< Yoo'Eel 2 >

1 Siyoon buun ka dhex afuufa, oo buurtayda quduuska ah ka dhawaajiya, oo dadka dalka deggan oo dhammu ha wada gariireen, waayo, maalintii Rabbigu way imanaysaa, oo haatan way soo dhow dahay.
Blow ye the cornet in Zion, and sound an alarm on my holy mount; let all the inhabitants of the land tremble; for the day of the Lord cometh, for it is nigh;
2 Oo maalintaasu waa maalin mugdi iyo gudcur ah, oo waa maalin cadar ah oo gudcur qaro weyn ahu jiro, oo waxay u imanaysaa sida kaaha waaberiga buuraha ku dul faafa. Bal eega dad tiro badan oo xoog weyn! Dadkaas wax la mid ah hore looma arag, oo iyaga dabadoodna wax la mid ahu ma jiri doonaan xataa tan iyo sannado iyo qarniyo badan.
It is a day of darkness and of gloom, a day of clouds and of tempestuous obscurity, like the morning-dawn spread out upon the mountains: a people numerous and strong, the like of which hath never been and after it there will be none any more, even to the years of all coming generations.
3 Hortooda dab baa wax laasanaya, oo dabadoodana olol baa wax gubaya. Dhulka iyaga ka horreeya waa sida Beer Ceeden, oo kan iyaga ka dambeeyana waa sidii cidla baabba' ah oo kale, oo wax iyaga ka baxsadayna innaba ma jiraan.
Before it devoureth a fire; and behind it singeth a flame: like the garden of 'Eden was the land before it [came], and after it is a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing escapeth from it.
4 Muuqashoodu waa sida muuq fardood oo kale, oo waxay u ordaan sida rag fardooley ah.
Like the appearance of horses is its appearance; and like horsemen, so do they run.
5 Oo sanqadhkoodu waa sida gaadhifardood buuraha dhaladooda boodboodaya, iyo sida olol dab oo bal gubaya, iyo sida dad xoog badan oo dagaal u diyaargaroobay.
Like the noise of chariots on the tops of mountains do they leap; they are like the noise of a flame of fire consuming the stubble, as a strong people arrayed for a battle.
6 Hortooda dadyowgu way wada gariirayaan, oo qof kastaba wejigiisa cabsi baa ka muuqanaysa.
At its presence the people are much pained: all the faces are covered with blackness.
7 Iyagu waxay hore ugu ordayaan sida rag xoog badan, oo waxay derbiga u fuulayaan sida rag dagaalyahan ah, oo midkood waluba halkiisuu marayaa, oo kala leexan maayaan.
Like mighty men do they run; like men of war they climb up a wall; and they march every one on his own ways, and they turn not aside on their paths.
8 Oo midkoodna midka kale riixi maayo, oo midkood waluba wuxuu ku socdaa meeshiisa. Waxay ka dhex dusayaan hubka dagaalka oo innaba socodkooda kama joogsadaan.
And they do not press one another; every one on his beaten track do they go forward: and they pass through between war-like weapons, and change not their purpose.
9 Magaalada korkeeda ayay ku boodayaan, oo derbiga korkiisa ayay ku ordayaan, oo guryahay soo korayaan, oo sida tuug oo kale ayay daaqadaha ka soo galayaan.
Into the city they hasten forward; on the wall they run; into the houses they climb up; through the windows they make their entrance like a thief.
10 Oo hortooda dhulku wuu gariirayaa, samooyinkuna way ruxmanayaan, oo qorraxdii iyo dayaxiina way madoobaadeen, oo xiddigihiina iftiinkoodii way ceshadeen.
Before them trembleth the earth; the heavens quake; the sun and the moon are obscured, and the stars withdraw their brightness.
11 Rabbiga ayaa codkiisa kaga hor hadlaya ciidankiisa, waayo, xeradiisu aad bay u weyn tahay, oo midka eraygiisa oofinayaa waa xoog badan yahay, waayo, Rabbiga maalintiisu waa weyn tahay, waana mid cabsi badan aad iyo aad, haddaba bal yaa u adkaysan kara?
And the Lord uttereth his voice before his army; for very numerous is his camp; for strong is he that executeth his word; for great is the day of the Lord and very terrible; and who is able to endure it?
12 Haddaba haatan waxaa Rabbigu leeyahay, Qalbigiinna oo dhan iigu soo jeesta, idinkoo sooman, oo ooyaya, oo barooranaya.
But even now also, saith the Lord, return ye fully to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning:
13 Haddaba qalbigiinna jeexa ee dharkiinna ha jeexina, oo Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah xaggiisa u soo jeesta, waayo, isagu waa nimco miidhan, waana raxmad badan yahay, cadho wuu u gaabiya, waana naxariis badan yahay, oo belaayadana wuu ka soo noqdaa.
And rend your heart, and not your garments, and return unto the Lord your God; for gracious and merciful is he, long suffering, and of great kindness, and he bethinketh himself of the evil.
14 Bal yaa garanaya inuu isagu soo jeesan doono oo soo noqon doono, iyo in kale, iyo inuu gadaashiisa kaga tegi doono barako, taasoo qurbaan hadhuudh ah iyo qurbaan cabniin ah oo aad Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah u bixinaysaan?
He that is conscious [of guilt], let him return and repent: when [the plague] may leave behind it a blessing; even a meat-offering and a drink-offering unto the Lord your God.
15 Siyoon buun ka dhex afuufa, oo soon naadiya, oo shir ku dhawaaqa.
Blow the cornet in Zion, sanctify a fast, proclaim a solemn assembly;
16 Dadka soo ururiya, oo ururka quduus ka dhiga, oo odayaasha soo shiriya, oo carruurta soo ururiya, iyo xataa kuwa naasaha nuugaya. Aroosku qolkiisa ha ka soo baxo, oo aroosadduna ilxidhkeeda ha ka soo baxdo.
Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the breasts; let the bridegroom go forth out of his chamber, and the bride out of her closet.
17 Wadaaddada midiidinnada Rabbiga ahu balbalada iyo meesha allabariga dhexdooda ha ku ooyeen, oo iyagu ha yidhaahdeen, Rabbiyow, dadkaaga u tudh, oo dadka dhaxalkaaga ah wax la caayo ha ka dhigin oo yaanay quruumuhu iyaga u taline. Waayo, bal maxaa dadyowga dhexdooda looga odhan doonaa, Bal meeh Ilaahooda?
Between the porch and the altar let the priests weep, the ministers of the Lord, and let them say, Spare, O Lord, thy people, and give not up thy heritage to reproach, for nations to make a by-word of them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?
18 Markaasaa Rabbigu u hinaasay dalkiisii, oo dadkiisuu u naxay.
And the Lord was zealous for his land, and he had pity for his people.
19 Oo Rabbigu waa u jawaabay dadkiisii oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Bal ogaada, waxaan idiin soo dirayaa hadhuudh, iyo khamri, iyo saliid, oo idinkuna waxaasaad ka dhergi doontaan, oo anna mar dambe quruumaha dhexdooda wax la caayo idinkaga dhigi maayo.
And the Lord answered and said unto his people, “Behold, I will send you the corn, and the young wine, and the oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith; and I will not give you up any more to be a reproach among the nations:
20 Laakiinse waan idinka fogayn doonaa ciidanka woqooyi, oo isaga waxaan ku eryi doonaa dal abaar iyo cidlo ah, oo qaybtiisa hore waxaan geeyn doonaa badda bari, oo qaybtiisa dambena waxaan geeyn doonaa badda galbeed, oo waxaa kor u soo bixi doona qudhunkiisa, oo uurkiisa xumuna wuu soo kici doonaa, maxaa yeelay, isagu wuxuu sameeyey waxyaalo waaweyn.
And the host of the north will I remove far away from you, and I will drive it off into a land barren and desolate, with its advance toward the eastern sea, and its rereward toward the western sea; and its stench shall ascend, and its ill savor shall come up, because it hath done great things.”
21 Haddaba dal yahow, ha baqin, laakiinse farax, oo reyree, maxaa yeelay, Rabbigu wuxuu sameeyey waxyaalo waaweyn.
Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice; for the Lord hath done great things.
22 Xayawaanka duurkow, ha cabsanina, waayo, naqii cidladu waa soo baxayaa, oo dhirtiina midhaheeday dhalaysaa, oo berdihii iyo canabkiiba way barwaaqoobayaan.
Be not afraid, ye beasts of the field; for the pastures of the wilderness have become green; for the tree beareth its fruit, the fig-tree and the vine yield their strength.
23 Haddaba reer Siyoonay, farxa oo Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah ku reyreeya, waayo, roobkii hore buu si xaq ah idiin siiyey, oo wuxuu idiin di'iyey roob, intii hore iyo intii dambeba sidii markii hore.
And ye children of Zion, be glad, and rejoice in the Lord your God; for he hath given you the first rain in beneficence, and he hath caused to come down for you the rain, the first rain, and the latter rain in the first [month].
24 Oo goobaha wax lagu tumo waxaa ka buuxsami doona sarreen, oo macsarooyinkuna waxay la buuxdhaafi doonaan khamri iyo saliid.
And the threshing-floors are full of corn, and the vats overflow with young wine and oil.
25 Oo waxaan idiin soo celin doonaa waxa ay sannadihii idinka cuneen ayaxa, iyo laddaaga, iyo diirta, iyo koronkorradu, kuwaas oo ahaa ciidankii weynaa oo aan idiin soo diray.
And I will repay to you the years [in] which the locust hath eaten [all], with the cankerworm, and the cricket, and the caterpillar, my great army, which I had sent against you.
26 Oo idinku wax badan baad cuni doontaan oo waad dhergi doontaan, oo waxaad ammaani doontaan magaca Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah oo waxa yaabka badan idiin sameeyey, oo dadkayguna innaba ma ay ceeboobi doonaan.
And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, who hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall not be made ashamed unto eternity.
27 Oo markaas waxaad ogaan doontaan inaan dadka Israa'iil dhex joogo, iyo inaan anigu ahay Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah, oo aan ilaah kale jirin, oo dadkayguna innaba ma ay ceeboobi doonaan.
And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else; and my people shall not be made ashamed unto eternity.
28 Oo markaas dabadeedna anigu ruuxayga ayaan ku shubi doonaa dad oo dhan, oo wiilashiinna iyo hablihiinnu wax bay sii sheegi doonaan, oo odayaashiinnuna riyooyin bay ku riyoon doonaan, oo raggiinna dhallinyarada ahuna wax bay arki doonaan,
And it shall come to pass after this, that I will pour out my spirit over all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy: your old men shall dream dreams: your young men shall see visions:
29 oo weliba maalmahaas addoommada rag iyo dumarba ruuxaygaan ku shubi doonaa.
And also over the men-servants and over the maid-servants in those days will I pour out my spirit.
30 Oo waxaan samooyinka iyo dhulkaba ka muujin doonaa yaabab, kuwaasoo ah dhiig, iyo dab, iyo tiirar qiiq ah.
And I will display wonderful tokens in the heavens and on the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke.
31 Qorraxdu waxay u beddelmi doontaa gudcur, dayaxuna wuxuu u beddelmi doonaa dhiig, intaanay iman maalinta Rabbiga oo weyn oo cabsida badanu.
The sun shall be changed into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the coming of the day of the Lord, the great and the terrible.
32 Oo waxay noqon doontaa in ku alla kii magaca Rabbiga ku barya uu samatabbixi doono, waayo, Buur Siyoon iyo Yeruusaalem, iyo kuwa hadhay oo Rabbigu u yeedhayba waxaa jiri doona kuwo u baxsada sidii Rabbigu yidhi.
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall escape; for on mount Zion and in Jerusalem there shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and among the remnant whom the Lord calleth.

< Yoo'Eel 2 >