< Cibraaniyada 8 >
1 Waxyaalihii la yidhi wixii ugu muhimsanaa waa kan, Waxaynu leennahay wadaad sare oo caynkaas ah, kan fadhiistay midigta carshiga Weynaha jannooyinka ku jira,
To sum up what I have been saying: Such is the high priest that we have, one who has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God’s Majesty in heaven,
2 kan u adeega waxyaalaha quduuska ah iyo taambuugga runta ah ee Rabbigu dhisay oo aan dad dhisin.
where he serves in the sanctuary, in that true tent set up by the Lord and not by man.
3 Waayo, wadaad kasta oo sare waxaa loo doortay inuu hadiyado iyo allabaryo bixiyo, sidaas daraaddeed waa lagamamaarmaan in wadaadkan sarena haysto wax uu bixiyo.
Every high priest is appointed for the purpose of offering gifts and sacrifices to God; it follows, therefore, that this high priest must have some offering to make.
4 Haddaba hadduu dhulka joogi lahaa, wadaad ma uu ahaadeen, maxaa yeelay, waxaa jira kuwa hadiyado u bixiya sida sharcigu leeyahay;
If he were, however, still on earth, he would not even be a priest, since there are already priests who offer the gifts as the Law directs.
5 kuwa u adeega waxa ah u-ekaanta iyo hooska waxyaalaha jannada, sidii Muuse loogu digay kolkuu ku dhowaa inuu taambuugga sameeyo. Waayo, wuxuu yidhi, Aad ugu fiirso inaad wax walba u samayso siduu ahaa u-ekaanshihii buurta lagugu tusay.
(These priests, it is true, are engaged in a service which is only a copy and shadow of the heavenly realities, as is shown by the directions given to Moses when he was about to construct the tent. “Look to it,” are the words, “that you make every part in accordance with the pattern shown you on the mountain.”)
6 Laakiin haatan wuxuu helay shuqul aad uga wanaagsan siduu u yahay dhexdhexaadiyaha axdiga ka wanaagsan ee lagu dhisay ballamo ka wanaagsan.
But Jesus, as we see, has obtained a ministry as far excelling theirs, as the covenant of which he is the intermediary, based, as it is, on better promises, excels the former covenant.
7 Waayo, haddii axdigii hore uusan eed lahayn, mid labaad meella looma dooneen.
If that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion for a second.
8 Wuxuu yidhi, isagoo iyaga eedaynaya, Bal eega, maalmihii waa imanayaan, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay, Oo anigu axdi cusub baan la dhigan doonaa reer Israa'iil iyo reer Yahuudah;
But, finding fault with the people, God says – “‘A time is coming,’ says the Lord, ‘When I will ratify a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah –
9 Oo aan ahayn axdigii aan awowayaashood la dhigtay oo kale Maalintii aan iyaga gacanta qabtay inaan ka kaxeeyo dalka Masar, Waayo, iyagu kuma ay sii socon axdigaygii, Aniguna farahaan ka qaaday, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay.
Not such a covenant as I made with their ancestors on the day when I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt. For they did not abide by their covenant with me, and therefore I disregarded them,’ says the Lord.
10 Waayo, kanu waa axdiga aan la dhigan doono reer Israa'iil Maalmahaas dabadood, ayaa Rabbigu leeyahay; Qaynuunnadayda waxaan gelin doonaa maankooda, Qalbigoodana waan ku qori doonaa, Oo Ilaah baan u ahaan doonaa, Iyaguna dad bay ii ahaan doonaan;
‘This is the covenant that I will make with the people of Israel after those days,’ says the Lord. ‘I will impress my laws on their minds, and will inscribe them on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they will be my people.
11 Oo iyagu ma bari doonaan mid walba deriskiisa Iyo mid walba walaalkiis, iyagoo leh, Rabbiga garo, Waayo, kulli way i garan doonaan, Kan ugu yar ilaa kan ugu weyn.
There will be no need for anyone to instruct their fellow citizen, or for a person to say to their relatives “Learn to know the Lord”; for everyone will know me, from the lowest to the highest.
12 Waayo, iyagoo xaqdaran baan u naxariisan doonaa, Dembiyadoodana kol dambe ma xusuusan doono.
For I will be merciful to their wrongdoings, and I will no longer remember their sins.’”
13 Kolkuu yidhi, Axdi cusub, ayuu kii hore duug ka dhigay. Laakiin kan duugoobayaa oo gaboobayaa wuxuu u dhow yahay inuu libdho.
By speaking of a new covenant, God at once renders the former covenant obsolete; and whatever becomes obsolete and loses its force is virtually annulled.