< Hoosheeca 10 >
1 Dadka Israa'iil waa geed canab ah oo barwaaqaysan, kaasoo midhihiisa soo bixiya, oo sida midhihiisu u bateen ayuu meelihiisa allabariga u badiyey, oo sida dalkiisu u barwaaqaysan yahay ayay u samaysteen tiirar qurqurxoon.
“Israel was [like a large] healthy/luxuriant vine [MET] that produced [a lot of] grapes. But as the people became richer, they made more altars [at which to worship idols]. As the people prospered, they [built and] decorated sacred pillars [that they worshiped].
2 Qalbigoodu waa kala qaybsan yahay, oo haatan waxaa lagu heli doonaa gardarro. Meelahooda allabariga ayuu wax ku dhufan doonaa, oo tiirarkoodana wuu wada kharribi doonaa.
They are deceitful; [so] now they are guilty and must be punished. [I], Yahweh, will tear down their altars and smash those pillars.
3 Sida xaqiiqada ah hadda waxay odhan doonaan, Annagu boqor ma lihin, waayo, Rabbiga kama cabsanno, haddaba bal maxaa boqor noo taraya?
Then they will say, ‘It is because we did not revere Yahweh that we no [longer] have a king. But [even if we had] a king, he certainly could not [RHQ] do anything to help us.’
4 Waxay ku hadlaan erayo aan waxba ahayn, iyagoo si been ah ugu dhaaranaya markay axdiyo gelayaan. Sidaas daraaddeed xukunku wuxuu u soo bixi doonaa sidii dacarmariid ka soo baxa beerta jeexjeexeeda.
They falsely promise [that they will do many things]; they solemnly promise and make agreements, but they do not do what they promise. So people accuse and sue [each other in the courts]; they are like [SIM] poisonous weeds [that grow] in a plowed field.
5 Dadka dalka Samaariya degganu aad bay u cabsan doonaan sanamyada weylaha ah ee Beytaawen aawadood, waayo, dadkiisa iyo weliba wadaaddadii ku rayrayn jiray way u barooran doonaan sanamka, waana sharaftiisii aawadeed, maxaa yeelay, way ka tagtay.
The people who live in Samaria [city] are worried about [what may happen to the idol that resembles] a calf [that they set up] at Beth-Aven [town]. The people in Samaria will mourn, and the priests there will cry about it [if it is damaged or destroyed]. [Previously] they shouted joyfully about its being very great; but now it will not be great any more.
6 Oo weliba sanamkii waxaa loo qaadi doonaa dalka Ashuur inuu Boqor Yaareeb gabbaro u noqdo aawadeed. Reer Efrayim wuxuu heli doonaa ceeb, oo dadka Israa'iilna waxay ka ceeboobi doonaan taladooda.
It will be taken to Assyria to be a gift for the great King [of Assyria]. [So the people of] Israel will be disgraced, and they will be ashamed because [they trusted in] that idol.
7 Oo weliba Samaariyana boqorkeedii wuxuu u baabba'ay sida xumbada biyaha dul sabbayso.
The King of Samaria [and the other people in Samaria] will be gone; they will be like [SIM] a twig [that floats away] on the surface of the water [and disappears].
8 Oo weliba meelaha sare ee Aawen ku yaal oo dembiga dadka Israa'iil ahna waa la wada dumin doonaa. Meelahooda allabarigana waxaa ka soo kor bixi doona qodxan iyo yamaarug. Waxay buuraha ku odhan doonaan, War na qariya. Oo gumburahana waxay ku odhan doonaan, Nagu soo dhaca.
The altars on the tops of hills [where the people worshiped idols] will be destroyed; those have been the places where the people of Israel sinned greatly. Thorns and weeds will grow and cover those altars. Then the people will plead to the mountains and hills, ‘Fall [down and] cover us [to protect us from God punishing us]!’
9 Dadka Israa'iilow, tan iyo wakhtigii Gibecaah waad dembaabayseen. Halkaasay istaagaan si aan dagaalkii lala dagaallamay carruurta dembigu Gibecaah u gaadhin.
[You people of] Israel, [ever since your ancestors did evil things] at Gibeah, you have continued to sin. [When the people at] [PRS] Gibeah [did evil things], the result was a war [in which thousands of people died].
10 Markaan damco ayaan iyaga edbin doonaa, oo dadyowga ayaa isugu soo wada ururi doona iyaga, markii loo xidho labadoodii xadgudub aawadood.
[So now], when I want to, I will punish the Israeli people. Because of the many sins that they have committed, [the armies of other] nations will gather to attack them, and they will cause the Israeli people to become their slaves.
11 Oo reer Efrayim waa sidii qaalin lo'aad oo la tababbaray, taasoo jecel inay hadhuudhka ku tumato, laakiinse anigu waan u tudhay surkeedii qurxoonaa. Reer Efrayim waxaan korkooda saari doonaa mid iyaga fuula. Dadka Yahuudah dhulkay jeexi doonaan, reer Yacquubna waxay burburin doonaan ciidda qallalan.
Israel is [like] [MET] a well-trained (heifer/young cow) that likes to thresh [grain]. [So now you will become slaves]. [It will be as though] I will put a yoke on your neck, and you will be forced to work hard for your enemies in their fields. [You people of] Israel and Judah [will be forced to go to Assyria]; there you [DOU] will pull plows to break up the ground [for planting seeds].
12 Nafsaddiinna xaqnimo wax ugu beerta, oo si naxariista waafaqsan wax u goosta, oo jabsada dhulkiinna jeexan, waayo, waa wakhti ku habboon in Rabbiga la doondoona, ilaa uu yimaado oo uu xaqnimo idinku soo dejiyo.
[You plow your fields and plant your seeds] and harvest [your crops] [MET], [but what you need to do is] to act righteously and to faithfully love [me]; you need to repent [MET], because it is time to try to know [me], Yahweh; and if you do that, I will pour out [MET] many blessings on you.
13 Waxaad falateen sharnimo, waxaad soo goosateen xumaan, oo waxaad cunteen midhihii beenta, waayo, waxaad isku hallayseen jidkiinna iyo raggiinna tirada iyo xoogga badan.
You [plant seeds and harvest the crops and eat them]; [but what I consider that you have really done is] that you have planted wicked things and harvested evil things and eaten [MET] the results [IDM] of the lies [that you have told]. [Instead of trusting in me, ] you have (depended on/trusted in) your own power and in your many soldiers.
14 Haddaba sidaas daraaddeed buuq baa dadkiinna ka dhex kici doona, oo qalcadihiinna oo dhanna waxaa loo wada baabbi'in doonaa sidii Shalman Beytarbeel maalintii dagaalka u baabbi'iyey oo kale. Hooyada iyo carruurteediiba ayaa dhulka lagu tuuray.
As a result, you will [soon] hear the roar of battle, and all your cities that have walls around them will be destroyed, like [SIM] Shalman’s [army] destroyed Beth-Arbel [city] in a battle, and the women [in that city] and their children were bashed to death.
15 Sidaas oo kalaa Beytel laydinkaga samayn doonaa, waana sharnimadiinna weyn daraaddeed. Markii waagu beryo ayaa boqorka dalka Israa'iil dhammaantiis la baabbi'in doonaa.
[You people of] [APO] Bethel [city], that is what will happen to you, because you are very wicked. And when the sun rises [on that day], the King of Israel will be killed [in the battle].”