaadeesh Barneeca inaan dalka soo basaaso; oo sidii qalbigayga ku jirtay ayaan ugu soo war celiyey.
For I was forty years old when Moses the servant of God sent me out of Cades Barne to spy out the land; and I returned him an answer according to his mind.
8 Habase yeeshee walaalahaygii i raacay ayaa dadka qalbi dhalaaliyey, laakiinse anigu daacad baan u raacay Rabbiga Ilaahayga ah.
My brethren that went up with me turned away the heart of the people, but I applied my self to follow the Lord my God.
9 Oo maalintaas ayuu Muuse dhaartay, oo yidhi, Hubaal dhulkii cagtaadu ku joogsatay wuxuu dhaxal u ahaan doonaa adiga iyo carruurtaada weligiin, maxaa yeelay, daacad baad u raacday Rabbiga Ilaahayga ah.
And Moses sware on that day, saying, The land on which thou art gone up, it shall be thy inheritance and thy children's for ever, because thou hast applied thyself to follow the Lord our God.
10 Oo haddaba bal eeg, Rabbigu waa i soo gaadhsiiyey ilaa haatan, anoo nool, siduu ku hadlay, oo shan iyo afartankan sannadood baa ka dambaysay markii Rabbigu Muuse eraygan kula hadlay, oo waxay ahayd intii ay reer binu Israa'iil cidlada dhex socdeen; oo haatanna maanta waxaan jiraa shan iyo siddeetan sannadood.
And now the Lord has kept me alive as he said: this [is] the forty-fifth year since the Lord spoke that word to Moses; and Israel journeyed in the wilderness; and now, behold, I [am] this day eighty-five years old.
11 Oo weliba maanta iyo maalintii Muuse i diray isku xoog baan ahay; oo intii itaalkaygu waagaas ahaa ayuu haatanna yahay inaan dagaal galo, iyo inaan baxo, soona galo.
I am still strong this day, as when the Lord sent me: just so strong am I now to go out and to come in for war.
12 Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed i sii buurtan Rabbigu maalintaas ka hadlay, waayo, waad maqashay maalintaas in reer Canaaq halkaas joogay, oo ay magaalooyinkoodu waaweynaayeen, deyrarna lahaayeen. Mindhaa Rabbigaa ila jiri doona, waanan eryi doonaa sidii Rabbigu ku hadlay.
And now I ask of thee this mountain, as the Lord said in that day; for thou heardest this word on that day; and now the Enakim are there, cities great and strong: if then the Lord should be with me, I will utterly destroy them, as the Lord said to me.
13 Markaasaa Yashuuca u duceeyey isagii, oo Kaaleeb ina Yefunneh dhaxal u siiyey Xebroon.
And Joshua blessed him, and gave Chebron to Chaleb the son of Jephone the son of Kenez for an inheritance.
14 Sidaas daraaddeed ilaa maantadan la joogo Xebroon waxay dhaxal u noqotay Kaaleeb ina Yefunneh oo ahaa reer Qenes, maxaa yeelay, daacad buu u raacay Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil.
Therefore Chebron became the inheritance of Chaleb the [son] of Jephone the Kenezite until this day, because he followed the commandment of the Lord God of Israel.
15 Oo waagii hore Xebroon magaceeda waxaa la odhan jiray Qiryad Arbac; oo Arbacna wuxuu ahaa ninkii ugu weynaa reer Canaaq. Oo dalkiina dagaal wuu ka xasillay.
And the name of Chebron before was the city Argob, it [is] the metropolis of the Enakim: and the land rested from war.

< Yashuuca 14 >