< Ayuub 5 >
1 Hadda bal u yeedh, mid kuu jawaabayaa ma jiraa? Balse kuwa quduuska ah midkoodee baad u jeesanaysaa?
“Pray, call, is there any to answer you? And to which of the holy ones do you turn?
2 Waayo, ninkii nacas ah xanaaqiisaa dila, Oo kii doqon ahna ciilkiisaa dila.
For provocation slays the perverse, And envy puts to death the simple,
3 Anba waxaan arkay nacas xidid yeeshay. Laakiinse degdeg baan u habaaray rugtiisii.
I have seen the perverse taking root, And I mark his habitation straight away,
4 Carruurtiisu nabaadiino way ka fog yihiin, Oo iridda agteeda ayaa iyaga lagu burburiyaa, Mana jiro mid samatabbixiyaa.
His sons are far from safety, And they are bruised in the gate, And there is no deliverer.
5 Kuwaas beertay goostaan waxaa cuna kuwa gaajaysan, Oo xataa qodxanta way kala soo dhex bixiyaan, Oo maalkoodana waxaa afka u kala haya siriq.
Whose harvest the hungry eat, And even take it from the thorns, And the designing swallowed their wealth.
6 Waayo, belaayo kama soo baxdo ciidda, Dhibaatona kama soo dhex booddo dhulka,
For sorrow does not come forth from the dust, Nor does misery spring up from the ground.
7 Laakiinse binu-aadmigu dhibaato buu u dhashay, Sida dhimbiiluhu kor ugu duulaan.
For man is born to misery, And the sparks go high to fly.
8 Aniguse Ilaah baan baryi lahaa, Oo xaalkaygana Ilaah baan u dhiibi lahaa,
Yet I inquire for God, And for God I give my word,
9 Kaasoo sameeya waxyaalo waaweyn oo aan la baadhi karin, Iyo waxyaalo yaab badan oo aan la tirin karin,
Doing great things, and there is no searching. Wonderful, until there is no numbering.
10 Oo dhulka roob ku di'iya, Beerahana biyo u soo dira.
Who is giving rain on the face of the land, And is sending waters on the out-places.
11 Oo kuwa hooseeyana kor buu u qaadaa, Kuwa baroortana nabaadiinuu ku sarraysiiyaa.
To set the low on a high place, And the mourners have been high [in] safety.
12 Madhnaan buu ka dhigaa talada khaa'innada, Si ayan gacmahoodu u oofin karin farsamadoodii.
Making void thoughts of the cunning, And their hands do not execute wisdom.
13 Isagu kuwa xigmadda leh ayuu khiyaanadooda ku qabtaa; Oo kuwa qalloocan taladoodana degdeg baa loo rogaa.
Capturing the wise in their subtlety, And the counsel of wrestling ones was hurried,
14 Oo maalinnimada ayay gudcur helaan, Oo hadhka ayay wax haabhaabtaan sida habeennimada oo kale.
By day they meet darkness, And as night—they grope at noon.
15 Laakiinse isagu kuwa baahan ayuu ka badbaadiyaa seefta afkooda, Iyo kuwa xoogga badan gacantooda.
He saves the needy from the sword in their mouth, And from a strong hand,
16 Sidaas daraaddeed kii miskiin ahu rajuu leeyahay, Xumaantuse afkeeday xidhaa.
And there is hope for the poor, And perverseness has shut her mouth.
17 Bal eeg, waxaa faraxsan ninkii Ilaah canaanto, Haddaba ha quudhsan Qaadirka edbintiisa.
Behold, the blessedness of mortal man, God reproves him: And do not despise the discipline of the Mighty,
18 Waayo, isagu wax buu nabar u yeelaa, waana duubaa; Wuu dhaawacaa, gacmihiisuna way bogsiiyaan.
For He pains, and He binds up, He strikes, and His hands heal.
19 Wuxuu kaa samatabbixin doonaa lix dhibaato, Oo marka toddobaadna belaayo kuma taaban doonto innaba.
In six distresses He delivers you, And in seven evil does not strike on you.
20 Wakhtiga abaarta ah dhimashuu kaa furan doonaa, Wakhtiga dagaalkana xoogga seefta.
In famine He has redeemed you from death, And in battle from the hands of the sword.
21 Waad ka qarsoonaan doontaa karbaashidda carrabka; Oo baabbi'iddu markay timaadana kama aad cabsan doontid innaba.
When the tongue scourges you are hid, And you are not afraid of destruction, When it comes.
22 Waad ku qosli doontaa baabbi'idda iyo abaarta, Oo dugaagga dhulkana kama aad baqi doontid.
At destruction and at hunger you mock, And of the beast of the earth, You are not afraid.
23 Waayo, axdi baad la yeelan doontaa dhagaxyada berrinka, Oo dugaagga duurkana heshiis baad la ahaan doontaa.
(For with sons of the field [is] your covenant, And the beast of the field Has been at peace with you.)
24 Oo waxaad ogaan doontaa in teendhadaadu nabdoon tahay, Oo xeradaada waad soo booqon doontaa, oo waxba kama waayi doontid innaba.
And you have known that your tent [is] peace, And inspected your habitation, and do not err,
25 Oo weliba waxaad ogaan doontaa in farcankaagu badnaan doono, Oo dhashaaduna sida cawska dhulka bay ahaan doontaa.
And have known that your seed [is] numerous, And your offspring as the herb of the earth;
26 Oo cimri dheer baad qabrigaaga ku geli doontaa, Sida xidhmo hadhuudh ah xilliga loo soo xidho.
You come in full age to the grave, As the going up of a stalk in its season.
27 Bal eeg, annagu xaalkan waannu baadhnay, oo sidaas bayna tahay, Haddaba bal maqal, oo nafsaddaada u ogow.
Behold, this—we searched it out—it [is] right, listen; And you, know for yourself!”