< Falimaha Rasuullada 25 >

1 Haddaba Feestos markuu soo galay gobolkii, ayuu saddex maalmood dabadeed Kaysariya ka tegey, oo wuxuu aaday Yeruusaalem.
Festus therefore, being come into the eparchy, after three days went up to Jerusalem from Caesarea.
2 Markaasaa wadaaddadii sare iyo raggii Yuhuudda u waaweynaa waxay isagii u sheegeen wax Bawlos ka gees ah, wayna baryeen
And the chief priests and the chief of the Jews laid informations before him against Paul, and besought him,
3 oo axsaan ka weyddiisteen inuu isaga Yeruusaalem u soo diro; iyagoo shirqool u dhigaya inay jidka ku dilaan.
asking as a grace against him that he would send for him to Jerusalem, laying people in wait to kill him on the way.
4 Habase yeeshee Feestos wuxuu ugu jawaabay in Bawlos lagu dhawrayo Kaysariya, iyo in isaga qudhiisuba dhaqsiyo halkaas u aadayo.
Festus therefore answered that Paul should be kept at Caesarea, and that he himself was about to set out shortly.
5 Oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Haddaba kuwa idinku jira oo amarka lahu aniga ha ila tageen, oo haddii ninkaasu wax qallooc ah leeyahay, iyagu ha dacweeyeen isaga.
Let therefore the persons of authority among you, says he, going down too, if there be anything in this man, accuse him.
6 Oo markuu iyagii dhex joogay in aan ka badnayn siddeed ama toban maalmood, ayuu wuxuu aaday Kaysariya, kolkaasuu maalintii dambe fadhiistay kursigii xukumaadda, oo wuxuu amray in Bawlos la keeno.
And having remained among them not more than eight or ten days, he went down to Caesarea; and on the next day, having sat down on the judgment-seat, commanded Paul to be brought.
7 Oo kolkuu yimid, Yuhuuddii Yeruusaalem ka timid ayaa hareerihiisii soo istaagtay, oo waxay keeneen dacwooyin badan oo waaweyn, oo ayan iyagu xaqiijin karin.
And when he was come, the Jews who were come down from Jerusalem stood round, bringing many and grievous charges which they were not able to prove:
8 Markii Bawlos isdaafacayay, ayuu wuxuu yidhi, Anigu innaba kuma dembaabin sharciga Yuhuudda ama macbudka iyo Kaysar toona.
Paul answering for himself, Neither against the law of the Jews, nor against the temple, nor against Caesar, have I offended [in] anything.
9 Laakiin Feestos isagoo doonaya inuu Yuhuudda kaga farxiyo, ayuu wuxuu ku jawaabay oo Bawlos ku yidhi, Ma doonaysaa inaad Yeruusaalem tagto oo waxyaalahan halkaas hortayda lagugu xukumo?
But Festus, desirous of obliging the Jews, to acquire their favour, answering Paul, said, Art thou willing to go up to Jerusalem, there to be judged before me concerning these things?
10 Laakiin Bawlos wuxuu yidhi, Anigu waxaan hor taaganahay kursigii xukumaadda oo Kaysar; halkanay igu waajib tahay in laygu xukumo. Anigu Yuhuudda innaba xumaan kuma aan samayn, sidaad aad ugu og tahay.
But Paul said, I am standing before the judgment-seat of Caesar, where I ought to be judged. To the Jews have I done no wrong, as thou also very well knowest.
11 Haddaba haddii aan xumaan falay oo aan galay wax dhimasho istaahila, geeri diidi maayo; laakiin waxyaalahan ay kuwanu igu dacwaynayaan haddii aan wax run ah lagu arag, ninna iima gacangelin karo iyaga. Waxaan u ashtakoonayaa Kaysar.
If then I have done any wrong and committed anything worthy of death, I do not deprecate dying; but if there is nothing of those things of which they accuse me, no man can give me up to them. I appeal to Caesar.
12 Markaasaa Feestos, markuu shirka la tashaday, ayuu wuxuu ku jawaabay, Kaysar baad u ashtakootay; Kaysar baad u tegaysaa.
Then Festus, having conferred with the council, answered, Thou hast appealed to Caesar. To Caesar shalt thou go.
13 Haddaba kolkii dhawr maalmood la soo dhaafay ayaa waxaa Kaysariya yimid oo Feestos soo salaamay boqor Agribba iyo Bernikee.
And when certain days had elapsed, Agrippa the king and Bernice arrived at Caesarea to salute Festus.
14 Oo kolkii ay maalmo badan halkaas joogeen ayaa Feestos wuxuu boqorkii hor dhigay dacwadii Bawlos, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaa jira nin Feelikos ka tegey isagoo maxbuus ah;
And when they had spent many days there, Festus laid before the king the matters relating to Paul, saying, There is a certain man left prisoner by Felix,
15 kaasoo waagii aan Yeruusaalem joogay ay wadaaddadii sare iyo waayeelladii Yuhuuddu igu soo dacweeyeen iyagoo doonaya in la xukumo isagii.
concerning whom, when I was at Jerusalem, the chief priests and the elders of the Jews laid informations, requiring judgment against him:
16 Iyagii waxaan ugu jawaabay oo ku idhi, Ma aha caadada reer Rooma in ninna xukumaad loo dhiibo intaan mudduciyaasha layska hor keenin muddacalayga oo la siin fursad uu isaga daafaco xaalka lagu ashtakeeyey.
to whom I answered, It is not [the] custom of the Romans to give up any man before that the accused have the accusers face to face, and he have got opportunity of defence touching the charge.
17 Haddaba markii ay halkan wada yimaadeen, anigu innaba siima aan raagin ee maalintii dambe ayaan waxaan ku fadhiistay kursigii xukumaadda, oo waxaan amray in ninka la keeno.
When therefore they had come together here, without putting it off, I sat the next day on the judgment-seat and commanded the man to be brought:
18 Laakiin markii ay mudduciyaashii istaageen, ma ay keenin innaba wax xumaan ah oo u eg wixii aan filanayay;
concerning whom the accusers, standing up, brought no such accusation of guilt as I supposed;
19 laakiin waxay lahaayeen su'aalo isaga ka gees ah oo ku saabsan diintooda iyo mid Ciise la odhan jiray oo dhintay, laakiin Bawlos leeyahay inuu nool yahay.
but had against him certain questions of their own system of worship, and concerning a certain Jesus who is dead, whom Paul affirmed to be living.
20 Haddaba anigoo ka shakiyaya sidii aan waxyaalahan u sii haybin lahaa, ayaan waxaan isagii weyddiistay bal inuu Yeruusaalem tegayo oo meeshaas lagu xukumo waxyaalahan iyo in kale.
And as I myself was at a loss as to an inquiry into these things, I said, Was he willing to go to Jerusalem and there to be judged concerning these things?
21 Laakiin markii Bawlos doonayay in la sii hayo ilaa boqorku gar gooyo, waxaan amray in la sii hayo ilaa aan isaga Kaysar u diro.
But Paul having appealed to be kept for the cognisance of Augustus, I commanded him to be kept till I shall send him to Caesar.
22 Markaasaa Agribba wuxuu Feestos ku yidhi, Aniguba waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaan ninka maqlo. Markaasuu yidhi, Berritaad maqlaysaa.
And Agrippa [said] to Festus, I myself also would desire to hear the man. To-morrow, said he, thou shalt hear him.
23 Sidaas daraaddeed maalintii dambe ayaa Agribba iyo Bernikee waxay la yimaadeen bandhig weyn, oo waxay soo galeen maxkamaddii, iyaga iyo nimankii sare iyo raggii magaalada ugu waaweynaa. Markaasaa Feestos wuxuu amray in Bawlos loo keeno.
On the morrow therefore, Agrippa being come, and Bernice, with great pomp, and having entered into the hall of audience, with the chiliarchs and the men of distinction of the city, and Festus having given command, Paul was brought.
24 Markaasaa Feestos wuxuu yidhi, Boqor Agribba iyo ragga kale oo halkan nala jooga oo dhammow, waxaad arkaysaan ninkan Yuhuudda badan oo dhammu ay iiga soo cabteen Yeruusaalem iyo halkanba, iyagoo ku qaylinaya, Waajib ma aha in ninkanu sii noolaado.
And Festus said, King Agrippa, and all men who are here present with us, ye see this person, concerning whom all the multitude of the Jews applied to me both in Jerusalem and here, crying out against [him] that he ought not to live any longer.
25 Laakiin waxaan ogaaday inuusan samayn innaba wax dhimasho istaahila; oo isaga qudhiisuba wuxuu u ashtakooday boqorka, sidaas daraaddeed waxaan goostay inaan isaga diro.
But I, having found that he had done nothing worthy of death, and this [man] himself having appealed to Augustus, I have decided to send him;
26 Haddaba anigu ma hayo wax xaqiiqa ah oo ninkan ku saabsan oo aan sayidkayga u qoro. Sidaas daraaddeed ayaan isaga hortiinna u keenay, iyo khusuusan adiga hortaada, boqor Agribbow, in kolkii loo imtixaamo dabadeed aan helo wax aan qoro.
concerning whom I have nothing certain to write to my lord. Wherefore I have brought him before you, and specially before thee, king Agrippa, so that an examination having been gone into I may have something to write:
27 Waayo, waxay ila eg tahay caqliyaraan in maxbuus la diro iyadoo aan aad loo xaqiijin wixii lagu ashtakeeyey.
for it seems to me senseless, sending a prisoner, not also to signify the charges against him.

< Falimaha Rasuullada 25 >