< Bilowgii 41 >

1 Markii laba sannadood oo dhammu dhammaatay ayuu Fircoon riyooday, oo wuxuu is-arkay isagoo webiga ag taagan.
And it fortuned at. ij. yeres end that Pharao dreamed and thought that he stode by a ryuers syde and that there came out of the ryver
2 Oo bal eeg, waxaa webigii ka soo baxay toddoba sac oo quruxsan oo cayillan, oo waxay daaqeen cawskii dareemada ahaa.
.vij. goodly kyne and fatt fleshed and fedd in a medowe.
3 Markaasaa waxaa dabadood webigii ka soo baxay toddoba sac oo kale oo fool xun, oo weyd ahaa, oo waxay is-ag taageen sicihii kale oo webiga qarkiisa jooga.
And him though that. vij. other kyne came vp after them out of the ryver euelfauored and leane fleshed and stode by the other vpon the brynke of the ryuer.
4 Markaasaa sicihii foosha xumaa oo weydda ahaa waxay cuneen toddobadii sac oo qurxoonayd oo cayillanayd. Kolkaasuu Fircoon toosay.
And the evill favored and Ienefleshed kyne ate vp the. vij. welfauored and fatt kyne: and be awoke their with.
5 Markaasuu haddana seexday oo mar labaad riyooday, oo wuxuu arkay toddoba sabuul oo buurbuuran oo wanaagsan oo ka soo baxay isku jirid.
And he slepte agayne and dreamed the second tyme that. vij. eares of corne grewe apon one stalke rancke and goodly.
6 Oo bal eeg, waxaa haddana ka soo daba baxay toddoba sabuul oo xunxun, oo ay dabayshii bari qallajisay.
And that. vij. thynne eares blasted with the wynde spronge vp after them:
7 Markaasaa sabuulladii xunxumaa waxay liqeen toddobadii sabuul oo buurbuurnayd oo iltirnayd. Markaasuu Fircoon toosay, oo wuxuu arkay inay riyo tahay.
and that the. vij. thynne eares deuowrerd the. vij. rancke and full eares. And than Pharao awaked: and se here is his dreame.
8 Oo subaxdiina wuu dhibaataysnaa, kolkaasuu u cid diray oo uu u wada yeedhay saaxiriintii Masar oo dhan iyo nimankii xigmadda lahaa oo dhan; markaasaa Fircoon u sheegay riyadiisii; laakiin ma jirin mid Fircoon u fasiri karaa.
When the mornynge came his sprete was troubled And he sent and casted for all the soythsayers of Egypte and all the wyse men there of and told them his dreame: but there was none of them that coude interpretate it vnto Pharao.
9 Markaasaa waxaa Fircoon la hadlay kii madaxa u ahaa kuwa khamriga siin jiray isaga, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Maantaan xusuustay dembiyadaydii.
Than spake the chefe buttelar vnto Pharao saynge. I do remembre my fawte this daye.
10 Fircoonow, adigoo u cadhaysnaa addoommadaada, waxaad igu xabbistay guriga madaxa waardiyayaasha, oo waxaannu ahayn aniga iyo kii madaxa u ahaa kuwii wax dubi jiray;
Pharao was angrie with his servauntes and put in warde in the chefe marshals house both me and the chefe baker.
11 oo markaasaannu isku habeen riyoonnay, aniga iyo isagiiba; waxaannu ku riyoonnay midkayo kastaba sidii riyadiisii fasirkeedu ahaa.
And we dreamed both of vs in one nyght and ech mannes dreame of a sondrye interpretation.
12 Oo halkaasna waxaa nala joogay nin dhallinyaro ah oo Cibraani ah, oo madaxa waardiyayaasha addoon u ahaa, markaasaannu isagii u sheegnay, oo isna wuu noo fasiray riyooyinkayagii, nin kastana sidii riyadiisu ahayd buu ugu fasiray.
And there was with vs a yonge man an Hebrue borne servaunte vnto the chefe marshall. And we told him and he declared oure dreames to vs acordynge to ether of oure dreames.
13 Oo sidii uu noogu fasiray ayay noqotay. Aniga waxaa laygu soo celiyey meeshaydii, isagiina waa la deldelay.
And as he declared them vnto vs euen so it came to passe. I was restored to myne office agayne and he was hanged.
14 Dabadeedna Fircoon baa u cid diray oo u yeedhay Yuusuf. Markaasay dhaqso uga soo bixiyeen godxabsigii; kolkaasuu xiirtay, oo dharkiisii beddeshay, oo uu u soo galay Fircoon.
Than Pharao sent and called Ioseph. And they made him haste out of preson. And he shaued him self and chaunged his rayment and went in to Pharao.
15 Markaasaa Fircoon wuxuu Yuusuf ku yidhi, Riyaan ku riyooday, mana jiro mid fasiri karaa; oo waxaan maqlay in markii aad riyo maqashid aad fasiri kartid.
And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I haue dreamed a dreame and no man ca interpretate it but I haue herde saye of the yt as soon as thou hearest a dreame thou dost interpretate it.
16 Yuusufna Fircoon buu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Taasu xaggayga ma aha, laakiinse Ilaah wuxuu Fircoon siin doonaa jawaab nabadeed.
And Ioseph answered Pharao saynge: God shall geue Pharao an answere of peace without me.
17 Markaasaa Fircoon Yuusuf la hadlay, oo yidhi, Waxaan riyadaydii ku arkay anigoo webiga qarkiisa taagan;
Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: in my dreame me thought I stode by a ryvers syde and there came out of the ryver
18 oo bal eeg, waxaa webigii ka soo baxay toddoba sac oo buurbuuran oo quruxsan oo waxay daaqeen cawskii dareemada ahaa;
vij fatt fleshed ad well fauored kyne and fedd in the medowe.
19 oo waxaa haddana ka soo daba baxay toddoba sac oo kale, oo taagdaran oo fool xun oo weyd ah. Weligay dhulka Masar oo dhan kuma aan arag kuwa sidooda u xun.
And then. vij. other kyne came vp after them poore and very euell fauored ad leane fleshed: so that I neuer sawe their lyke in all the lande of Egipte in euell fauordnesse.
20 Markaasaa sicihii weydda ahaa oo foosha xumaa waxay cuneen toddobadii sac oo hore.
And the. vij. leane and euell fauored kyne ate vpp the first. vij. fatt kyne
21 Oo markay cuneen lagama garan karin inay cuneen, laakiinse waxay u fool xumaayeen sidii markii hore. Markaasaan toosay.
And when they had eaten them vp a man cowde not perceaue that they had eate them: for they were still as evyll fauored as they were at the begynnynge. And I awoke.
22 Oo waxaan kaloo riyadaydii ku arkay toddoba sabuul oo iltiran oo wanaagsan, oo ka soo baxay isku jirid;
And I sawe agayne in my dreame. vij. eares sprynge out of one stalk full and good
23 dabadeedna waxaa ka soo daba baxay toddoba sabuul oo engegan oo xunxun oo dabayshii bari qallajisay.
and. vij. other eares wytherd thinne and blasted with wynde sprynge vp after them.
24 Markaasaa sabuulladii xunxumaa waxay liqeen toddobadii sabuul oo wanaagsanayd; markaasaan u sheegay saaxiriinta, laakiinse ma uu jirin mid ii sheegi karay.
And the thynne eares deuowred the. vij. good cares. And I haue tolde it vnto the sothsayers but no man can tell me what it meaneth.
25 Oo Yuusuf wuxuu ku yidhi Fircoon, Riyadaadu waa mid, oo waxa Ilaah samaynayo ayuu kuu sheegay, Fircoonow.
Then Ioseph sayde vnto Pharao: both Pharaos dreames are one. And god doth shewe Pharao what he is aboute to do.
26 Toddobada sac oo wanwanaagsanu waa toddoba sannadood, toddobada sabuul oo wanwanaagsanuna waa toddoba sannadood; riyadu waa mid.
The vij. good kyne are. vij yeare: and the. vij. good eares are. vij. yere also and is but one dreame.
27 Toddobada sac oo weyd ah oo foosha xun, oo ka soo daba baxay waa toddoba sannadood, oo haddana toddobada sabuul oo madhan, oo dabayshii bari qallajisay waxay noqon doonaan toddoba sannadood oo abaar ah.
Lykewyse the. vij. thynne and euell fauored kyne that came out after them are. vij. yeares: and the. vij. emptie and blasted eares shalbe vij. yeares of hunger.
28 Taasu waa wixii aan kugula hadlay, Fircoonow. Waxa Ilaah samaynayo ayuu ku tusay.
This is that which I sayde vnto Pharao that God doth shewe Pharao what he is aboute to doo.
29 Oo bal eeg, waxaa dalka Masar oo dhan imanaya toddoba sannadood oo barwaaqo ah,
Beholde there shall come. vij. yere of great plenteousnes through out all the lande of Egypte.
30 oo dabadoodna waxaa dhici doona toddoba sannadood oo abaar ah; oo barwaaqadii oo dhanna waa laga illoobi doonaa dalka Masar, markaasay abaartu dhulka dhammayn doontaa,
And there shall aryse after them vij. yeres of hunger. So that all the plenteousnes shalbe forgeten in the lande of Egipte. And the hunger shall consume the lande:
31 barwaaqadana dhulka laguma ogaan doono abaartaas ka dambaysa aawadeed, waayo, waxay noqon doontaa mid aad u xun.
so that the plenteousnes shall not be once asene in the land by reason of that hunger that shall come after for it shalbe exceading great
32 Oo taas aawadeed riyadii labanlaab bay kuu noqotay, Fircoonow, maxaa yeelay, waxaas waxaa amray Ilaah, oo weliba Ilaah dhowaan buu samayn doonaa.
And as concernynge that the dreame was dubled vnto Pharao the second tyme it belokeneth that the thynge is certanly prepared of God ad that God will shortly brynge it to passe.
33 Haddaba Fircoonow, waxaad doontaa nin caqli iyo xigmad leh, oo u sarraysii dalka Masar oo dhan.
Now therfore let Pharao provyde for a man of vnderstondynge and wysdome and sett him over the lande of Egipte.
34 Tan yeel oo waxaad doorataa niman dalka u sarreeya, oo waxa toddobada sannadood oo barwaaqada ah dhulka ka baxa inta shanaad ha ururiyeen.
And let Pharao make officers ouer the lande and take vp the fyfte parte of the land of Egipte in the vij. plenteous yeres
35 Oo cuntada oo dhan sannadahan wanaagsan oo imanaya ha ururiyeen, hadhuudhkana ha kugu hoos kaydiyeen, Fircoonow, oo intay cunto ahaan magaalooyinka u dhigaan, ha ilaaliyeen.
and let them gather all the foode of these good yeres that come ad lay vp corne vnder the power of Pharo: that there may be foode in the cities
36 Cuntaduna kayd bay dalka u noqon doontaa toddobada sannadood oo abaarta ah oo ka dhici doonta dalka Masar, si aan dalku abaarta ugu baabbi'in.
and there let them kepte it: that there may be foode in stoore in the lande agaynst the. vij. yeres of hunger which shall come in the lande of Egipte and that the lande perishe not thorow hunger.
37 Waxaasuna Fircoon way la wanaagsanaayeen, isaga iyo addoommadiisiiba.
And the saynge pleased Pharao ad all his seruauntes.
38 Markaasaa Fircoon wuxuu addoommadiisii ku yidhi, Miyaynu heli karaynaa mid la mid ah kan, oo ah nin Ruuxa Ilaah ku jiro?
Than sayde Pharao vnto his seruavauntes: where shall we fynde soch a ma as this is that hath the sprete of God in him?
39 Markaasuu Fircoon wuxuu Yuusuf ku yidhi, Mar haddii Ilaah ku tusay waxyaalahan oo dhan, ma jiro mid sidaadoo kale caqli iyo xigmad u leh.
wherfore Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: for as moch as God hath shewed the all this there is no man of vnderstondyng nor of wysdome lyke vnto the
40 Adigu waxaad ka sarrayn doontaa gurigayga, dadkayga oo dhanna waxaa lagu xukumi doonaa si waafaqsan hadalkaaga, oo anigu carshiga oo keliya ayaan kaaga weynaan doonaa.
Thou therfore shalt be ouer my house and acordinge to thy worde shall all my people obey: only in the kynges seate will I be aboue the.
41 Markaasaa Fircoon wuxuu Yuusuf ku yidhi, Bal eeg, dalka Masar oo dhan ayaan kaa sarraysiiyey.
And he sayde vnto Ioseph: beholde I haue sett the ouer all the lande of Egipte.
42 Markaasuu Fircoon gacantiisa ka bixiyey kaatunkiisii, oo Yuusuf gacanta u geliyey, oo wuxuu u xidhay dhar aad u wanaagsan, silsilad dahab ahna qoortuu u sudhay;
And he toke off his rynge from his fyngre and put it vpon Iosephs fingre and arayed him in raymet of bisse and put a golden cheyne aboute his necke
43 oo wuxuu fuushiiyey gaadhifaraskii labaad oo uu lahaa, oo waxay hortiisa kaga qayliyeen, Sujuuda; oo wuxuu ka sarraysiiyey dalka Masar oo dhan.
and set him vpon the best charett that he had saue one. And they cryed before him Abrech ad that Pharao had made him ruelar ouer all the lande of Egipte.
44 Markaasaa Fircoon wuxuu Yuusuf ku yidhi, Anigu waxaan ahay Fircoon, oo adiga la'aantaa ninna gacantiisa ama cagtiisa kor uma qaadi doono dalka Masar oo dhan.
And Pharao sayde vnto Ioseph: I am Pharao without thi will shall no man lifte vp ether his hande or fote in all the lande of Egipte.
45 Markaasaa Fircoon wuxuu Yuusuf magiciisii u bixiyey Saafnad Facneh, oo wuxuu u guuriyey Aasenad oo ahayd ina Footiiferac, wadaadkii Oon. Yuusufna markaasuu dalkii Masar oo dhan u baxay oo wada maray.
And be called Iosephs name Zaphnath Paenea. And he gaue him to wyfe Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On. Than went Ioseph abrode in the lade of Egipte.
46 Yuusufna soddon sannadood buu jiray markuu hor istaagay Fircoon oo ahaa boqorkii Masar. Markaasaa Yuusuf Fircoon hortiisii ka tegey, oo wuxuu wada maray dalkii Masar oo dhan.
And he was. xxx. yere olde whe he stode before Pharao kynge of Egipte. And than Ioseph departed from Pharao and went thorow out all the lande of Egipte.
47 Markaasaa toddobadii sannadood oo barwaaqada ahayd waxaa dhulkii ka soo baxay wax aad u badan.
And in the. vij. pleteous yeres they made sheves and gathered
48 Markaasuu ururiyey cuntadii toddobadii sannadood baxday oo dalka Masar oo dhan tiil, oo cuntadii wuxuu ku kaydiyey magaalooyinka. Cuntadii beerihii ku wareegsanaa magaalo kastana isku meel buu ku kaydiyey.
vp all the fode of the. vij. plenteous yeres which were in the lande of Egipte and put it in to the cities. And he put the food of the feldes that grewe rounde aboute euery cyte: euen in the same.
49 Markaasaa Yuusuf hadhuudh aad u badan wuxuu u kaydiyey sida cammuudda badda, ilaa uu tirintii daayay, maxaa yeelay, waxay ahayd wax aan tiro lahayn.
And Ioseph layde vp corne in stoore lyke vnto the sande of the see in multitude out of mesure vntyll he left nombrynge: For it was with out nombre.
50 Oo Yuusuf waxaa u dhashay laba wiil intii aan sannaddii abaarta ahayd iman, oo waxaa u dhashay Aasenad oo ahayd ina Footiiferac, wadaadkii Oon.
And vnto Ioseph were borne. ij. sonnes before the yeres of hunger came which Asnath the doughter of Potiphara preast of On bare vnto him.
51 Markaasaa Yuusuf wuxuu curadkii magiciisii u bixiyey Manaseh; waayo, wuxuu yidhi, Ilaah waa i illowsiiyey dhibaatadaydii oo dhan, iyo gurigii aabbahay oo dhan.
And he called the name of the first sonne Manasse for God (sayde he) hath made me forgett all my laboure and all my fathers husholde.
52 Kii labaadna magiciisii wuxuu u bixiyey Efrayim. Waayo, wuxuu yidhi, Ilaah waa igu badiyey dalkii aan ku dhibtooday.
The seconde called he Ephraim for God (sayde he) hath caused me to growe in the lande of my trouble.
53 Markaasaa toddobadii sannadood oo barwaaqada ahayd ay dalkii Masar ka dhammaadeen.
And when the. vij. yeres plenteousnes that was in the lands of Egypte were ended
54 Oo waxaa bilaabatay toddobadii sannadood oo abaarta ahayd, sidii Yuusuf yidhi. Dalalkii oo dhanna abaar baa ka dhacday; laakiinse dalka Masar oo dhan cuntaa jirtay.
than came the. vij. yeres of derth acordynge as Ioseph had sayde. And the derth was in all landes: but in the lade of Egipte was there yet foode.
55 Oo markii dalkii Masar oo dhammu wada abaarsaday ayaa dadkii Fircoon cunto ugu qayliyeen. Markaasaa Fircoon wuxuu ku yidhi Masriyiintii oo dhan, Yuusuf u taga, oo wuxuu idin yidhaahdo yeela.
When now all the lande of Egipte began to hunger than cried the people to Pharao for bread. And Pharao sayde vnto all Egipte: goo vnto Ioseph and what he sayth to you that doo
56 Oo abaartuna waxay ka dhacday dhulka dushiisa oo dhan. Markaasaa Yuusuf wada furay maqsinnadii oo dhan, oo wuxuu hadhuudhkii ka iibiyey Masriyiintii, abaartuna aad bay ugu xumayd dalka Masar.
And when the derth was thorow out all the lande Ioseph opened all that was in the cities and solde vnto the Egiptias And hunger waxed fore in the land of Egipte.
57 Markaasaa dalalkii oo dhammu waxay u soo safreen Masar, oo Yuusuf bay ugu yimaadeen inay hadhuudh ka iibsadaan; maxaa yeelay, abaartu aad bay ugu xumayd dhulka oo dhan.
And all countrees came to Egipte to Ioseph for to bye corne: because that the hunger was so sore in all landes.

< Bilowgii 41 >