< Yooxanaa 21 >

1 Waxyaalahaas dabadeed Ciise ayaa mar kale xertii isugu muujiyey Bad Tiberiyas agteeda. Oo sidatan ayuu isu tusay.
Afterward Jhesus eftsoone schewide hym to hise disciplis, at the see of Tiberias.
2 Waxaa wada joogay Simoon Butros, iyo Toomas ka la yidhaahda Didumos, iyo Nataana'el oo ahaa kii Kaana tii Galili, iyo wiilashii Sebedi, iyo laba kale oo xertiisa ah.
And he schewide him thus. There weren togidere Symount Petre, and Thomas, that is seid Didimus, and Nathanael, that was of the Cane of Galilee, and the sones of Zebedee, and tweyne othere of hise disciplis.
3 Simoon Butros wuxuu iyaga ku yidhi, Waa soo kalluumaysanayaa. Markaasay ku yidhaahdeen, Annana waa ku raacaynaa. Markaasay tageen oo doonnida fuuleen; laakiin habeenkaas waxba ma ay qaban.
Symount Petre seith to hem, Y go to fische. Thei seyn to hym, And we comen with thee. And `thei wenten out, `and wenten in to a boot. And in that niyt thei token no thing.
4 Laakiin markii waagu beryay Ciise wuxuu taagnaa xeebta, xertiisiise ma ay garanaynin inuu Ciise yahay.
But whanne the morewe was comun, Jhesus stood in the brenke; netheles the disciplis knewen not, that it was Jhesus.
5 Markaasaa Ciise haddaba ku yidhi, Carruur yahay, wax la cuno ma haysaan? Waxay ugu jawaabeen, Maya.
Therfor Jhesus seith to hem, Children, whethir ye han ony souping thing? Thei answeriden to hym, Nay. He seide to hem,
6 Markaasuu ku yidhi, Shabagga ku tuura dhinaca midigta ee doonnida, waadna heli doontaane. Haddaba way tuureen, oo ma ayna karin inay soo jiidaan, kalluunka faro badnaantiisa aawadeed.
Putte ye the nett in to the riyt half of the rowing, and ye schulen fynde. And thei puttiden the nett; and thanne thei miyten not drawe it for multitude of fischis.
7 Kii xerta ahaa oo Ciise jeclaa ayaa ku yidhi Butros, Waa Sayidkii. Haddaba markuu Simoon Butros maqlay inuu Sayidka yahay, ayuu dharkiisa guntaday (waayo, wuu qaawanaa), oo wuxuu isku tuuray badda.
Therfor thilke disciple, whom Jhesus louede, seide to Petre, It is the Lord. Symount Petre, whanne he hadde herd that it is the Lord, girte hym with a coote, for he was nakid, and wente in to the see.
8 Laakiin xertii kale waxay ku yimaadeen sixiimadda yar (waayo, kama ay fogayn dhulka, laakiin waxay u jireen qiyaastii laba boqol oo dhudhun), waxayna jiidayeen shabaggii kalluunka.
But the othere disciplis camen bi boot, for thei weren not fer fro the lond, but as a two hundrid cubitis, drawinge the nett of fischis.
9 Haddaba markay dhulkii u soo degeen waxay arkeen dab dhuxul ah iyo kalluun saaran iyo kibis.
And as thei camen doun in to the lond, thei sayn coolis liynge, and a fisch leid on, and breed.
10 Markaasaa Ciise ku yidhi iyagii, Keena qaar kalluunkaad hadda soo qabateen.
Jhesus seith to hem, Bringe ye of the fyschis, whiche ye han takun now.
11 Haddaba Simoon Butros ayaa sixiimaddii fuulay, oo wuxuu xagga dhulka u jiiday shabaggii oo ka buuxa boqol iyo saddex iyo konton kalluun oo waaweyn, oo in kastoo ay faro badnaayeen shabaggii ma dillaacin.
Symount Petre wente vp, and drowy the nett in to the lond, ful of grete fischis, an hundrid fifti and thre; and whanne thei weren so manye, the nett was not brokun.
12 Markaasaa Ciise wuxuu iyaga ku yidhi, Kaalaya oo quraacda. Oo xertii midkoodna kuma uu dhicin inuu yidhaahdo, Kumaad tahay? waayo, waxay garanayeen inuu Sayidka yahay.
Jhesus seith to hem, Come ye, ete ye. And no man of hem that saten at the mete, durste axe hym, Who art thou, witinge that it is the Lord.
13 Kolkaasaa Ciise yimid oo qaaday kibistii oo siiyey iyaga, kalluunkiina sidoo kale.
And Jhesus cam, and took breed, an yaf to hem, and fisch also.
14 Taasu waa markii saddexaad oo Ciise xertii isu muujiyey markii uu kuwa dhintay ka soo sara kacay dabadeed.
Now this thridde tyme Jhesus was schewid to hise disciplis, whanne he hadde risun ayen fro deth.
15 Haddaba markay quraacdeen dabadeed Ciise wuxuu Simoon Butros ku yidhi, Simoon ina Yoonisow, kuwan ma iga jeceshahay? Wuxuu ku yidhi, Haah, Sayidow, waad og tahay inaan ku jeclahay. Markaasuu ku yidhi, Baraarkayga daaji.
And whanne thei hadde etun, Jhesus seith to Simount Petre, Symount of Joon, louest thou me more than these? He seith to him, Yhe, Lord, thou woost that Y loue thee. Jhesus seith to hym, Fede thou my lambren.
16 Haddana wuxuu mar labaad ku yidhi isaga, Simoon ina Yoonisow, ma i jeceshahay? Wuxuu ku yidhi, Haah, Sayidow, waad og tahay inaan ku jeclahay. Markaasuu ku yidhi, Idahayga ilaali.
Eft he seith to hym, Symount of Joon, louest thou me? He seith to him, Yhe, Lord, thou woost that Y loue thee. He seith to him, Fede thou my lambren.
17 Markii saddexaad ayuu ku yidhi, Simoon ina Yoonisow, Ma i jeceshahay? Butros ayaa ka calool xumaaday, waayo, wuxuu markii saddexaad ku yidhi, Ma i jeceshahay? Markaasuu ku yidhi, Sayidow, wax walba waad og tahay, waadna garanaysaa inaan ku jeclahay. Ciise ayaa ku yidhi, Idahayga daaji.
He seith to him the thridde tyme, Simount of Joon, louest thou me? Petre was heuy, for he seith to hym the thridde tyme, Louest thou me, and he seith to him, Lord, thou knowist alle thingis; thou woost that Y loue thee. Jhesus seith to hym, Fede my scheep.
18 Runtii, runtii, waxaan kugu leeyahay, Markaad yarayd adigu waad guntan jirtay, oo waxaad mari jirtay meeshaad doonaysay, laakiin markaad gabowdid, gacmahaad kala bixin doontaa, oo mid kalaa kuu guntin doona, oo wuxuu kuu qaadi doonaa meel aadan doonayn.
Treuli, treuli, Y seie to thee, whanne thou were yongere, thou girdidist thee, and wandridist where thou woldist; but whanne thou schalt waxe eldere, thou schalt holde forth thin hondis, and another schal girde thee, and schal lede thee whidur thou wolt not.
19 Wuxuu waxaas u yidhi inuu tuso dhimashaduu Ilaah ku ammaani doono. Markuu waxaas yidhi dabadeed, wuxuu ku yidhi, I soo raac.
He seide this thing, signifynge bi what deth he schulde glorifie God. And whanne he hadde seid these thingis, he seith to hym, Sue thou me.
20 Butros markuu jeestay wuxuu arkay kii xerta ahaa oo Ciise jeclaa oo daba socda; isagu wuxuu ahaa kii laabta Ciise ku tiirsanaa wakhtigii cashada oo ku yidhi, Sayidow, waa kuma kan ku gacangelin doonaa?
Petre turnede, and say thilke disciple suynge, whom Jhesus louede, which also restid in the soper on his brest, and he seide to hym, Lord, who is it, that schal bitraie thee?
21 Haddaba Butros markuu arkay, wuxuu Ciise ku yidhi, Sayidow, kanna ka warran?
Therfor whanne Petre hadde seyn this, he seith to Jhesu, Lord, but what this?
22 Ciise wuxuu ku yidhi, Haddaan doonayo inuu joogo ilaa aan imanayo, maxaa kaa galay? Adigu i soo raac.
Jhesus seith to him, So I wole that he dwelle til that Y come, what to thee? sue thou me.
23 Haddaba waxaa walaalaha ku dhex faafay hadalkaas oo leh, Kaas oo xerta ka mid ahaa ma dhiman doono. Laakiin Ciise kuma odhan, Ma dhiman doono, wuxuuse yidhi, Haddaan doonayo inuu joogo ilaa aan imanayo, maxaa kaa galay?
Therfor this word wente out among the britheren, that thilke disciple dieth not. And Jhesus seide not to hym, that he dieth not, but, So Y wole that he dwelle til Y come, what to thee?
24 Kan weeye kii xerta ahaa oo u marag furay waxyaalahan, oo qoray waxyaalahan, oo waxaannu garanayna maraggiisu inuu run yahay.
This is thilke disciple, that berith witnessyng of these thingis, and wroot hem; and we witen, that his witnessyng is trewe.
25 Waxaana jira waxyaalo badan oo kale oo Ciise sameeyey, oo haddii mid mid loo wada qoro, waxaan u malaynayaa inaan dunidu qaaddeen buugagga laga qoro.
And ther ben also manye othere thingis that Jhesus dide, whiche if thei ben writun bi ech bi hym silf, Y deme that the world hym silf schal not take tho bookis, that ben to be writun.

< Yooxanaa 21 >