< Yexesqeel 1 >

1 Haddaba sannaddii soddonaad, bisheedii afraad, maalinteedii shanaad, anigoo maxaabiistii Webi Kebaar ag joogtay ku dhex jira ayaa samooyinkii furmeen, oo waxaan arkay wax layga tusay xagga Ilaah.
Now in the thirtieth year, in the fourth month, in the fifth day of the month, as I was among the captives by the river Chebar, the heavens were opened, and I saw visions of God.
2 Boqor Yehooyaakiin maxaabiis ahaantiisii sannaddeedii shanaad bisha maalinteedii shanaad
In the fifth of the month, which was the fifth year of King Jehoiachin’s captivity,
3 ayaa eraygii Rabbigu dalkii reer Kaldayiin ugu yimid wadaadkii Yexesqeel ina Buusii, isagoo Webi Kebaar ag jooga, oo halkaasay gacantii Rabbigu isagii ku kor saarnayd.
the LORD’s word came to Ezekiel the priest, the son of Buzi, in the land of the Chaldeans by the river Chebar; and the LORD’s hand was there on him.
4 Oo intaan wax fiirinayay waxaa ii muuqday dabayl duufaan ah oo xagga woqooyi ka timid, iyo daruur weyn, iyo dab iyada ku dhex jira, iyo iftiin hareereheeda ka widhwidhaya, oo dhexdeedana waxaa ku jiray wax la moodo sidii dhuxul cadaatay oo dab ka dhex dhalaalaysa.
I looked, and behold, a stormy wind came out of the north: a great cloud, with flashing lightning, and a brightness around it, and out of the middle of it as it were glowing metal, out of the middle of the fire.
5 Oo waxaa dhexdeedii ka soo baxay wax u eg afar xayawaan. Oo muuqashadooduna sidanay ahayd: waxay lahaayeen nin ekaantiis.
Out of its center came the likeness of four living creatures. This was their appearance: They had the likeness of a man.
6 Oo midkood kastaaba wuxuu lahaa afar weji, oo midkood kastaaba wuxuu lahaa afar baal.
Everyone had four faces, and each one of them had four wings.
7 Oo cagahooduna waxay ahaayeen cago toosan, oo baabacada cagahooduna waxay u ekayd weyl baabaceeda, oo waxay u dhalaalayeen sidii naxaas la safeeyey.
Their feet were straight feet. The sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot; and they sparkled like burnished bronze.
8 Oo baalashooda hoostoodana waxay ku lahaayeen nin gacmihiis oo kale oo afarta dhinacba uga yaal, oo afartooduba saasay u lahaayeen wejiyadooda iyo baalashoodaba.
They had the hands of a man under their wings on their four sides. The four of them had their faces and their wings like this:
9 Oo baalashooduna midba midka kaluu ku dhegganaa, oo markay socdeenna ma ay leexleexan ee midkood kastaaba hortiisuu qummaati ugu dhaqaaqay.
Their wings were joined to one another. They did not turn when they went. Each one went straight forward.
10 Oo xagga ekaanta wejiyadooduna waxay wada lahaayeen nin wejigiis, oo afartooduba dhanka midig waxay ku lahaayeen weji libaax, oo afartooduba waxay dhanka bidix ku lahaayeen weji dibi; oo weliba afartoodu waxay lahaayeen weji gorgor.
As for the likeness of their faces, they had the face of a man. The four of them had the face of a lion on the right side. The four of them had the face of an ox on the left side. The four of them also had the face of an eagle.
11 Wejiyadoodu saasay ahaayeen, oo baalashooduna kor bay u kala fidsanaayeen, oo midkood kastaaba laba baal ayuu midka kan kale kula dhegganaa, oo labana waxay ku daboolnaayeen jidhkooda.
Such were their faces. Their wings were spread out above. Two wings of each one touched another, and two covered their bodies.
12 Oo midkood kastaaba hortiisuu qummaati ugu dhaqaaqay, oo waxay tageen meel alla meeshuu ruuxu tegayoba, oo markay socdeenna ma ay leexleexan.
Each one went straight forward. Where the spirit was to go, they went. They did not turn when they went.
13 Oo xagga ekaanta xayawaanka waxay u ekaayeen dab qaxmaya dhuxulihiis iyo qoryo ololaya. Oo xayawaanka dhexdooduu hor iyo dib iska daba noqnoqonayay, oo dabkuna wuu dhalaal dheeraa, oo waxaa dabka ka soo baxayay hillaac.
As for the likeness of the living creatures, their appearance was like burning coals of fire, like the appearance of torches. The fire went up and down among the living creatures. The fire was bright, and lightning went out of the fire.
14 Oo xayawaankuna sidii hillaaca biriqdiisa oo kale ayay u ordeen oo u soo noqdeen.
The living creatures ran and returned as the appearance of a flash of lightning.
15 Haddaba intii aan xayawaanka fiirinayay waxaan arkay giraangir dhulka korkiisa iyo xayawaanka dhinacooda taal, oo mid kastaaba wuxuu u yiil afarta weji.
Now as I saw the living creatures, behold, there was one wheel on the earth beside the living creatures, for each of the four faces of it.
16 Oo giraangiraha waxay u ekaayeen midabka berullos oo kale, oo afartoodiiba way isu ekaayeen, oo muuqashadoodii iyo farsamadii loo sameeyeyna waxaa la mooday sidii giraangir giraangir kale ku dhex jirta.
The appearance of the wheels and their work was like a beryl. The four of them had one likeness. Their appearance and their work was as it were a wheel within a wheel.
17 Oo markay tageenna waxay ku socdeen afartooda dhinac, oo mana ay leexleexan markay socdeen.
When they went, they went in their four directions. They did not turn when they went.
18 Oo wareegyadooduna aad bay u dheeraayeen, waxayna ahaayeen wax aad iyo aad looga cabsado, oo afartoodaba wareegyadooda waxaa ka buuxay indho miidhan.
As for their rims, they were high and dreadful; and the four of them had their rims full of eyes all around.
19 Oo markay xayawaanku socdeenba giraangiruhuna way dhinac socdeen, oo xayawaankii markii dhulka kor looga qaadayba giraangirihiina kor baa loo qaaday.
When the living creatures went, the wheels went beside them. When the living creatures were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up.
20 Oo meel alla meeshii ruuxu tegeyba iyaguna way tageen, oo giraangirihiina iyagay la sara keceen, waayo, ruuxii xayawaanku wuxuu ku jiray giraangirihii.
Wherever the spirit was to go, they went. The spirit was to go there. The wheels were lifted up beside them; for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.
21 Markii kuwaasu tageen, kuwanuna way tageen, oo markii kuwaasu istaageenna, kuwanuna way istaageen, oo markii kuwaas dhulka kor looga qaadayna giraangirihiina dhinacoodaa kor loola qaaday, waayo, ruuxii xayawaanku wuxuu ku jiray giraangirihii.
When those went, these went. When those stood, these stood. When those were lifted up from the earth, the wheels were lifted up beside them; for the spirit of the living creature was in the wheels.
22 Xayawaanka madaxoodana waxaa ka korreeyey cir ekaantiisa la moodo baraf aad looga cabsado oo ku dul fidsan.
Over the head of the living creature there was the likeness of an expanse, like an awesome crystal to look at, stretched out over their heads above.
23 Oo cirka hoostiisa ayaa baalashoodu ku toosnaayeen, oo midba kan kale xaggiisuu u sii jeeday. Oo midkood kastaaba wuxuu lahaa laba baal oo dhinacan uga daboolan iyo laba baal oo jidhkiisa dhinacaas ugu daboolan.
Under the expanse, their wings were straight, one toward the other. Each one had two which covered on this side, and each one had two which covered their bodies on that side.
24 Oo markay socdeenba waxaan maqlay sanqadhii baalashooda oo la moodo sida biyo badan guuxood, iyo sida Ilaaha Qaadirka ah codkiisii, iyo buuq sanqadhiis la moodo sidii ciidan hugunkiis oo kale. Oo markay istaageenna baalashoodii bay dejiyeen.
When they went, I heard the noise of their wings like the noise of great waters, like the voice of the Almighty, a noise of tumult like the noise of an army. When they stood, they let down their wings.
25 Oo cod baa ka yeedhay cirkii madaxooda ka korreeyey, oo markay istaageen baalashooda bay dejiyeen.
There was a voice above the expanse that was over their heads. When they stood, they let down their wings.
26 Oo cirkii madaxooda ka korreeyey dushiisana waxaa ka muuqday wax carshi u eg oo ekaantiisa la moodo sidii dhagax safayr ah, oo waxaa wixii carshiga la moodo dushiisa ka muuqday wax nin u eg.
Above the expanse that was over their heads was the likeness of a throne, as the appearance of a sapphire stone. On the likeness of the throne was a likeness as the appearance of a man on it above.
27 Oo qaarkiisa hore wuxuu iila ekaa dhuxul cadaatay oo uu dab ku jiro oo hareerihiisa ku wareegsan, oo qaarkiisa dambena wuxuu iila ekaa sidii dab oo kale, oo hareerihiisana waxaa ku wareegsanaa iftiin dhalaalaya.
I saw as it were glowing metal, as the appearance of fire within it all around, from the appearance of his waist and upward; and from the appearance of his waist and downward I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and there was brightness around him.
28 Oo ekaantii iftiinku ku wareegsanaana waxay u ekayd qaansoroobaad maalin roobeed daruurta ku taal. Taasu waxay ahayd ekaantii ammaanta Rabbiga. Oo markaan arkay ayaan wejiga u dhacay, oo waxaan maqlay mid hadlaya codkiis.
As the appearance of the rainbow that is in the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the brightness all around. This was the appearance of the likeness of the LORD’s glory. When I saw it, I fell on my face, and I heard a voice of one that spoke.

< Yexesqeel 1 >