< Ayuub 39 >
1 War miyaad taqaan markay ri'dibadeedda qarka joogta dhasho? Miyaadse arki kartaa markay deerooyinku dhalaan?
Knowest thou the time when the chamois of the rock bring forth? or markest thou when the hinds do calve?
2 Miyaad tirin kartaa bilaha sidkoodu ku buuxsamo? Miyaadse taqaan wakhtiga ay dhalaan?
Numberest thou the months of gestation which they complete and knowest thou the time when they bring forth?
3 Intay arruntaan ayay ubadkooda dhalaan, Oo fooshoodana way iska saaraan.
They bend themselves: they drop their young ones; throw off their pains.
4 Oo ubadkooda yaryaruna way kobcaan, oo waxay ku koraan berrin bannaan, Oo intay baxaan ayaanay mar dambe soo noqon.
Their little ones become strong; they grow up in the open field; they go forth, and return not unto them.
5 Bal yaa dameerdibadeedka xoreeyey? Yaase dameerdibadeedka xadhkihiisii ka furay?
Who sent out the wild ass free? or who loosened the bonds of the forest-ass?
6 Kaas gurigiisa waxaan ka dhigay cidlada, Oo rugtiisuna waa dalka cusbada.
To whom I assigned the wilderness as his house, and the salty land as his dwellings.
7 Magaalada buuqeeda wuu quudhsadaa, Oo kexeeyaha qayladiisana ma maqlo.
He laugheth at the noise of a town, and the shoutings of the driver he heareth not.
8 Xidhiidhka buurahu waa daaqiisa, Oo wuxuu raadiyaa wax kasta oo cagaar ah.
What he espieth on the mountains is his pasture, and after every green thing doth he search.
9 Dibidibadeedku miyuu raalli ku noqon doonaa inuu kuu adeego? Miyuuse qabaalka xeradaada ku ag hoyan doonaa?
Will the forest-ox be willing to serve thee, or will he stay over night at thy crib?
10 Dibidibadeedka miyaad xadhko ku xidhi kartaa si uu beerta u qodo? Miyuuse dooxooyinka kaa daba hagaajin?
Canst thou bind the forest-ox with a rope [to labor] in the furrow? or will he harrow valleys, following after thee?
11 Xooggiisa badan daraaddiis miyaad isugu hallaynaysaa? Hawshaadase ma isagaad u daynaysaa?
Wilt thou trust him, because his strength is great? and wilt thou leave to him thy labor?
12 Ma waxaad isaga ugu kalsoon tahay inuu midhahaaga guriga keeno, Oo uu kuu soo urursho hadhuudhka goobkaaga wax lagu tumo?
Wilt thou confide in him, that he should bring home thy seed, and gather it into thy threshing-floor?—
13 Gorayada garabkeedu farxad buu la ruxmadaa, Laakiinse garbaheeda iyo baalasheedu ma wax bay u roon yihiin?
The wing of the ostrich moveth joyfully: hath she the pinions and plumage of the careful stork?
14 Waayo, iyadu ugaxdeeda waxay kaga tagtaa dhulka dushiisa, Oo ciidday ku diirisaa,
[No, ] for she intrusteth her eggs to the earth, and letteth them be hatched out on the dust:
15 Oo waxay illowdaa inay cagtu burburinayso, Iyo inuu dugaaggu ku tumanayo.
And she forgetteth that a foot may crush them, or that the beast of the field may stamp them down.
16 Waxay ku adkaataa dhasheeda, sidii iyagoo aan kuweedii ahayn, Oo in kastoo ay waxtarla'aan u hawshooto haddana iyadu cabsi ma qabto,
He hath made her callous against her young, as though they were not hers: her labor is in vain, [but she feeleth] no dread;
17 Maxaa yeelay, Ilaah baa iyada xigmad u diiday, Oo waxgarashona ma uu siin.
Because God hath denied her wisdom, and he hath not imparted to her understanding.
18 Oo markay kor isu qaaddo inay carartona, Waxay quudhsataa faraska iyo kii fuushanba.
At the time she raiseth herself up on high, she laugheth at the horse and his rider.
19 War ma adigaa faraska xooggiisa siiyey? Surkiisase ma adigaa guudka ruxma huwiyey?
Dost thou give the horse strength? dost thou clothe his neck with the rolling mane?
20 War ma adigaa ka dhigay inuu sida ayaxa u boodo? Haybadda bururufta sankiisu way cabsi badan tahay.
Canst thou make him jump like a locust? his majestic snort is terrible.
21 Dooxaduu qoobka ku garaacaa, oo xooggiisuu ku reyreeyaa, Oo intuu baxo ayuu ka hor tagaa ragga hubka sita.
Men spy about in the valley, and he rejoiceth in his strength: he goeth forth to meet the armed array.
22 Cabsida wuu ku qoslaa, oo ma uu baqo, Oo seeftana dib ugama noqdo.
He laugheth at fear, and is not dismayed; and turneth not back from before the sword.
23 Korkiisa waxaa ka sanqadha gabooye, Iyo waran birbirqaya iyo hoto.
Over him rattle the quiver, the glittering spear and the lance.
24 Isagu dhulkuu ku liqaa gariir iyo cadho, Oo buunka codkiisa hadduu maqlona ma istaago.
With impatient noise and rage he holloweth [with his hoof] the ground, and keepeth not quiet when the cornet's voice [is heard].
25 Oo mar alla markii buunku dhawaaqo ayuu "Haw" yidhaahdaa, Oo meel fog ayuu dagaalka ka uriyaa, Wuxuuna maqlaa saraakiisha qayladooda onkodaysa iyo hugunka.
Midst the sound of the cornet he uttereth his joyful neigh; and from afar he perceiveth the battle, the loud call of the captains, and the battle-cry.—
26 Haadka adagu ma xigmaddaaduu kor ugu duulaa? Garbihiisase xagga koonfureed ma u fidiyaa?
Is it through thy understanding that the hawk flieth along, and spreadeth out his wings toward the south?
27 Baqalyaduse ma amarkaagay kor ugu duushaa? Oo ma saasay buulkeeda meelaha sarsare uga dhisataa?
Or is it by your order that the eagle doth mount upward, and buildeth high up his nest?
28 Waxay ku hoyataa qarka dheer korkiisa, oo hoygeeduna halkaasuu ku yaal, Xagga qarka dheer dhaladiisa, iyo meesha adag dusheeda.
On a rock he dwelleth, and spendeth his nights, on a rocky crag and mountain fastness.
29 Oo iyadoo halkaas joogta ayay ugaadh ka fiirsataa, Oo indhaheeduna meel fog bay wax ka arkaan.
From there he espieth his food, from afar can his eyes behold.
30 Dhasheeda yaryaru dhiig bay nuugaan, Oo iyana waxay joogtaa hadba meeshii raqu taal.
His young ones, also, sip up blood: and where the slain be, there is he.