< Ishacyaah 66 >
1 Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Samadu waa carshigayga, dhulkuna waa meeshaan cagaha saarto. Guri caynmaad ii dhisi doontaan? Oo maxay tahay meeshaan ku nastaa?
This is what the Lord says: Heaven is my throne, and the earth is where I place my feet. So where will this house be that you're going to build for me? Where will I lie down to rest?
2 Waayo, waxyaalahan oo dhan gacantaydaa samaysay, oo waxyaalahan oo dhammuna way wada ahaadeen, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay, laakiinse ninkan waan fiirinayaa kaasoo ah miskiin, ruuxiisuna jaban yahay, eraygaygana ka gariira.
I made everything; that's how it all came into existence, says the Lord. Those I look favorably on are humble and repentant, and they tremble when I speak.
3 Kii dibi gowracaa wuxuu la mid yahay mid nin dilay oo kale, kii wan yar allabari ahaan u bixiyaana wuxuu la mid yahay mid eey qoorta ka jebiya oo kale, oo kii qurbaan bixiyaana wuxuu la mid yahay sida isagoo doofaar dhiiggiis bixiya oo kale, oo kii foox shidaana wuxuu la mid yahay sida isagoo sanam ammaana. Hubaal waxay doorteen jidadkooda, oo naftooduna waxay ku faraxdaa karaahiyadooda.
When someone sacrifices a bull it's like human sacrifice, and when someone sacrifices a lamb, it's like breaking the neck of a dog. When they present a grain offering it's like presenting pig's blood, and when they burn incense it's like worshiping an idol. Since they have chosen to act like this and to love such disgusting things,
4 Anna waxaan dooran doonaa dhibaatooyinkooda, oo waxay ka cabsadaanna waan ku soo kor dayn doonaa, maxaa yeelay, markaan u yeedhay, innaba cidina iima jawaabin, oo markaan la hadlayna, ima ay maqlin, laakiinse wax indhahayga hortooda shar ku ahaa bay sameeyeen, oo waxay doorteen wax aanan ku farxin.
I will also choose to punish them severely and to terrify them, because I called out to them but no one answered; I spoke to them, but no one listened. Instead they did what's evil in my sight, choosing to do what I hate.
5 Kuwiinna eraygiisa ka gariirow, bal erayga Rabbiga maqla. Walaalihiinna idin neceb, oo magacayga aawadiis idiin xoora, waxay yidhaahdeen, Rabbiga ha la ammaano, si aan farxaddiinna u aragno, laakiinse iyagu way ceeboobi doonaan.
Listen to what the Lord has to say, those of you who tremble when he speaks. This is what some of your people who hate you and throw you out have said, “Let the Lord be glorified, so we can see how happy you are!” but it's them who are going to be humiliated.
6 Buuq baa magaalada laga maqlayaa, cod baana macbudka ka yeedhaya, waana codka Rabbiga oo cadaawayaashiisii abaalmarinaya.
Hear all the shouting from the city! Hear all the noise from the Temple! It's the sound of the Lord giving his enemies back what they deserve.
7 Intii ayan foolan ayay dhashay, oo intii ayan xanuunsan ayay wiil umushay.
She gave birth before she went into labor, she delivered a boy before the pains came.
8 Bal yaa waxaas oo kale maqlay? Yaase waxaas oo kale arkay? Dal miyuu maalin qudha dhashaa? Quruunse miyey haddiiba dhalataa? Waayo, Siyoon mar alla markay foolatay ayay haddiiba carruurteedii dhashay.
Who has ever heard of anything like this? Who has seen this kind of thing before? Can a country be delivered in a day, can a nation be born in a moment? Yet as soon as Zion went into labor, she gave birth to her children.
9 Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Anigoo foosha keena miyaanan dhalin doonin? Ilaahaagu wuxuu leeyahay, Anigoo wax dhaliya, miyaan maxalka awdi doonaa?
Would I bring a baby to the point of birth and then not deliver it? the Lord asks. Would I who deliver the baby stop it from being born? the Lord asks again.
10 Kuwiinna iyada jecel oo dhammow, Yeruusaalem la reyreeya, oo aawadeed u faraxsanaada, kuwiinna u baroorta oo dhammow, farxad aawadeed ula reyreeya,
Celebrate with Jerusalem and be happy for her, everyone who loves her; celebrate with her and sing for joy, everyone who mourns over her.
11 si aad naaseheeda gargaarka ah u nuugtaan oo aad uga dheregtaan, iyo si aad sharafteeda badan uga maashaan oo aad ugu faraxdaan.
Like a baby you can nurse at her breasts that bring comfort, drinking deeply and being satisfied by all she has to give.
12 Waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal eega, nabad sida webi oo kale ayaan ugu soo fidin doonaa, oo sharafta quruumahana sida durdur soo buuxdhaafay oo kale ayaan ugu soo dayn doonaa, oo markaasaad nuugi doontaan, oo sintaa laydinku xambaari doonaa, dhabtaana laydinku dul cayaarsiin doonaa.
This is what the Lord says: Watch! I'm going to give her peace and prosperity like a flowing river, the wealth of nations like an overflowing stream. You will nurse and be carried on her hip and played with on her knees.
13 Sida mid hooyadiis u qalbi qaboojiso oo kale ayaan aniguna idiin qalbi qaboojin doonaa, oo waxaa laydinku qalbi qaboojin doonaa Yeruusaalem.
Like a mother comforting her child, I will comfort you. You will be comforted in Jerusalem.
14 Oo markaad waxaas aragtaan ayaa qalbigiinnu farxi doonaa, oo lafihiinnuna sida caws qoyan oo kale ayay u soo barwaaqaysnaan doonaan, oo waxaa la ogaan doonaa inay gacanta Rabbigu addoommadiisa la jirto, cadhadiisuse waxay ku dhici doontaa cadaawayaashiisa.
When you see this happening, you'll be happy deep inside, and you'll prosper like growing grass. The Lord's power will be recognized as blessing his servants and cursing his enemies.
15 Waayo, bal eega, Rabbigu wuxuu la iman doonaa dab, iyo gaadhifardoodyadiisa cirwareenta la moodo, inuu xanaaqiisa cadho ku keeno canaantiisana dab ololkiis.
Look! The Lord is coming surrounded by fire, his chariots whirling like the wind, to express his anger with fury, to give his reprimand in flames of fire.
16 Waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu binu-aadmiga oo dhan ku xukumi doonaa dab iyo seeftiisa, oo kuwa Rabbigu laayana way badan doonaan.
The Lord will execute judgment on everyone by fire and by his sword. There will be many killed by the Lord.
17 Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Kuwa isdaahiriya, oo beeraha isku dhex nadiifiya, oo midba midka kale daba socdo, oo hilibka doofaarka, iyo karaahiyada, iyo jiirka cunaa dhammaantood way wada baabbi'i doonaan.
Those who dedicate themselves and make themselves pure in order to enter the sacred gardens, to worship the idol placed in the center, and to eat pork and vermin and rats and other disgusting things—they will all die together, says the Lord.
18 Waayo, shuqulladooda iyo fikirradooda waan ogahay, oo waxay noqon doontaa inaan soo wada ururiyo quruumaha iyo afafka oo dhanba, oo iyana way iman doonaan, ammaantaydana way arki doonaan.
I know what they're doing and what they're thinking. I will soon come to gather all nations and peoples of different languages. They will come and see my glory.
19 Oo waxaan dhexdooda ka taagi doonaa calaamad, oo kuwooda baxsan doonana waxaan u diri doonaa quruumaha, kuwaasoo ah Tarshiish, iyo Fuul iyo Luudka qaansada xooda, iyo Tubal iyo Yaawaan, iyo gasiiradaha fog, oo aan weligood warkayga maqal oo aan ammaantaydana arag, oo iyana ammaantayday quruumaha ka dhex sheegi doonaan.
I will give them a sign, and I will send some who survive to the nations. They will go to Tarshish, to the Libyans and Lydians (who are famous as archers), to Tubal and Greece, and to the distant lands that haven't heard about me or seen my glory. They will announce my glory among the nations.
20 Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Waxay Rabbiga qurbaan ahaan ugu keeni doonaan walaalihiin oo dhan, oo waxay ka soo kaxayn doonaan quruumaha oo dhan, iyagoo fuushan fardo, iyo gaadhifardoodyo, iyo sariiro gacmeed, iyo baqlo, iyo rakuubbo dheereeya, oo waxay keeni doonaan buurtayda quduuska ah ee Yeruusaalem, sida reer binu Israa'iil ay weel nadiifsan qurbaankooda ugu keenaan oo ay guriga Rabbiga u soo geliyaan.
They will bring back all your people from every nations to my holy mountain in Jerusalem as an offering to the Lord. They will come on horses, in chariots and wagons, and on mules and camels, says the Lord. They will bring them in the same way the Israelites bring their grain offerings to the Lord's Temple using vessels that are ceremonially clean.
21 Oo Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Weliba waxaan iyaga kala dhex bixi doonaa wadaaddo iyo kuwa reer Laawi ah.
I will choose some of them as priests and Levites, says the Lord.
22 Oo Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Sida samooyinka cuscusub iyo dhulka cusub oo aan samayn doono ay hortayda ugu raagi doonaan, ayaa farcankiinna iyo magiciinnuba hortayda ugu raagi doonaan.
As the new heavens and the new earth, which I will make, will last forever, so your descendants and your reputation will also last forever, says the Lord.
23 Oo Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Waxay noqon doontaa in bil ka bil iyo sabti ka sabti binu-aadmiga oo dhammuba ay u iman doonaan inay hortayda igu caabudaan.
Everyone will come and worship me, from one New Moon to the next, and from one Sabbath to the next, says the Lord.
24 Oo iyana way bixi doonaan, oo waxay fiirfiirin doonaan dadkii igu xadgudbay meydadkooda, waayo, dixirigoodu ma dhiman doono, oo dabkuna kama demi doono, oo waxay binu-aadmiga oo dhan u noqon doonaan karaahiyo.
They will go out and see the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me. The worms that eat them won't die, the fire that burns them won't go out, and everyone who sees them will be horrified.