< Ayuub 40 >

1 Oo weliba Rabbigu Ayuub buu u jawaabay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
Then Yahweh said to Job,
2 Kii murmayaa ma Ilaaha Qaadirka ah buu la diriri karaa? Kii Ilaah la doodayaa ha ka jawaabo taas.
“Do you still want to argue with me, the Almighty One? Since you criticize me, (you should be able to answer my questions!/why are you not able to answer my questions?) [RHQ]”
3 Markaasaa Ayuub Rabbiga u jawaabay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
Then Job replied to Yahweh,
4 Bal eeg, wax yar baan ahay, haddaba bal maxaan kuugu jawaabaa? Afkaan gacanta saarayaa.
“[Now I realize that] I am completely worthless. So (how could I answer [those questions]?/I could not possibly answer [those questions]!) [RHQ] I will put my hand over my mouth [and not say anything].
5 Mar baan hadlay, jawaab dambena u noqon maayo, Laba jeer oo qudha ayaan hadlay, laakiinse hadda ka dib sii wadi maayo.
I have already said more than I should have said, so now I will say nothing more.”
6 Markaasaa Rabbigu Ayuub uga dhex jawaabay dabaysha cirwareenta ah, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
Then Yahweh [again] spoke to Job from inside the great windstorm. He said,
7 Haddaba sidii nin rag ah dhexda u gunto, Waayo, wax baan ku weyddiinayaa, oo adna waa inaad ii sheegtaa.
“I want to ask you some [more] questions. So as men prepare themselves for a difficult task [MET], prepare yourself again to answer some [more] questions.
8 War ma xukunkaygaad burinaysaa? Oo ma waxaad ii xukumaysaa inaad xaq noqotid?
“Are you going to accuse me and say that I am unjust? Are you going to say that what I have done is wrong, in order that you can say that what you have done is right?
9 Adiguse ma waxaad leedahay Ilaah gacantiisa oo kale? Oo codkiisa oo kale miyaad ku onkodi kartaa?
Are you as powerful [MTY] as I am? Can your voice sound [as loud] as thunder, as mine can?
10 Haddaba waxaad isku sharraxdaa sarraysnaan iyo derejo, Oo waxaad huwataa sharaf iyo haybad.
[If you can do that], put on the robes that show that you are glorious and are greatly honored!
11 Haddaba cadhadaada buuxdhaafkeeda soo daadi, Oo waxaad fiirisaa mid kasta oo kibir leh, oo isaga hoos u soo deji.
Show that you are very angry; show that you have the right/authority to humble people who are [very] proud!
12 Mid kasta oo kibir leh soo fiiri oo hoosaysii, Oo kuwa sharka ah meel alla meeshay istaagaan ku joogso.
Humble those proud people [just] by looking at them [angrily] Crush wicked people quickly!
13 Dhammaantood ciidda ku qari, Oo wejigoodana meel qarsoon ku xidh.
Bury them in the ground! Send them to the place where dead people are, where they will not be able to get out!
14 Oo anna markaas waxaan kuu qiran doonaa In gacantaada midig ay ku badbaadin karto.
After you do that, I will congratulate/praise you and say that [truly] you can save yourself by your own ability/power.
15 Haddaba bal eeg jeerta aan u sameeyey sidaan kuu sameeyey oo kale, Cawska bay u daaqdaa sida dibi oo kale.
“Think [also] about the huge animals that live near the water. I made you, and I made them also. They eat grass, like oxen do.
16 Haddaba bal eeg, xooggeedu wuxuu ugu jiraa dhexdeeda, Oo itaalkeeduna wuxuu ku jiraa muruqyada caloosheeda.
Their legs/thighs are [very] strong, and the muscles of their bellies are [very] powerful.
17 Oo dabadeedana waxay u taagtaa sida geed kedar ah oo kale, Oo seedaha bowdooyinkeeduna way isku wada tidcan yihiin.
Their tails are stiff (OR, bend down) like the branches of a cedar tree. The sinews/muscles of their thighs are close together.
18 Oo lafaheeduna waa sidii tuubbooyin naxaas ah; Oo addimmadeeduna waa sidii wax bir ah.
Their [thigh] bones are [like] tubes [made] of bronze, and the bones of their legs are like bars [made] of iron.
19 Iyadu jidadka Ilaah waa u madax, Oo kii abuuray oo keliya ayaa seeftiisa u dhowayn kara.
They are among the strongest of the animals that I made, and I, who created them, am the only one who can kill them.
20 Sida xaqiiqada ah waxaa iyada cunto u soo bixiya Buuraha ay xayawaanka duurka oo dhammu ku cayaaraan.
On the hills grows food [PRS] for them to eat while many [HYP] other wild animals play nearby.
21 Oo waxay hoos jiifsataa dhirta hooska badan, Iyo meesha qarsoon ee cawsduurka iyo biyagaleenka.
They lie down [in the water] under the lotus plants; they hide in [tall] reeds in the swamps.
22 Dhirta hooska badan ayaa hadhkooda ku qariya, Oo waxaa iyada ku wareegsan geedaha safsaafka ah ee durdurka ku ag yaal.
Those huge animals find shade under the lotus plants, and they are surrounded by poplar trees.
23 Bal eeg, haddii webigu buuxdhaafo iyadu ma gariirto, In kastoo Webi Urdun afka ka galo, haddana iyadu way isku kalsoon tahay.
They are not disturbed by raging/swiftly-flowing rivers; they are not even disturbed/frightened when [rivers like the] Jordan [River] rush over them.
24 Ninna miyuu iyada qaban karaa iyadoo u jeedda? Miyaase sanka dabin lagaga duleelin karaa?
No one can [RHQ] catch them by blinding their eyes or by piercing their noses with [the teeth of] a trap!”

< Ayuub 40 >