< Esteer 2 >

1 Oo waxyaalahaas dabadood markii Boqor Ahashwerus cadho baxay ayuu soo xusuustay Washtii, iyo wixii ay samaysay, iyo wixii iyada ka geesta ahaa oo la amray.
After a while, King Xerxes quit being so angry. He thought about Vashti, and he thought about the law he had made because of what she [had done, and he wanted another wife].
2 Markaasaa boqorka midiidinnadiisii u adeegi jiray waxay yidhaahdeen, Boqorka ha loo doondoono bikrado qurux badan oo dhallinyaro ah;
So his personal servants said to him, “[Your majesty, ] you should send some men to search throughout the empire for some beautiful young women/virgins for you.
3 oo boqorku gobol kasta oo boqortooyadiisa ka mid ah ha ka dhex doorto wakiillo, si ay bikradaha quruxda badan oo dhallinyarada ah oo dhan ugu soo ururiyaan Shuushan oo ah hoyga boqorka, oo iyaga ha keeneen guriga naagaha, oo gacanta ha u geliyeen Heegay oo ah midiidinka boqorka naagaha u dhawra, oo iyaga ha la siiyo alaabtoodii ay isku daahirin lahaayeen.
[After they find some, ] you can appoint some officials in each province to bring them to the place where you keep (your wives/the women you sleep with) here in Susa. Then Hegai, the man who is in charge of these women, can arrange for ointments to be put [on their bodies] to make them [more] beautiful.
4 Oo gabadhii boqorka la wanaagsanaata, meeshii Washtii boqorad ha ka noqoto. Oo waxaasuna boqorka way ka farxiyeen; kolkaasuu saas yeelay.
Then the woman who pleases you most can become queen instead of Vashti.” The king liked what they suggested, so he did it.
5 Oo Shuushan oo hoygii boqorka ahaa waxaa jiray nin Yuhuud ah, oo magiciisana waxaa la odhan jiray Mordekay ina Ya'iir, ina Shim'i, ina Qiish, oo wuxuu ahaa reer Benyaamiin;
At that time there was a Jew [living] in Susa, the capital, whose name was Mordecai, the son of Jair. Jair was a descendant of Shimei. Shimei was a descendant of [King Saul’s father] Kish. [They were all] from the tribe descended from Benjamin.
6 oo isaga waxaa mar hore laga soo kaxaystay Yeruusaalem, wuxuuna la socday maxaabiistii lala soo kaxaystay Yekonyaah oo ahaa boqorkii reer Yahuudah, oo uu soo kaxaystay Nebukadnesar oo ahaa boqorkii Baabuloon.
[Many years before that, ] King Nebuchadnezzar had taken (Mordecai/Mordecai’s family) [and brought them from Jerusalem] to Babylon, at the same time he brought King Jehoiachin of Judah and many other people to Babylon.
7 Oo isagu wuxuu soo koriyey Hadasaah, taasoo ahayd ina-adeertiis Esteer, waayo, iyadu aabbe iyo hooyo toona ma ay lahayn; gabadhuna way suurad wacnayd, wayna qurux badnayd; oo markii aabbeheed iyo hooyadeed dhinteen ayaa Mordekay qaatay oo sidii gabadhiisii ka dhigtay.
Mordecai had a cousin whose [Hebrew] name was Hadassah. She had a beautiful face and beautiful body/figure. Her [Persian] name was Esther. After her father and mother died, Mordecai took care of Esther as though she were his own daughter.
8 Markii la maqlay boqorka amarkiisii iyo naadadiisii, kolkii hablo badan lagu soo ururiyey Shuushan oo ahayd hoygii boqorka, oo gacanta loo geliyey Heegay, ayaa Esteer la geeyey gurigii boqorka, oo waxaa gacanta loo geliyey Heegay oo ahaa kii naagaha dhawri jiray.
After the king commanded [that they search for some beautiful women], they brought Esther and many other young women to the king’s palace [in Susa], and (the king put Hegai/Hegai was put) in charge of them.
9 Oo gabadhii way la wanaagsanaatay isagii, wuuna u roonaaday; oo markiiba wuxuu iyadii siiyey alaabteedii isdaahirinta, iyo intii ay qaybta u lahayd, iyo toddoba gabdhood oo ay waajib u lahayd in laga siiyo guriga boqorka. Markaasuu iyadii iyo gabdhaheediiba geeyey meeshii ugu wanaagsanayd guriga naagaha.
Hegai was very pleased with Esther, and he treated her well. He immediately arranged for her to be given ointments to make her [even more] beautiful, and [he ordered that] special food [would be given to her]. [He arranged that] seven maids from the king’s palace [would take care of her], and arranged that she/they would stay in the best rooms.
10 Esteerna ma ay sheegin dadkeedii iyo qoladeedii toona; waayo, waxaa Mordekay ku amray inaanay waxba sheegin.
Esther did not tell anyone that she was a Jew, because Mordecai had told her not to tell anyone.
11 Mordekayna wuxuu maalin kasta mari jiray barxadda guriga naagaha horteeda si uu ku ogaado Esteer nabadqabkeeda iyo waxa iyada ku dhici lahaa.
Every day Mordecai walked near the courtyard of the place where those women stayed. He asked [people who entered the courtyard] to find out [and tell him] what was happening to Esther.
12 Haddaba markii gabadh walba wakhtigeedii la gaadhay inay u gasho Boqor Ahashwerus, oo iyada loogu sameeyo sida waafaqsan waxa sharcigu dumarka farayo laba iyo toban bilood dabadeed, (waayo, saasaa isdaahirintoodu ku dhammaan jirtay, inay intii lix bilood ah ismariyaan saliidda malmalka, intii lix bilood ahna ismariyaan uunsi udgoon iyo waxyaalaha dumarka lagu daahiriyo)
Before these women were taken to the king, they put ointments on [the bodies of] these women for one year to make them more beautiful. For six months they [rubbed olive] oil mixed with myrrh [on their bodies each day]. For [the next] six months they rubbed ointments and perfumes on their bodies.
13 ayaa sidaas gabadhii boqorkii ugu timid, oo wax alla wixii ay doonaysay inay guriga naagaha ka qaadato, oo ay la tagto guriga boqorka, dhammaantood waa la siiyey iyada.
Then, when one of these women [was summoned to] go to the king, she was allowed to wear whatever clothes and jewelry she chose.
14 Oo iyadu fiidkii bay tagtay, oo subaxdii ayay ku soo noqotay gurigii labaad oo naagaha, iyo gacanta Shacashgas oo ahaa boqorka midiidinkiisii u dhawri jiray naagaha addoommaha ah. Iyana mar dambe boqorkii uma ay soo gelin, in boqorku ku farxo iyo in magaceeda loogu yeedho mooyaane.
In the evening, they would take her [to the king’s own room]. The next morning, they would take her to another place where the women [who had slept with the king] stayed. There another official whose name was Shaashgaz was in charge [of those women]. [Those women would live there for the rest of their lives, and] one of those women would go back to the king again only if the king very much wanted her to come again, and only if he told Shaashgaz the name of the woman.
15 Haddaba Esteer oo ahayd ina Abiixayil, kaasoo adeer u ahaa Mordekay oo iyada qaatay oo ka dhigtay sidii gabadhiisii oo kale, markii wakhtigeedii ay boqorka u geli lahayd la gaadhay, iyadu waxba ma ay dalban wixii Heegay oo ahaa boqorka midiidinkiisii naagaha u dhawri jiray uu u dooray mooyaane. Oo intii Esteer aragtay oo dhammu way u bogeen.
Everyone who saw Esther liked her. After King Xerxes had been ruling for seven years, it was Esther’s turn to go to him. When they took her to the king, it was during the middle part of the winter. She wore only the things that Hegai suggested.
16 Haddaba boqorka sannaddiisii toddobaad ee boqornimadiisa, bisheedii tobnaad oo ahayd bisha Tebed ayaa Esteer loogu geeyey Boqor Ahashwerus gurigiisii boqornimada.
17 Haddaba boqorkii Esteer buu ka jeclaaday naagihii kale oo dhan, oo iyana waxay isagii ka heshay raxmad iyo roonaan ka sii badan intii ay bikradaha kale heleen oo dhan; oo sidaas daraaddeed ayuu madaxa u saaray taajkii boqornimada, oo meeshii Washtii ayuu iyada boqorad uga dhigay.
The king liked Esther more than he liked any of the other women [that they brought to him]. He liked her so much that he put on her head the queen’s crown, and he declared that Esther would be the queen instead of Vashti.
18 Markaasaa boqorkii martiqaad weyn u sameeyey amiirradiisii iyo addoommadiisii oo dhan, taasuna waxay ahayd martiqaad Esteer loo sameeyey; oo gobolladiina boqorku wuu nasiyey, oo hadiyadona wuxuu u bixiyey sidii deeqsinimadiisii ahayd.
To celebrate her [becoming the queen], he had a big banquet/feast prepared for all his administrators and [other] officials. He generously gave [expensive] gifts to everyone, and he declared that in all the provinces there would be a holiday, [a time when people did not have to pay taxes].
19 Oo markii bikradihii mar labaad la soo ururiyey ayaa Mordekay soo fadhiistay boqorka iriddiisii.
Later all those women who had spent a night with the king were gathered together again. By that time Mordecai had become an official at the palace.
20 Oo Esteerna weli ma ay sheegin qoladeedii iyo dadkeedii toona, sidii Mordekay ku amray; waayo, Esteer amarkii Mordekay bay u addeeci jirtay sidii markii uu korinayay oo kale.
But Esther still did not tell anyone that she was a Jew. She continued to do what Mordecai had told her to do.
21 Oo waagaas mar uu Mordekay boqorka iriddiisa fadhiistay ayaa waxaa aad u cadhooday laba nin oo boqorka midiidinno u ahaa, waxayna ahaayeen Bigtaan iyo Teresh oo ka mid ahaa kuwa iridda dhawra, oo waxay dooneen inay Boqor Ahashwerus dilaan.
One day when Mordecai was doing his work in the palace, two of the king’s officials were there. Their names were Bigthana and Teresh. They were the guards who stood outside the king’s own rooms. They became angry [with the king], and they were planning how they could assassinate/kill him.
22 Oo xaalkaas waxaa ogaaday Mordekay, kolkaasuu u sheegay Boqorad Esteer; Esteerna waxay u sheegtay boqorkii, iyadoo ku hadlaysa Mordekay magiciisa.
But Mordecai heard about what they were planning, and he told that to Queen Esther. Then she told the king what Mordecai had found out.
23 Oo markii xaalkaas la baadhay ayaa waxaa la ogaaday inay saas tahay, oo labadoodiiba geed baa laga soo deldelay; oo taasna waxaa lagu qoray buuggii taariikhda boqorka hortiisa.
The king investigated and found out that Mordecai’s report was true. So the king ordered that those two men be hanged. When that was done, (an official wrote a report/a report was written) about it in a book called ‘The book that records what happened while Xerxes was king’.

< Esteer 2 >