< Falimaha Rasuullada 15 >

1 Niman Yahuudiya ka yimid ayaa walaalihii wax baray iyagoo leh, Haddaan caadada Muuse laydinku gudin, badbaadi kari maysaan.
And certain ones having come down from Judea were teaching the brethren that, Unless you may be circumcised, according to the custom of Moses, you are not able to be saved.
2 Oo markii Bawlos iyo Barnabas wax aan yarayn kula murmeen oo ku su'aaleen iyaga, ayaa walaalihii waxay doorteen Bawlos iyo Barnabas iyo kuwo kale oo iyaga ka mid ah inay Yeruusaalem aadaan oo ay u tagaan rasuulladii iyo waayeelladii inay su'aashan kala hadlaan.
And there being no small contention and disputation to Paul and Barnabas against them, they delegated Paul and Barnabas, and certain others of them, to go up to the apostles and elders in Jerusalem concerning this question.
3 Sidaas daraaddeed iyagoo kiniisaddu soo sagootiday, waxay sii dhex mareen Foynike iyo Samaariya, iyagoo ka warramaya sidii dadkii aan Yuhuudda ahayn u soo jeesteen; waxayna aad uga farxiyeen walaalihii oo dhan.
Then indeed they having been sent away by the church, traveled through both Phoenicia and Samaria, relating the conversion of the Gentiles: and they continued to make great joy to all the brethren.
4 Oo markay Yeruusaalem yimaadeen, ayaa kiniisaddii iyo rasuulladii iyo waayeelladiiba soo dhoweeyeen, markaasay waxay uga warrameen waxyaalihii Ilaah iyaga la sameeyey oo dhan.
And arriving into Jerusalem, they were received by the church, and the apostles, and the elders, and they proclaimed so many things as God did with them.
5 Laakiin waxaa kacay kuwo dariiqadii Farrisiinta ahaa oo rumaysnaa, kuwaasoo leh, Waa in la gudo iyaga, oo lagu amro inay sharciga Muuse xajiyaan.
And certain one of those from the sect of the Pharisees having believed arose up, saying that, It is necessary to circumcise them, and to command them to keep the law of Moses.
6 Haddaba rasuulladii iyo waayeelladii baa ururay inay xaajadan ka tashadaan.
And the apostles and elders were convened to see about this problem.
7 Oo kolkay wax badan su'aaleenna, Butros baa istaagay oo ku yidhi iyagii, Walaalayaalow, waad og tihiin in maalmo hore Ilaah dhexdiinna ka doortay in dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn ay afkayga ereygii injiilka ka maqlaan oo ay rumaystaan.
And there being much disputation, Peter, having arisen, said to them, Men, brethren, you know that from ancient days God chose among you, that the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel through my mouth, and believe.
8 Oo Ilaaha qalbiga garta ayaa u markhaati furay iyaga, wuxuuna iyaga siiyey Ruuxa Quduuska ah siduu innagana inoo siiyey;
And God, who knows the heart, witnessed to them, giving to them the Holy Ghost, as also to us;
9 oo inama kala soocin innaga iyo iyaga, laakiin qalbiyadooda rumaysad buu ku nadiifiyey.
and made no difference between us and them, purifying their hearts by faith.
10 Haddaba maxaad Ilaah u jirrabaysaan inaad harqood qoorta xerta saartaan, kaasoo innaga iyo awowayaasheen aynaan qaadi karin?
Now therefore why tempt ye God, to put a yoke on the neck of the disciples, which neither our fathers nor we were able to bear?
11 Laakiin waxaan rumaysan nahay inaynu ku badbaadi doonno nimcadii Rabbi Ciise siday ugu badbaadi doonaan.
But through the grace of our Lord Jesus, we believe that we are saved, in the same manner in which they are also.
12 Dadkii badnaa oo dhammu way wada aamuseen; wayna dhegaysteen Barnabas iyo Bawlos markay uga warramayeen intay ahaayeen calaamooyinkii iyo yaababkii Ilaah gacantooda ku sameeyey dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn dhexdooda.
And the whole multitude became silent, and continued to hear Barnabas and Paul, relating how many miracles and wonders God wrought among the Gentiles through them.
13 Kolkay aamuseen dabadeed ayaa Yacquub u jawaabay, isagoo leh,
And after they became silent, James responded, saying, Men, brethren, hear me.
14 Walaalayaalow, i dhegaysta, Simecoon waa ka warramay sidii Ilaah markii ugu horraysay u soo booqday dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn inuu dad uga soo bixiyo iyaga magiciisa aawadiis.
Symeon hath related how God in the first place interposed to take a people from the Gentiles, in His name.
15 Taasuna waxay raacsan tahay hadalladii nebiyada; siday ugu qoran tahay,
And to this corresponds the words of the prophet; as has been written,
16 Waxyaalahaas dabadeed waan soo noqon doonaa, Oo mar labaad ayaan dhisi doonaa taambuuggii Daa'uud oo dhacay; Oo mar labaad ayaan dhisi doonaa jajabkiisa, Waanan taagi doonaa;
After these things I will return, and will build again the throne of David, which has fallen down; and will build again the ruins of the same, and will set it up again:
17 Si nimankii hadhay ay Rabbiga u doondoonaan, Iyo quruumaha oo dhan oo magacayga loogu yeedho,
in order that the residue of men may seek out the Lord, even all the Gentiles, on whom my name has been called upon them, says the Lord, who doeth these things
18 Taas waxaa yidhi Rabbiga waxyaalahaas muujiyey tan iyo bilowgii dunida. (aiōn g165)
known from the beginning. (aiōn g165)
19 Sidaas daraaddeed taladaydu waxay tahay inaynaan dhibin kuwa ka mid ah dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn oo Ilaah u jeestay;
Therefore I judge, that we should not burden those from the Gentiles turning to God:
20 laakiin inaynu u qorno iyagii inay ka fogaadaan wasakhnimada sanamyada, iyo sinada, iyo waxa la ceejiyo, iyo dhiigga.
but to command them to abstain from things offered to idols, and from fornication, and from strangulation, and from blood.
21 Maxaa yeelay, tan iyo qarniyadii hore waxaa Muuse magaalo walba ku leeyahay kuwa dadka ku wacdiya waxa isaga ku saabsan, oo sabti walba sunagogyadaa laga akhriyaa.
For Moses from ancient generations, has those preaching him in every city, being read in the synagogues on every Sabbath.
22 Kolkaasay la wanaagsanaatay rasuulladii iyo waayeelladii iyo kiniisaddii oo dhan inay iska dhex doortaan niman ay Antiyokh ula diraan Bawlos iyo Barnabas, kuwaas oo ahaa Yuudas oo la odhan jiray Barsabaas iyo Silas oo ahaa niman madax ah walaalaha dhexdooda.
Then it seemed good to the apostles and the elders, along with the whole church, to send men chosen from them into Antioch along with Paul and Barnabas; Judas called Barsabbas, and Silas, leaders among the brethren:
23 Markaasay qoreen oo iyagii la direen warqad leh, Annagoo ah rasuullada iyo walaalaha waayeellada ah waxaannu soo salaamaynaa walaalaha ka mid ah dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn oo jooga Antiyokh iyo Suuriya iyo Kilikiya.
having written through their hand; The apostles and elders, brethren to the brethren who are from the Gentiles throughout Antioch and Syria and Cilicia greeting.
24 Waxaannu maqallay in kuwo annaga naga tegey hadallo idinku dhibeen, nafihiinnana rogayeen, kuwaasoo aannan u amrin;
Since we heard that certain ones having come out from us troubled you, disturbing your souls with words which we did not command:
25 sidaas daraaddeed waxaa nala wanaagsanaatay, annagoo isku qalbi noqonnay, inaannu soo dooranno niman aannu idiinla soo dirno gacaliyayaashayadii Barnabas iyo Bawlos,
it seemed good to us, being of one accord, having chosen men to send them to you along with our beloved Barnabas and Paul,
26 kuwaasoo ah niman naftooda u biimeeyey magicii Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix aawadiis.
men who have imperiled their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
27 Sidaas aawadeed waxaannu soo dirnay Yuudas iyo Silas kuwaasoo iyaguna afka idiinka sheegi doona waxyaalahaas oo kale.
Therefore we have sent Judas and Silas, themselves also proclaiming the same things by speech.
28 Waxaa la wanaagsanaatay Ruuxa Quduuska ah iyo annagaba inaannan idin saarin culaab ka weyn waxyaalahan waajibka ah.
For it seemed good to the Holy Ghost, and to us, to lay upon you no more burden than these necessary things,
29 Waa inaad ka fogaataan waxa sanamyada loo sadqeeyo, iyo dhiig, iyo waxa la ceejiyo, iyo sinada. Kuwaas haddaad iska dhawrtaan si wanaagsan baad yeeli doontaan. Nabadgelyo.
to abstain from things offered to idols, and from blood, and from things strangled, and from fornication: from which keeping yourselves, you will do well. Fare ye well.
30 Sidaas daraaddeed, kolkii la diray ayay waxay yimaadeen Antiyokh; oo markay dadkii badnaa isu ururiyeen dabadeed waxay u dhiibeen warqaddii.
Then indeed they, having been sent away, came down into Antioch, and convening the multitude, they delivered the letter.
31 Markay akhriyeenna ayay waanadii ku farxeen.
And having read it, they rejoiced over the consolation.
32 Yuudas iyo Silas, iyagoo qudhooduna nebiyo ahaa, ayay hadallo badan walaalihii ku waaniyeen oo ku xoogeeyeen.
Both Judas and Silas, themselves also being prophets, exhorted the brethren with elaborate speech, and strengthened them;
33 Oo markay muddo joogeen dabadeed ayaa walaalihii nabad ugu direen kuwii iyagii u soo diray.
and having spent the time, they were discharged by the brethren with peace back to the apostles who sent them.
34 Laakiin waxaa Silas la wanaagsanaatay inuu meeshaas sii joogo.
35 Laakiin Bawlos iyo Barnabas ayaa Antiyokh sii joogay, oo waxay kuwo badan oo kale la barayeen oo kula wacdiyeyeen ereyga Rabbiga.
And Paul and Barnabas tarried in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord, also along with many others.
36 Maalmo dabadeed Bawlos ayaa wuxuu Barnabas ku yidhi, Hadda aynu ku noqonno oo booqanno walaalaha jooga magaalo kasta oo aynu ereyga Rabbiga ku wacdinnay inaan soo aragno siday yihiin.
And after many days Paul said to Barnabas, Having returned let us now visit the brethren in every city in which we preached the word of the Lord, how they are doing.
37 Barnabas wuxuu doonayay inay kaxaystaan Yooxanaa oo la odhan jiray Markos.
But Barnabas advised to take with them John, also called Mark.
38 Laakiin Bawlos waxaa la wanaagsanaatay inayan kaxaysan isaga kaasoo iyaga kaga tegey Bamfuliya oo aan shuqulkii iyaga u raacin.
But Paul thought that he would not take with them, him who having departed from them from Pamphylia, and not having gone along with them into the work.
39 Waxaa dhacay khilaaf weyn; sidaas daraaddeed way kala tageen, markaasaa Barnabas kaxaystay Markos, oo wuxuu u dhoofay Qubrus;
But there was a paroxysm, so that they parted from one another, and Barnabas, taking Mark, sailed away into Cyprus.
40 laakiin Bawlos wuxuu doortay Silas, markaasuu baxay isagoo ay walaalihii ku ammaana gelinayaan nimcadii Ilaah.
And Paul, having chosen Silas, went out, committed to the grace of the Lord by the brethren;
41 Oo wuxuu dhex maray Suuriya iyo Kilikiya isagoo kiniisadihii xoogaynaya.
and he traveled through Syria and Cilicia, confirming the churches.

< Falimaha Rasuullada 15 >