< Yexesqeel 38 >

1 Oo haddana Eraygii Rabbiga ayaa ii yimid isagoo leh,
Yahweh gave me another message. He said to me,
2 Wiilka Aadamow, wejigaaga u jeedi Juuj, oo dalka Maajuuj deggan oo ah amiirka madaxda u ah Mesheg iyo Tubal, oo isaga wax ka sii sheeg.
“You human, turn and face Magog, the country where Gog [is the king]. He is [also] the ruler of [the nations of] Meshech and Tubal. Prophesy about [the terrible things that will happen to] him,
3 Oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Juujow, amiirka madaxda u ah Mesheg iyo Tubalow, bal eeg, col baan kugu ahaye.
and say, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: Gog, you who rule Meshech and Tubal, I am opposed to you.
4 Dib baan kuu soo celin doonaa, oo qabatooyin baan daamanka kaa sudhi doonaa, waanan soo bixin doonaa adiga, iyo ciidankaaga oo dhan, fardaha iyo fardooleydaba, iyagoo kulligood dhar dagaaleed xidhan, oo ah ciidan faro badan oo gaashaammo waaweyn iyo gaashaammo yaryar sita, oo kulligood seef sita,
[It will be as though] I will turn you around and put hooks in your jaws and bring you [to Israel]—you and all of your army, [including your] horses and men carrying weapons who ride the horses, and many other soldiers carrying large shields and small shields, all of them carrying swords.
5 iyagoo weliba ay la jiraan reer Faaris iyo reer Kuush iyo reer Fuud, oo kulligood gaashaan iyo koofiyad bir ah sita,
[Armies from] Persia, Ethiopia, and Put/Libya will also come, all of them with shields and helmets.
6 iyo reer Gomer iyo guutooyinkiisii oo dhan, iyo reer Togarmaah oo meelaha woqooyi ugu shisheeya deggan iyo guutooyinkiisii oo dhan, xataa dad faro badan oo kula jira.
An army from Gomer [north of Israel] will come, and an army from Togarmah far north [of Israel] will come. Armies of many nations will accompany you.’
7 Isdiyaari, oo adiga iyo ciidankaaga kugu soo ururay oo dhammu isdiyaariya, oo adigu madax iyaga u noqo.
[Tell Gog, ] ‘Get ready and be prepared to be the commander of all those groups of soldiers.
8 Oo wakhti dheer dabadeed ayaa lagu soo booqan doonaa, oo sannadaha dambe waxaad iman doontaa dalkii seefta laga soo celiyey, oo dadyow badan laga soo dhex ururiyey oo buuraha reer binu Israa'iil ku dul yaal, kaasoo weligiisba cidla burbursan ahaan jiray, laakiinse iyagaa quruumaha laga soo dhex bixiyey, oo kulligoodna si ammaan ah ayay ku degganaan doonaan.
At some future time, I will command you to lead those armies to attack [Israel], a country whose [buildings] have been rebuilt after [they were destroyed in] wars. Their people will have been brought back from many nations [to live again] on the hills of Israel, which had been deserted for a long time. They had been brought back from [other] nations and will be living peacefully.
9 Adigu waad soo kici doontaa oo waxaad u iman doontaa sida duufaan oo kale, oo waxaad ahaan doontaa sida daruur dalka qarisa, adiga iyo guutooyinkaaga oo dhan, iyo dad faro badan oo kula jiraba.
You and all those armies from many nations will go up to Israel, advancing like [SIM] a big storm. Your army will be like a huge cloud that covers the land.
10 Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Wakhtigaas wax baa maankaaga ku soo dhici doona, oo waxaad ku fikiri doontaa xeelad shar ah,
But this is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say: On that day, you will have an idea about [DOU] doing an evil thing.
11 oo waxaad odhan doontaa, Waxaan ku kici doonaa dalka tuulooyinka aan deyrnayn, oo waxaan ku kici doonaa kuwa xasilloon, oo ammaanka ku deggan, oo kulligood iska deggan iyagoo aan lahayn derbiyo ku deyran iyo qataarro iyo irdo,
You will say [to yourself], “My [army] will invade a country where the villages do not have walls around them. We will attack people who are peaceful and do not suspect/think [that they will be attacked]. Their towns and villages do not have walls with gates and bars.
12 inaan wax ka dhaco, oo aan wax ka boobo, si aad gacanta ugu dul fidisid meelihii cidlada ahaa haatanse la degay, iyo dadkii quruumaha laga soo dhex ururiyey, oo xoolo iyo alaabba helay, oo dhulka dhexdiisa deggan.
So [it will be easy for] us to attack the people who are living again in those towns that were previously destroyed. They are people who have been gathered from many countries [where they had lived for many years], people who now live safely in their land with all their livestock and other possessions. They are living in the country that is in the middle of the most important countries (OR, [that they think is] [IRO] the most important country) in the world. Our soldiers will take away [DOU] all their valuable possessions.”
13 Shebaa, iyo Dedaan, iyo baayacmushtariyaasha Tarshiish, iyo libaaxyadooda yaryar oo dhan waxay kugu odhan doonaan, Ma waxaad u timid inaad wax dhacdid? Oo guutadaada ma waxaad u soo urursatay inaad wax boobtid, iyo inaad lacag iyo dahab iska qaadatid, oo aad xoolo iyo alaab iska kaxaysatid, iyo inaad wax badan dhacdid?
[Then people of] Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish and nearby villages will come and say to you, “Are you gathering all your soldiers in order to [attack Israel and] take away all their silver and gold? [Do you plan] to take away their livestock and all their other valuable possessions [DOU]?”’
14 Sidaas daraaddeed Wiilka Aadamow, wax sii sheeg, oo waxaad Juuj ku tidhaahdaa, Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Markii dadkayga reer binu Israa'iil ay wakhtigaas si ammaan ah ku degganaadaan, sow taas ogaan maysid?
Therefore, you human, prophesy about Gog and say to him, ‘This is what Yahweh the Lord says: At that time, when my people of Israel are living safely, you will certainly think about that.
15 Markaasaad ka soo kici doontaa meeshaada woqooyi ugu shishaysa adiga iyo dad badan oo kula jira, oo kulligood fardo fuushan, oo ah guuto faro badan, iyo ciidan xoog leh.
So you will come from your place far north [of Israel], with the armies of many [other] nations, all riding horses, a huge army.
16 Oo waxaad ku soo kici doontaa dadkayga reer binu Israa'iil inaad sida daruur oo kale dhulka u qarisid, oo ugu dambaysta waxay noqon doontaa inaan dalkayga kugu soo kiciyo, Juujow, si ay quruumuhu ii aqoonsadaan markii dhexdaada quduus layga dhigo iyagoo indhaha ku haya.
You will march toward my Israeli people, and [your soldiers] will cover the land like a huge cloud. Gog, I will bring your army to attack the country that belongs to me, but [what I do] for you will show the people of other nations that I am holy.
17 Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Adigu ma waxaad tahay kii aan waa hore addoommadaydii nebiyada reer binu Israa'iil ahaa kaga hadlay, kuwaas oo waayahaas sannado badan wax ku sii sheegayay inaan iyaga kugu soo kicin doono?
This is what [I], Yahweh the Lord, say to Gog: In past years, when I gave messages to my servants, the prophets [in Israel], there were messages [RHQ] about you. At that time, they prophesied for [many] years that I would bring your [armies] to attack my people.
18 Laakiinse wakhtiga Juuj uu dalka reer binu Israa'iil ku soo kici doono ayaan aad iyo aad u cadhoon doonaa, ayaa Sayidka Rabbiga ahu leeyahay.
[So] this is what I, Yahweh the Lord, say will happen: When your [army] attacks Israel, I will be very angry with you.
19 Waayo, waxaan ku hadlay masayrkaygii iyo cadhadaydii kululayd, oo hubaal wakhtigaas waxaa dalka reer binu Israa'iil jiri doona gariir weyn,
I will be very furious, and to show that I am angry, there will be a great earthquake in Israel, [where your armies will be].
20 oo kalluunka badda, iyo haadda samada, iyo dugaagga duurka, iyo waxyaalaha dhulka ku gurguurta oo dhan, iyo dadka dhulka jooga oo dhammuba waxay ka wada gariiri doonaan hortayda, oo buuruhu way dumi doonaan, oo meelaha dheerdheeruna way wada dhici doonaan, oo derbi kastaana dhulkuu ku soo dhici doonaa.
The fish in the sea, the birds, the wild animals, and the animals/creatures that crawl on the ground, and all the people on the earth will tremble because of what I [am doing]. Mountains will fall down, cliffs will crumble, and walls everywhere will fall to the ground.
21 Oo Sayidka Rabbiga ahu wuxuu leeyahay, Seef baan buurahayga oo dhan ugaga yeedhi doonaa, oo nin kastaba seeftiisu waxay col ku noqon doontaa walaalkiis.
Gog, on all the mountains in the country that belongs to me I will cause your soldiers to fight against each other with their swords.
22 Oo waxaan isaga ku xukumi doonaa belaayo iyo dhiig; oo isaga, iyo guutooyinkiisa, iyo dadka badan oo isaga la jiraba waxaan ku soo kor dayn doonaa roob wax qarqinaya, iyo roob dhagaxyo waaweyn leh, iyo dab, iyo baaruud.
I will punish [MTY] you [and your soldiers] with plagues and murders [MTY]. And I will send down [from the sky], on you and your troops that have come from many nations, huge amounts of rain and hail and burning sulfur.
23 Oo anigu sidaasaan isu weynayn doonaa, oo aan quduus isaga dhigi doonaa, oo aan quruumo badan is-aqoonsiin doonaa, oo waxay ogaan doonaan inaan anigu Rabbiga ahay.
By doing that, I will cause [the people of] many nations to know that I am very great and holy, and they will know that I, Yahweh, [have the power to do the things that I say that I will do].’”

< Yexesqeel 38 >