< Wacdiyahii 9 >

1 Waxyaalahan oo dhan qalbigaygaan kaga fiirsaday si aan u baadho in kuwa xaqa ah iyo kuwa xigmadda leh, iyo shuqulladooduba ay gacanta Ilaah ku jiraan. Binu-aadmigu garan maayo inay jacayl tahay iyo inay nacayb tahay toona. Wax waluba iyagay ka horreeyaan.
I have surely giuen mine heart to all this, and to declare all this, that the iust, and the wise, and their workes are in the hand of God: and no man knoweth eyther loue or hatred of all that is before them.
2 Wax kastaaba isku si bay dadka oo dhan ugu yimaadaan, oo isku wax baa ku dhaca ka xaqa ah iyo ka sharka ahba, ka wanaagsan iyo ka xunba, ka nadiifta ah iyo ka aan nadiifta ahaynba, ka allabariga bixiya iyo ka aan allabariga bixinba. Sida kan wanaagsanu yahay ayaa dembiluhuna yahay, oo ka dhaartaana waa la mid kan dhaarta ka cabsada.
All things come alike to all: and the same condition is to the iust and to the wicked, to the good and to the pure, and to the polluted, and to him that sacrificeth, and to him that sacrificeth not: as is the good, so is the sinner, he that sweareth, as he that feareth an othe.
3 Wax xun baa ku jira waxa qorraxda hoosteeda lagu sameeyo oo dhan, waana in isku wax ay dadka oo dhan ku dhacaan. Oo weliba qalbiga binu-aadmiga shar baa ka buuxa, oo qalbigoodana intay nool yihiin waalli baa ku jirta, oo taas dabadeedna kuwii dhintay ayay u tagaan.
This is euill among all that is done vnder the sunne, that there is one condition to all, and also the heart of the sonnes of men is full of euill, and madnes is in their heartes whiles they liue, and after that, they goe to the dead.
4 Kii kuwa nool oo dhan la jira rajuu leeyahay, waayo, eeygii noolu waa ka wanaagsan yahay libaax dhintay.
Surely whosoeuer is ioyned to all ye liuing, there is hope: for it is better to a liuing dog, then to a dead lyon.
5 Waayo, kuwa noolu way og yihiin inay dhiman doonaan, laakiinse kuwa dhintay waxba ma oga, oo innaba abaalgud dambe ma heli doonaan, waayo, iyaga waa la illoobay.
For the liuing knowe that they shall dye, but the dead knowe nothing at all: neither haue they any more a rewarde: for their remembrance is forgotten.
6 Oo weliba jacaylkoodii iyo nacaybkoodii iyo hinaasiddoodiiba way wada baabbe'een, oo innaba qayb dambe kuma lahaan doonaan waxa qorraxda hoosteeda lagu sameeyo oo dhan.
Also their loue, and their hatred, and their enuie is now perished, and they haue no more portion for euer, in all that is done vnder the sunne.
7 Orod oo tag, oo kibistaada farxad ku cun, oo khamrigaagana qalbi istareexsan ku cab, waayo, Ilaah shuqulladaadii horuu u aqbalay.
Goe, eate thy bread with ioy, and drinke thy wine with a cheerefull heart: for God nowe accepteth thy workes.
8 Had iyo goorba dharkaagu wax cad ha ahaado, oo madaxaaguna yuusan saliid waayin.
At all times let thy garments be white, and let not oyle be lacking vpon thine head.
9 Naagtaada aad jeceshahay farxad kula noolow intaad ku nooshahay cimrigaaga aan waxba tarayn ee Ilaah qorraxda hoosteeda kugu siiyey oo dhan, waayo, taasu waa qaybtaadii aad ku heshay noloshan iyo hawshaadii aad qorraxda hoosteeda ku dhibtootay.
Reioyce with the wife whom thou hast loued all the dayes of the life of thy vanitie, which God hath giuen thee vnder the sunne all the dayes of thy vanitie: for this is thy portion in the life, and in thy trauaile wherein thou labourest vnder the sunne.
10 Wax alla wixii gacantaadu hesho inay samayso xooggaaga oo dhan ku samee, waayo, She'ool oo aad tegaysid shuqul iyo hindiso iyo aqoon iyo xigmad toona laguma arko. (Sheol h7585)
All that thine hand shall finde to doe, doe it with all thy power: for there is neither worke nor inuention, nor knowledge, nor wisedome in the graue whither thou goest. (Sheol h7585)
11 Markaasaan mar kale fiirsaday, oo waxaan qorraxda hoosteeda ku arkay inaan kuwa dheereeyaa mar kasta tartanka ku badin, ama aan kuwa xoogga badanu mar kasta dagaalka adkaan, ama aan kuwa xigmadda lahu mar kasta kibis helin, ama aan kuwa garaadka ahu mar kasta hodan noqon, ama aan saanacyada mar kasta raalli laga ahayn, laakiinse waxaa kulligood hela wakhti iyo nasiib.
I returned, and I sawe vnder the sunne that the race is not to the swift, nor the battell to the strong, nor yet bread to the wise, nor also riches to men of vnderstanding, neither yet fauour to men of knowledge: but time and chance commeth to them all.
12 Waayo, ninna wedkiisa ma yaqaan. Sida kalluun shabag xun lagu qabto, iyo sida shimbirro dabin ku dhaca, saasoo kalaa binu-aadmigana wakhti xun lagu dabaa, markii wedku si kedis ah ugu yimaado.
For neither doth man knowe his time, but as the fishes which are taken in an euill net, and as the birdes that are caught in the snare: so are the children of men snared in the euill time when it falleth vpon them suddenly.
13 Oo xigmad caynkan ah ayaan qorraxda hoosteeda ku arkay, iyana way ila weynayd.
I haue also seene this wisedome vnder the sunne, and it is great vnto me.
14 Waxaa jirtay magaalo yar oo ay dad tiro yaru dhexdeeda joogaan, oo waxaa iyadii ku soo duulay boqor weyn. Wuu hareereeyey oo dhufayso waaweyn hareereheeda ka dhistay.
A litle citie and fewe men in it, and a great King came against it, and compassed it about, and builded fortes against it.
15 Haddana waxaa laga dhex helay nin miskiin ah oo xigmad leh, oo isna xigmaddiisii ayuu magaaladii ku samatabbixiyey, laakiinse haddana ninkaas miskiinka ah ciduna ma xusuusan.
And there was founde therein a poore and wise man, and he deliuered the citie by his wisedome: but none remembred this poore man.
16 Markaasaan idhi, Xigmaddu xoogga way ka fiican tahay, hase ahaatee ninkii miskiin ah xigmaddiisa waa la quudhsadaa, oo erayadiisana lama dhegaysto.
Then said I, Better is wisdome then strength: yet the wisedome of the poore is despised, and his wordes are not heard.
17 Kuwa xigmadda leh erayadoodii xasilloonaan lagu maqlaa waa ka sii wanaagsan yihiin qaylada kan nacasyada ka dhex taliya.
The wordes of the wise are more heard in quietnes, then the crye of him that ruleth among fooles.
18 Xigmaddu waa ka fiican tahay hubka dagaalka, laakiinse dembile qudha ayaa wax badan oo wanaagsan baabbi'iya.
Better is wisedome then weapons of warre: but one sinner destroyeth much good.

< Wacdiyahii 9 >