< Yexesqeel 10 >

1 Markaasaan wax fiiriyey, oo cirkii madaxii keruubiimta ka korreeyey waxaa ka muuqday wax dhagax safayr u ekaa, oo muuqashadiisu carshi u eg tahay.
And I look, and behold, on the expanse that [is] above the head of the cherubim, as a sapphire stone, as the appearance of the likeness of a throne, He has been seen over them.
2 Markaasuu la hadlay ninkii dharkii wanaagsanaa qabay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaad kala dhex martaa giraangiraha iyo xataa keruubka hoostiisa, oo markaas labadaada gacmood ka soo buuxi dhuxulo dab ah oo aad keruubiimta dhexdooda ka soo cantoobiso, oo waxaad ku dul daadisaa magaalada. Oo isna wuu dhex maray anigoo indhaha ku haya.
And He speaks to the man clothed with linen and says, “Go into the midst of the wheel, to the place of the cherub, and fill your hands with coals of fire from between the cherubim, and scatter over the city.” And he goes in before my eyes.
3 Haddaba keruubiimtu waxay taagnaayeen guriga dhankiisa midigta markuu ninkii gudaha galay, oo barxaddii hoose waxaa ka buuxsantay daruur.
And the cherubim are standing on the right side of the house, at the going in of the man, and the cloud has filled the inner court,
4 Markaasaa ammaantii Rabbigu keruubkii marinkii guriga uga kacday, oo gurigiina waxaa ka buuxsantay daruurtii, oo barxaddiina waxaa ka buuxsamay dhalaalkii ammaanta Rabbiga.
and the glory of YHWH becomes high above the cherub, over the threshold of the house, and the house is filled with the cloud, and the court has been filled with the brightness of the glory of YHWH.
5 Oo sanqadhii baalashii keruubiimtana waxaa laga maqlay tan iyo xataa barxaddii dibadda, sidii markuu Ilaaha Qaadirka ahu hadlo.
And a noise of the wings of the cherubim has been heard in the outer court, as the voice of God—the Mighty One—in His speaking.
6 Oo markuu amray ninkii dharka wanaagsanaa qabay oo uu ku yidhi, Giraangiraha dhexdooda iyo keruubiimta dhexdooda dab ka soo qaad, markaasuu dhex galay oo wuxuu istaagay giraangir dhinaceed.
And it comes to pass, in His commanding the man clothed with linen, saying, “Take fire from between the wheel, from between the cherubim,” and he goes in and stands near the wheel,
7 Oo keruubkii wuxuu gacantiisii u fidiyey dabkii keruubiimta dhexdooda yiil, oo intuu wuxoogaa ka soo qaaday ayuu gacantii kii dharka wanaagsanaa qabay ku riday, oo isaguna intuu soo qaaday ayuu baxay.
that the [one] cherub puts forth his hand from between the cherubim to the fire that [is] between the cherubim, and lifts up, and gives [it] into the hands of him who is clothed with linen, and he receives, and comes forth.
8 Oo keruubiimtii waxaa ka muuqday wax nin gacantiis u eg oo baalashooda hoosta uga yaal.
And there appears in the cherubim the form of a hand of man under their wings,
9 Oo intaan wax fiirinayay waxaa ii muuqday afartii giraangirood oo keruubiimta dhinac yiil, oo giraangir baa keruub dhinac tiil, oo giraangir kalena keruub kalay dhinac tiil, oo giraangiraha muuqashadooduna waxay u ekayd dhagax berullos oo kale.
and I look, and behold, four wheels near the cherubim, one wheel near one cherub, and another wheel near the other cherub, and the appearance of the wheels [is] as the color of a beryl stone.
10 Oo afartooduba isku muuqashay lahaayeen, oo waxaa la mooday sidii giraangir giraangir kale ku dhex jirta.
And [as for] their appearances, [the] four had one likeness, as it were the wheel in the midst of the wheel.
11 Oo markay socdeenna waxay ku socdeen afartoodii dhinacba, oo innaba ma ay leexleexan markay socdeen, laakiinse meeshii madaxoodu u sii jeeday ayay u raaceen, oo innaba ma ay leexleexan markay socdeen.
In their going, they go on their four sides; they do not turn around in their going, for to the place to where the head turns, they go after it, they do not turn around in their going.
12 Oo jidhkooda oo dhan, iyo dhabarkooda, iyo gacmahooda, iyo baalashooda, iyo giraangirihii afartooda la socdayba waxay ahaayeen indho miidhan oo hareerahooda ku wareegsan.
And all their flesh, and their backs, and their hands, and their wings, and the wheels, are full of eyes all around—[the] wheels [the] four had.
13 Oo giraangirihiina anigoo maqlaya ayaa lagu magacaabay giraangiraha warwareega.
As for the wheels—they were called “Whirling Wheel” in my ears.
14 Oo mid kastaaba wuxuu lahaa afar weji. Wejigii kowaad wuxuu ahaa weji keruub, oo wejigii labaadna wuxuu ahaa weji nin, oo kii saddexaadna wuxuu ahaa weji libaax, oo kii afraadna wuxuu ahaa weji gorgor.
And four faces [are] to each; the face of the first [is] the face of the cherub, and the face of the second [is] the face of man, and of the third the face of a lion, and of the fourth the face of an eagle.
15 Keruubiimtii kor bay isu qaadeen. Kuwaasu waxay ahaayeen xayawaankii aan Webi Kebaar agtiisa ku arkay.
And the cherubim are lifted up, it [is] the living creature that I saw by the river Chebar.
16 Keruubiimtu markay socdeenba giraangiruhuna way dhinac socdeen, oo markii keruubiimtu ay baalashooda kor u qaadeen inay dhulka kor isaga qaadaan aawadeed, isla giraangirahaasu dhinacoodii kama ay leexan.
And in the going of the cherubim, the wheels go beside them; and in the cherubim lifting up their wings to be high above the earth, the wheels do not turn around, even they, from being beside them.
17 Oo markay istaageen, kuwaasuna way istaageen, oo markay kor isu qaadeenna, kuwaasuna kor bay isu qaadeen, waayo, xayawaanka naftoodu iyagay ku jirtay.
In their standing they stand, and in their exaltation they are exalted with them: for [the] spirit of the living creature [is] in them.
18 Markaasaa ammaantii Rabbigu marinka gurigay ka kacday oo waxay istaagtay meel keruubiimtii ka korraysa.
And the glory of YHWH goes forth from off the threshold of the house, and stands over the cherubim,
19 Oo keruubiimtiina baalashooday kor u qaadeen oo anigoo indhaha ku haya ayay dhulka kor isaga qaadeen, oo markay bexeen giraangirihiina way dhinac socdeen, oo waxay ag istaageen albaabkii iridda bari ee guriga Rabbiga, oo Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil ammaantiisiina iyagay ka korraysay.
and the cherubim lift up their wings, and are lifted up from the earth before my eyes; in their going forth, the wheels [are] also alongside them, and he stands at the opening of the east gate of the house of YHWH, and the glory of the God of Israel [is] over them from above.
20 Kuwaasu waxay ahaayeen xayawaankii aan ku arkay Ilaaha reer binu Israa'iil hoostiisa iyagoo Webi Kebaar agtiisa jooga, oo waxaan iqiin inay keruubiim yihiin.
It [is] the living creature that I saw under the God of Israel by the river Chebar, and I know that they are cherubim.
21 Midkood kastaaba wuxuu lahaa afar weji, oo midkood kastaaba wuxuu lahaa afar baal, oo baalashooda hoostoodana waxaa ku yiil wax nin gacmihiis u eg.
[The] four—each had four faces, and each had four wings, and the likeness of the hands of man [is] under their wings.
22 Oo wejiyadooduna waxay ahaayeen isla wejiyadii aan Webi Kebaar agtiisa ku arkay, oo muuqashadooda iyo iyaga qudhooduba isku mid bay ahaayeen, oo midkood kastaaba hortiisuu qummaati ugu socday.
And the likeness of their faces, they [are] the faces that I saw by the river Chebar, their appearances and themselves; they each go straight forward.

< Yexesqeel 10 >