< Ayuub 38 >

1 Markaasaa Rabbigu Ayuub uga jawaabay dabaysha cirwareenta ah, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
But the Lord, responding to Job from a whirlwind, said:
2 Waa kuma kan talada ku madoobeeya Erayada aan aqoonta lahayn?
Who is this that wraps sentences in unskilled words?
3 Haddaba sida nin rag ah dhexda u gunto, Waayo, wax baan ku weyddiinayaa, oo adna waa inaad ii sheegtaa.
Gird your waist like a man. I will question you, and you must answer me.
4 Markaan dunida aasaaskeeda dhigay xaggee baad joogtay? Haddaad waxgarad tahay, taas ii sheeg.
Where were you, when I set the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding.
5 Haddaadse taqaanid yaa qiyaasteeda amray? Amase yaa xadhiggii lagu qiyaasay ku kor fidiyey?
Who set its measurements, if you know, or who stretched a line over it?
6 Aasaaskeedase bal xaggee baa lagu dejiyey? Amase yaa dhigay dhagaxa geeska ah
Upon what have its bases been grounded, and who set forth its cornerstone,
7 Markay xiddigaha aroorya isla wada heeseen, Oo ay carruurta Ilaah oo dhammu farxad la qayliyeen?
when the morning stars praised me together, and all the sons of God made a joyful noise?
8 Amase yaa badda albaabbo ku xidhay markay u soo faruurantay Sidii wax maxal ka soo baxay,
Who enclosed the sea with doors, when it broke forth as if issuing from the womb,
9 Iyo markaan daruurta dharka uga dhigay, Oo aan gudcurka maro lagu duudduubo uga dhigay,
when I stationed a cloud as its garment and wrapped it in a mist as if swaddling an infant?
10 Oo aan hareeraheeda xad u amray, Oo aan u yeelay qataarro iyo albaabbo,
I encircled it with my limits, and I positioned its bars and doors.
11 Oo aan ku idhi, Ilaa halkan soo gaadh, laakiinse innaba ha soo dhaafin, Oo hirarkaaga kibirka lahu waa inay halkan ku joogsadaan?
And I said: “This far you will approach, and you will proceed no further, and here you will break your swelling waves.”
12 Tan iyo waagii aad dhalatay marna subaxda ma amartay? Waaberigase ma meeshiisaad ogeysiisay,
Did you, after your birth, command the birth of the sun and show the sunrise its place?
13 Si uu u qabsado dhulka darfihiisa, Oo sharrowyada looga hurgufo?
And did you hold the extremities of the earth, shaking them, and have you shaken the impious out of it?
14 Waa loo beddelaa sidii dhoobo shaabad ka hoosaysa, Oo wax kastaaba waxay kor uga muuqdaan sidii dhar oo kale,
The seal will be restored like clay, and it will remain in place like a garment.
15 Oo sharrowyadana iftiinkooda waa loo diiday, Oo gacantii sarraysayna waa la jebiyey.
From the impious, the light will be taken away, and the exalted arm will be broken.
16 Adigu miyaad badda ilaheeda dhex gashay? Miyaadse moolka salkiisa martay?
Have you entered the depths of the sea, and have you taken a walk in the uttermost parts of the abyss?
17 Geerida irdaheeda miyaa laguu muujiyey? Miyaadse aragtay irdaha hooska dhimashada?
Have the gates of death been opened to you, and have you seen the doors of darkness?
18 Miyaad garanaysaa dhulka ballaadhkiisa? Haddaad waxaas wada taqaanid ii sheeg.
Have you considered the breadth of the earth? If you know all things, reveal them to me.
19 Rugta iftiinka jidka loo maraa waa xaggee? Gudcurkase meeshiisu waa xaggee,
Which is the way that holds the light, and which is the place of darkness?
20 Si aad soohdintiisa u martid, Oo aad u garatid wadiiqooyinka gurigiisa loo maro?
In this way, you might lead each thing to its final place, and understand the paths of its house.
21 Shakila'aan waad taqaan, waayo, adigu wakhtigaas waad dhalanayd Oo cimrigaaguna wuu dheer yahay!
So then, did you know when you were to be born? And did you know the number of your days?
22 Adigu miyaad dhex gashay meesha barafka cad lagu kaydiyo? Miyaadse aragtay meesha roobdhagaxyaalaha la dhigo,
Have you been admitted into the storehouses of the snows, and have you gazed upon the stockpile of the brimstone,
23 Kuwaasoo aan u kaydsaday wakhtiga dhibaatada, Iyo maalinta dirirta iyo dagaalka?
which I have prepared for the time of the enemy, for the day of the battle and the war?
24 Iftiinka jidkee baa lagu kala qaybiyaa? Dabaysha barise sidee baa dhulka loogu kor firdhiyaa?
In what way is the light scattered, and the heat distributed, over the earth?
25 Bal yaa jid u sameeyey biyaha daadka ah, Amase hillaaca onkodka,
Who gave a course to the rainstorms, and a path to the resounding thunder,
26 Si roob ugu da'o dhul aan binu-aadmina joogin, Iyo cidlada aan ninna degganayn,
so that it would rain on the earth far from man, in the wilderness where no mortal lingers,
27 Si uu u dherjiyo dhulka cidlo iyo baabba' ah, Oo uu doog jilicsan uga soo bixiyo?
so that it would fill impassable and desolate places, and would bring forth green plants?
28 Roobku ma aabbuu leeyahay? Yaase dhalay dhibicyaha sayaxa?
Who is the father of rain, or who conceived the drops of dew?
29 Barafkuse bal yuu maxalkiisa ka soo baxay? Yaase dhalay sayaxa barafoobay ee cirka ka yimaada?
From whose womb did the ice proceed, and who created the frost from the air?
30 Biyihii waxay u adkaadeen sidii dhagax oo kale, Oo moolka korkiisiina wuu barafoobay.
The waters are hardened to become like stone, and the surface of the abyss freezes over.
31 Adigu miyaad xidhi kartaa ururka xiddigaha ee Toddobaadyada la yidhaahdo? Miyaadse furi kartaa ururka Oriyon la yidhaahdo?
Will you have the strength to join together the sparkling stars of the Pleiades, or are you able to disperse the circling of Arcturus?
32 Miyaad kartaa inaad xiddigaha Masarood la yidhaahdo xilligooda soo saarto? Miyaadse ururka xiddigaha ee Orsada la yidhaahdo carruurtiisa la kaxayn kartaa?
Can you bring forth the morning star, in its time, and make the evening star rise over the sons of the earth?
33 Miyaad taqaan amarrada samooyinka? Dowladnimadoodana ma dhulkaad ku dhisi kartaa?
Do you know the order of heaven, and can you explain its rules here on the earth?
34 Codkaaga miyaad daruuraha kor ugu qaadi kartaa, Si biyo badanu ay kuu daboolaan daraaddeed?
Can you lift up your voice to the clouds, so that an onslaught of waters will cover you?
35 Miyaad hillaaca diri kartaa, si ay u tagaan, Oo ay kuugu yidhaahdaan, Waa na kan?
Can you send forth lightning bolts, and will they go, and on returning, say to you: “Here we are?”
36 Bal yaa qalbiga xigmadda geliyey? Yaase maanka waxgarashada siiyey?
Who placed discernment in the guts of man, or who gave the rooster intelligence?
37 Bal yaa daruuraha xigmad ku tirin kara? Yaase qarbeddada samada biyo ka shubi kara,
Who can describe the rules of the heavens, or who can put to rest the harmony of heaven?
38 Markii boodhku taallooyin noqdo, Oo ciidduna ay isku dhegto?
When was the dust cast to become the earth, and when were its clods fastened together?
39 Miyaad karaysaa inaad gool libaax u ugaadhid? Miyaadse dhal libaax dherjin kartaa,
Will you seize prey for the lioness, and will you sustain the lives of her young,
40 Markay boholahooda ku dhex dhuuntaan, Oo ay hogga u joogaan inay wax gaadaan?
as they rest in their dens or lie in wait in pits?
41 Bal yaa tukaha cunto ku quudiya, Markii dhashiisu Ilaah u qayshadaan, Oo ay cuntola'aan daraaddeed u warwareegaan?
Who provides the raven with its meal, when her chicks cry out to God, as they wander around because they have no food?

< Ayuub 38 >