< Baxniintii 30 >

1 Oo waxaad samaysaa meel allabari oo foox lagu shido; waxaadna ka samaysaa qori qudhac ah.
“[Tell the skilled workers to] make an altar from acacia wood, for burning incense.
2 Oo dhererkeeduna ha ahaado dhudhun, ballaadhkeeduna ha ahaado dhudhun, afar geesoodna waa inay lahaataa, sarajooggeeduna ha ahaado laba dhudhun, oo geesaheeduna waa inay isku waslad la ahaadaan.
It is to be square, (18 in./45 cm.) on each side. It is to be (3 feet/90 cm.) high. [Tell them to] make [a projection that looks like] a horn on each of the top corners. The projections must be carved from the same block of wood that the altar [is made from].
3 Oo waa inaad dahab saafi ah ku dahaadhaa dusheeda iyo dhinacyadeeda ku wareegsan iyo geesaheedaba; oo waxaad u samaysaa wax taaj oo kale ah oo dahab ah oo ku wareegsan.
[They must] cover the top and the four sides, including the projections, with pure gold. Put a gold border around the altar, [near the top].
4 Oo qarkeeda hoostiisa waa inaad laba siddo oo dahab ah ugu yeeshaa labada rukun; labada dhinac waa inaad sidaas u yeeshaa, oo waxay u noqon doonaan meelihii ulaha lagu qaado laga gelin lahaa.
[They must] make two gold rings for carrying the altar. [They must] attach them to the altar below the border, one on each side of the altar. These rings are for the poles for carrying the altar.
5 Oo waxaad ulaha ka samaysaa qori qudhac ah, waana inaad dahab ku dahaadhaa.
[Tell them to] make these [two] poles from acacia wood and cover them with gold.
6 Oo waxaad hor dhigtaa ilxidhka u dhow sanduuqa maragga oo hor yaal daboolka ka sarreeya maragga, halkaas oo ah meesha aan kugula kulmi doono.
[They must] put this altar outside the curtain that hangs in front of the sacred chest and its lid. That is the place where I will talk with you.
7 Oo Haaruun waa inuu ku shido foox udgoon; subax walba markuu laambadaha hagaajinayo waa inuu foox shido.
Aaron must burn sweet-smelling incense on this altar. He must burn some every morning when he takes care of the lamps,
8 Oo makhribka Haaruun markuu laambadaha shidayo waa inuu foox shido, kaasoo ah foox joogto u ah Rabbiga hortiisa, ka ab ka ab.
and he must burn some in the evening when he lights the lamps. The incense must be burned continually, throughout all future generations.
9 Oo waa inaydnaan dusheeda ku bixin foox qalaad, ama qurbaan la gubo, ama qurbaan hadhuudh ah, oo dusheedana ha ku daadinina qurbaan cabniin ah.
The priests must not burn on the altar any incense that I have not told you to burn, or burn any animal on it, or any grain offering for me, or pour any wine on it as an offering.
10 Geesaheedana sannaddiiba mar Haaruun waa inuu ku dul kafaaro gudo; oo dhiigga allabariga dembiga oo kafaaraggud ah sannaddiiba mar waa inuu ku kafaaro gudo tan iyo ka ab ka ab. Waa kan ugu wada quduusan Rabbiga.
One time every year Aaron must perform the ritual for making this altar pure. He must do it by putting on its four projections some of the blood from the animal that was sacrificed (to remove the guilt of the people’s sins/so that the people would no longer be guilty for sins). This ritual is to be done by Aaron and his descendants throughout all future generations. This altar must be completely dedicated to me, Yahweh.”
11 Markaasuu Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
12 Markaad reer binu Israa'iil tirinaysid, intii ay tiradoodu noqoto oo dhan, nin waluba waa inuu Rabbiga siiyo madaxfurashadiisa, markaad tirisid; si aan belaayo ugu dhicin markaad iyaga tirisid.
“When your [leaders] (take a census of/count) the Israeli people, each man [who is counted] must pay to me a price to save his life. They must do this in order that no disaster will happen to them while the people are being counted.
13 Oo waxan waa inay bixiyaan, nin walba oo u gudba kuwa la tiriyey waa inuu bixiyaa nus sheqel le'eg sheqelkii meesha quduuska ah: (sheqelku waa labaatan geeraah: ) nus sheqel waa in Rabbiga loo bixiyaa.
Every man who is counted must pay to me (0.2 ounces/5.7 grams) of silver. They must use the official standard when they weigh the silver.
14 Oo mid kasta oo u gudba kuwa la tiriyey oo ah inta jirta labaatan sannadood iyo wixii ka sii weyn, waa inuu bixiyaa Rabbiga wixiisa.
All the men who are at least 20 years old must pay this amount to me when the people are counted.
15 Markay Rabbiga wixiisa u bixinayaan inay nafihiinna u kafaaro gudaan, kii taajir ahu waa inaanu bixin wax nus sheqel ka badan, kii miskiin ahuna waa inaanu bixin wax nus sheqel ka yar.
Rich men must not pay more than this amount, and poor men must not pay less than this amount, when they pay this money to save their lives.
16 Oo waa inaad reer binu Israa'iil ka qaaddaa lacagta kafaaraggudka ah, oo aad wax kaga qabataa hawsha taambuugga shirka, inay reer binu Israa'iil u noqoto xusuus Rabbiga hortiisa, si aad nafihiinna ugu kafaaro guddaan.
Your leaders must collect this money from the Israeli people and give it to [those who will] take care of the Sacred Tent. This money is the payment for the lives of those who take care of the Sacred Tent, (to enable me not to forget them/and then I will remember to protect them).”
17 Markaasuu Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
Yahweh [also] said to Moses/me,
18 Waxaad samaysaa berked weyso oo naxaas ah, salkeedana waxaad ka samaysaa naxaas, oo waxaad dhigtaa meel u dhexaysa taambuugga shirka iyo meesha allabariga; oo waa inaad biyo ku shubtaa, ha lagu maydho e.
“[Tell the skilled workers to] make a bronze washbasin and a bronze base for it. [They must] put it between the Sacred Tent and the altar, and fill it with water.
19 Haaruun iyo wiilashiisu waa inay gacmaha iyo cagaha ku dhaqdaan:
Aaron and his sons must ritually wash their hands and their feet with this water
20 oo markay gelayaan taambuugga shirka waa inay biyo ku maydhaan, yaanay dhimanine, ama markay meesha allabariga ag yimaadaan inay ka adeegaan oo ay gubaan qurbaan Rabbiga dab loogu sameeyo,
before they enter the Sacred Tent and before they come to the altar to sacrifice offerings that will be burned on it. If [they do that], they will not die [because of disobeying my instructions].
21 waa inay gacmaha iyo cagahaba dhaqdaan, yaanay dhimanine; oo wuxuu iyaga u noqon doonaa qaynuun weligiis ah, xataa xagga isaga iyo farcankiisa ka dambeeyaba ka ab ka ab.
They must wash their hands and their feet, in order that they will not die. They and the males descended from them must obey this ritual throughout all generations.”
22 Oo markaasuu haddana Rabbigu Muuse la hadlay oo ku yidhi,
Yahweh also said to Moses/me,
23 Waxaad qaadataa dhir udgoon oo wacan, oo ah shan boqol oo sheqel oo ah malmal asli ah, iyo badhkiis oo qorfe macaan ah, oo ah laba boqol iyo konton sheqel, iyo laba boqol iyo konton sheqel oo ah kalamus,
“[Tell the people to] collect some of the finest spices— (12 pounds/6 kg.) of (liquid myrrh/sweet-smelling sap named myrrh), (6 pounds/3 kg.) of sweet-smelling cinnamon, (6 pounds/3 kg.) of a sweet-smelling cane/reed,
24 iyo shan boqol oo sheqel oo ah kasiya, oo le'eg sheqelka meesha quduuska ah, iyo hiin muggeed oo saliid saytuun ah.
and (12 pounds/6 kg.) of (cassia/a sweet-smelling bark named cassia). [Be sure] that they use the official standard when they weigh these things. Tell an expert perfumer to mix these with (one gallon/four liters) of olive oil
25 Oo waxaad ka samaysaa saliid lagu subkado oo quduus ah, taas oo ah cadar laysku daray sidii kan cadarsameeyaha oo kale; oo waxay noqon doontaa saliid lagu subkado oo quduus ah.
to make sacred oil for anointing.
26 Oo waxaad ku subagtaa taambuugga shirka iyo sanduuqa maragga,
Use this oil for anointing the Sacred Tent, the sacred chest,
27 iyo miiska iyo alaabtiisa oo dhan, iyo laambadda iyo alaabteeda, iyo meesha allabariga ee fooxa,
the table and all the things that are used with it, the lampstand and all the things that are used to take care of it, the altar for [burning] incense,
28 iyo meesha allabariga lagu gubo iyo alaabteeda oo dhan, iyo berkedda weysada iyo salkeedaba.
and the altar for offering sacrifices that will be burned, along with its bases and the washbasin and all the things that are used with it.
29 Oo waa inaad iyaga quduus ka dhigtaa, inay noqdaan kuwa ugu wada quduusan; oo wax kasta oo iyaga taabtaaba waxay noqon doonaan quduus.
Dedicate them by anointing them, in order that they will be completely holy/sacred. Anyone or anything that touches the altar will become taboo.
30 Oo Haaruun iyo wiilashiisaba waa inaad u subagtaa oo quduus ka dhigtaa, inay iiga adeegaan hawsha wadaadnimada.
And anoint Aaron and his sons. [By doing that], you will dedicate them to serve me [by being] priests.
31 Oo waa inaad la hadashaa reer binu Israa'iil oo waxaad ku tidhaahdaa, Tanu waxay ka ab ka ab ii noqon doontaa saliid lagu subkado oo quduus ah.
And tell the Israeli people, ‘This oil will be my sacred anointing oil that must be used throughout all future generations.
32 Haddaba waa inaan dad jidhkiisa lagu shubin, ama waa inaydnaan samayn mid la mid ah, oo sideeda oo kale loo sameeyey, waayo, iyadu waa quduus, oo waxay idiin noqon doontaa quduus.
You must not pour it on the bodies of people who are not priests, and you must not make other oil to be like it by mixing the same amount of those things. This oil is sacred, and you must consider it to be sacred.’
33 Oo ku alla kii taas oo kale sameeya, ama ku alla kii qof qalaad mariya, dadkiisa waa laga gooyn doonaa.
I will consider that anyone who makes ointment like this [for any other purpose], and anyone who puts any of this ointment on someone who is not a priest, no longer be allowed to associate with my people.”
34 Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu Muuse ku yidhi, Waxaad qaadataa uunsi udgoon oo ah istakte iyo onika iyo galbanum, iyagoo ah uunsi ay ku jirto beeyo saafi ah, oo miisaankooduna ha iswada le'ekaado.
Yahweh also said to Moses/me, “[Tell the people to] take equal parts of several sweet spices—stacte, onycha, galbanum, and pure frankincense—
35 Oo waxaad ka samaysaa foox, kaas oo loo sameeyey sida cadarsameeyuhu uu u sameeyo oo kale, oo cusbo lagu daray, oo saafi ah, quduusna ah.
and tell an expert perfumer to mix them together to make some perfume. Add some salt to keep it pure and make it holy.
36 Oo qaarkiis waa inaad tuntaa oo yaryaraysaa, oo waxaad hor dhigtaa maragga ku jira taambuugga shirka, taasoo ah meesha aan kugula kulmi doono; oo waxay idiin noqon doontaa kan ugu wada quduusan.
Beat some of it into a fine powder. Then take some of it into the Sacred Tent and sprinkle it in front of the sacred chest. You must all consider this incense to be very holy.
37 Oo fooxa aad samayn doontaan sidiisa ha u samaysanina; waayo, wuxuu kuu noqon doonaa quduus Rabbiga aawadiis.
The people must not mix the same spices to make incense for themselves. This incense must be completely dedicated to me, Yahweh.
38 Oo ku alla kii kaas oo kale sameeya, inuu ku udgoonsado, kaas dadkiisa waa laga gooyn doonaa.
I will consider that anyone who makes incense like this to use it for perfume will no longer be allowed to associate with my people.”

< Baxniintii 30 >