< Yoonis 2 >

1 Markaasaa Yoonis Rabbigii Ilaahiisa ahaa baryay, isagoo ku dhex jira calooshii kalluunka.
Then prayed Jonah unto the Lord his God out of the belly of the fish.
2 Oo wuxuu yidhi, Dhibaatadayda aawadeed ayaan Rabbiga ugu yeedhay, Isna wuu ii jawaabay. Waxaan ka dhex qayliyey She'ool uurkiisa, Adna codkaygaad maqashay. (Sheol h7585)
And he said, I called from the midst of my distress unto the Lord, and he hath answered me: out of the depth of the grave have I cried, and thou hast heard my voice. (Sheol h7585)
3 Waayo, waxaad igu dhex tuurtay moolka iyo badda uurkeeda. Hareerahaygana waxaa ku wareegsanaa daad, Hirarkaagii iyo mawjadahaagii oo dhammuna way i dul mareen.
For thou hast cast me into the deep, in the heart of the seas; and the stream compasseth me about: all thy billows and thy waves have passed over me.
4 Kolkaasaan idhi, Indhahaaga hortooda waa layga tuuray; Welise waxaan mar kale eegayaa macbudkaaga quduuskaa.
And I thought indeed, I am driven out from before thy eyes: yet I again shall look toward thy holy temple.
5 Biyihii way i hareerayeen xataa naftayda, Moolkiina wuu igu wareegsanaa; Madaxaygana waxaa ku duudduubnaa caws badeed.
The waters surrounded me, to the peril of my life; the deep compassed me about: sea-weeds were bound about my head.
6 Waxaan hoos ugu dhaadhacay buuraha guntooda; Oo weligay waxaa i awday dhulkii iyo gudbayaashiisiiba; Laakiinse, Rabbiyow, Ilaahayow, noloshaydii waxaad ka soo bixisay yamayskii.
To the bottoms of the mountains did I go down; the earth [closed] her bars about me for ever: when thou broughtest up my life from the pit, O Lord my God!
7 Markii naftaydu itaal darnaatay ayaan ku xusuustay, Rabbiyow; Oo baryadaydii adigay kuu timid, oo waxay kuugu soo gashay macbudkaaga quduuskaa.
When my soul fainted within me I remembered the Lord: and my prayer came unto thee, unto thy holy temple.
8 Kuwa waxyaalaha beenta ah oo aan micne lahayn ku fikiraa Waxay ka tagaan naxariistoodii.
They that guard false vanities forsake [the source of] their kindness.
9 Aniguse codka mahadnaqidda ayaan allabari kuugu bixin doonaa; Wixii aan nidrayna waan bixinayaa. Badbaado waxaa leh Rabbiga.
But I will sacrifice unto thee with the voice of thanksgiving; that which I have vowed will I pay; [for] help is with the Lord.
10 Markaasuu Rabbigu kalluunkii amray, kalluunkiina wuxuu Yoonis ku mantagay berriga.
And the Lord commanded the fish, and it vomited out Jonah upon the dry land.

< Yoonis 2 >