< Ishacyaah 65 >

1 Waxaan aqbalay kuwa aan wax i weyddiinayn, oo waxaa i helay kuwa aan i doondoonayn. Waxaa quruun aan magacayga loogu yeedhi jirin ku idhi, I eeg, i eeg.
[This is what Yahweh said]: “I was ready to reply [to my people], but no one requested me [to help them]. I was ready to help [even] those who did not call out to me. I continued to say, ‘I am here [to help you]!’
2 Maalintii oo dhan waxaan gacmahayga u kala bixinayay dad caasi ah, oo jid aan wanaagsanayn ku socda, oo fikirradooda daba gala,
[It is as though] I have continually held out my arms [to show that I am ready to help] my people who rebel [against me], and who [continually] do the evil things that they want to do.
3 oo ah dad had iyo goorba badheedh iiga cadhaysiiya, iyagoo beero allabari ku bixiya, oo meelo leben laga sameeyey foox ku shida.
They boldly continue to do things that cause me to be angry: They offer sacrifices [to their idols] in their gardens, and they burn incense [to them] on [altars made of] bricks.
4 Waxay fadhiyaan xabaalaha dhexdooda, oo meelo qarsoon bayna ku hoydaan. Hilib doofaar bay cunaan oo weelashoodana waxaa ku jira maraq waxyaalo karaahiyo ah laga sameeyey,
They secretly remain awake at night in burial caves, [talking with the spirits of] ([dead people/their ancestors]). They eat the meat of pigs, and their pots are full of [other] meat that is [also] unacceptable to me.
5 oo waxay yidhaahdaan, Goonidaada u taagnow, oo ha ii soo dhowaanin, waayo, waan kaa quduusanahay. Kuwaasu waa qiiq sanka iga galay, iyo dab maalinta oo dhan qaxmaya.
[Then] they say [to others], ‘Stay away from me; do not come near me, because I am very holy, [with the result that you should not touch me].’ People like that are [like] [MET] smoke in my nose [from] a fire that burns continually.
6 Bal eega, tanu hortayday ku qoran tahay, Anigu iska aamusi maayo, laakiinse waan abaalmarin doonaa, oo waxaan abaalmarinta gelin doonaa laabtooda.
I have written [a record of all the evil things that they have done]. And I will not do nothing about all those things; I will certainly punish them
7 Xumaatooyinkiinnii iyo xumaatooyinkii awowayaashiinba isku mar baan idiinka abaalmarin doonaa, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay, waayo, iyagu buurahay foox ku shideen oo kurahay igu caayeen, sidaas daraaddeed laabtooda ayaan shuqulladoodii hore gelin doonaa.
for the sins that they and their ancestors have committed. They have mocked/insulted me by burning incense [to their idols] on the hilltops. So I will punish them like they deserve for doing those things.”
8 Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Sida khamriga looga helo rucubka canabka dhexdiisa, oo mid u yidhaahdo, Ha hallaynin, waayo, barakaa ku dhex jirta, sidaas oo kalaan u samayn doonaa addoommadayda aawadood, si aanan dhammaantood u wada baabbi'in.
This is [also] what Yahweh said: “When there is a cluster of nice grapes on a vine, people do not throw them away, because they know that there is good juice in those grapes. Similarly, because there are some people [in Judah] who faithfully serve/worship me, I will not get rid of all of them.
9 Waxaan reer Yacquub ka soo bixin doonaa farcan, oo Yahuudahna waxaan ka soo bixin doonaa mid buurahayga dhaxla, oo kuwayga aan doortay ayaa dhaxli doona, oo addoommadayda ayaa halkaas degi doona.
I will spare some of the descendants of Jacob who are living on the hills of Judah. I have chosen them, and they will possess that land; they will worship/serve me, and they will live there.
10 Shaaroon waxay noqon doontaa meel ay adhiyuhu daaqaan, oo dooxadii Caakoorna waxay noqon doontaa meel ay lo'yowgu fadhiistaan, dadkayga i doondoonay aawadood.
[Then all the land from the] Sharon [Plain near the Mediterranean Sea] and [as far east as] Achor Valley [near Jericho] will become pastureland where their cattle and sheep will rest.
11 Laakiinse kuwiinna Rabbiga ka taga, oo buurtayda quduuska ah illoobay, oo Gaad miis u diyaariya, oo Menii khamri u qasa,
But [it will be different] for you who have abandoned me, you who do not worship me on [Zion], my sacred hill, you who worship Gad and Meni, [the gods who you think will bring you] good luck and good fortune.
12 waxaan idinka dhigi doonaa kuwa seefta ku le'da, oo dhammaantiinna waxaad u wada foororsan doontaan in laydin gowraco, maxaa yeelay, markaan idiin yeedhay iima aydaan jawaabin, oo markaan idinla hadlayna, ima aydaan maqlin, laakiinse wax indhahayga hortooda shar ku ahaa baad samayseen, oo waxaad doorateen wax aanan ku farxin.
[It is I, not Meni, who will decide/say what will happen to you]; you will all [be slaughtered by] swords. [That will happen] because you did not answer when I called out to you. I spoke to you, but you did not pay attention. Instead, you did things that I said are evil; you chose to do things that do not please me.
13 Sidaas daraaddeed Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal ogaada, addoommadaydu wax bay cuni doonaan, idinkuse waad gaajaysnaan doontaan, addoommadaydu wax bay cabbi doonaan, idinkuse waad harraadsanaan doontaan, addoommadaydu way rayrayn doonaan, idinkuse waad ceeboobi doontaan,
I, Yahweh the Lord, will give to those who worship and obey me things to eat and drink, and they will be happy; but [all] you evil people will be hungry and thirsty, and you will be [sad and] disgraced.
14 addoommadaydu farxadda qalbigooda ayay la gabyi doonaan, idinkuse murugta qalbigiinna ayaad la ooyi doontaan, oo dhibta ruuxiinna ayaad la barooran doontaan.
Those who worship and obey me will sing joyfully, but you [evil people] will wail loudly because you will be suffering in your inner beings.
15 Oo magiciinna ayaad kuwayga aan doortay ugu dayn doontaan, inuu habaar lagu dhaarto u noqdo, oo Sayidka Rabbiga ah ayaa idin layn doona, oo addoommadiisana magac kaluu u bixin doonaa.
Those whom I have chosen will use your names when they curse people; [I], Yahweh the Lord, will get rid of you. But I will give to those who worship and obey me a new name [that they will use when they bless people].
16 Kii isagoo dalka jooga isu duceeyaa wuxuu isugu ducayn doonaa Ilaaha runta, oo kii isagoo dalka jooga dhaartaana wuxuu ku dhaaran doonaa Ilaaha runta, waayo, dhibaatooyinkii hore waa la illoobay, indhahaygana way ka qarsoon yihiin.
The people in this land have had many troubles, but I will cause those troubles to occur no more. Therefore those who ask me to bless them and those who solemnly promise to do something should never forget that I am God, who faithfully [do what I promise to do].”
17 Waayo, bal eega, waxaan abuuri doonaa samooyin cuscusub iyo dhul cusub, oo waxyaalihii horena lama soo xusuusan doono, oo innaba maanka sooma ay geli doonaan.
“Note this: [Some day] I will create a new heaven and a new earth. [They will be very wonderful, with the result that] you will no longer think about all [the troubles] you had previously.
18 Laakiinse farxa oo weligiinba waxa aan abuuro ku reyreeya, waayo, bal eega, Yeruusaalem waxaan u abuuraa rayrayn, dadkeedana farxad baan u abuuraa.
Be glad and always rejoice because of what I will do: Jerusalem will be a place where [people] rejoice; the people who live there will always be happy.
19 Oo Yeruusaalem baan ku rayrayn doonaa, oo dadkaygana waan ku farxi doonaa, oo codkii oohinta iyo codkii baroorashadana mar dambe dhexdeeda lagama maqli doono.
I will rejoice about Jerusalem, and I will be delighted with my people. [People] will no longer weep or cry because of being distressed.
20 Oo markaas dabadeedna innaba dhexdeeda ilmo dhawr maalmood jira, amase oday aan cimrigiisa dhammaysan lagama heli doono, waayo, ilmuhu wuxuu dhiman doonaa isagoo boqol sannadood jira, dembilaha boqol sannadood jirase wuxuu ahaan doonaa mid inkaaran.
No child will die when it is still an infant; all people will live until they are very old. [People will consider that] anyone who is 100 years old is still young; [they will consider that] anyone who dies who is younger than that has been cursed.
21 Guryay dhisan doonaan, wayna degi doonaan, oo beero canab ahna way beeran doonaan, midhahoodana way cuni doonaan.
My people will build houses and [then] live in them. They will plant vineyards and then eat grapes from those vineyards.
22 Si uu mid kale u dego, guryo ma ay dhisi doonaan, oo si uu mid kale u cuno, beero ma ay beeran doonaan, waayo, dadkayga cimrigiisu wuxuu ahaan doonaa sidii geed cimrigiis, oo kuwayga aan doortayna wakhti dheer ayay shuqulka gacmahooda ku farxi doonaan.
As for the houses that they build, no one will [take those houses away from them and] live in them. No one will take a vineyard away from its owner. My chosen people will live a long time, like trees do, and they will enjoy what they have accomplished— [the houses that they have built and the crops that they have planted].
23 Si aan waxba tarin uma ay hawshoon doonaan, oo masiibona carruur uma ay dhali doonaan, waayo, iyagu waa farcankii kuwii Rabbigu barakeeyey, iyaga iyo carruurtoodaba.
They will not work hard in vain, and their children will not die from some (calamity/terrible thing happening to them). I will [certainly] bless their children and their grandchildren.
24 Intaanay dhawaaqin ayaan u jawaabi doonaa, oo intay weli hadlayaan ayaan maqli doonaa.
Before they call to me [to help them], I will answer; I will answer their prayers while they are still praying [for me to do something for them].
25 Yeyda iyo baraarku way isla wada daaqi doonaan, libaaxuna sida dibi oo kale caws buu u cuni doonaa, oo boodhkuna abeesada quudkeeduu ahaan doonaa. Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Buurtayda quduuska ah oo dhan waxba kuma yeeli doonaan, waxna kuma baabbi'in doonaan.
No one will be harmed or injured anywhere on [Zion], my sacred hill: Wolves and lambs will eat grass together [peacefully]; lions will eat hay like oxen do, [and they will not attack people]. Snakes will [not hurt anyone; they will lie on the ground and] eat [only] dirt. [That is surely what it will be like because I], Yahweh, have said it.”

< Ishacyaah 65 >