< Daanyeel 4 >

1 Anoo Boqor Nebukadnesar ah waxaan ku leeyahay dadyowga, iyo quruumaha, iyo kuwa kala afka ah oo dhulka oo dhan deggan, Nabadu ha idinku badato.
Nebuchadnezzar, the king, to all peoples, nations, and languages, who dwell in the whole world, may peace be increased with you.
2 Way ila wanaagsanaatay inaan muujiyo calaamadihii iyo yaababkii uu Ilaaha ugu sarreeyaa igu sameeyey.
The supreme God has accomplished signs and wonders with me. Therefore, it has pleased me to proclaim
3 Calaamadihiisu waaweynaa! Yaababkiisuna xoog badanaa! Boqortooyadiisu waa boqortooyo weligeed jiraysa, dowladnimadiisuna waa mid jiraysa fac ilaa fac.
his signs, which are great, and his wonders, which are mighty. For his kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and his power continues from generation to generation.
4 Anoo Nebukadnesar ah gurigaygaan ku nasanayay, oo waxaan ku raaxaysanayay daartayda weyn.
I, Nebuchadnezzar, was content in my house and prospering in my palace.
5 Waxaan arkay riyo iga cabsiisay, markaasaa fikirradaydii aan sariirtayda la jiifay, iyo waxyaalihii lay tusay iga argaggixiyeen.
I saw a dream that terrified me, and my thoughts on my bed and the visions in my head disturbed me.
6 Sidaas daraaddeed waxaan amar ku bixiyey in hortayda la soo taago nimankii xigmadda lahaa oo reer Baabuloon oo dhan, inay ii caddeeyaan fasirkii riyada.
And so a decree was established by me, that all of the wise men of Babylon should be brought in before me, and that they should reveal to me the answer to the dream.
7 Dabadeedna waxaa ii yimid saaxiriintii, iyo xiddigiyayaashii, iyo kuwii reer Kaldayiin, iyo kuwii wax sheegi jiray; markaasaan riyadii ku hor sheegay; laakiinse fasirkii iima ay caddayn.
Then the seers, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the soothsayers entered, and I explained about the dream in their presence, but they did not reveal its answer to me.
8 Laakiinse ugu dambaystii waxaa i hor yimid Daanyeel, oo la odhan jiray Beelteshaasar, sida magaca ilaahay, oo ilaahyada quduuskaa ruuxoodu ku jiro; markaasaan riyadii ku hor sheegay isagii, oo ku idhi,
And then their colleague came in before me, Daniel, (whose name is Belteshazzar according to the name of my god, ) who has the spirit of the holy gods within his very self, and I told the dream directly to him.
9 Beelteshaasarow, saaxiriinta madaxdoodiiyow, waan ogahay in ilaahyada quduuskaa ruuxoodii kugu jiro, oo aan qarsoodiina ku dhibin, ee haddaba ii sheeg waxyaalihii aan ku arkay riyadaydii, iyo fasirkoodiiba.
Belteshazzar, leader of the seers, since I know that you have in you the spirit of the holy gods, and that no mystery is unreachable to you, explain to me the visions of my dreams, which I saw, and the solution to them.
10 Sidan bay ahaayeen waxyaalihii aan arkay anigoo sariirtayda ku jiifa: waxaan arkay geed dhulka ku dhex yaal, dhererkiisuna waa weynaa.
This was the vision of my head on my bed. I looked, and behold, a tree in the middle of the earth, and its height was exceedingly great.
11 Geedkii waa koray, wuuna xoog badnaa, dhererkiisiina wuxuu gaadhay cirka, waxaana laga arkay meesha dhulka ugu shishaysa.
The tree was great and strong, and its height reached up to heaven. It could be seen all the way to the ends of the entire earth.
12 Caleemihiisuna way qurxoonaayeen, midhihiisuna way badnaayeen, waxaana ku tiil cunto ku wada filan wax walba. Xayawaankii duurkuna hoostiisay hadhsanayeen, haadka cirkuna waxay ku hoyan jireen laamihiisa, oo wax jidh leh oo dhammuna isagay wax ka cuni jireen.
Its leaves were very beautiful, and its fruit was very abundant, and in it was food for the whole world. Under it, animals and beasts were dwelling, and in its branches, the birds of the sky were sheltered, and from it, all flesh was fed.
13 Anoo sariirtayda jiifa waxaan ku arkay waxyaalihii lay tusay, mid wax dhawra oo quduus ah oo samada ka soo degay.
I saw in the vision of my head upon my blanket, and behold, a watcher and a holy one descended from heaven.
14 Markaasuu intuu aad u qayliyey yidhi, Geedka gooya, laamihiisana ka jara, caleemihiisana ka daadiya, midhihiisana kala firdhiyaa; xayawaanku hoostiisa ha ka fogaadeen, haadkuna laamihiisa.
He cried out loudly, and he said this: “Cut down the tree and prune its branches; shake off its leaves and scatter its fruits; let flee the beasts, which are under it, and the birds from its branches.
15 Habase yeeshee jiridda iyo xididdadiisa dhulka ku dhex daaya, iyagoo ku xidhan xadhig bir iyo naxaas ah, doogga jilicsan oo berrinka dhexdiisa, oo dharabka samadu ha qoyo, oo qaybtiisuna ha la jirto xayawaanka ku dhex jira doogga dhulka.
Nevertheless, leave the stump of its roots in the earth, and let it be bound with a band of iron and brass among the plants, which are close by, and let it be touched by the dew of heaven, and let its place be with the wild animals among the plants of the earth.
16 Qalbigiisuna kan dadka ha ka beddelmo, qalbiga xayawaankana isaga ha la siiyo; toddoba wakhtina ha gudbeen.
Let his heart be changed from being human, and let the heart of a wild animal be given to him, and let seven periods of time pass over him.
17 Xukunkii waxaa amray kuwa wax dhawra xaalkuna wuxuu ku jiraa hadalka kuwa quduuska ah, sababtu waa in waxa noolu ogaadaan in Ka ugu Sarreeyaa u taliyo boqortooyada dadka, oo uu siiyo ku alla kii uu doonayo, oo uu madax uga dhigo kan dadka ugu hooseeya.
This is the decree from the judgment of the watchers, and the decision and proclamation of the holy ones, until the living shall know that the Supreme One is ruler in the kingdom of men, and that he will give it to whomever he wills, and he will appoint the lowest man over it.”
18 Anigoo ah Boqor Nebukadnesar ayaan riyadan arkay, adna Beelteshaasarow, fasirkeeda caddee, waayo, nimanka xigmadda leh ee boqortooyadayda joogay oo dhammu way kari waayeen inay fasirkii ii caddeeyaan; laakiinse adigu waad kartaa, waayo, ruuxii ilaahyada quduuska ah ayaa kugu jira.
I, king Nebuchadnezzar, saw this dream. And so you, Belteshazzar, must quickly explain to me the interpretation because all the wise men of my kingdom are not able to declare the meaning of it to me. But you are able because the spirit of the holy gods is in you.
19 Markaasaa Daanyeel oo magiciisu ahaa Beelteshaasar, ayaa inta wakhti ah yaabbanaa, fikirradiisiina wuu la welwelay. Markaasaa boqorkii u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Beelteshaasarow, ha ka welwelin riyada ama fasirkeeda. Beelteshaasarna waa jawaabay oo yidhi, Sayidkaygiiyow, riyadu ha u noqoto kuwa ku neceb, fasirkeeduna ha u noqdo cadaawayaashaada.
Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, began silently to think within himself for about one hour, and his thoughts troubled him. But the king responded, saying, “Belteshazzar, do not let the dream and its interpretation disturb you.” Belteshazzar answered and said, “My lord, the dream is for those who hate you, and its interpretation may be for your enemies.
20 Geedkii aad aragtay, oo koray, oo xoogga badnaa, oo dhererkiisu cirka gaadhay, ee dhulka oo dhan laga arkayay,
The tree that you saw was lofty and strong; its height reached toward heaven, and it could be seen throughout the whole world.
21 oo caleemihiisu qurxoonaayeen, midhihiisuna badnaayeen, oo cuntada wax walba ku filanu ku tiil; oo hoostiisa xayawaanka duurku hadhsanayeen, oo laamihiisa haadka cirku rugta ka dhigtay,
And its branches were very beautiful, and its fruit very abundant, and in it was food for all. Under it, dwelt the beasts of the field, and in its branches, the birds of the air stayed.
22 waa adiga oo koray oo xoog badan yeeshay Boqorow, waayo, weynaantaadii way badatay oo cirka gaadhay dowladnimadaaduna meesha dhulka ugu shishaysa.
It is you, O king, who has been greatly esteemed, and you have grown strong. And you have increased your power, and it reaches towards heaven, and your rule is to the ends of the whole earth.
23 Oo waxaad aragtay mid wax dhawra oo quduus ah oo samada ka soo degaya, isagoo leh, Geedka gooya, oo baabbi'iya; habase yeeshee jiridda iyo xididdadiisa dhulka ku daaya, iyagoo ku xidhan xadhig bir iyo naxaas ah, doogga jilicsan oo berrinka dhexdiisa, oo dharabka samadu ha qoyo, qaybtiisuna ha la jirto xayawaanka duurka, jeeray toddoba wakhti gudbaan,
Yet the king also saw a watcher and a holy one descend from heaven and say: ‘Cut down the tree and scatter it; however, leave the stump of its roots in the earth, and let it be bound with iron and brass, among the surrounding plants, and let it be sprinkled with the dew of heaven, and let his feeding be with the wild beasts, until seven periods of time pass over him.’
24 fasirkii waa kan, Boqorow, waana amarkii Ka ugu Sarreeya, oo kugu soo degay adoo sayidkayga ah boqorow.
This is the interpretation of the judgment of the Most High, which has reached my lord, the king.
25 Dadka waa lagaa fogayn doonaa, oo waxaad la joogi doontaa xayawaanka duurka, oo sidii dibi ayaad doog u cuni doontaa, oo waxaa ku qoyn doona dharabka samada, toddoba wakhtina waa ku gudbi doonaan, jeeraad ogaato in Ka ugu Sarreeyaa u taliyo boqortooyada dadka, oo uu siiyo ku alla kii uu doonayo.
They will expel you from among men, and your dwelling will be with the beasts and the wild animals, and you will eat hay like an ox, and you will be drenched with the dew of heaven. Likewise, seven periods of time will pass over you, until you know that the Supreme One rules over the kingdom of men, and he gives it to whomever he wills.
26 Oo sida loo amray in la daayo jiridda iyo xididdada geedka, ayaa boqortooyadaadu hubaal ku noqon doontaa, markaad ogaato inay samooyinku wax u taliyaan.
But, since he commanded that the stump of its roots, that is, of the tree, should be left behind, your kingdom will be left for you, after you have realized that power is from divinity.
27 Haddaba Boqorow, taladayda aqbal, dembiyadaadana xaqnimo ku jebi, xumatooyinkaagana ku jebi naxariista aad masaakiinta u naxariisatid si ay xasilloonaantaadu u sii raagto.
Because of this, O king, let my counsel be acceptable to you. And redeem your sins with alms, and your iniquities with mercy towards the poor. Perhaps he will forgive your offenses.”
28 Waxyaalahan oo dhammu waxay ku dheceen Boqor Nebukadnesar.
All these things came upon king Nebuchadnezzar.
29 Laba iyo toban bilood dabadoodna wuxuu dhex socday gurigii boqornimada ee reer Baabuloon.
After the end of twelve months, he was taking a walk in the palace of Babylon.
30 Markaasaa boqorkii hadlay oo yidhi, Sow tanu ma aha Baabuloontii weynayd, oo aan u dhisay meel boqornimadu rug u leedahay, oo aan ammaanta weynaantayda ugu dhisay xoogga itaalkayga?
And the king spoke out loud, saying, “Isn’t this the great Babylon, which I have built, as the home of the kingdom, by the strength of my power and in the glory of my excellence?”
31 Intii hadalkaasu weli boqorka afkiisii ku jiray ayaa cod samada ka dhawaaqay, oo yidhi, Boqor Nebukadnesarow, adaa lagula hadlayaa, boqortooyadii waa kaa tagtay.
And while the words were still in the king’s mouth, a voice rushed down from heaven, “To you, O king Nebuchadnezzar, it is said: ‘Your kingdom will be taken away from you,
32 Oo dadka waa lagaa eryi doonaa, oo waxaad la joogi doontaa xayawaanka duurka, oo waxaa lagaa dhigi doonaa inaad doog u cunto sidii dibi, toddoba wakhtina way ku gudbi doonaan, jeeraad ogaato in Ka ugu Sarreeyaa u taliyo boqortooyada dadka, oo uu siiyo ku alla kii uu doonayo.
and they will expel you from among men, and your dwelling will be with the beasts and the wild animals. You will eat hay like an ox, and seven times will pass over you, until you know that the Supreme One rules in the kingdom of men, and he gives it to whomever he wills.’”
33 Oo isla saacaddiiba waxyaalihii waa ku dheceen Nebukadnesar; kolkaasaa dadkii laga eryay, sidii dibina doog buu u cunay, jidhkiisiina waxaa qoyay dharabkii samada, ilaa ay timihiisii u bexeen sida baalal gorgor, ciddiyihiisiina sida ciddiyo haadeed.
The same hour, the sentence was fulfilled upon Nebuchadnezzar, and he was driven away from among men, and he ate hay like an ox, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until his hair increased like the feathers of eagles, and his nails like those of birds.
34 Oo markii wakhtigii dhammaaday ayaan anigoo ah Nebukadnesar indhaha kor u taagay, waxgarashadaydiina way ii soo noqotay, markaasaan ku mahadnaqay Ka ugu Sarreeya, waanan ammaanay oo ciseeyey kan weligiis nool; waayo, dowladnimadiisu waa dowladnimo aan weligeed dhammaanayn, boqortooyadiisuna waxay raagtaa fac ilaa fac;
Therefore, at the end of these days, I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven, and my mind was restored to me. And I blessed the Most High, and I praised and glorified him who lives forever. For his power is an everlasting power, and his kingdom is from generation to generation.
35 oo kuwa dhulka deggan oo dhammu isaga lama simna, siduu doono ayuu ciidanka samada iyo dadka dhulka degganba ka yeelaa; mana jiro mid gacantiisa joojin karaa ama ku odhan karaa, Maxaad samaynaysaa?
And all the inhabitants of the earth are reputed as nothing before him. For he acts according to his own will, with the inhabitants of the earth just as with the holy inhabitants of heaven. And there is no one who can resist his hand, or say to him, “Why have you done this?”
36 Isla markiiba waxgarashadaydii way ii soo noqotay; oo ammaanta boqortooyadayda aawadeed ayaa weynaantaydii iyo dhalaalkaygii iigu soo noqdeen; markaasay waaniyayaashaydii iyo saraakiishaydii i doondooneen, oo boqortooyadaydii baa la ii dhisay, oo derejo aad u weyn baa la iigu daray.
At the same time, my mind returned to me, and I arrived at the honor and glory of my kingdom. And my appearance was given back to me. And my nobles and my magistrates needed me. And I was restored to my kingdom, and even greater majesty was added to me.
37 Haatan anigoo ah Nebukadnesar waxaan ammaanayaa oo sarraysiinayaa, oo cisaynayaa Boqorka samada, waayo, shuqulladiisa oo dhammu waa run, jidadkiisuna waa xaq; oo kuwa kibirka ku socdana isagaa kara inuu hoosaysiiyo.
Therefore I, Nebuchadnezzar, now praise, and magnify, and glorify the King of heaven, because all his works and the judgments of his way are true, and those who go forth in arrogance, he is able to bring low.

< Daanyeel 4 >