< Yeremyaah 40 >

1 Kanu waa eraygii Yeremyaah xagga Rabbiga uga yimid markii Nebuusaradaan oo sirkaalkii waardiyayaasha ahaa uu Yeremyaah oo silsilado ku xidhan iyo dadka Yeruusaalem iyo kuwa dalka Yahuudah maxaabiis ahaan Baabuloon ugu kaxaynayay oo uu Yeremyaah Raamaah ku sii daayay.
The worde which came to Ieremiah from the Lord after that Nebuzar-adan the chiefe stewarde had let him goe from Ramath, when hee had taken him being bound in chaines among all that were caried away captiue of Ierusalem and Iudah, which were caried away captiue vnto Babel.
2 Sirkaalkii waardiyayaashu Yeremyaah ayuu soo kexeeyey, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah ayaa masiibadan meeshan kaga hadlay.
And the chiefe stewarde tooke Ieremiah, and said vnto him, The Lord thy God hath pronounced this plague vpon this place.
3 Haddaba Rabbigu wuu dejiyey, oo wuxuu u sameeyey siduu ku hadlay, maxaa yeelay, Rabbigaad ku dembaabteen, oo codkiisiina ma aydaan addeecin, oo sidaas daraaddeed ayaa waxanu idiinku dheceen.
Nowe the Lord hath brought it, and done according as he hath said: because ye haue sinned against the Lord, and haue not obeyed his voyce, therefore this thing is come vpon you.
4 Haddaba bal eeg, maanta silsiladihii gacanta kaaga xidhnaa waan kaa furay. Hadday kula wanaagsan tahay inaad Baabuloon ii raacdid, kaalay oo aniguna si wanaagsan baan kuu dhaqaalayn doonaa, laakiinse hadday kula xun tahay inaad Baabuloon ii raacdid, iska dhaaf. Bal eeg, dalkii oo dhammu adiguu ku hor yaal. Haddaba meel alla meeshii kula wanaagsan ee kula habboon inaad tagtid, tag.
And nowe beholde, I loose thee this day from the chaines which were on thine handes, if it please thee to come with me into Babel, come, and I will looke well vnto thee: but if it please thee not to come with mee into Babel, tarie still: beholde, all the lande is before thee: whither it seemeth good, and conuenient for thee to goe, thither goe.
5 Oo weliba intuusan dib u noqonin ayuu ku yidhi, Waxaad ku noqotaa Gedalyaah ina Ahiiqaam oo ahaa ina Shaafaan oo boqorkii Baabuloon uu taliye uga dhigay magaalooyinkii dalka Yahuudah, oo isaga la joog dadka dhexdiisa, amase waxaad tagtaa meel alla meeshii kula habboon inaad tagtid. Markaas sirkaalkii waardiyayaashu wuxuu isagii siiyey sahay iyo hadiyad, kolkaasuu iska sii daayay.
For yet he was not returned: therefore he said, Returne to Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam, the sonne of Shaphan, whom the King of Babel hath made gouernour ouer all the cities of Iudah, and dwell with him among the people, or goe wheresoeuer it pleaseth thee to goe. So the chiefe stewarde gaue him vitailes and a rewarde, and let him goe.
6 Markaas Yeremyaah wuxuu Gedalyaah ina Ahiiqaam ugu tegey Misfaah, oo isaguu la dhex degay dadkii dalka ku hadhay.
Then went Ieremiah vnto Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam, to Mizpah, and dwelt there with him among the people that were left in the lande.
7 Oo saraakiishii ciidammadii duurka ku jiray oo dhan iyo raggoodiiba markay maqleen in boqorkii Baabuloon uu dalkii taliye uga dhigay Gedalyaah ina Ahiiqaam, oo uu isagii u dhiibay rag, iyo naago, iyo carruurba, kuwaasoo ahaa masaakiintii dalka ku hadhay oo aan Baabuloon maxaabiis ahaan loogu kaxaysan,
Nowe when all the captaines of the hoste, which were in the fieldes, euen they and their men heard, that the King of Babel had made Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam gouernour in the land, and that he had committed vnto him, men, and women, and children, and of the poore of the lande, that were not caried away captiue to Babel,
8 ayay Gedalyaah ugu yimaadeen Misfaah, waxayna ahaayeen Ismaaciil ina Netanyaah, iyo Yooxaanaan iyo Yoonaataan oo ahaa ilma Qaaree'ax, iyo Seraayaah ina Tanxumed, iyo ilma Ceefay oo ahaa reer Netofaah iyo Yesanyaah oo ahaa wiilkii kii reer Macakaah, iyagii iyo raggoodii oo dhammuba.
Then they came to Gedaliah to Mizpah, euen Ishmael the sonne of Nethaniah, and Iohanan, and Ionathan the sonnes of Kareah, and Seraiah the sonne of Tanehumeth, and the sonnes of Ephai, the Netophathite, and Iezaniah the sonne of Maachathi, they and their men.
9 Markaasaa Gedalyaah ina Ahiiqaam oo ahaa ina Shaafaan wuxuu dhaar u maray iyagii iyo raggoodiiba, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Ha ka cabsanina inaad reer Kaldayiin u adeegtaan. Haddaba dalka iska degganaada, oo boqorka Baabuloon u adeega, oo idinna waad nabdoonaan doontaan.
And Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam, the sonne of Shaphan sware vnto them, and to their men, saying, Feare not to serue the Caldeans: dwell in the lande, and serue the King of Babel, and it shall be well with you.
10 Aniguna waxaan degganaan doonaa Misfaah, si aan ugu joogo reer Kaldayiinka hadba noo imanaya, idinkuse waxaad urursataan khamri, iyo midhaha beergoosadka, iyo saliid, oo weelashiinna ku shubta, oo waxaad degganaataan magaalooyinkii aad qabsateen.
As for me, Beholde, I will dwell at Mizpah to serue the Caldeans, which will come vnto vs: but you, gather you wine, and sommer fruites, and oyle, and put them in your vessels, and dwell in your cities, that ye haue taken.
11 Sidaas oo kalena Yuhuuddii reer Moo'aab, iyo reer Cammoon, iyo reer Edom dhex joogtay oo dhan, iyo kuwii dalalka kale joogay oo dhammuba markay maqleen in boqorkii Baabuloon uu qaar kaga tegey dalkii Yahuudah iyo inuu iyagii madax uga dhigay Gedalyaah ina Ahiiqaam oo ahaa ina Shaafaan
Likewise when all the Iewes that were in Moab, and among the Ammonites, and in Edom, and that were in all the countries, heard that the King of Babel had left a remnant of Iudah, and that he had set ouer them Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam the sonne of Shaphan,
12 ayay Yuhuuddii oo dhammu ka soo wada noqdeen meelihii loo kala eryay oo dhan, oo waxay yimaadeen dalkii Yahuudah, oo Gedalyaah bay ugu yimaadeen Misfaah, markaasay soo ururiyeen khamri iyo midhaha beergoosadka oo fara badan.
Euen all the Iewes returned out of all places where they were driuen, and came to the land of Iudah to Gedaliah vnto Mizpah, and gathered wine and sommer fruites, very much.
13 Oo weliba Yooxaanaan ina Qaaree'ax iyo saraakiishii ciidammadii duurka ku jiray oo dhammuba waxay Gedalyaah ugu yimaadeen Misfaah
Moreouer Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, and all the captaines of the hoste, that were in the fieldes, came to Gedaliah to Mizpah,
14 oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Ma og tahay in Bacaliis oo ah boqorka reer Cammoon uu Ismaaciil ina Netanyaah u soo diray inuu ku dilo? Laakiinse Gedalyaah ina Ahiiqaam ma uu rumaysan.
And said vnto him, Knowest thou not that Baalis the King of the Ammonites hath sent Ishmael the sonne of Nethaniah to slay thee? But Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam beleeued them not.
15 Markaasaa Yooxaanaan ina Qaaree'ax si qarsoodi ah Gedalyaah ugula hadlay Misfaah, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye inaan tago ii fasax, Ismaaciil ina Netanyaah aan soo dilee oo ciduna ma ogaan doonto. Bal muxuu kuu dilayaa oo ay Yuhuuddii kugu soo wada ururtay oo dhammu u kala firdhaan, oo intii dadka dalka Yahuudah ka hadhayna ay u dhintaan?
Then Iohanan the sonne of Kareah spake to Gedaliah in Mizpah secretly, saying, Let me goe, I pray thee, and I will slay Ishmael the sonne of Nethaniah, and no man shall know it. Wherefore should he kill thee, that all the Iewes, which are gathered vnto thee, shoulde be scattered, and the remnant in Iudah perish?
16 Laakiinse Gedalyaah ina Ahiiqaam wuxuu Yooxaanaan ina Qaaree'ax ku yidhi, Adigu waxan waa inaadan innaba samayn, waayo, been baad Ismaaciil ka sheegaysaa.
But Gedaliah the sonne of Ahikam said vnto Iohanan the sonne of Kareah, Thou shalt not doe this thing: for thou speakest falsely of Ishmael.

< Yeremyaah 40 >