< Ishacyaah 26 >

1 Oo maalintaas dalka Yahuudah waxaa lagaga gabyi doonaa gabaygan, Annagu magaalo xoog badan baannu leennahay, oo Rabbigu wuxuu derbiyo iyo qalcado nooga dhigi doonaa badbaado.
In that day shall this song be sung in the land of Iudah, We haue a strong citie: saluation shall God set for walles and bulwarkes.
2 Irdaha fura, quruunta xaqa ah oo runta xajisa ha soo gashee.
Open ye the gates that the righteous nation, which keepeth the trueth, may enter in.
3 Qofkii maankiisu isku kaa halleeyo nabad dhan baad ku dhawri doontaa, maxaa yeelay, adiguu ku aaminsan yahay.
By an assured purpose wilt thou preserue perfite peace, because they trusted in thee.
4 Rabbiga weligiinba aamina, waayo, Rabbiga Ilaaha ahu waa dhagax daa'im ah.
Trust in the Lord for euer: for in the Lord God is strength for euermore.
5 Maxaa yeelay, isagaa hoos u soo dejiyey kuwii meelaha sare degganaa, oo magaaladii sarajoogga dheeraydna wuu hoosaysiiyey, oo wuxuu hoos ugu soo dejiyaa tan iyo dhulka, oo ciidduu ku soo xooraa.
For hee will bring downe them that dwell on hie: the hie citie he will abase: euen vnto the ground wil he cast it downe, and bring it vnto dust.
6 Oo cagahaa ku tuman doona, waana cagaha masaakiinta iyo tallaabooyinka saboolka baahan.
The foote shall treade it downe, euen the feete of the poore, and the steppes of the needie.
7 Kan xaqa ah jidkiisu waa qumman yahay oo adigoo qumman ayaa wadiiqada kan xaqa ah toosiya.
The way of the iust is righteousnesse: thou wilt make equall the righteous path of the iust.
8 Rabbiyow, annagu waxaannu kugu sugaynay jidka xukummadaada. Oo naftayaduna waxay xiiso u qabtaa magacaaga iyo xusuustaada.
Also we, O Lord, haue waited for thee in the way of thy iudgemets: the desire of our soule is to thy Name, and to the remembrance of thee.
9 Habeenka naftaydu adigay kuu xiisootay, oo ruuxa gudahayga ku jira ayaan aad kuugu doondooni doonaa, waayo, markii xukummadaadu ay dhulka joogaan ayaa dadka dunida degganu xaqnimo bartaan.
With my soule haue I desired thee in the night, and with my spirit within mee will I seeke thee in the morning: for seeing thy iudgements are in the earth, the inhabitants of the world shall learne righteousnesse.
10 Kan sharka ah haddii raalli laga noqdo isagu innaba xaqnimo ma barto, oo dalka qummanaanta ayuu caddaaladdarro ku samayn doonaa, oo haybadda Rabbigana ma uu fiirin doono.
Let mercie bee shewed to the wicked, yet hee will not learne righteousnesse: in the land of vprightnesse will he do wickedly, and will not beholde the maiestie of the Lord.
11 Rabbiyow, gacantaadu kor bay u taagan tahay, laakiinse iyagu ma ay arkaan illowse waxay arki doonaan dadaalkaaga aad dadka u dadaashid, wayna ceeboobi doonaan, oo cadaawayaashaadana dab baa baabbi'in doona.
O Lord, they will not beholde thine hie hande: but they shall see it, and bee confounded with the zeale of the people, and the fire of thine enemies shall deuoure them.
12 Rabbiyow, nabad baad na siin doontaa, oo weliba shuqulladayadii oo dhan baad noo wada samaysay.
Lord, vnto vs thou wilt ordeine peace: for thou also hast wrought all our workes for vs.
13 Rabbiyow, Ilaahayagow, sayidyo kale oo aan adiga ahayn ayaa noo talin jiray, laakiinse adiga keliya ayaannu xusuusannaa oo magacaaga soo qaadnaa.
O Lord our God, other lords beside thee, haue ruled vs, but we will remember thee onely, and thy Name.
14 Iyagu way dhinteen, soona noolaan maayaan, way baabbe'een, soona sarakici maayaan, oo sidaas daraaddeed waad soo booqatay oo baabbi'isay, oo xusuustoodii oo dhanna waad tirtirtay.
The dead shall not liue, neither shall the dead arise, because thou hast visited and scattered them, and destroyed all their memorie.
15 Quruunta waad kordhisay, Rabbiyow, quruunta waad kordhisay, oo adiga waa lagu ammaanay, oo dalka soohdimihiisii oo dhanna waad wada ballaadhisay.
Thou hast increased the nation, O Lord: thou hast increased the nation: thou art made glorious: thou hast enlarged all the coastes of the earth.
16 Rabbiyow, markay dhibaataysnaayeen way ku doondooneen, oo markaad edbinaysayna aad bay kuu baryeen.
Lord, in trouble haue they visited thee: they powred out a prayer when thy chastening was vpon them.
17 Rabbiyow, naag uur leh oo ku soo dhowaatay shinkii ay dhali lahayd, siday u xanuunsato oo ay foosheeda ugu qayliso ayaannu hortaada ku noqonnay.
Like as a woman with childe, that draweth neere to the trauaile, is in sorow, and cryeth in her paines, so haue we bene in thy sight, O Lord.
18 Annagu waannu uuraysannay, oo xanuunkii foosha ayaa na qabtay, oo waxaannu noqonnay sidii wax dabayl dhalay, oo dhulkana samatabbixin kuma aannu samayn, oo dadka dunida degganuna ma ay dhalan.
We haue coceiued, we haue borne in paine, as though we should haue brought forth winde: there was no helpe in the earth, neither did the inhabitants of the world fall.
19 Kuwaagii dhintay way soo noolaan doonaan, meydadkuna way soo sara kici doonaan. Kuwiinna ciidda ku dhex jirow, soo toosa oo gabya! Rabbiyow, dharabkaagu waa sida dharabka geedaha nooleeya, oo dhulkuna meydadkuu soo xoori doonaa.
Thy dead men shall liue: euen with my body shall they rise. Awake, and sing, ye that dwel in dust: for thy dewe is as the dew of herbes, and the earth shall cast out the dead.
20 Dadkaygow, kaalaya, qolladihiinna gala, oo albaabbadiinna soo xidha, oo wakhti yar dhuunta, intay cadhadu gudbayso.
Come, my people: enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doores after thee: hide thy selfe for a very litle while, vntill the indignation passe ouer.
21 Waayo, bal eega, Rabbigu wuxuu meeshiisa uga soo kacayaa inuu dadka dhulka deggan xumaantooda u ciqaabo. Dhulkuna wuxuu daaha ka qaadi doonaa dhiiggiisa, oo kuwa la laayayna mar dambe ma dabooli doono.
For lo, the Lord commeth out of his place, to visite the iniquitie of the inhabitants of the earth vpon them: and the earth shall disclose her blood, and shall no more hide her slaine.

< Ishacyaah 26 >