< Bilowgii 49 >

1 Markaasuu Yacquub wiilashiisii u yeedhay; oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Isa soo urursada, aan idiin sheego waxyaalaha maalmaha ugu dambeeya idinku dhici doona.
Jacob summoned all his sons, and said to them,
2 Wiilashii Yacquubow, isa soo urursada, oo maqla, Oo i dhegaysta anigoo ah aabbihiin Israa'iil.
“Gather around me in order that I can tell you what will happen in the future. My sons, come and listen to me. I am your father, [Jacob, whom God named] Israel.
3 Ruubeenow, waxaad tahay curadkayga, iyo xooggayga, iyo itaalkayga bilowgiisa, Xagga sharafka adaa u sarreeya, xagga xooggana adaa u sarreeya.
Reuben, you are my oldest son. You were born when I was young and energetic/strong. You are prouder and stronger than all the rest of my sons.
4 Waxaad tahay sida biyo socda, oo ma sarrayn doontid, Maxaa yeelay, adigu waxaad fuushay sariirtii aabbahaa; Waanad nijaasaysay. Wuxuu fuulay sariirtaydii.
But you were as uncontrollable as a flood [SIM]. So now you will not be my most important son, because you climbed up onto my bed, and had sex with [MTY] my (concubine/slave who had become one of my wives). Your doing that caused me, your father, to have great shame.
5 Simecoon iyo Laawi waa walaalo, Seefahoodu waa hub dirireed.
Simeon and Levi, you have both acted like criminals. You use your swords to act violently.
6 Naftaydiiyey, ha gelin guddigooda, Oo ururkoodana ha la midoobin, ammaantaydiiyey; Waayo, cadhadoodii nin bay ku dileen, Oo qushigooday dibi ku boqno jareen.
I do not want to be with you when you make evil plans [DOU]. I do not want to join you in your meetings, because you killed people when you became very angry, and you (hamstrung/cut the tendons in the legs of) oxen just to (have fun/see them suffer).
7 Habaar ha ku dhaco cadhadooda, waayo, xoog bay lahayd, Habaar ha ku dhaco ciilkooda, waayo, naxariis ma uu lahayn. Reer Yacquub baan ku kala qaybin, oo reer binu Israa'iil baan ku kala firdhin.
God says, ‘I will (curse/cause bad things to happen to) them for being very angry, for acting very cruelly when they were very furious. I will scatter their descendants [MTY] throughout Israel land.’
8 Yahuudahow, walaalahaa waa ku ammaani doonaan. Gacantaadu waxay saarnaan doontaa cadaawayaashaada qoortooda, Anigoo ah aabbahaana wiilashaydu way kuu sujuudi doonaan,
Judah, your [older and younger] brothers will praise you. They will bow down before you, because you will thoroughly defeat [MTY] your enemies.
9 Yahuudah waa libaax dhashiis. Wiilkaygiiyow, wixii aad ugaadhsatay waad ka tagtay. Wuu kadaloobsaday, oo wuxuu u jiifsaday sida aar, Iyo sida gool, haddaba yaa kicin doona?
Judah is like a young lion [SIM] that has returned to its den satisfied after eating the animals that it has killed. He is like a lion that lies down and stretches out after eating; no one would dare to disturb it [RHQ].
10 Usha boqortooyadu kama tegi doonto Yahuudah, Usha taliyuhuna cagihiisa kama dhex bixi doonto; Ilaa Shiiloh yimaado; Dadkuna isagay addeeci doonaan.
There will always be a ruler [MTY] from the descendants of Judah [MTY]. Each one will hold a scepter/staff to show that he has authority as a king. He will do that until the one to whom the scepter belongs comes, the one to whom the nations will bring tribute and show that they will obey him.
11 Qaylkiisa wuxuu ku xidhaa geed canab ah, Dameerkiisa yarna canabka la doorto, Dharkiisa wuxuu ku maydhaa khamri, Lebiskiisana dhiig canab.
The grapevines of Judah’s descendants will produce grapes very abundantly. As a result, they will not object to tying their young donkeys to the grapevines in order that the donkeys can eat the leaves of the grapevines. [Wine will be very plentiful, with the result that] they could wash their cloaks in wine that is as red as blood [MET].
12 Indhihiisu waxay la guduudan doonaan khamri, Ilkihiisuna waxay la caddaan doonaan caano.
Their eyes will be red because of [drinking too much] wine, but their teeth will be very white because of drinking much milk [from the cows].
13 Sebulun wuxuu degganaan doonaa badda xeebteeda. Wuxuuna noqon doonaa marsada doonniyaha, Xuduudkiisuna wuxuu ahaan doonaa Siidoon agteeda.
Zebulun, your descendants will live by the seashore where there will be a safe harbor for ships. Their land will extend north as far as Sidon [city].
14 Isaakaar waa dameer xoog weyn, Oo jiifsada xeryaha idaha dhexdooda.
Issachar, your descendants will be like strong donkeys that are lying down on the ground between their loads, [so tired that they cannot get up]!
15 Oo wuxuu arkay meel lagu nasto inay wanaagsan tahay, Iyo dhulku inuu nimcaysan yahay; Kolkaasuu garbihiisa u soo goday inuu wax ku qaado, Oo addoon buu u noqday hawshii.
They will see that their resting place is good, and that the land pleases them very much. But they will bend their backs to carry heavy loads and be forced to work for others.
16 Daanna wuxuu dadkiisa u xukumi doonaa Sidii qabiilooyinka Israa'iil middood.
Dan, although your tribe will be small, their leaders will rule their people just like the leaders of other tribes of Israel will rule their people.
17 Daan wuxuu noqon doonaa abeeso jidka dhex joogta, Iyo jilbis waddada dhex yaal, Oo fardaha cedhbaha ka qaniina, Si uu kii faraska ku joogaana dib ugu dhaco.
Your descendants will be like snakes at the side of a road, like poisonous snakes lying beside a path. They will strike the heels of horses that pass by, causing the riders to fall backwards [as the horses rear up on their hind legs].”
18 Rabbiyow, waxaan sugayay badbaadintaada.
Then Jacob prayed, “Yahweh, I am waiting for you to rescue me [from my enemies].”
19 Waxaa Gaad cidhiidhi gelin doonta guuto wax dhacda; Laakiinse isna cedhibtooduu cidhiidhi gelin doonaa.
[Then Jacob continued telling his sons what would happen in the future. He said], “Gad, your tribe/descendants will be attacked by a group of bandits, but your tribe/descendants will pursue and attack them [MTY].
20 Aasheerna cuntadiisu subag bay lahaan doontaa, Wuxuuna keeni doonaa cunto ay reer boqor ku farxaan.
Asher, your descendants will eat good-tasting food; they will produce food that is delicious enough for kings to eat.
21 Naftaali waa cawl la furay, Hadallo wanwanaagsanna wuu ku hadlaa.
Naphtali, your descendants will be like deer [MET] that are (free to/not tied down and can) run wherever they wish. They will give birth to children who are good-looking like (fawns/baby deer) [MET].
22 Yuusuf waa laan midho leh, Waa laan midho leh oo il biyo ah ku ag taal; Laamihiisuna derbigay kor u dhaafaan.
Joseph, you will have many descendants [MET]. Their children will be as many as the fruit on a vine near a spring of water, whose branches extend over a wall.
23 Qaansolayaasha ayaa aad u dhibay, Wayna toogteen oo silciyeen;
Their enemies will attack them fiercely, and shoot at them with bows and arrows and pursue them.
24 Laakiinse qaansadiisu xoog bay sii yeelatay, Dhudhummadii gacmihiisana waxaa lagu xoogeeyey Gacmaha Kan xoogga leh oo Yacquub, (Kaasuu adhijirku ka imanayaa, waana dhagaxii Israa'iil)
But they will hold their bows steady and their arms will remain strong, because of the power [MTY] of my mighty God, because of Yahweh who guides and provides for me [MET] like a shepherd guides and provides for his sheep. The people of Israel will [ask Yahweh to protect them], [like people hide under] a huge [overhanging] to be protected.
25 Oo ah Ilaaha aabbahaa oo ku caawimi doona, Iyo Ilaaha Qaadirka ah, oo kugu barakayn doona Barakooyinka samada sare, Iyo barakooyinka moolka hoos jiifa, Iyo barakooyinka naasaha iyo maxalka.
God, the one whom I worship, will help your descendants. God Almighty will bless them by sending them rain from the sky and by giving them water from deep/far below the ground. He will give them many cattle and children [MET] (OR, and their cattle will have many offspring).
26 Barakooyinkii aabbahaa Way ka xoog badnaadeen barakooyinkii awowayaashay Ilaa meesha ugu fog oo buuraha weligood waara; Waxay saarnaan doonaan madaxa Yuusuf, Iyo dhakada kan walaalihiis laga soocay.
The blessings that I want God to give you are great ones. They are greater than the blessings that come from the eternal mountains, greater than the ones that come from the everlasting hills. Joseph, I pray that these blessings will (be given to you/come upon your head), because you are the leader of your [older] brothers [and younger brother].
27 Benyaamiin waa yeey hilib dillaacsada; Oo aroorta wuxuu cuni doonaa wixii uu ugaadhsaday, Fiidkana wuxuu qaybin doonaa wixii uu dhacay.
Benjamin, your descendants will be like [MET] vicious/fierce wolves: In the morning they will kill their enemies like a wolf devours (its prey/the animals that it has killed), and in the evening they will divide among their warriors the spoils that they seized from their enemies.”
28 Kuwan oo dhammu waa laba iyo tobankii qabiil oo reer binu Israa'iil; tanuna waa wixii aabbahood kula hadlay oo ugu duceeyey; mid walbana sidii ducadiisu ahayd buu ugu duceeyey.
Those twelve sons are the ancestors of the twelve tribes of Israel. That is what their father said to them as he blessed them, telling to each one words that were appropriate for him.
29 Oo wuxuu kula dardaarmay, oo ku yidhi iyagii, Waxaan ku darman doonaa dadkaygii. Awowayaashay igula aasa godka ku yaal berrinka Cefroon kii reer Xeed,
Then Jacob said to his sons, “I will soon die. Bury my body where some of my ancestors are buried, in the cave that is in the field that was bought from Ephron, who belonged to the Heth people-group.
30 kaasoo ah godka ku yaal berrinkii Makfelah, oo ku hor yaal Mamre, oo dalka Kancaan ku taal, oo uu Ibraahim Cefroon kii reer Xeed ka iibsaday, godka iyo berrinkaba, inuu ka dhigto meel xabaaleed oo hanti ah.
That field is in the Machpelah area, east of Mamre [town], in Canaan. My grandfather Abraham bought it from Ephron to use as a burial place.
31 Halkaasaa lagu aasay Ibraahim iyo afadiisii Saarahba, halkaasaa lagu aasay Isxaaq iyo afadiisii Rebeqahba, oo anna Lee'ah baan ku aasay halkaas
That is where they buried him and his wife Sarah. That is where they buried my father Isaac and his wife Rebekah. And that is where I buried my wife Leah.
32 oo ah berrinka iyo godka ku dhex yaalba, oo laga iibsaday reer Xeed.
That field and the cave in it were bought from the Heth people-group; so that is where I want you to bury me.”
33 Oo markii Yacquub dhammeeyey dardaarankii uu wiilashiisii kula dardaarmayay ayuu cagihiisii ku soo urursaday sariirta, oo markaasuu naf baxay, oo wuxuu ku darmaday dadkiisii.
When Jacob finished giving those instructions to his sons, he lay down on his bed again. Then he died [IDM].

< Bilowgii 49 >