< Bilowgii 15 >

1 Waxyaalahaas ka dib ereygii Ilaah baa Aabraam ugu yimid muuqasho ahaan, isagoo leh, Aabraamow, ha baqin: anigu waxaan ahay gaashaankaaga, abaalgudkaaguna aad buu u weynaan doonaa.
After all this had happened, God spoke to Abram in a vision, telling him, “Don't be afraid, Abram! I am your protector, and your truly great reward!”
2 Oo Aabraam wuxuu yidhi, Sayidow Rabbiyow, maxaad i siin doontaa? Waayo, anigu carruurla'aan baan sii socdaa, reerkaygana waxaa dhaxli doona Eliiceser oo ah reer Dimishaq.
But Abram replied, “Lord God, what good is whatever you give me? I don't have any children, and the heir to all that I have is Eliezer of Damascus.”
3 Oo Aabraam wuxuu yidhi, Bal eeg, aniga ima aad siin farcan: oo mid gurigayga ku dhashay baa i dhaxlaya.
Abram went on to complain, “Look! You haven't given me any children, so a servant from my household has to be my heir!”
4 Oo bal eeg, ereygii Rabbigaa u yimid, isagoo leh, Ninkanu kuma dhaxli doono: laakiinse waxaa ku dhaxli doona wiil aad dhali doontid.
But then the Lord told him, “This man won't be your heir. Your heir will be your very own son.”
5 Oo dibadduu u soo bixiyey, oo ku yidhi, Bal samada fiiri, oo xiddigaha tiri, haddaad tirin kartid: oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Sidaas oo kalaa farcankaagu ahaan doonaa.
The Lord took Abram outside and said to him, “Look up at the sky. See if you can count the stars! That's how many descendants you will have!”
6 Oo Rabbiga wuu rumaystay; Ilaahna taas wuxuu ugu tiriyey xaqnimo.
Abram trusted what the Lord said, and so the Lord counted Abram as being in a right relationship with him.
7 Oo wuxuu ku yidhi isaga, Anigu waxaan ahay Rabbiga kaaga soo kaxeeyey Uur tii reer Kaldayiin, inaan ku siiyo dalkan si aad u dhaxashid.
The Lord also told him, “I am the Lord, who led you from Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land for you to own.”
8 Oo Aabraam wuxuu yidhi, Sayidow Rabbiyow, maxaan ku ogaadaa inaan dhaxli doono?
“But Lord God, how can I be certain that I will own it?” Abram asked.
9 Oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Ii kaxee qaalin lo' ah oo saddex jir ah, iyo ceesaan saddex jir ah, iyo wan saddex jir ah, iyo qoolley, iyo xamaam yar.
The Lord told him, “Bring me a cow, a goat, and a ram, all of them three years old, together with a dove and a young pigeon.”
10 Oo wuu u kaxeeyey kuwaas oo dhan, oo badhtankuu ka kala wada gooyay, oo badh kastaba kan kaluu hor dhigay: laakiinse shimbirrihii ma uu kala gooyn.
So Abram took and killed the three animals. Then he cut them in half, and placed each half opposite the other. However, he didn't cut the birds in half.
11 Haad baana hilibkii ku soo degtay, laakiinse Aabraam baa ka eryay.
When vultures flew down on the carcasses, Abram frightened them off.
12 Oo kolkii qorraxdu sii dhacaysay, ayaa hurdo aad u weynu Aabraam ku soo dhacday; oo bal eeg, cabsi gudcur weyn leh baa ku soo degtay.
As the sun went down, a deep sleep came over Abram, and at the same time a dense and terrifying darkness fell on him.
13 Markaasuu wuxuu ku yidhi Aabraam, Ogow in hubaal farcankaagu ay dad qalaad ku ahaan doonaan dal aan kooda ahayn, oo ay u adeegi doonaan, oo afar boqol oo sannadood waa la dhibi doonaa;
The Lord explained to Abram, “You can be absolutely sure that your descendants will be strangers in a foreign land, where they will be slaves and mistreated for 400 years.
14 oo weliba quruuntaas ay u adeegi doonaan, xukun baan ku ridi doonaa; oo dabadeedna way ka soo bixi doonaan iyagoo xoolo badan wata.
However, I will punish the nation that makes them slaves, and later on they will leave, taking many valuable possessions with them.
15 Laakiinse adigu nabad baad ugu tegi doontaa awowayaashaa, oo waxaa lagu xabaali doonaa adigoo cimri dheer gaadhay.
But as for you, you will die in peace and be buried, having lived a good long life.
16 Oo iyagu qarniga afraad halkan bay ku soo noqon doonaan: waayo, dembigii reer Amor weli ma dhamma.
Four generations later your descendants will come back here to live, because right now the sins of the Amorites have not reached their full extent.”
17 Oo waxay noqotay, markii qorraxdii dhacday oo ay ahayd gudcur, in girgire qiiqaya iyo dab ololaya ay dhex mareen cadadkii.
After the sun set and it grew dark, suddenly a smoking furnace and a flaming torch appeared and passed between the halves of the animal carcasses.
18 Maalintaas Rabbigu Aabraam buu axdi la dhigtay, isagoo leh, Farcankaagaan siiyey dhulkan, oo laga bilaabo webiga Masar ilaa webiga weyn, oo ah webi Yufraad:
This is how the Lord made an agreement with Abram that day and promised him, “I'm giving this land to your descendants. It extends from the Wadi of Egypt to the great Euphrates River,
19 reer Qeyn, iyo reer Qenas, iyo reer Qadmon,
and includes the territory of the Kenites, Kenizzites, Kadmonites,
20 iyo reer Xeed, iyo reer Feris, iyo reer Refaa'iim,
Hittites, Perizzites, Rephaites,
21 iyo reer Amor, iyo reer Kancaan, iyo reer Girgaash, iyo reer Yebuus.
Amorites, Canaanites, Girgashites, and Jebusites.”

< Bilowgii 15 >