< Ayuub 18 >

1 Markaasaa Bildad oo ahaa reer Shuuxii u jawaabay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
Then responded Bildad the Shuhite, and said: —
2 War ilaa goormaad hadallo sii wadaysaan? War bal fiirsada, oo annana dabadeed baannu hadlaynaa.
How long will ye make a perversion of words? Ye should understand, and, afterwards, we could speak.
3 War bal maxaa sida xayawaan naloogu tiriyaa? Oo bal maxaannu hortiinna ugu nijaasownay?
Wherefore are we accounted like beasts? or appear stupid, in thine eyes?
4 War waa adiga xanaaq daraaddiis isla jeexjeexayaye Dhulka ma daraaddaa baa looga tegayaa? Mase dhagaxa ayaa meeshiisa laga rujinayaa?
One tearing in pieces his own soul in his anger, —For thy sake, shall the earth be forsaken? or the rock be moved out of its place?
5 Hubaal iftiinka sharrowgu wuu demi doonaa, Oo ololka dabkiisuna siima iftiimi doono.
Even the light of the lawless, shall go out, —Neither shall shine the flame of his fire;
6 Iftiinka teendhadiisu wuxuu ahaan doonaa gudcur, Oo laambaddiisa kor taalna way demi doontaa.
The light, hath darkened in his tent, Yea, his lamp above him, goeth out;
7 Tallaabooyinka itaalkiisu way iscidhiidhin doonaan, Oo taladiisu isagay hoos u ridi doontaa.
The steppings of his strength are hemmed in, and his own counsel casteth him down;
8 Waayo, isagu wuxuu cagta gashadaa shabag, Oo wuxuu ku kor socdaa dabin.
For he is thrust into a net by his own feet, and, upon a trap, he marcheth;
9 Waxaa isaga cedhibta ku dhegi doona dabin, Oo qool baana qabsan doona.
There catcheth him—by the heel—a gin, there holdeth him fast—a noose:
10 Waxaa dhulka ugu qarsan siriq, Oo jidkana waxaa u yaal dabin.
Concealed in the ground is a cord for him, —and a snare for him, on the path.
11 Dhinac kasta waxaa ka bajin doona cabsi, Oo xataa gadaalna way ka soo eryan doontaa.
Round about, terrors have startled him, and have driven him to his feet.
12 Xooggiisa waxaa dili doonta gaajo, Oo belaayona agtiisay diyaar ku tahay.
Let his strength be famished, and, calamity, be ready at his side;
13 Oo waxay baabbi'in doontaa xubnaha jidhkiisa, Oo curadka dhimashada ayaa xubnihiisa baabbi'in doona.
Let it devour the members of his body, Let the firstborn of death devour his members;
14 Oo isaga waa laga rujin doonaa teendhadiisa uu isku halleeyo, Oo waxaa loo keeni doonaa boqorka cabsida.
Uprooted, out of his tent, be his confidence, and let it drive him down to the king of terrors;
15 Teendhadiisa waxaa ku jiri doona wax aan wixiisii ahayn, Oo hoygiisana waxaa lagu soo kor firdhin doonaa baaruud.
There shall dwell in his tent, what is naught-of-his, Let brimstone be strewed over his dwelling;
16 Xididdadiisa hoose way qallali doonaan, Oo laamihiisa sarena waa la jari doonaa.
Beneath, let his roots be dried up, and, above, be cut off his branch;
17 Dhulka laguma xusuusan doono, Oo jidkana magac kuma uu yeelan doono.
His memorial, have perished out of the land, and let him have no name over the face of the open field;
18 Isaga iftiin baa gudcur looga kaxayn doonaa, Oo dunidana waa laga eryi doonaa.
Let them thrust him out of light into darkness, Yea, out of the world, let them chase him;
19 Oo isagu dadkiisa kuma dhex lahaan doono wiil uu dhalay iyo mid uu wiilkiisii dhalay toona, Ama mid ku hadha meelihii uu degganaan jiray.
Let him have neither scion nor seed among his people, neither any survivor in his place of sojourn:
20 Dadka ka dambeeyaa waxay ka yaabi doonaan wakhtigiisa, Sidii ay kuwii horeba uga baqeen.
Over his day, have they been astounded who come behind, and, them who are in advance, a shudder hath seized.
21 Sida xaqiiqada ah guryaha kuwa aan xaqa ahayn waa sidaas oo kale, Oo kii aan Ilaah aqoon meeshiisiina waa tan.
Surely, these, are the dwellings of him that is perverse, and, this, is the place of him that knoweth not GOD.

< Ayuub 18 >