< Yacquub 5 >
1 Bal kaalaya hadda, kuwiinnan taajiriinta ahow, ooya oo ka baroorta dhibaatooyinka idinku soo degaya.
O ye rich ones, wail and weep, on account of the miseries that are coming upon you.
2 Duunyadiinnii way qudhuntay, dharkiinniina aboor baa cunay.
For your wealth is spoiled and putrid; and your garments are moth-eaten:
3 Dahabkiinnii iyo lacagtiinniiba way mirdheen, miridhkooduna markhaati buu idinku noqon doonaa, wuxuuna jidhkiinna u cuni doonaa sida dabka oo kale. Maal baad u urursateen maalmaha ugu dambeeya.
and your gold and your silver have contracted rust; and the rust of them will be testimony against you; and it will eat your flesh. Ye have heaped up a fire to you against the latter days.
4 Shaqaalayaashii beerihiinnii idiin gooyay mushahaaradoodii aad dulmiga uga reebateen way dhawaaqaysaa, qaylooyinkii kuwii beerihii gooyayna waxay galeen dhegaha Rabbiga Saba'ood.
Behold, the wages of the laborers who have reaped your ground, which ye have wrongfully retained, crieth out; and the clamor of the reapers hath entered the ears of the Lord of Sabaoth.
5 Dhulkaad ku barwaaqaysateen, waadna ku raaxaysateen, oo qalbiyadiinnii waxaad u naaxiseen maalinta gowracidda.
For ye have lived in pleasure on the earth, and revelled, and feasted your bodies as in a day of slaughter.
6 Waad xukunteen, waadna disheen kan xaqa ah. Isaguna isma kiin hor taago.
Ye have condemned and slain the just, and none resisted you.
7 Haddaba, walaalayaalow, dulqaata ilaa imaatinka Rabbiga. Bal ogaada, ninka beerrey ahu wuxuu sugaa midhaha qiimaha leh ee dhulka, isagoo u dulqaata ilaa uu helo roobka hore iyo kan dambe.
But, my brethren, be ye patient until the advent of the Lord; like the husbandman, who waiteth for the precious fruits of his ground, and is patient as to them, until he receive the early and the latter rain.
8 Idinkuna dulqaata, qalbiyadiinnana xoogeeya, waayo, imaatinka Rabbigu wuu dhow yahay.
So also be ye patient, and fortify your hearts; for the advent of our Lord draweth nigh
9 Ha iska cabanina, walaalayaalow, yaan laydin xukumine. Bal ogaada, xaakinku albaabbada hortooduu taagan yahaye.
Be not querulous one against another, my brethren, lest ye be judged: for lo, the judgment, standeth before the door.
10 Walaalayaalow, u qaata tilmaan dhibaato iyo dulqaadasho ah nebiyadii ku hadlay magaca Rabbiga.
For patience in your afflictions, my brethren, take to you the example of the prophets, who spoke in the name of the Lord.
11 Bal ogaada! Waxaynu ugu yeedhnaa kuwo barakaysan kuwii adkaystay. Waad maqasheen adkaysashadii Ayuub, waadna aragteen dhammaadkii qasdiga Rabbiga, waayo, Rabbigu waa raxmad badan yahay, naxariisna wuu leeyahay.
For lo, we ascribe blessedness to them who have borne suffering. Ye have heard of the patience of Job; and ye have seen the result which the Lord wrought for him: for the Lord is merciful and compassionate.
12 Laakiin wax walba hortood, walaalahayow, ha dhaaranina; ha ku dhaaranina jannada, ama dhulka, ama dhaar kale; haahdiinnu haah ha ahaato, mayadiinnuna maya ha ahaato, yeydnan ku dhicin xukun hoostiis.
But above all things, my brethren, swear ye not; neither by heaven, nor by the earth, nor by any other oath: but let your language be yes, yes, and no, no, lest ye become obnoxious to judgment.
13 Mid dhibaataysanu ma idinku dhex jiraa? Ha ducaysto. Mid faraxsanu ma jiraa? Ha gabyo.
And if any of you shall be in affliction, let him pray; or if he be joyous, let him sing psalms.
14 Mid bukaa ma idinku dhex jiraa? Ha u yeedho waayeellada kiniisadda, oo iyagu ha u duceeyeen, oo saliid ha ku mariyeen magaca Rabbiga.
And if one is sick, let him call for the elders of the church; and let them pray for him, and anoint him with oil in the name of our Lord:
15 Ducadii rumaysad lahu way bogsiin doontaa kii buka, oo Rabbigu waa sara kicin doonaa, oo hadduu dembaabay waa loo dembidhaafi doonaa.
and the prayer of faith will heal him who is sick, and our Lord will raise him up; and if sins have been committed by him, they will be forgiven him.
16 Midkiinba midka kale dembiyadiisa ha u qirto oo ha u duceeyo si aad u bogsataan. Nin xaq ah baryadiisa shaqaysa wax badan bay kartaa.
And confess ye your faults one to another, and pray ye one for another, that ye may be healed; for great is the efficacy of the prayer which a righteous man prayeth.
17 Eliyaas wuxuu ahaa nin dabiicaddeenna oo kale leh. Aad buu Ilaah u baryay inaan roob di'in, roobna saddex sannadood iyo lix bilood dhulka kuma uu di'in.
Elijah also was a man of sensations like us, and he prayed that rain might not descend upon the earth; and it descended not, for three years and six months.
18 Oo kol kale ayuu Ilaah baryay, oo cirku roob buu soo daayay, dhulkuna midhihiisii buu soo saaray.
And again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth gave forth its fruits.
19 Walaalahayow, haddii midkiin ka leexdo runta, oo mid soo celiyo isaga,
My brethren, if one of you err from the way of truth, and any one convert him from his error;
20 ogaada in kii dembilaha qaladka jidkiisa ka soo celiyaa uu dembilihii naftiisa dhimasho ka badbaadin doono oo uu dembiyo badan qarin doono.
let him know, that he who turneth the sinner from the error of his way, will resuscitate his soul from death, and will cover the multitude of his sins.