< Baxniintii 27 >

1 Oo meesha allabariga waa inaad ka samaysaa qori qudhac ah, dhererkeedu shan dhudhun ha ahaado, ballaadhkeeduna shan dhudhun; oo meesha allabarigu afar geesood ha ahaado, oo sarajooggeeduna saddex dhudhun ha ahaado.
And you will make the altar wood of acacia five cubits length and five cubits breadth square it will be the altar and [will be] three cubits height its.
2 Oo afarteeda rukun waxaad u yeeshaa afar gees; oo geesaheedu waa inay isku waslad la ahaadaan; oo waa inaad naxaas ku dahaadhaa.
And you will make horns its on [the] four corners its from it they will be horns its and you will overlay it bronze.
3 Oo waa inaad u samaysaa weelal dambaska lagaga guro, iyo majarafadaheeda, iyo maddiibadaheeda, iyo mudacyadeeda, iyo dabqaadayaasheeda, oo alaabteeda oo dhan waxaad ka samaysaa naxaas.
And you will make pots its to take away ashes its and shovels its and bowls its and forks its and fire-pans its to all articles its you will make bronze.
4 Oo waa inaad shabag naxaas ah u yeeshaa; oo shabagga dushiisa waa inaad u yeeshaa afar siddo oo naxaas ah oo ku taal afarta gees.
And you will make for it a grating a work of a net of bronze and you will make on the net four rings of bronze on four extremities its.
5 Oo waxaad hoos dhigtaa qarka ku wareegsan meesha allabariga, inuu shabaggu gaadho meesha allabariga kalabadhkeeda.
And you will put it under [the] ledge of the altar from to downwards and it will be the net to [the] middle of the altar.
6 Oo meesha allabariga waa inaad u yeeshaa ulo qudhac ah oo lagu qaado, oo waxaad ku dahaadhaa naxaas.
And you will make poles for the altar poles of wood of acacia and you will overlay them bronze.
7 Oo ulaheeda waa in siddooyinka laga geliyaa, oo uluhu waa inay meesha allabariga labada dhinac kaga jiraan ha lagu qaadee.
And it will be put poles its in the rings and they will be the poles on [the] two [the] sides of the altar when carry it.
8 Oo waxaad iyada ka samaysaa looxyo, sida sanduuq madhan oo kale, oo sidii buurta lagugu tusay ha u sameeyeen.
Hollow of boards you will make it just as he showed you on the mountain so they will do.
9 Oo waa inaad samaysaa barxadda taambuugga; oo barxadda dhinaceeda koonfureed waxaad ka lalmisaa daah maro wanaagsan ah oo dhererkiisu yahay boqol dhudhun,
And you will make [the] courtyard of the tabernacle for [the] side of [the] south south-ward curtains for the courtyard fine linen twisted [will be] one hundred by the cubit [the] length of the side one.
10 oo tiirarkiisuna waa inay ahaadaan labaatan, iyo labaatan saldhig oo naxaas ah, oo tiirarka qabsatooyinkooda iyo waxyaalaha laysugu wada xidhaa waa inay lacag ahaadaan.
And pillars its twenty and bases their twenty [will be] bronze [the] hooks of the pillars and bands their [will be] silver.
11 Oo sidaas oo kale waa inaad dhinaca woqooyina ka lalmisaa daah ah boqol dhudhun, oo tiirarkiisuna ha ahaadeen labaatan, iyo labaatan saldhig oo naxaas ah, oo tiirarka qabsatooyinkooda iyo waxyaalaha laysugu wada xidhaana lacag ha ahaadeen.
And thus for [the] side of [the] north in the length curtains [will be] one hundred length (and pillars its *Q(K)*) twenty and bases their twenty [will be] bronze [the] hooks of the pillars and bands their [will be] silver.
12 Oo barxadda dhinaca galbeed ballaadhkeeda waxaad ka lalmisaa daah konton dhudhun ah, oo tiirarkiisu ha ahaadeen toban, saldhigyadooduna toban.
And [the] breadth of the courtyard to [the] side of [the] west curtains fifty cubit[s] pillars their ten and bases their ten.
13 Oo barxadda dhinaca bari ballaadhkeedu waa inuu konton dhudhun ahaado.
And [the] breadth of the courtyard to [the] side of east-ward east-ward [will be] fifty cubit[s].
14 Oo iridda dhinaceeda waxaad ka lalmisaa daah shan iyo toban dhudhun ah; tiirarkiisuna waa inay ahaadaan saddex, saldhigyadooduna saddex.
And [will be] fif-teen cubit[s] curtains for the side pillars their three and bases their three.
15 Oo dhinaca kalena waxaad ka lalmisaa daah shan iyo toban dhudhun ah, tiirarkiisuna waa inay ahaadaan saddex, saldhigyadooduna saddex.
And for the side second fif-ten curtains pillars their three and bases their three.
16 Oo barxadda iriddeeda waxaad u yeeshaa daah labaatan dhudhun ah, oo ah buluug, iyo guduud, iyo casaan, iyo maro wanaagsan oo daabac laga sameeyey, tiirarkiisu ha ahaadeen afar, saldhigyadooduna afar.
And for [the] gate of the courtyard a screen - twenty cubit[s] violet stuff and purple and scarlet stuff of scarlet and fine linen twisted [the] work of a worker in colors pillars their four and bases their four.
17 Oo tiirarka barxadda ku wareegsan oo dhan waa in lacag laysugu wada xidhaa; oo qabsatooyinkooduna waa inay lacag ahaadaan, saldhigyadooduna waa inay naxaas ahaadaan.
All [the] pillars of the courtyard all around [will be] furnished with bands silver hooks their [will be] silver and bases their [will be] bronze.
18 Barxadda dhererkeedu waa inuu ahaado boqol dhudhun, oo ballaadhkeeduna waa inuu meel walba u ahaadaa konton dhudhun, sarajooggeeduna waa inuu ahaado shan dhudhun, kana samee maro wanaagsan oo saldhigyadooduna ha ahaadeen naxaas.
[the] length of The courtyard [will be] one hundred by the cubit and [the] breadth - [will be] fifty on fifty and [the] height [will be] five cubits fine linen twisted and bases their [will be] bronze.
19 Oo alaabta taambuugga lagaga adeego oo dhan, iyo musmaarradiisa oo dhan, iyo barxadda musmaarradeeda oo dhammu waa inay naxaas wada ahaadaan.
To all [the] articles of the tabernacle in all service its and all tent pegs its and all [the] tent pegs of the courtyard [will be] bronze.
20 Oo waxaad reer binu Israa'iil ku amartaa inay kuu keenaan saliid saafi ah oo saytuun laga tumay oo laambadda lagu shido, si ay laambaddu had iyo goor u baxdo.
And you you will command - [the] people of Israel so they may bring to you oil of olive pure pressed for the light to lift up a lamp continually.
21 Taambuugga shirka gudihiisa oo ku yaal ilxidhka dibaddiisa, kuna hor yaalla maragga, fiidka ilaa subaxda waa inay Haaruun iyo wiilashiisu Rabbiga hortiisa ku diyaariyaan laambadda; oo wuxuu reer binu Israa'iil u noqon doonaa qaynuun weligiis u jira ka ab ka ab.
In [the] tent of meeting from [the] outside of the curtain which [is] on the testimony he will arrange it Aaron and sons his from evening until morning before Yahweh a statute of perpetuity to generations their from with [the] people of Israel.

< Baxniintii 27 >