< 3 Yooxanaa 1 >

1 Anigoo odayga ah waxaan warqaddan u qorayaa gacaliye Gayos oo aan runta ku jeclahay.
The Elder to his dear friend Gaius. Truly I love you.
2 Gacaliyow, waxaan kuugu duceeyaa inaad wax kasta ku liibaantid oo aad caafimaad qabtid siday naftaadu u liibaansan tahay.
My dear friend, I pray that you may in all respects prosper and enjoy good health, just as your soul already prospers.
3 Waayo, aad baan ugu farxay markii walaalo yimaadeen oo ka markhaati fureen runtaada iyo sidaad runta ugu socotid.
For it is an intense joy to me when brethren come and bear witness to your fidelity to the truth--that you live in obedience to the truth.
4 Ma lihi farxad tan iiga weyn inaan maqlo in carruurtaydu ay runta ku socdaan.
I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are living in obedience to the truth.
5 Gacaliyow, aaminnimaad ku samaysaa shuqul kasta oo aad u samaysid walaalaha iyo shisheeyahaba.
My dear friend, you are acting faithfully in all your behaviour towards the brethren, even when they are strangers to you.
6 Iyagu jacaylkaagay kiniisadda horteeda kaga markhaati fureen. Wanaag baad samayn lahayd haddii aad iyaga u ambabbixisid sida Ilaah istaahilo;
They have testified, in the presence of the Church, to your love; and you will do well to help them on their journey in a manner worthy of your fellowship with God.
7 maxaa yeelay, magiciisa aawadiis ayay u ambabbexeen iyagoo aan waxba ka qaadan dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn.
For it is for Christ that they have gone forth, accepting nothing from the Gentiles.
8 Sidaas daraaddeed waxaa inagu waajib ah inaynu kuwaas oo kale soo dhowayno, si aynu u noqonno kuwa runta kala wada shaqeeya iyaga.
It is therefore our duty to show hospitality to such men, so that we may be fellow workers in promoting the truth.
9 Wax baan kiniisadda u soo qoray, laakiinse Diyotrefees oo jecel inuu iyaga ka sarreeyo, na aqbali maayo.
I wrote to the Church, but Diotrephes, who loves to have the first place among them, refuses to listen to us.
10 Sidaas daraaddeed, haddaan imaado, waxaan xusuusin doonaa shuqulladiisa uu sameeyo isagoo hadallo xunxun nagu shubaya. Taasu kuma filla isaga, mana aqbalo walaalaha, kuwii aqbali lahaana wuu u diidaa, kiniisaddana wuu ka eryaa.
For this reason, if I come, I shall not forget his conduct, nor his idle and mischievous talk against us. And he does not stop there: he not only will not receive the brethren, but those who desire to do this he hinders, and excludes them from the Church.
11 Gacaliyow, ha ku dayan waxa sharka ah, laakiinse ku dayo waxa wanaagsan. Ka samafalaa waa ku Ilaah, ka shar falaase Ilaah ma uu arkin.
My dear friend, do not follow wrong examples, but right ones. He who habitually does what is right is a child of God: he who habitually does what is wrong has not seen God.
12 Dadka oo dhammu way u markhaati furaan Deemeetriyos, runta qudheedu way u markhaati furtaa, annaguna waannu u markhaati furnaa, waanad og tahay in markhaatifurkayagu run yahay.
The character of Demetrius has the approval of all men, and of the truth itself. We also express our approval of it, and you know that we only give our approval to that which is true.
13 Waxaan hayay waxyaalo badan oo aan kuu soo qoro, laakiinse dooni maayo inaan qalin iyo khad kuugu soo qoro.
I have a great deal to say to you, but I do not wish to go on writing it with ink and pen.
14 Laakiin waxaan rajaynayaa inaan dhowaan ku arko, oo aynu afkeenna iskula hadli doonno. Nabadu ha kula jirto. Saaxiibbadii way ku soo salaamayaan. Saaxiibbada igu salaan mid kasta intaad magiciisa ugu yeedhid.
But I hope to see you very soon, and then we will speak face to face. Peace be with you. Our friends send greetings to you. Greet our friends individually.

< 3 Yooxanaa 1 >