< Ishacyaah 62 >

1 Jeeray xaqnimadeedu sida nuur u soo dhalaasho, oo ay badbaadadeeduna sida laambad baxaysa u soo dhalaasho, anigu Siyoon daraaddeed aamusi maayo, oo innaba Yeruusaalem daraaddeed nasan maayo.
For the sake of Zion, I will not be silent, and for the sake of Jerusalem, I will not rest, until her Just One advances in splendor, and her Savior is kindled like a lamp.
2 Oo quruumuhu xaqnimadaaday arki doonaan, oo boqorrada oo dhammuna sharaftaaday arki doonaan, oo waxaa laguu bixin doonaa magac cusub oo Rabbiga afkiisu kugu magacaabi doono.
And the Gentiles will see your Just One, and all the kings will see your Renowned One. And you shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord will choose.
3 Oo weliba waxaad gacanta Rabbiga ku noqon doontaa taaj qurux ah, iyo cigaal boqornimo.
And you shall be a crown of glory in the hand of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God.
4 Mar dambe laguuguma yeedhi doono Tii la dayriyey, oo dalkaagana mar dambe looguma yeedhi doono Dhulka baabba'a ah, laakiinse waxaa lagugu magacaabi doonaa Xefsiibaah, oo dalkaagana waxaa lagu magacaabi doonaaBecuulaah, waayo, Rabbigu waa kugu farxaa, oo dalkaagana waa la guursan doonaa.
You will no longer be called Forsaken. And your land will no longer be called Desolate. Instead, you shall be called My Will within it, and your land shall be called Inhabited. For the Lord has been well pleased with you, and your land will be inhabited.
5 Waayo, sida barbaar inan bikrad ah u guursado oo kale ayaa wiilashaadu kuu guursan doonaan, oo sida ninkii aroos ahu uu aroosadda ugu farxo oo kale ayaa Ilaahaagu kuugu farxi doonaa.
For the young man will live with the virgin, and your children will live with you. And the groom will rejoice over the bride, and your God will rejoice over you.
6 Yeruusaalemay, derbiyadaada waxaan dul saaray waardiyayaal, oo iyana habeen iyo maalin toona ma ay aamusi doonaan. Kuwiinna Rabbiga xusuustow, ha aamusina,
Upon your walls, O Jerusalem, I have stationed watchmen all day and all night unceasingly; they will not be silent. You who are mindful of the Lord, you should not be silent,
7 oo isaga ha nasinina jeeruu Yeruusaalem dhiso oo ammaan dhulka kaga dhigo,
and you should not grant silence to him, until he makes firm and establishes Jerusalem as a praise upon the earth.
8 Rabbigu wuxuu ku dhaartay gacantiisa midig iyo dhudhunkiisa xoogga badan oo yidhi, Hubaal mar dambe hadhuudhkaaga cadaawayaashaada ma aan siin doono inuu cunto u noqdo, oo shisheeyayaalna mar dambe ma ay cabbi doonaan khamrigaagii aad ku hawshootay.
The Lord has sworn with his right hand and with the arm of his strength: “Certainly, I will no longer permit your grain to be the food of your enemies. And the sons of foreigners will not drink your wine, for which you have labored.”
9 Laakiinse kuwii soo urursaday ayaa cuni doona, oo Rabbiga ayay ammaani doonaan, oo kuwii canabka soo urursaday ayaa barxadaha meeshayda quduuska ah khamriga ku cabbi doona.
For those who gather it will eat it, and they will praise the Lord. And those who bring it together will drink it in my holy courts.
10 Dhex mara, irdaha dhex mara, oo dadka jidkiisa hagaajiya. Jidka weyn dhisa, dhisa. Dhagaxyada ka wareejiya, oo dadyowga calan u taaga.
Pass through, pass through the gates! Prepare a way for the people! Make the road level, remove the stones, and lift up a sign for the people!
11 Bal eega, Rabbigu wuxuu tan iyo dhulka darafkiisa ku naadiyey oo yidhi, Magaalada Siyoon waxaad ku tidhaahdaan, Bal eeg, badbaadadaadii waa soo socotaaye. Bal eeg, isagu abaalgudkiisii wuu wataa, oo abaalmarintiisuna way ka soo horraysaa.
Behold, the Lord has caused it to be heard to the ends of the earth. Tell the daughter of Zion: “Behold, your Savior approaches! Behold, his reward is with him, and his work before him.”
12 Waxaa loogu yeedhi doonaa, Dadka quduuska ah iyo Kuwa Rabbigu soo furtay, oo waxaa lagugu magacaabi doonaa, Tii la doondoonay, iyo Magaalo aan la dayrin.
And they will call them: The holy people, the redeemed of the Lord. Then you will be called: A city sought, and not forsaken.

< Ishacyaah 62 >