< Baxniintii 7 >

1 Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse ku yidhi, Bal fiiri, waxaan Fircoon kaaga dhigay sidii ilaah oo kale, walaalkaa Haaruunna wuxuu ahaan doonaa nebigaaga.
And the Lord said to Moses, See I have made you a god to Pharaoh, and Aaron your brother will be your prophet.
2 Adigu waa inaad ku hadasho waxa aan kugu amrayo oo dhan; walaalkaa Haaruunna waa inuu Fircoon la hadlo si uu reer binu Israa'iil u sii daayo si ay dalkiisa uga baxaan.
Say whatever I give you orders to say: and Aaron your brother will give word to Pharaoh to let the children of Israel go out of his land.
3 Oo Fircoon qalbigiisana waan qallafin doonaa, calaamooyinkayga iyo cajaa'ibyadaydana waan ku badin doonaa dalka Masar.
And I will make Pharaoh's heart hard, and my signs and wonders will be increased in the land of Egypt.
4 Laakiin Fircoon kuma maqli doono, markaasaan gacantayda saari doonaa Masar, oo aan soo bixin doonaa ciidankayga oo ah dadkayga reer binu Israa'iil, waanan kaga soo saari doonaa xukummo waaweyn dalka Masar.
But Pharaoh will not give ear to you, and I will put my hand on Egypt, and take my armies, my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt, after great punishments.
5 Markaasaa Masriyiintu ogaan doonaan inaan anigu Rabbiga ahay, markii aan gacantayda Masar ku kor fidiyo, oo aan reer binu Israa'iil ka dhex bixiyo iyaga.
And the Egyptians will see that I am the Lord, when my hand is stretched out over Egypt, and I take the children of Israel out from among them.
6 Markaasaa Muuse iyo Haaruun sidaas yeeleen. Sidii Rabbigu ku amray, ayay yeeleen.
And Moses and Aaron did so: as the Lord gave them orders, so they did.
7 Muusena markaas wuxuu jiray siddeetan sannadood, Haaruunna wuxuu jiray saddex iyo siddeetan sannadood markay Fircoon la hadleen.
And Moses was eighty years old, and Aaron eighty-three years old, when they gave the Lord's word to Pharaoh.
8 Markaasaa Rabbigu la hadlay Muuse iyo Haaruun, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron,
9 Markii Fircoon idinla hadlo, oo idinku yidhaahdo, Cajaa'ib i tusa; markaas waxaad Haaruun ku tidhaahdaa, Ushaada qaado, oo Fircoon hortiisa ku tuur, si ay abeeso u noqoto.
If Pharaoh says to you, Let me see a wonder: then say to Aaron, Take your rod and put it down on the earth before Pharaoh so that it may become a snake.
10 Markaasaa Muuse iyo Haaruun waxay u tageen Fircoon, oo waxay yeeleen sidii Rabbigu ku amray, markaasaa Haaruun ushiisii ku hor tuuray Fircoon iyo addoommadiisii, oo waxay noqotay abeeso.
Then Moses and Aaron went in to Pharaoh and they did as the Lord had said: and Aaron put his rod down on the earth before Pharaoh and his servants, and it became a snake.
11 Fircoonna markaasuu wuxuu u yeedhay raggiisii xigmadda lahaa iyo saaxiriintiisii, markaasaa falalowyadii Masarna iyana yeeleen sidii si le'eg oo falfalkoodii ku sameeyeen.
Then Pharaoh sent for the wise men and the wonder-workers, and they, the wonder-workers of Egypt, did the same with their secret arts.
12 Waayo, nin waluba wuxuu tuuray ushiisii, markaasay waxay noqdeen abeesooyin, laakiinse ushii Haaruun baa wada liqday ulahoodii oo dhan.
For every one of them put down his rod on the earth, and they became snakes: but Aaron's rod made a meal of their rods.
13 Qalbigii Fircoonna wuu sii qallafsanaaday, mana uu dhegaysan iyagii, sidii Rabbigu yidhi.
But Pharaoh's heart was made hard, and he did not give ear to them, as the Lord had said.
14 Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse ku yidhi, Fircoon waa macangag, oo wuu diidayaa inuu dadka sii daayo.
And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, Pharaoh's heart is unchanged; he will not let the people go.
15 Bal subaxda Fircoon u tag, waayo, aroorta wuxuu tagaa biyaha. Haddaba waxaad istaagtaa webiga qarkiisa inaad la kulantid isaga; oo gacanta waxaad ku qaadataa ushii abeesada noqotay.
Go to Pharaoh in the morning; when he goes out to the water, you will be waiting for him by the edge of the Nile, with the rod which was turned into a snake in your hand;
16 Oo waxaad isaga ku tidhaahdaa, Rabbiga ah Ilaaha Cibraaniyada ayaa ii soo kaa diray, oo wuxuu kugu yidhi, Sii daa dadkaygu ha tageene, inay cidlada iigu adeegaan; oo bal eeg, hadda ka hor ima aad maqlin.
And say to him, The Lord, the God of the Hebrews, has sent me to you, saying, Let my people go so that they may give me worship in the waste land; but up to now you have not given ear to his words.
17 Oo waxaa Rabbigu ku leeyahay, Tan ayaad ku ogaan doontaa inaan Rabbiga ahay, bal ogow, ushan aan gacanta ku hayo ayaan ku dhufan doonaa biyaha webiga ku jira, markaasay waxay u rogman doonaan dhiig.
So the Lord says, By this you may be certain that I am the Lord; see, by the touch of this rod in my hand the waters of the Nile will be turned to blood;
18 Oo kalluunka biyaha ku jiraana way wada bakhtiyi doonaan, markaasaa webigu soo uri doonaa; kolkaasaa Masriyiintu aad u nebcaan doonaan inay webiga biyo ka cabbaan.
And the fish in the Nile will come to destruction, and the river will send up a bad smell, and the Egyptians will not be able, for disgust, to make use of the water of the Nile for drinking.
19 Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse ku yidhi, Waxaad Haaruun ku tidhaahdaa, Ushaada qaado, oo gacanta ku kor fidi biyaha Masar, iyo webiyaashooda, iyo durdurradooda, iyo galalkooda, iyo balliyadooda biyaha ah oo dhan, si ay u noqdaan dhiig; oo dhulka Masar oo dhammu wuxuu noqon doonaa dhiig miidhan, oo ku jiri doona weelasha qoriga ah iyo weelasha dhagaxa ahba.
And the Lord said, Say to Aaron, Let the rod in your hand be stretched out over the waters of Egypt, and over the rivers and the streams and the pools, and over every stretch of water, so that they may be turned to blood; and there will be blood through all the land of Egypt, in vessels of wood and in vessels of stone.
20 Markaasaa Muuse iyo Haaruun yeeleen sidii Rabbigu ku amray; kolkaasuu ushii kor u qaaday, oo biyihii webiga ku jiray ku dhuftay Fircoon iyo addoommadiisii hortooda, markaasaa biyihii webiga ku jiray oo dhammu waxay u rogmadeen dhiig.
And Moses and Aaron did as the Lord had said; and when his rod had been lifted up and stretched out over the waters of the Nile before the eyes of Pharaoh and his servants, all the water in the Nile was turned to blood;
21 Kalluunkii webiga ku jirayna way wada bakhtiyeen; webigiina waa uray, Masriyiintiina biyo way ka cabbi kari waayeen webigii; dhulkii Masar oo dhammuna wuxuu noqday dhiig miidhan.
And the fish in the Nile came to destruction, and a bad smell went up from the river, and the Egyptians were not able to make use of the water of the Nile for drinking; and there was blood through all the land of Egypt.
22 Markaasaa saaxiriintii Masarna waxay yeeleen sidii si le'eg oo falfalkoodii ku sameeyeen. Qalbigii Fircoonna wuu sii qallafsanaaday, mana uu dhegaysan iyagii, sidii Rabbigu yidhi.
And the wonder-workers of Egypt did the same with their secret arts: but Pharaoh's heart was made hard, and he would not give ear to them, as the Lord had said.
23 Kolkaasaa Fircoon noqday oo gurigiisii tegey, waxanna qalbigiisii maba uu gelin.
Then Pharaoh went into his house, and did not take even this to heart.
24 Markaasaa Masriyiintii oo dhammu waxay qoteen webiga dhinacyadiisa inay helaan biyo ay cabbaan, waayo, biyihii webiga way cabbi kari waayeen.
And all the Egyptians made holes round about the Nile to get drinking-water, for they were not able to make use of the Nile water.
25 Oo intii Rabbigu webiga kharribay toddoba maalmood baa ka dambaysay.
And seven days went past, after the Lord had put his hand on the Nile.

< Baxniintii 7 >