< Hoosheeca 13 >

1 Markii reer Efrayim hadleen waxaa jiray gariir, oo dalka Israa'iil ayay isku dhex sarraysiiyeen, laakiinse markay Bacal ku gardarnaadeen ayay dhinteen.
[Previously], when [the leaders of] Israel spoke, the people trembled; those leaders were highly respected by the Israeli people. But the people sinned greatly by [worshiping] Baal, so now they will be killed [by their enemies].
2 Oo haatan aad bay u sii dembaabaan, oo waxay lacagtooda ka samaysteen taswiiro la shubay kuwaasoo ah xataa sanamyo ay u samaysteen sida ay waxgarashadoodu tahay, oo dhammaantoodna waxaa weeye nin saanac ah sancadiis, oo waxay ka sheegaan, Dadka allabariga bixiya weylaha sanamyada ah ha dhunkadeen.
Now they sin more and more; they make idols for themselves [and coat the idols] with their silver. Those idols are statues that are very cleverly made, but those statues are made by [mere] humans. But [the people are told], “Kiss those idols [that resemble a] calf, and offer sacrifices to them!”
3 Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed waxay noqon doonaan sida daruurta subaxnimo, iyo sida sayaxa aroor hore baabba'a, iyo sida buunshaha dabayshu ka kaxayso goobta hadhuudhka lagu tumo, iyo sida qiiqa sholadda ka baxa.
Therefore, those people will [disappear quickly] like [SIM] the morning mist or the dew that lies [on the ground] early [in the morning]; [they will disappear] like [SIM] chaff that is blown away from where [the wheat] is threshed, like [SIM] smoke that goes out of a chimney.
4 Laakiinse anigu waxaan ahay Rabbiga Ilaahiinna ah oo idinka soo bixiyey dalkii Masar, oo waa inaydaan aqoonsan ilaah kale aniga mooyaane, oo badbaadiye kale ma jiro innaba aniga mooyaane.
But [Yahweh says to his people], “I am Yahweh, your God, [the one who brought your ancestors] out of Egypt. You must believe that only I am God and that there is no other God, and that there is no one else who can save you!
5 Anigu waan idin iqiin markii aad dhex joogteen cidladii ahayd dalka abaarta badan.
I took care of your [ancestors when they were] in the desert, where it was extremely [hot and] dry.
6 Markii ay wax daaqeen ayay dhergeen, oo markay dhergeen dabadeed ayaa qalbigoodii kor u kacay, haddaba sidaas daraaddeed bay ii illoobeen.
When I provided food for them, their [stomachs] were full, and they were satisfied. But then they became proud and they forgot [about] me, [and you are like your ancestors]!
7 Sidaas daraaddeed waxaan iyaga ku ahay sida libaax oo kale, oo sida shabeel ayaan jidka ku ag dhawri doonaa.
So I will attack you like [SIM] a lion [attacks other animals]; I will be like [SIM] a leopard that waits beside the road [to attack another animal].
8 Oo waxaan iyaga uga hor iman doonaa sida orso gabneheedii laga gablamiyey, oo waxaan jeexjeexi doonaa xuubkii wadnahooda, oo halkaasaan iyaga ku baabbi'in doonaa sidii gool libaax oo kale, oo waxaa iyaga dildillaacsan doona dugaagga.
Like [SIM] a female bear attacks anyone that steals her cubs, I will attack you Israelis and rip you open. I will completely destroy you like [SIM] lions or [other] wild animals tear apart the animals that they catch and devour them.
9 Dadka Israa'iilow, baabbi'inna waxaa sabab u ah cadownimada aad ii qabtaan anoo caawiyihiinna ah.
[You people of] Israel, you will be destroyed because you oppose me, the only one who (can help/helps) you.
10 Haddaba magaalooyinkiinna oo dhan ha idinku badbaadiyee meeh boqorkiinnii? Oo meeye xaakinnadiinnii aad ka tidhaahdeen, Na sii boqor iyo amiirro?
You have a king; (why is he [unable to save you]?/but he is [unable to save you].) [RHQ] You have [RHQ] rulers in all your towns, but they are not helping you, [either]. Your [ancestors] said, ‘Appoint for us a king and [other] leaders [to rule over us] [like the other nations have]!’
11 Anigoo xanaaqsan ayaan boqor idin siiyey, oo haddana anigoo cadhaysan ayaan idinka qaaday.
I was angry with them [for requesting that], but I appointed a king [to rule over] them. But [later] I became very angry with them [again], so I took their king away.
12 Xumaantii reer Efrayim waa xidhxidhan tahay, oo dembigoodiina meel baa lagu kaydiyey.
[I have written on a scroll] a record of the sins that have been committed by you people of Israel, and I have stored away that record.
13 Oo waxaa iyaga ku soo kor degi doonta murugtii naag foolanaysa. Iyagu waa sida wiil aan caqli lahayn, waayo, haatan waa wakhtigii uusan ku sii raagin meeshii carruurtu ka soo dhalan jireen.
You people are not wise; and now [you are helpless]. You are like [MET] a woman who is having birth pains but who is unable to give birth to the baby.
14 Anigu waxaan iyaga ka soo furan doonaa xoogga She'oolka, oo waxaan ka soo badbaadin doonaa dhimashada. Dhimashoy, meeye belaayooyinkaagii? She'oolow, meeday baabbi'intaadii? Toobaddu indhahayga way ka qarsoonaan doontaa. (Sheol h7585)
I certainly will not [RHQ] save you from being killed and from going to the place where the dead people are. I will [RHQ] cause you to be afflicted by plagues and to die and be buried in graves. I will not be merciful [to you]. (Sheol h7585)
15 In kastoo uu walaalihiis dhexdooda ku dhal badan yahay, waxaa iman doonta dabayl bari ka timid, taasoo ah neefta Rabbiga oo cidlada ka soo baxaysa, oo ishiisa biyood way engegi doontaa, oo durdurkiisuna wuu iska gudhi doonaa, oo waa laga wada dhici doonaa khasnadda alaabta qaaliga ahu ugu jirto.
Even if you people of Israel prosper more than the nearby nations do, [the army of Assyria] will come [like] [MET] an east wind that blows from the desert; the springs and wells in Israel will become dry; and [your enemies] will take away all your valuable possessions.
16 Reer Samaariya gardarradooda way qaadi doonaan, waayo, way ku caasiyowdeen Ilaahoodii. Seef baa lagu layn doonaa, dhallaankoodana dhulkaa lagu tuuri doonaa, oo naagahooda uurka lehna waa la dooxi doonaa.
[You people of] Samaria must be punished because you have rebelled against [me], your God. You will be killed by [your enemies’] swords; your little children will be [killed by being] dashed/thrown to the ground; the [bellies of] women [among you] will be ripped open.”

< Hoosheeca 13 >