< Ayuub 36 >

1 Oo weliba Eliihuu hadalkiisii buu watay oo wuxuu yidhi,
Elihu also proceeded and sayde,
2 Weliba in yar ii sii kaadi, oo anna wax baan ku tusayaa, Waayo, weli waxaan hayaa wax aan Ilaah daraaddiis u odhanayo.
Suffer me a litle, and I will instruct thee: for I haue yet to speake on Gods behalfe.
3 Aqoontayda meel fog baan ka keeni doonaa, Oo xaqnimana waan ka sheegi doonaa kii i abuuray.
I will fetche my knowledge afarre off, and will attribute righteousnes vnto my Maker.
4 Waayo, sida runta ah erayadaydu been ma aha; Oo mid aqoontu kaamil ku tahay ayaa kula jooga.
For truely my wordes shall not be false, and he that is perfect in knowledge, speaketh with thee.
5 Bal eeg, Ilaah waa xoog badan yahay, oo isagu ninna ma quudhsado, Oo itaalka waxgarashada wuu ku xoog badan yahay.
Behold, the mighty God casteth away none that is mighty and valiant of courage.
6 Isagu uma daayo kan sharka ahu inuu sii noolaado, Laakiinse kuwa dhibaataysan xaqooduu siiyaa.
He mainteineth not the wicked, but he giueth iudgement to the afflicted.
7 Isagu indhihiisa kama qaado kuwa xaqa ah, Laakiinse wuxuu weligoodba la fadhiisiyaa boqorrada carshiga ku fadhiya, Oo iyaga waa la sarraysiiyaa.
He withdraweth not his eyes from the righteous, but they are with Kings in ye throne, where he placeth them for euer: thus they are exalted.
8 Oo haddii silsilado lagu xidho, Oo xadhkaha dhibka lagu kaxaysto,
And if they bee bound in fetters and tyed with the cordes of affliction,
9 Markaas wuxuu iyaga ku caddeeyaa falimahooda, Iyo xadgudubyadoodii ay kibirka u sameeyeen.
Then will he shewe them their worke and their sinnes, because they haue bene proude.
10 Oo dhegtoodana wuxuu u furaa waxbaridda, Oo wuxuu ku amraa inay xumaanta ka soo noqdaan.
He openeth also their eare to discipline, and commandeth them that they returne from iniquity.
11 Hadday isaga maqlaan oo ay u adeegaan, Cimrigooda waxay ku dhammaysan doonaan barwaaqo, Oo sannadahoodana waxay ku waari doonaan nimco.
If they obey and serue him, they shall end their dayes in prosperity, and their yeres in pleasures.
12 Laakiinse hadday maqli waayaan, seef bay ku baabbi'i doonaan, Oo waxay dhiman doonaan iyagoo aan aqoon lahayn.
But if they wil not obey, they shall passe by the sworde, and perish without knowledge.
13 Laakiinse kuwa cibaadalaawayaasha ah oo qalbigoodu beloobay waxay isa soo gaadhsiiyaan cadho, Oo markuu iyaga xidhana caawimaad uma qayshadaan.
But the hypocrites of heart increase the wrath: for they call not when he bindeth them.
14 Dhallinyaranimay ku dhintaan, Oo naftooduna waxay ku halligantaa khaniisiinta dhexdooda.
Their soule dyeth in youth, and their life among the whoremongers.
15 Isagu kii dhibban ayuu dhibaatadiisa ku samatabbixiyaa, Oo dhegahana buu u furaa markay dhib la kulmaan.
He deliuereth the poore in his affliction, and openeth their eare in trouble.
16 Isagu dhibaato wuu kaa bixin lahaa, Oo wuxuu ku geeyn lahaa meel ballaadhan oo aan cidhiidhi ahayn, Oo miiskaaga waxa saaran oo dhammuna waxay ahaan lahaayeen baruur miidhan.
Euen so woulde he haue taken thee out of the streight place into a broade place and not shut vp beneath: and that which resteth vpon thy table, had bene full of fat.
17 Laakiinse xukunka kuwa sharka ah ayaa kaa buuxa, Oo garsoorid iyo caddaalad ayaa ku qabsada.
But thou art ful of the iudgement of the wicked, though iudgement and equitie maintaine all things.
18 Iska jir yaanay cadho ku sasabin si aad wax u majaajilootid, Oo furashada weynaanteeduna yaanay ku leexin.
For Gods wrath is, least hee should take that away in thine abundance: for no multitude of giftes can deliuer thee.
19 Taajirnimadaada iyo xoogga itaalkaaga oo dhammu Miyey kugu filan yihiin inay dhibaato kaa saaraan?
Wil he regard thy riches? he regardeth not golde, nor all them that excel in strength.
20 Habeenka ha doonin, Markay dadyowgu meeshooda ku wada baabba'aan.
Be not carefull in the night, howe he destroyeth the people out of their place.
21 Iska jir oo xumaan ha u jeedin, Waayo, taasaad ka dooratay dhibaato.
Take thou heede: looke not to iniquitie: for thou hast chosen it rather then affliction.
22 Bal eeg, Ilaah baa xooggiisa ku sarreeya; Waa ayo macallinka isaga la mid ahu?
Beholde, God exalteth by his power: what teacher is like him?
23 Jidkiisa yaa u amray? Yaase isaga ku odhan kara, Waxaad samaysay xaqdarro?
Who hath appointed to him his way? or who can say, Thou hast done wickedly?
24 Xusuuso inaad weynaysid shuqulkiisii Ay dadku ka gabyeen.
Remember that thou magnifie his worke, which men behold.
25 Dadka oo dhammu way wada fiiriyeen, Oo binu-aadmiguna meel fog buu ka arkaa.
All men see it, and men beholde it afarre off.
26 Bal eeg, Ilaah waa weyn yahay, oo annana isaga ma aannu naqaan; Oo cimrigiisu intuu yahayna lama soo baadhi karo.
Beholde, God is excellent, and we knowe him not, neither can the nomber of his yeres bee searched out.
27 Waayo, isagu wuxuu kor u jiitaa dhibicyaha biyaha, Oo wuxuu ka dhigaa ceeryaamo roob noqota,
When he restraineth the droppes of water, the rayne powreth down by the vapour thereof,
28 Oo daruuraha ka soo da'a, Oo binu-aadmiga aad ugu dul shubma.
Which raine the cloudes do droppe and let fall abundantly vpon man.
29 Ninna miyuu garan karaa daruuraha kala faafintooda, Iyo onkodyada taambuuggiisa?
Who can know the diuisions of ye clouds and the thunders of his tabernacle?
30 Bal eeg, isagu hareerihiisa wuxuu ku faafiyaa nuurkiisa, Oo badda salkeedana wuu daboolaa.
Beholde, he spreadeth his light vpon it, and couereth the bottome of the sea.
31 Waayo, isagu kuwaasuu dadyowga ku xukumaa, Oo cunto badanna wuu siiyaa.
For thereby hee iudgeth the people, and giueth meate abundantly.
32 Gacmihiisuu hillaac ku daboolaa, Oo wuxuu ku amraa inuu ku dhaco calaamadda uu ku liishaamay.
He couereth the light with the clouds, and commandeth them to go against it.
33 Sanqadhiisu isagay wax ka sheegtaa, Oo weliba xayawaankuna wax bay ka sheegaan waxa soo socda.
His companion sheweth him thereof, and there is anger in rising vp.

< Ayuub 36 >