< Bilowgii 30 >

1 Raaxeelna markay aragtay inaanay Yacquub carruur u dhalin, ayay walaasheed ka masayrtay; oo waxay Yacquub ku tidhi, Carruur i sii, haddii kalese waan dhiman.
Rachel realized that she was not becoming pregnant and giving birth to any children for Jacob. So she became jealous of her older sister, Leah, because Leah had given birth to four sons. She said to Jacob, “Enable me to become pregnant and give birth to children. If you do not do that, I [think I will]!”
2 Markaasaa Yacquub aad ugu cadhooday Raaxeel; oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Ma anigaa ku jira meeshii Ilaaha midhihii maxalka kuu diiday?
Jacob became angry with Rachel and said, “(I am not God!/Am I God?) [RHQ] He is the one who has prevented you from becoming pregnant!”
3 Markaasay tidhi, Bal eeg addoontayda Bilhah, u tag iyada, inay jilbahayga ku dul dhasho, oo aan anna carruur ku helo iyada.
Then she said, “Look, here is my female slave, Bilhah. (Sleep with/Have sex with) [EUP] her, so that she may become pregnant and give birth to children for me. In that way it will be as though (I have children/her children are mine).”
4 Markaasay isagii siisay addoonteedii Bilhah inuu naag ka dhigto; Yacquubna wuu u tegey iyadii.
So she gave him her slave, Bilhah, to be another wife for him, and Jacob had sex [EUP] with her.
5 Bilhahna way uuraysatay, oo Yacquub wiil bay u dhashay.
She became pregnant and bore Jacob a son.
6 Raaxeelna waxay tidhi, Ilaah waa i xukumay, codkaygiina wuu maqlay, oo wiil buu i siiyey. Sidaas daraaddeed magiciisii waxay u bixisay Daan.
Rachel said, “God has (vindicated me/judged my case and has decided that what I have done is right). He has also heard my requests and has given me a son.” So she named him Dan, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘he judged’].
7 Bilhah oo ahayd addoontii Raaxeel mar kalay uuraysatay, oo waxay Yacquub u dhashay wiil labaad.
Later, Rachel’s slave Bilhah became pregnant again and gave birth to another son for Jacob.
8 Oo Raaxeelna waxay tidhi, Legdan aad u weyn baan walaashay la legdamay, waanan ka adkaaday. Magiciisiina waxay u bixisay Naftaali.
Then Rachel said, “I have had a great struggle to have children like my older sister, but truly I have a son.” So she named him Naphtali, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘struggle’].
9 Lee'ahna markay aragtay inay dhalmo daysay ayay kaxaysay addoonteedii Silfah, oo waxay siisay Yacquub inuu naag ka dhigto.
When Leah realized that she was not becoming pregnant and giving birth to any more children, she took her female slave, Zilpah, and gave her to Jacob to be another wife for him.
10 Lee'ah addoonteedii Silfah ahaydna Yacquub wiil bay u dhashay.
Zilpah soon became pregnant and gave birth to a son for Jacob.
11 Oo Lee'ahna waxay tidhi, Ayaan weynaa! Magiciisiina waxay u bixisay Gaad.
Leah said, “I am truly fortunate!” So she named him Gad, [which means ‘fortunate’].
12 Lee'ah addoonteedii Silfah ahaydna wiil labaad bay u dhashay Yacquub.
Later Leah’s slave, Zilpah, gave birth to another son for Jacob.
13 Oo Lee'ahna waxay tidhi, Waan faraxsanahay! waayo, naaguhu waxay iigu yeedhi doonaan tan faraxsan. Magiciisiina waxay u bixisay Aasheer.
Leah said, “Now I am very happy, and people will call me happy.” So she named him Asher, [which means ‘happy].’
14 Maalmihii sarreenka la goosanayay ayaa Ruubeen tegey berrinka oo ka dhex helay ubax, oo wuxuu u keenay hooyadiis Lee'ah. Markaasay Raaxeel waxay Lee'ah ku tidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, wax iga sii ubaxa wiilkaaga.
When it was time to harvest wheat, Reuben went out into the fields and saw some (mandrakes/plants that women eat to help them to become pregnant). He brought some of them to his mother Leah. But Rachel saw them and said to Leah, “Please give me some of those plants that your son brought to you!”
15 Iyana waxay ku tidhi, Ma wax yar baa inaad ninkaygii iga qaadday? Weliba ubaxa wiilkaygana ma iga qaadan lahayd? Raaxeelna waxay tidhi, Haddaba wiilkaaga ubaxiisa aawadiis isagu caawa wuu kula seexan doonaa.
But Leah said to her, “No! (It was bad that you stole my husband!/Is it not bad enough that you stole my husband?) [RHQ] Now (are you going to take my son’s mandrake plants?/You want to take my son’s mandrake plants also, [so that you can become pregnant]!)” [RHQ] So Rachel said, “All right, Jacob can sleep with you tonight, if you give me some of your son’s mandrake plants.” [So Leah (agreed/gave her some)].
16 Yacquubna fiidkii buu beertii ka yimid, markaasay Lee'ah ka hor tagtay oo waxay tidhi, Waa inaad ii timaadaa, waayo, hubaal waxaan kugu kiraystay ubaxii wiilkayga. Habeenkaasna iyadii buu la seexday.
When Jacob returned from the wheat fields that evening, Leah went out to meet him. She said, “You must sleep with me tonight, because I gave Rachel some of my son’s mandrakes [that enable women to become pregnant], to pay her for allowing us to do that.” So Jacob slept with her that night.
17 Ilaahna wuu maqlay Lee'ah, wayna uuraysatay, oo Yacquub bay u dhashay wiil shanaad.
God answered Leah’s prayers, and she became pregnant and bore a fifth son to Jacob.
18 Lee'ahna waxay tidhi, Ilaah waa i siiyey kiradaydii, maxaa yeelay, addoontaydii waxaan siiyey ninkayga. Wiilkii magiciisiina waxay u bixisay Isaakaar.
Leah said, “God has rewarded me for giving my slave to my husband to be another wife for him.” So she named him Issachar, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘reward’].
19 Lee'ahna mar kalay uuraysatay, oo waxay Yacquub u dhashay wiil lixaad.
Leah became pregnant again and bore a sixth son for Jacob.
20 Lee'ahna waxay tidhi, Ilaah dhiibaad wanaagsan buu igu dhiibaadiyey, haatan buu ninkaygu ila joogi doonaa, maxaa yeelay, waxaan u dhalay lix wiil. Wiilkii magiciisiina waxay u bixisay Sebulun.
Leah said, “God has given me a precious gift. (This time/Now) my husband will honor/respect me, because I have given birth to six sons for him.” So she named him Zebulon, [which sounds like the Hebrew word that means ‘accepted gift’].
21 Dabadeedna waxay dhashay gabadh, magaceediina waxay u bixisay Diinah.
Later she gave birth to a daughter, and named her Dinah.
22 Ilaahna wuu xusuustay Raaxeel, oo Ilaah wuu maqlay iyada, maxalkeediina wuu u furay.
Then God thought about what Rachel wanted. He heard her prayers and enabled her to become pregnant.
23 Oo way uuraysatay, oo wiil bay dhashay; oo waxay tidhi, Ilaah baa ceebtaydii iga qaaday.
She became pregnant and gave birth to a son. She said, “God has caused that no longer will I be ashamed [for not having children].”
24 Magiciisiina waxay u bixisay Yuusuf, iyadoo leh Rabbigu wiil kale ha iigu daro.
She named him Joseph, [which sounds like the Hebrew words that mean ‘may he give another’] and she said, ‘want Yahweh to give me another son.’
25 Markii Raaxeel Yuusuf dhashay ka dib ayaa Yacquub Laabaan ku yidhi, Iska kay dir, si aan u tago meeshaydii, iyo dalkaygii.
After Rachel had given birth to Joseph, Jacob said to Laban, “Now allow me to quit working for you and let me return to my own land.
26 I sii naagahayga iyo carruurtayda aan daraaddood kuugu adeegay, oo aan iska tago; waayo waad og tahay adeegiddii aan kuu adeegi jiray.
You know the work that I have done for you [for a long time to get my wives]. So let me take my wives and my children, and leave.”
27 Laabaanna wuxuu ku yidhi isagii, Haddaad raalli iga tahay, joog, waayo, waxaan faal ku gartay in Rabbigu daraaddaa ii barakeeyey.
But Laban said to him, “If you are pleased with me, stay here, because I have found out by performing a magic ritual that Yahweh has blessed me because of what you have done for me.
28 Oo wuxuu yidhi, Mushahaaradaada ii sheeg, oo waan ku siin doonaa.
Tell me what you want me to pay you for continuing to work for me, and that is what I will pay you.”
29 Oo isna wuxuu ku yidhi, Waad og tahay sidii aan kuugu adeegay, iyo sidii xoolahaagii aan daaqi jiray xaalkoodu ahaa.
Jacob replied, “You know how I have worked for you, and you know that your livestock have increased greatly as I have taken care of them.
30 Waayo, waxaad haysan jirtay wax yar bay ahayd intaanan iman ka hor, waana ay korodhay oo waxay noqotay wax faro badan; Rabbiguna wuu kugu barakeeyey dhinacii aan u kacayba; de haddaba goormaan reerkaygana wax u dhaqan doonaa?
You had only a few animals before I came here. But now you have very many, and Yahweh has caused them to increase greatly in number wherever I have taken them. But now I need to start taking care of the needs of my own family.”
31 Oo isna wuxuu yidhi, Maxaan ku siiyaa? Yacquubna wuxuu yidhi, Waa inaanad waxba i siin, laakiin haddaad waxan ii samaysid, adhigaaga haddana waan daajin oo waan ilaalin doonaa.
Laban replied, “What do you want me to give you?” Jacob replied, “I do not want you to pay me anything. But if you will do this one thing for me, I will continue to take care of your flocks and protect them.
32 Maanta adhigaaga oo dhan waan dhex mari doonaa, oo waxaan ka sooci doonaa mid kasta oo dhibicyo iyo barbaro leh, iyo mid kasta oo madow oo idaha ku dhex jira, iyo inta barbaraha iyo dhibicyada leh oo riyaha ku jirta; oo waxaasu waxay noqon doonaan mushahaaradayda.
Allow me to go and look at all of your flocks today and remove from them all the speckled sheep, all the spotted sheep, and every dark-colored lamb, all the goats that are speckled, and all the goats that are spotted, [and keep them for myself]. They will be my wages.
33 Oo sidaasay xaqnimadaydu iigu jawaabi doontaa hadda ka dib, goortaad timaadid oo ka hadlaysid mushahaaradayda ku hor taal. Mid kasta oo aan dhibicyo ama barbaro lahayn oo riyaha ku jira, iyo mid kasta oo aan madoobayn oo idaha ku jira, haddii layga helo, waxaa lagu tirin doonaa wax la soo xaday.
In that way, in the future, you will be able to know whether I have been honest regarding what you have paid me. If any of my goats are neither speckled or spotted, or if any of my lambs are not dark-colored, you will know that I have stolen them from you.”
34 Laabaanna wuxuu yidhi, Waa hagaag, sidaad tidhi ha noqoto.
Laban agreed and said, “Okay, we will do as you have said.”
35 Oo maalintaasuu wada soocay orgidii xariijimaha iyo barbaraha lahayd, iyo riyihii dhibicyada iyo barbaraha lahaa oo dhan, mid kasta oo caddaani ku jirto, iyo kuwa madmadow oo idaha ku jira oo dhan, oo wuxuu gacanta u geliyey wiilashiisii;
But that same day Laban removed all the male goats that had black and white stripes on them or were spotted, and all the female goats that were speckled or spotted, all the goats that were partly white, and all the dark-colored lambs. He separated them and told his sons to take care of them.
36 Oo wuxuu Yacquub ka fogaaday intii saddex maalmood loo socdo, Yacquubna wuxuu daajin jiray Laabaan adhigiisii intii ka hadhay.
Then he took these flocks and walked a distance of three days, in order that he could be that far from Jacob. Jacob continued to take care of the rest of Laban’s flocks.
37 Yacquubna wuxuu qaatay dhengedo qoyan oo ah geedihii la odhan jiray libneh iyo yicib iyo carmon, kolkaasuu diiray oo xariijimo cadcad ku sameeyey.
Then Jacob cut some branches of (poplar, almond, and plane trees/three kinds of trees that had white wood). He peeled strips of bark from the branches, so that where the bark had been peeled off, the branches were light in color.
38 Markaasuu dhengedihii uu diiray adhigii hor dhigay oo ku riday dararkii berkedaha oo adhigu ka cabbi jiray; wayna rimeen markay soo arooreen.
Then he placed the peeled branches in the troughs where they put the water for the animals to drink, so that the branches would be in front of the flocks when they came to drink.
39 Adhigiina dhengedihii hortooda ayuu ku rimay, wuxuuna dhalay maqal xariijimo iyo dhibicyo iyo barbaro leh.
The animals also mated in front of the branches, and eventually they gave birth to animals that were speckled, or to animals that were spotted, or to animals that had black and white stripes on them.
40 Markaasuu Yacquub naylihii ka soocay oo wuxuu adhigii u jeediyey xagga kuwii xariijimaha lahaa iyo intii madmadoobayd oo dhan ee adhigii Laabaan; markaasuu gooni u soocay goosankiisii, kumana uu darin adhigii Laabaan.
Furthermore, Jacob separated the female sheep in his flock from the other sheep and goats in Laban’s flock. And when his female sheep mated, he made them look toward the animals that belonged to Laban that had black and white stripes on them, and the dark-colored animals. He did that so that the female sheep would give birth to animals that were striped or dark-colored. By doing that, he made bigger flocks for himself, and he kept them separate from Laban’s flocks.
41 Markii adhiga intiisii xoogga lahayd rintay ayaa Yacquub dhengedihii adhiga indhihiisa hor dhigay intuu dararkii ku riday, inay dhengedihii ku dhex rimaan;
In addition, whenever the stronger female sheep were ready to mate, Jacob put some of those peeled branches in the troughs in front of them, so that they would mate in front of the branches.
42 laakiinse adhiga qaarkii caatada ahaa, uma uu dhex gelin jirin; sidaas daraaddeed intii caatada ahayd waxaa lahaa Laabaan, intii xoogga lahaydna waxaa lahaa Yacquub.
But when weak animals were ready to mate, he did not put the branches in their troughs. So the weak ones became part of Laban’s flock, and the strong ones became part of Jacob’s flock.
43 Ninkiina aad buu u xoolo batay, wuxuuna lahaa adhi badan, iyo naago addoommo ah, iyo niman addoommo ah, iyo geel, iyo dameerro.
As a result, Jacob became very rich. He owned many large flocks of sheep and goats, and many male and female slaves, and many camels and donkeys.

< Bilowgii 30 >