< Sharciga Kunoqoshadiisa 32 >

1 Samooyinkow, dhegaysta waan hadlayaaye, Oo dhulkuna ha maqlo erayada afkayga.
“Listen to me, [all you who are in the] heavens, and [all you who are on the] earth, listen to what I say [MTY].
2 Cilmigaygu wuxuu u soo da'ayaa sida roobka, Hadalkayguna wuxuu u soo degayaa sida sayaxa, Sida roob yaru doogga ugu da'o, iyo sida tiixu biqilka ugu tiixo,
I wish/desire that my teaching will fall on you like rain drops or be like dew on the ground, and be like a gentle rain on the young plants, like showers on the grass.
3 Waayo, anigu waxaan naadinayaa magicii Rabbiga. Idinku weyneeya Ilaaheenna.
I will praise Yahweh [MTY]. And [all you people should] tell others that our God is very great.
4 Isagu waa dhagaxa, shuqulkiisuna waa kaamil, Waayo, jidadkiisa oo dhammu waa caddaalad, Isagu waa Ilaah aamin ah, oo aan xumaan lahayn, Isagu waa xaq, waana caaddil.
He is like a rock [MET] [under which we are protected]; [everything] that he does is perfect and completely just/fair [DOU]. He always does what he says that he will do; he never does anything that is wrong.
5 Way iskharribeen, oo carruurtiisii iyagu ma aha, waa ceebtooda, Iyagu waa qarni qalloocan oo maroorsan.
“But [you Israeli people] have been very unfaithful to him; because of your sins, you no longer [deserve to] be his children. You are extremely wicked and deceitful [DOU].
6 Dadyahow nacaska ah oo aan xigmadda lahaynu Ma saasaad Rabbiga ugu abaalguddaan? War isagu sow ma aha Aabbihiinnii idin soo iibsaday? Isagaa idin uumay oo idin xoogeeyey.
You foolish and senseless [DOU] people, (is this the way that you should repay Yahweh [for all that he has done for you]?/this is certainly not the way that you should repay Yahweh [for all that he has done for you].) [RHQ] He is your father; he created you [RHQ]; he caused you to become a nation.
7 Bal xusuuso waagii hore, Oo soo garwaaqso qarniyo badan sannadahood, Aabbahaa weyddii oo wuu ku ogeysiin doonaa, Odayaashaadana weyddii oo way kuu sheegi doonaan.
“Think about [what happened] long ago; consider what happened to your ancestors. Ask your parents, and they will inform you; ask the older people, and they will tell you.
8 Markii Ilaaha ugu wada sarreeyaa uu quruumaha dhaxalkooda siiyey, Oo uu kala soocay binu-aadmiga, Intii tirada reer binu Israa'iil ahayd Ayuu dadka soohdimaha u dhigay,
When God, who is greater than any other god, long ago divided the people into groups, he assigned to the nations their land. He determined where each people-group should live and (assigned to/chose for) each people-group a god/angel.
9 Waayo, Rabbiga qaybtiisu waa dadkiisa, Reer Yacquubna waa saamigii dhaxalkiisa.
But Yahweh decided that we would be his people; he chose [us, the descendants of] Jacob, to belong to him.
10 Wuxuu isaga ka dhex helay dhul lamadegaan ah, Iyo cidlada baabba'a ah oo ay dugaaggu ka dhex ciyaan. Hareerihiisuu isku wareejiyey, wuuna xannaaneeyey, Oo wuxuu isaga u dhawray sida ishiisa inankeeda,
“He saw [our ancestors] when they were in a desert, wandering in a land (that was desolate/where no people lived). He protected them and took care of them, as every person takes good care of his own eyes. [SIM, IDM]
11 Sida gorgorku buulkiisii u lulo, Oo dhashiisa ugu kor ruxmo, Oo baalashiisa u kala bixiyo, oo uu u qaado, Oo garbihiisa ugu xambaaro,
[Yahweh protected his people] just like an eagle encourages its babies [to fly] and flutters over them [MET], spreading its wings and catching them [if they start to fall].
12 Ayaa Rabbiga oo keliya isaga hoggaamiyey, Oo ilaah qalaadna lama joogin.
Yahweh was the only one who led them; no other foreign god helped him.
13 Wuuna fuuliyey meelaha sarsare ee dhulka, Oo wuxuu cunay wixii beerta ka baxay, Wuxuuna ka dhigay inuu nuugo malab dhagaxii ka soo baxay, Iyo saliid dhagax madow ka soo baxday.
“[After they entered the land that Yahweh promised to give to them], Yahweh enabled them to rule the hilly areas; they ate the crops that grew in the fields. They found honey in the rocks, and their olive trees [MTY] grew [even] in stony ground.
14 Wuxuuna quutay subag lo'aad, iyo caano idaad, Iyo baraarro baruurtood, Iyo wananka Baashaan, iyo riyaha, Iyo sarreenka ugu wanaagsan. Oo dhiiggii canabkana waxaad ka cabtay khamri.
The cows gave them plenty of curds/yogurt, the goats gave them plenty of milk, they had well-fed sheep and cattle, they had very good wheat, and they made delicious wine from their grapes.
15 Laakiinse Yeshuruun wuu cayilay, oo wax buu harraatiyey. Adigu waad cayishay, waanad buurnaatay, oo xaydhaysatay. Markaasuu ka tegey Ilaahii uumay, Oo quudhsaday Dhagaxii badbaadadiisa.
“The Israeli people became rich and prosperous, but then they rebelled against God; they abandoned him, the one who created them, the one who powerfully saves them.
16 Waxay isaga kaga hinaasiyeen ilaahyo qalaad, Oo waxay kaga xanaajiyeen waxyaalo karaahiyo ah.
So he abandoned them because they started to worship other/strange gods. Because of their worshiping disgusting idols, he became angry.
17 Waxay wax u sadaqeeyeen jinniyo aan Ilaah ahayn, Iyo ilaahyo ayan iyagu aqoon Oo ah kuwo cusub oo dhowaan soo baxay, Oo awowayaashiin ayan ka cabsan jirin.
They offered sacrifices to gods who were [really] demons, gods that their ancestors had never known; they offered sacrifices to gods that they had recently found out about, gods whom your ancestors had never revered.
18 Adigu Dhagaxii ku dhalay ma aad xusuusnid, Oo waad iska illowday Ilaahii ku dhalay.
They forgot [the true] God, the one who protects them [MET], the one who created them and caused them to live.
19 Rabbiguna wuu arkay, oo wuu nacay, Maxaa yeelay, wiilashiisii iyo gabdhihiisii ayaa isaga ka xanaajiyey.
“When Yahweh saw that [they had abandoned him], he became angry, so he rejected [the Israeli people, who are like] his sons and daughters.
20 Oo wuxuu yidhi, Wejigayga waan ka qarin doonaa, Oo waxaan arki doonaa bal wixii ugu dambaystoodu noqon doonto. Waayo, iyagu waa qarni aad u qalloocan Iyo carruur aan iimaan lahayn.
He said, ‘They are very wicked/stubborn people, very unfaithful; so I will no longer help them, and then I will watch and see what happens to them.
21 Wax aan Ilaah ahayn bay igaga hinaasiyeen, Oo waxay igaga cadhaysiiyeen waxyaalahoodii aan waxtarka lahayn, Oo anna waxaan iyaga kaga hinaasin doonaa kuwo aan dad ahayn, Oo waxaan kaga cadhaysiin doonaa quruun nacas ah.
They made me very angry because of their worshiping idols, which are not really gods; they have caused me to be [jealous [MET] because I want them to worship only me]. So now, in order to cause them to become jealous, I will send [to attack them an army of] a nation of worthless and foolish people.
22 Waayo, dab baa ka qaxmay cadhadaydii, Oo wuxuu gubaa ilaa meesha ugu hoosaysa ee She'ool, Dhulkana wuu baabbi'iyaa iyo waxa ka baxaba. Oo wuxuu dab ku dhejiyaa aasaaska buuraha. (Sheol h7585)
I will be very angry, and I will destroy them like a fire that will burn on the earth and all the way down to the place where dead people are [MET]; that fire will destroy the earth and everything that grows on it, and it will even burn what is down under the mountains. (Sheol h7585)
23 Waxaan korkooda ku tuuli doonaa belaayooyin, Oo fallaadhahaygana iyagaan ku gani doonaa.
I will cause them to experience many disasters; [they will feel as though] [MET] I am shooting all my arrows at them.
24 Waxay ku baabbi'i doonaan gaajo, oo waxay ku guban doonaan kulayl qaxmaya Iyo halligaad qadhaadh, Oo waxaan ku diri doonaa ilkaha dugaagga, Iyo waabayda waxyaalaha ciidda ku gurguurta.
They will die because of being hungry and because of having hot fevers and because of terrible diseases; I will send wild animals to attack [MTY] them, and poisonous snakes to bite [MTY] them.
25 Dibadda waxaa ku layn doona seef, guryaha gudahoodana cabsi, Oo barbaar iyo bikrad iyo naasnuug iyo oday cirro lehba way wada baabbi'i doonaan.
Outside [their houses, their enemies] will kill them [MTY] with swords, and in their homes, [their enemies will cause] them to be terrified. Their enemies will kill young men and young women, and they will kill infants and old people with gray hair.
26 Waxaan idhi, Iyaga meel fog baan ku kala firdhin lahaa, Oo xusuustoodana dadka dhexdiisa waan ka joojin lahaa,
I wanted to scatter the Israeli people to distant countries in order that no one would ever remember them.
27 Haddaanan ka cabsanin cadowga cadhadiisa, Waaba intaasoo ay cadaawayaashoodu si xun u macaamiloodaan, Oo ay yidhaahdaan, Gacantayadii waa sarraysaa, Oo waxyaalahan oo dhan Rabbigu ma uu samayn.
But [if I did that], their enemies would wrongly boast that they were the ones who had [gotten rid of my people]; they would say, “We [SYN] are the ones who defeated them; it was not Yahweh who has done all these things.”’
28 Waayo, iyagu waa quruun aan talo lahayn, Oo innaba waxgarasho kuma jirto.
You Israelis are a nation of people who do not have any sense. None of you is wise.
29 Bal may caqli yeeshaan, oo ay waxan gartaan, Oo bal may ka fikiraan ugu dambaystooda!
If you were wise, you would understand [why you would be punished]; you would have realized what was going to happen to you.
30 Haddaan Dhagaxoodii iyaga iibin, Oo aan Rabbigu iyaga gacanta u gelin, Sidee baa nin keliya kun u eryi karaa? Labase sidee bay toban kun u didin karaan?
[You would have realized] why 1,000 [of your soldiers] would be defeated by only one [of the enemy soldiers], and why two of your enemies would chase away 10,000 [Israeli soldiers]. [You would realize that this would happen] only if God, the one who always defended you [MET], had allowed your enemies to defeat you, because he had abandoned you.
31 Dhagaxoodu ma aha sida Dhagaxayaga. Oo xataa cadaawayaashayada qudhoodu waxaas way kala gartaan.
Your enemies know that their gods are not powerful like Yahweh, our God, [so their gods could not have defeated us Israelis].
32 Waayo, geedcanabkoodu wuxuu ka yimid geedcanabkii Sodom, Iyo kii ku yiil beerihii Gomora. Canabkoodu waa midho sumeed, Rucubyadooduna waa qadhaadh.
Your enemies are like [MET] grapevines planted near [the ruins of] Sodom and Gomorrah [cities]; the grapes from those vines are bitter and poisonous;
33 Khamrigoodu waa jebiso waabaydeed, Iyo mariidka xun ee jilbiska.
the wine [from those grapes] is like the poison of snakes [DOU].
34 Tanu sow ilama kaydsana, Iyadoo shaabadaysan oo khasnadahayga ku dhex jirta?
[“Yahweh says], ‘I know [RHQ] [what I have planned to do to the Israeli people and to their enemies], and those plans are so secure [that it as though he locked them up] [MET].
35 Aarsasho iyo abaalmarinba anigaa iska leh, Markay cagtoodu simbiriirixan doonto, Waayo, maalintii masiibadoodu waa dhow dahay, Oo waxyaalaha iyaga ku soo kor degi doona ayaa deddejin doona.
I am the one who will get revenge and pay those enemies back for what they have done [to my people], at the right time for them to be punished [IDM]; they will soon experience disasters, and I will punish/destroy them quickly.’
36 Maxaa yeelay, Rabbigu dadkiisa wuu xukumi doonaa, Oo addoommadiisana wuu ka nixi doonaa, Markuu arko in xooggoodii dhammaaday, Oo aan midna ku hadhin, mid xidhan iyo mid furan toona.
“But Yahweh will see that you who are truly his people, who (are innocent/have not done things that are wrong), and he will be merciful to you. And he will see that you are helpless, and that there are very few of you, slaves or free people, who are still alive.
37 Oo wuxuu odhan doonaa, Bal meeye ilaahyadoodii, Iyo dhagaxii ay isku halleeyeen,
Then Yahweh will ask his people, ‘Where are the gods that you thought would protect you [MET]?
38 Oo cunay baruurtii allabaryadooda, Oo cabbay khamrigii qurbaankoodii cabniinka ahaa? Haddaba ha soo kaceen, oo ha idin caawiyeen, Oo iyagu ha idin daafaceen.
You gave to those gods the best parts of the animals that you sacrificed, and you poured out wine for them to drink. So, they should begin to help you; they should be the ones who will protect you!
39 Haddaba bal eega inaan aniga qudhuhu ahay isagii, Oo aniga mooyaane aan ilaah kale jirin. Wax baan dilaa, waanan soo nooleeyaa. Wax baan dhaawacaa, waanan bogsiiyaa. Mana jiro mid gacantayda wax ka samatabbixin karaa.
“But now you will realize that I, only I, am God; there is no other god who is [a real] god. I am the one who can kill people and who can cause people to live; I can wound people, and I can heal people, and there is no one who can prevent me from doing those things.
40 Waayo, gacantayda ayaan xagga samada kor ugu qaadaa, Oo waxaan leeyahay, Weligay waan noolahay.
I raise my hand toward heaven and solemnly declare that just as sure as I live forever,
41 Haddaan listo seeftayda dhalaalaysa, Oo gacantayduna xukun qabsato, Cadaawayaashayda waan ka aarsan doonaa, Oo kuwa i necebna waan u abaalgudi doonaa.
that when I sharpen my sword, as I [SYN] prepare to punish people, I will get revenge on my enemies; I will pay back those who hate me.
42 Fallaadhahayga waan ku sakhraamin doonaa Kuwa la dilay iyo maxaabiista dhiiggooda, Oo seeftayduna waxay hilib ka cuni doontaa Madaxa hoggaamiyayaasha cadowga.
I will kill all [of my enemies] with a sword; it will be as though I had arrows that will be covered with their blood. I will kill [MTY] all those whom I capture and cut off their leaders’ heads.’
43 Quruumahow, dadkiisa la reyreeya, Waayo, isagu wuu aaran doonaa dhiiggii addoommadiisa, Oo cadaawayaashiisana wuu ka aarsan doonaa, Oo dalkiisa iyo dadkiisana buu u kafaaro gudi doonaa.
“You people of all nations, you as well as his people should praise Yahweh, because Yahweh gets revenge on those who kill the people who serve him; and he cleanses his people’s land which has become defiled because of their sins.”
44 Markaasaa Muuse yimid oo gabaygan erayadiisii oo dhan kula hadlay dhegihii dadka, isaga iyo Yashuuca ina Nuunba.
Joshua and Moses/I recited the words of that song while the Israeli people were listening.
45 Markaasaa Muuse dhammeeyey hadalkii uu erayadan oo dhan kula hadlayay reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan,
When they/we finished reciting to the Israeli people the words of this song,
46 oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Qalbigiinna ku qabsada kulli erayadan aan maanta idiin sheegay oo dhan, kuwaasoo aad carruurtiinna ku amri doontaan si ay u dhawraan oo u wada yeelaan sharcigan erayadiisa oo dhan.
Moses/I said, “Never forget all these commands that I have been giving you today. Teach these laws to your children, in order that they will faithfully obey all of them.
47 Waayo, taasu idiinma aha wax aan waxtar lahayn, maxaa yeelay, waaba naftiinnii, oo waxyaalahaas daraaddood ayaa cimrigiinnu ugu dheeraan doonaa dalka aad Webi Urdun uga gudbaysaan inaad hantidaan.
These instructions are very important [LIT]. If [you obey] them, you will live a long time in the land that you are about to cross the Jordan [River] to occupy.”
48 Oo Rabbigu isla maalintaas qudheeda wuu la hadlay Muuse oo wuxuu ku yidhi,
On that same day, Yahweh said to Moses/me,
49 Waxaad fuushaa buurtan Cabaariim, oo ah Buur Nebo oo ku dhex taal dalka reer Moo'aab, oo ka soo hor jeeda Yerixoo, oo bal waxaad fiirisaa dalka reer Kancaan oo aan reer binu Israa'iil hantida u siinayo,
“Go to the Abarim Mountain range [here] in the Moab region, across from Jericho. Climb Nebo Mountain, and look [toward the west] to see Canaan land, the land that I am about to give to the Israeli people.
50 oo kolkaas ku dhimo buurta aad fuulaysid, oo dadkaagii la urur, sidii walaalkaa Haaruunba ugu dhintay Buur Xor, oo uu dadkiisii ula ururay,
You will die on that mountain [EUP, DOU], like your [older] brother Aaron died on Hor Mountain.
51 maxaa yeelay, waad igu xadgudubteen idinkoo reer binu Israa'iil dhex jooga markaad joogteen biyihii Meriibaah oo ku taal Qaadeesh, oo cidladii Sin ku dhex taal, waayo, reer binu Israa'iil dhexdooda quduus igagama aydaan dhigin.
You will die because both of you disobeyed me in the presence of the Israeli people, when you all were at Meribah Springs near Kadesh [town] in the Zin Desert. You did not honor and respect me in the presence of the Israeli people in the way that I deserve because I am God.
52 Haddaba dalka hortaadaad ka arki doontaa, laakiinse geli maysid dalka aan reer binu Israa'iil siinayo.
[When you are on that mountain where I told you to go], you will see in the distance in front of you the land that I am about to give to the Israeli people, but you will not enter it.”

< Sharciga Kunoqoshadiisa 32 >