< Cesraa 1 >

1 In Eraygii Rabbiga ee Yeremyaah afkiisa ka soo baxay uu ahaado aawadeed, sannaddii kowaad oo Kuuros oo ahaa boqorkii Faaris ayaa Rabbigu kiciyey ruuxii Kuuros oo ahaa boqorkii Faaris, oo isna boqortooyadiisii oo dhan ayuu ogeysiis ugu dhawaaqay oo weliba qoray, oo wuxuu yidhi,
And in year one of Cyrus [the] king of Persia to fulfill [the] word of Yahweh from [the] mouth of Jeremiah he stirred Yahweh [the] spirit of Cyrus [the] king of Persia and he caused to pass a proclamation in all kingdom his and also in writing saying.
2 Kuuros oo ah boqorka Faaris wuxuu leeyahay, Boqortooyooyinka dhulka oo dhan waxaa i siiyey Rabbiga ah Ilaaha samada; oo wuxuu igu amray inaan isaga guri uga dhiso Yeruusaalem oo ku taal dalka Yahuudah.
Thus he says Cyrus [the] king of Persia all [the] kingdoms of the earth he has given to me Yahweh [the] God of the heavens and he he has appointed me to build for him a house in Jerusalem which [is] in Judah.
3 Haddaba ku alla kii idinku dhex jira oo dadkiisa ah Ilaahiisu ha la jiro, oo isna ha tago Yeruusaalem oo dalka Yahuudah ku taal, oo ha dhiso guriga Rabbiga ah Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil oo ku yaal Yeruusaalem. (Isagu waa Ilaah.)
Who? [is] among you from all people his may he be God his with him and let him go up to Jerusalem which [is] in Judah and let him build [the] house of Yahweh [the] God of Israel he [is] God who [is] in Jerusalem.
4 Oo ku alla kii ku hadha meesha uu deggan yahay, dadka ay isku degmada yihiin ha ku caawiyaan lacag iyo dahab, iyo xoolo mood iyo noolba ah, oo ayan ku jirin qurbaanka ay ikhtiyaarkooda ugu bixiyaan guriga Ilaah oo Yeruusaalem ku yaal.
And every [one who] remains from all the places where he [is] sojourning there let them support him [the] people of place his with silver and with gold and with property and with cattle with the freewill offering for [the] house of God which [is] in Jerusalem.
5 Markaasaa waxaa kacay madaxdii qolooyinka reer Yahuudah iyo reer Benyaamiin, iyo wadaaddadii, iyo reer Laawi, iyo xataa dhammaan intii kale ee Ilaah ruuxooda kiciyey si ay u tagaan oo ay u dhisaan guriga Rabbiga oo Yeruusaalem ku yaal.
And they arose [the] heads of the fathers of Judah and Benjamin and the priests and the Levites to every [one whom] he had stirred up God spirit his to go up to build [the] house of Yahweh which [is] in Jerusalem.
6 Oo kulli intii hareerahooda ku wareegsanayd oo dhammu waxay gacmahooda ku xoogeeyeen weelal lacag ah iyo dahab, iyo xoolo mood iyo noolba ah, iyo waxyaalo qaali ah, oo wixii ikhtiyaarka loo bixiyey ayan ku jirin.
And all around them they encouraged hands their with vessels of silver with gold with property and with cattle and with precious things besides all of ering of freewill offerings.
7 Oo weliba Kuurosna wuxuu soo bixiyey weelashii guriga Rabbiga, oo Nebukadnesar uu Yeruusaalem ka soo bixiyey oo uu dhigay gurigii ilaahyadiisa.
And the king Cyrus he brought out [the] vessels of [the] house of Yahweh which he had brought out Nebuchadnezzar from Jerusalem and he had put them in [the] house of gods his.
8 Oo Kuuros oo ahaa boqorkii Faaris ayaa alaabtaas soo bixiyey oo u dhiibay qasnajigii Mitredaad ahaa, oo isna wuxuu u tiriyey Sheeshbasar, oo reer Yahuudah amiir u ahaa.
And he brought out them Cyrus [the] king of Persia on [the] hand of Mithredath the treasurer and he counted out them to Sheshbazzar the prince of Judah.
9 Oo tiradoodiina waa tan, soddon saxan oo dahab ah, iyo kun saxan oo lacag ah, iyo sagaal iyo labaatan mindiyood,
And these [were] number their basins of gold thirty basins of silver one thousand knives nine and twenty.
10 iyo soddon maddiibadood oo dahab ah, iyo afar boqol iyo toban maddiibadood oo ah lacagta caynka labaad ah, iyo kun weel oo kale.
Bowls of gold thirty bowls of silver second order four hundred and ten vessels other one thousand.
11 Oo kulligood weelashii dahabka iyo lacagta ahaa waxay isku ahaayeen shan kun iyo afar boqol. Oo intaas oo dhan Sheeshbasar wuu wada keenay, markii Yeruusaalem la keenay maxaabiistii Baabuloon laga soo celiyey.
All vessels of gold and of silver five thousand and four hundred everything he brought up Sheshbazzar with were led up the exile[s] from Babylon to Jerusalem.

< Cesraa 1 >