< Baxniintii 38 >

1 Oo meeshii allabariga lagu gubi lahaana wuxuu ka sameeyey qori qudhac ah, oo dhererkeedu wuxuu ahaa shan dhudhun, ballaadhkeeduna wuxuu ahaa shan dhudhun, afargeesood bay ahayd, sarajooggeeduna wuxuu ahaa saddex dhudhun.
Bezalel made the altar burnt offering from acacia wood. It was square and measured five cubits long by five cubits wide by three cubits high.
2 Oo geesaheediina wuxuu ugu sameeyey afarteeda rukun; oo geesaheeduna isku waslad bay la ahaayeen, naxaas buuna ku dahaadhay.
He made horns for each of its corners, all one piece with the altar, and covered the whole altar with bronze.
3 Oo wuxuu kaloo sameeyey alaabtii meesha allabariga oo dhan, kuwaasoo ah dheryihii, iyo majarafadihii, iyo maddiibadihii, iyo mudacyadii, iyo dabqaadayaashii; oo alaabteeda oo dhan wuxuu ka sameeyey naxaas.
He made all its utensils: buckets for removing ashes, shovels, sprinkling bowls, meat forks, and firepans. He made all its utensils of bronze.
4 Oo wuxuu meeshii allabariga u sameeyey shabag naxaas ah oo gaadha qarka hoostiisa ilaa kalabadhka.
He made a bronze mesh grate for the altar and placed it under the ledge of the altar, so that the mesh came halfway down the altar.
5 Afarta daraf oo shabaggii naxaasta ahaa ayuu u yeelay afar siddo si ay u ahaadaan meelihii ulaha laga gelin lahaa.
He cast four bronze rings for the four corners of the grate as holders for the poles.
6 Oo ulihiina wuxuu ka sameeyey qori qudhac ah, naxaas buuna ku dahaadhay.
He made poles of acacia wood for the altar and covered them with bronze.
7 Oo ulihiina wuxuu ka geliyey siddooyinkii meesha allabariga si loogu qaado; oo wuxuu meeshii allabariga ka sameeyey looxyo sida sanduuq madhan oo kale.
He put the poles through the rings on either side of the altar so it could be carried. He made the altar hollow, using boards.
8 Oo berkeddii weysada iyo salkeedii wuxuu ka sameeyey naxaas, taasoo laga helay muraayadihii dumarka ka adeegi jiray teendhada shirka iriddeeda.
He made the bronze basin with its stand with bronze from the mirrors of the women who served at the entrance to the Tent of Meeting.
9 Oo wuxuu sameeyey barxaddii; oo barxadda xaggeeda koonfureed waxaa ka lushay daahyo dhererkoodu yahay boqol dhudhun oo ah maro wanaagsan.
Then he made a courtyard. For the south side of the courtyard he made curtains of finely-spun linen, a hundred cubits long on one side,
10 Oo tiirarkoodu waxay ahaayeen labaatan, saldhigyadooduna labaatan, naxaas laga sameeyey; tiirarka qabsatooyinkooda iyo waxyaalihii laysugu xidhi jirayna waxaa laga sameeyey lacag.
with twenty posts and twenty bronze stands, with silver hooks and bands on the posts.
11 Oo xaggeeda woqooyina waxaa ka lushay daahyo boqol dhudhun ah, oo tiirarkoodu waxay ahaayeen labaatan, saldhigyadooduna labaatan, naxaas laga sameeyey; tiirarka qabsatooyinkooda iyo waxyaalihii laysugu xidhi jirayna waxaa laga sameeyey lacag.
Similarly he made curtains placed on the north side in an identical arrangement.
12 Oo dhinaca galbeed daahyadiisu waxay ahaayeen konton dhudhun, tiirarkoodu waxay ahaayeen toban, saldhigyadooduna toban, oo tiirarka qabsatooyinkooda iyo waxyaalihii laysugu xidhi jirayna waxay ahaayeen lacag.
He made curtains for the west side of the courtyard fifty cubits wide, with ten posts and ten stands.
13 Oo xagga bari daahyadiisuna waxay ahaayeen konton dhudhun.
The east side of the courtyard that faces the sunrise was fifty cubits wide.
14 Oo iridda daahyadeedu dhinac waxay ka ahaayeen shan iyo toban dhudhun, tiirarkooduna saddex bay ahaayeen, saldhigyadooduna saddex,
He made the curtains on one side fifteen cubits long, with three posts and three stands,
15 oo dhinaca kalena sidaas oo kalay ahaayeen, oo barxadda iriddeeda xaggan iyo xaggaasba waxaa ka lushay daahyo dhererkoodu yahay shan iyo toban dhudhun, tiirarkooduna waxay ahaayeen saddex, saldhigyadooduna saddex.
and the curtains on the other side just the same.
16 Daahyadii barxadda ku wareegsanaa oo dhammu waxay ahaayeen maro wanaagsan.
All the curtains around the courtyard were of finely-woven linen.
17 Oo tiirarka saldhigyadoodu waxay ahaayeen naxaas; qabsatooyinkooda iyo waxyaalihii laysugu xidhi jirayna waxay ahaayeen lacag; tiirarka madaxyadooda waxaa lagu dahaadhay lacag, oo tiirarka barxadda oo dhanna waxaa laysugu wada xidhay lacag.
The stands for the posts were bronze, the hooks and bands were silver, and the tops of the posts were covered with silver. All the posts around the courtyard had silver bands.
18 Oo daaha barxadda iriddeeda wuxuu ahaa wax daabacan oo ah buluug, iyo guduud, iyo casaan, iyo maro wanaagsan, oo dhererkiisuna wuxuu ahaa labaatan dhudhun, sarajooggiisuna wuxuu ahaa shan dhudhun oo u dhigma barxadda daahyadeeda.
The curtain for the entrance to the courtyard was embroidered with blue, purple, and crimson thread, and finely-spun linen. It was twenty cubits long by five cubits high, the same height as the courtyard curtains.
19 Tiirarkooduna waxay ahaayeen afar, saldhigyadoodii naxaasta ahaana afar; qabsatooyinkooduna waxay ahaayeen lacag, oo tiirarka madaxyadoodii waxaa ku dahaadhnaa lacag, waxyaalihii laysugu xidhayna waxay wada ahaayeen lacag.
It was held up by four posts and four stands. The posts had silver hooks, tops, and bands.
20 Oo musmaarrada taambuugga iyo barxadda ku wareegsanba kulligood waxay ahaayeen naxaas.
All the tent pegs for the Tabernacle and for the surrounding courtyard were made of bronze.
21 Waa tan tiradii alaabtii taambuugga, kaas oo ah taambuuggii maragga, markii la tiriyey sidii Muuse ku amray adeegidda reer Laawi, oo uu tilmaamay Iitaamaar kii wadaadkii Haaruun ahaa dhalay.
The following is what was used for the Tabernacle, the Tabernacle of the Testimony, recorded at Moses' direction by the Levites under the supervision of Ithamar, son of Aaron the priest.
22 Oo kulli wixii Rabbigu ku amray Muuse waxaa sameeyey Besaleel oo ahaa ina Uurii oo ahaa ina Xuur, oo qabiilkiisu ahaa Yahuudah.
Bezalel, son of Uri, son of Hur, from the tribe of Judah, made everything that the Lord had ordered Moses to make.
23 Oo waxaa isaga la jiray Aaholii'aab oo ahaa ina Axiisaamaag, oo qabiilkiisu ahaa Daan, oo wuxuu ahaa mid wax xardha, oo aad iyo aad u farsamo badan, iyo mid yaqaan sida loo daabaco buluug, iyo guduud, iyo casaan, iyo maro wanaagsan.
He was assisted by Oholiab, son of Ahisamach, from the tribe of Dan, an engraver, designer, and embroiderer using blue, purple, and crimson thread and finely-woven linen.
24 Oo dahabkii la bixiyey oo loogu isticmaalay hawshii meesha quduuskaa oo dhammu wuxuu ahaa sagaal iyo labaatan talanti, iyo toddoba boqol iyo soddon sheqel, oo le'eg sheqelka meesha quduuska ah.
The total amount of gold from the offering that was used for the work on the sanctuary was 29 talents and 730 shekels, (using the sanctuary shekel standard).
25 Oo shirka intiisii la tiriyey lacagtoodii waxay ahayd boqol talanti, iyo kun iyo toddoba boqol iyo shan iyo toddobaatan sheqel, oo le'eg sheqelka meesha quduuska ah.
The total amount of silver from those who had been counted in the census was 100 talents and 1,775 shekels (using the sanctuary shekel standard).
26 Waxaa nin kastaa bixiyey beqac, kaas oo ah nus sheqel, oo le'eg sheqelka meesha quduuska ah, oo kulli intii u gudubtay kuwii la tiriyey, intii jirtay labaatan sanadood iyo wixii ka sii weyn, waxay ahaayeen lix boqol iyo saddex kun, iyo shan boqol iyo konton nin.
This represents a beka per person, or half a shekel, (using the sanctuary shekel standard) from everyone twenty years of age or older who had been censused, a total of 603,550 men.
27 Oo saldhigyada meesha quduuska ah iyo saldhigyada ilxidhku waxay ka samaysmeen boqolkii talanti oo lacagta ahaa, boqol saldhig baa laga sameeyey boqolkii talanti, saldhigba talanti baa laga sameeyey.
The hundred talents of silver were used to cast the sanctuary stands and the curtain stands, 100 bases from the 100 talents, or one talent per base.
28 Kun iyo toddoba boqol iyo shan iyo toddobaatanka sheqel ayuu tiirarka qabsatooyinkoodii ka sameeyey, oo wuxuuna ku dahaadhay tiirarka madaxyadoodii, wuxuuna ka sameeyey waxyaalihii tiirarka laysugu wada xidhay.
Bezalel used the 1,775 shekels of silver to make the hooks for the posts, cover their tops, and make bands for them.
29 Naxaastii la bixiyey waxay ahayd toddobaatan talanti, iyo laba kun iyo afar boqol oo sheqel.
The total amount of bronze from the offering was 70 talents and 2,400 shekels.
30 Oo wuxuu naxaastii ka sameeyey iriddii teendhada shirka saldhigyadeedii, iyo meeshii naxaasta ahayd oo allabariga, iyo shabaggeedii naxaasta ahaa, iyo alaabtii meesha allabariga oo dhan,
Bezalel used it to make the stands for the entrance to the Tent of Meeting, the bronze altar and its bronze grate, all the utensils for the altar,
31 iyo saldhigyadii barxadda ku wareegsanaa, iyo saldhigyadii iridda barxadda, iyo musmaarradii taambuugga oo dhan, iyo musmaarradii barxadda ku wareegsanaa oo dhan.
the stands for the courtyard and its entrance, and all the tent pegs for the Tabernacle and the courtyard.

< Baxniintii 38 >